The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1202 Unexpected News

Chapter 1202 Unexpected News
The crowd couldn't describe what they saw at this time, they just stared blankly!

At this moment, the ancient bronze city suddenly radiated a majestic divine light, and the blue divine brilliance interweaved into a large net, which wrapped the giant hand firmly, and finally rushed fiercely into the abyss of space.

Rumble The space in the distance is shaking, the ancient bronze city is humming, and it is rumbling with the divine light that fills the sky!

The ancient bronze city was slowly pressed down, and in an instant, the magic hand was completely suppressed.

But the magic hand was not willing to be suppressed, it was struggling hard, trying to get out of the abyss, but unfortunately it was blocked by Dao Dao Shenguang and iron chains, and it could only be suppressed little by little in the end.

Boom!In the end, that magic hand fell powerlessly into the abyss, accompanied by waves of unwilling roars, the sound became farther and farther away, as if it had descended into the endless netherworld, and finally disappeared.

Then, above the abyss of space, the magic mist covering the sky rolled back crazily, pouring into the huge abyss, and finally disappeared here, as if it had never appeared before.

The surrounding space returned to clarity, but Gao Jiuding and the others were still in a daze, they hadn't woken up from the shock.

Although they are all cultivators, many of them want to cultivate and become immortals, but when gods and demons appear in front of them, they are still at a loss.

It can't be said that Mr. Ye loves dragons, because the current scene is really terrible!

Including Gao Jiuding, their minds, bodies, and even souls were all shocked by this experience.

"Then, that, what the hell is, what is it?"

Someone struggled to get up from the ground, his face was covered in blood, but he couldn't hide his pale and terrified expression.

That scene was too scary, it was an unprecedented shock, and the body, soul, and mind were all severely impacted.

Not to mention these people with relatively small will, even a few masters are also inexplicably shocked.

Even Gao Jiuding lost his mind, and the performance of the others was even worse. Most of them passed out from the shock, and the only ones who were still standing were a few masters who broke into the ancient bronze palace.

After a long time, Gao Jiuding came to his senses. He turned around and looked at the collapsed people around him. They still hadn't recovered from the faint.

There was a depression in his heart, and there was a fear that hadn't subsided, as if it couldn't be eradicated.

This is the fear of that great demon. I don't know the origin, and even from the memory of the fire gods, I can't find the relevant memory information, and I don't have any understanding at all.

Gao Jiuding glanced around, except for him, no one recovered, including the middle-aged man, the young man and the witch.

Gao Jiuding looked at Yihu and Song Yue, both of them were incarnations, even if they were the incarnations of Fa Xiangqi, they could not withstand the sonic attack of the monster.

The monster soul is still too weak, even if it is the incarnation of a monster in the Dharma phase, it won't work.

Gao Jiuding was not worried about what would happen to the avatars of the two, so Gao Jiuding's eyes fell on the demon girl involuntarily.

Except for her, everyone here is human race, taking this opportunity, just to destroy her!

Gao Jiuding's eyes became fierce, but when he was about to make a move, the demon girl's eyelids trembled, and then she opened her eyes.

After the witch opened her eyes, she immediately looked towards Gao Jiuding's direction, and she happened to see Gao Jiuding's vicious eyes.

"The human race is not enough!" Sensing Gao Jiuding's evil thoughts, the witch immediately backed away quickly.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this demon girl would wake up first, Song Yue and Yihu one step ahead, she was really not easy.

This is a big threat, Gao Jiuding is ruthless and wants to continue to pursue.

But at this moment, he sensed something strange around him, glanced at the surrounding space, and Gao Jiuding found that the middle-aged man and the young man, one with a sword and the other with a gun, were all looking at him vigilantly.

Gao Jiuding stopped his movements and said, "Kill that demon girl?"

"Ha, shameless, after killing her, you are killing us?" The young man sneered.

The middle-aged man immediately said: "We each have something to gain, why don't we just go away!"

At this time Song Yue and Yi Hu also came to their senses, and they stood behind Gao Jiuding, confronting the other three.

"It's a big deal!" At this time, the witch took out a scroll, which made Gao Jiuding feel vigilant.

The appearance of the scroll was very similar to the leather scroll with the word "Tao" that he got, which made Gao Jiuding a little surprised!
Over the endless years, even some ancient artifacts in the ancient city have been shattered, and the bones of some peerless powerhouses have been turned into bone powder. None of these things that can survive until now are not simple.

What's more, this is a kind of leather scroll, which is the most perishable thing, and it is still completely preserved, which is naturally terrible!

"It's not that we don't have any gains!" Song Yue said at the moment when Gao Jiuding was worried about gains and losses.

As soon as Song Yue stretched out her hand, a bone bow appeared in her hand. Just looking at the golden aura shining on the bone bow, she knew that it was extraordinary.

And the Yihu beside him also silently took out a talisman, and when the talisman appeared, it immediately radiated a brilliant aura.

With the Maverick moving, that talisman actually became Optimus Prime, which was as high as a hundred meters!

What kind of talisman is such a huge thing?This is a towering monument!

"Suppressing God Monument, do you want to try it!" Yihu said calmly.

The faces of the witches and the others changed drastically, but soon the witches said: "I don't believe you can really activate such a powerful treasure. I think you didn't get it for a long time, did you?"

Yihu's face changed, and he immediately shook his palm, and the giant monument immediately shrank, and turned into a palm-sized talisman again, and fell into his hand.

"It seems that we have no hole cards!" At this moment, the young man took out a magic talisman.

The talisman flew up and hovered above his head. This was a real talisman.

"Suppressing God Talisman, the spirit talisman that suppresses the soul, should be almost the same as that Suppressing God Monument!" said the young man.

The middle-aged man also silently took out a treasure, which was a blood-red spar, and he said flatly, "The God-conferring stone!"

"It should have been thought a long time ago that if there is a god-conferring thing, there must be a suppressed demon!" The witch said with a smile.

Everyone has a hole card, and the middle-aged man was obviously worried about Gao Jiuding's strength, so he also favored her!
Now the masters of the two sides are almost the same, even if Gao Jiuding is stronger, he can't kill them in a short time.

If they wanted to run, with their hole cards, Gao Jiuding really couldn't stop them.

Gao Jiuding glanced at a group of subordinates suspended in the void, and with a wave of his hand, all the people on his side were put away by him.

During the delay, the subordinates who received the communication should also come.

"Attack!" Gao Jiuding gave the order immediately, he didn't want to let these guys who didn't know where they came from leave here alive.

"Let's go!" The witch yelled softly, and a strong aura immediately emanated from her body, which disappeared immediately.

At the same time, spiritual light gathered around, and a large number of warships suddenly appeared in the void. As soon as these warships appeared, they immediately launched the strongest attack.

The attacks of each department instantly covered the void in the three directions of the demon girl, directly tearing up the space, even their magical powers of teleportation collapsed in the chaotic space storm.

Gao Jiuding's complexion was not good looking at the sky full of aura, the torn space, and the space storm spreading from the space.

Under his spiritual perception, those guys didn't seem to be attacked.

After all, the subsequent warship attack was a step slower, giving these guys a chance.

"Spread out and look for their tracks, these guys can't run far!" Gao Jiuding gave an order decisively.

Even if they have a teleportation talisman, they can move hundreds of kilometers at most, unless they use a teleportation talisman, just like the teleportation talisman given by the Shenzhou Daomeng before Gao Jiuding entered the demon star, otherwise, it is impossible for them to escape too far.

"Don't worry, search slowly, they must have bases around!" Song Yue said at this moment.

Yihu said regretfully: "It's a pity that we didn't find out where they came from, otherwise they would be hypocritical and destroy them when we meet them!"

Gao Jiuding smiled wryly, he also had this idea, because he also saw that these guys who broke into the ancient city must not be from the Devil Star.

Even the demon girl with the same training system as the Demon Star may not be from the Demon Star, so where did they come from?

Song Yuedao: "Find their base, maybe there will be a teleportation array leading to their home planet!"

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and handed over the command to Song Yue.

The only chance he had just now was to wake up and take action immediately, but at that time, he suffered a lot of shock.

Although with the strength of his soul, he could fully withstand the attack of the unknown existence, but the scene he saw at that time was not what Song Yue and the others could imagine.

It was because of being too surprised that Gao Jiuding digested some unexpected news, so he was a step late and lost the opportunity to keep those group of people.

"This asteroid belt is really not easy, we have to be careful!" Yihu saw that Gao Jiuding's mind was not his, so naturally he didn't talk to him, but discussed the next action with Song Yue.

Song Yuedao: "It's really not easy here. Someone has infiltrated the Devil Star, and there are still some galaxies around that can be teleported. Maybe this place will be a transportation hub for the surrounding starry sky."

Gao Jiuding glanced at Song Yue, her expression seemed to be joking, but this possibility really existed.

This asteroid must have been formed after a living planet was shattered, but living planets are precious, who would smash such a precious resource star for no reason?
So, I don't know how many years ago, it was really possible that this place was a transportation hub connecting several major galaxies around it.

As for how it was shattered, it was probably due to the change of the Beast Sect tens of thousands of years ago, and the only person who can easily shatter a planet is an immortal.

In this star field, only the Yulingzong back then had immortals.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also guessed a little bit of the reason for the decline of the Yaozu. It is very likely that the Yaozu immortal will not come back.

(End of this chapter)

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