The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1203 Mutual Computation

Chapter 1203 Mutual Computation
After being seriously injured back then, the immortal of the Yao clan must heal his injuries, but in this barren star field, it is difficult for the immortal to obtain supplies, so he had to leave and enter the legendary earth fairy world or fairy world.

And after the fairy left, who wants him to come back?And who doesn't want him back?
Needless to say, the monster race wanted him to return, and the human race naturally didn't want him to come back, so it became possible to smash this planet with a teleportation array.

Of course, these are all Gao Jiuding's guesses, but he thinks this guess is correct, because there was not only one Yaozu Yaoxian in Yulingzong back then.

Since there has been a change here, why didn't the elders and immortals of Yulingzong ignore it?The only possibility is that their return passage was broken.

"Unfortunately, the passage to the Earth Immortal Realm may also be destroyed!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

Song Yue and Yihu both looked over, they really didn't expect Gao Jiuding to have such a big heart!
"Don't think about things in the fairy world, let's think about the current situation!" Song Yue said.

Yihu also said: "The situation here is too complicated. At this moment, I have to suspect that we were deliberately lured into this star field!"

Song Yuedao: "This is probably the case. Our people entering this star field must be attracted by major harvests one after another, and those places with spirit stones and spirit mines have not yet discovered Shura and Moluo, so we will It’s not normal to go deep here step by step!”

Yi Hu said: "It's also possible that someone was one step ahead of us and attracted Shura and Mo Luo here ahead of time!"

"Impossible, if this is the case, those people are protecting us from disaster, but the fact is that we have been attacked by a large group of Shura and Mo Luo!" Song Yue shook her head.

At this time Gao Jiuding said: "Then what about the demon group now?"

Yihu also said strangely: "That's right, how many did we kill? What about those large groups of Shura and Moluo? It seems that we have to withdraw from this starry sky first!"

Gao Jiuding said decisively: "Retreat, if there is a teleportation channel here, those guys will definitely not be willing to destroy it. Let's retreat first and sort out the harvest!"

Following Gao Jiuding's order, the surrounding small bases and large magic weapons were all put away, and finally they gathered in the spaceship, waiting for the final news.

The subordinates who were following the major forces quickly sent back news!
They did find a few bases, but those bases were heavily defended, and they couldn't get close at all!
In addition to guarding those places with large formations, there are also a large number of soldiers guarding them.

"A large number of soldiers are guarding it. Since it has such a powerful force, why not exploit the surrounding resources?" Yihu said.

Gao Jiuding said: "How do you know they haven't mined? How long have we only entered here?"

Maverick looked at the surrounding void, not talking, there are too many asteroids here!
"How many asteroids are there!" Maverick exclaimed.

"Who knows, there are a lot anyway!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while and said, "The asteroid that exploded just now has a diameter of 1000 meters, right? And an asteroid of this size is particularly conspicuous around you?"

Song Yue and Yi Hu fell silent. An asteroid with a diameter of about [-] meters is really not too conspicuous in this asteroid belt.

Gao Jiuding continued: "I don't know anything else, but I know that humans have discovered thousands of larger celestial bodies in the Kuiper belt. The more famous Kuiper belt celestial bodies include Pluto, Eris, Makemake, and God star wait!

The largest diameter of these celestial bodies is also less than 3 kilometers. Due to their large number, if these celestial bodies are added together, how much will their mass be?It may be disappointing to say it, but it is actually only about 000/1 of the mass of the earth, which is equivalent to the mass of Mars.

But even so, the mass of Kuiper belt objects is a hundred times greater than that of the asteroid belt objects close to the sun, because all the asteroids and dwarf planets in the asteroid belt are only about 1‰ of the earth. "

"What is the diameter of the Earth?" Maverick asked.

Song Yuedao: "It seems to be 12742 kilometers."

"The diameter of the earth is not that big in the universe!" Gao Jiuding also said.

Maverick exclaimed: "If this asteroid belt was really formed by the fragmentation of a planet, doesn't that mean that the asteroid belt here is likely to be comparable to the Kuiper belt?"

Song Yuedao: "Actually, these are not important. The important thing is, if there is a living planet, how many relics will be left here? Needless to say, the ancient city we just explored must be one of the relics!"

Gao Jiuding said: "The cave I discovered at the beginning is also one of the relics!"

Maverick smiled: "If that counts, isn't this place full of relics?"

Even Gao Jiuding was silent this time. How much legacy would a large planet of life, or even a planet occupied by a cultivating civilization, leave behind?

If the cave protected by the formation can stay, how many relics will be left in this asteroid belt?

Thinking of secret realms, caves, secret places, and the residences of major sects and families, these must all be protected by the big formation, right?
There are even spiritual veins, just look at the demon star, every found spiritual vein on the demon star will be sealed by the formation.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what level of civilization the cultivation civilization on the ancient living planet was, but as long as there was the handwriting of the Beast Master Sect, it would be very difficult.

If even the caves of ordinary casual cultivators can be preserved, then it is impossible for all the spiritual veins on the planet to be destroyed.

If so, the asteroid belt is in danger.

The planet is shattered, and human beings cannot survive, but this place has become a paradise for the devil.

Thinking of the countless large and medium-sized spiritual veins that were exposed after the planet was shattered and used by countless demons, how many powerful demons will be born here after tens of thousands of years?

I'm afraid it's not that those who have known the existence of this place for a long time don't want to develop the resources here, but that they don't dare to easily develop the resources here!
Seeing that Yihu and Song Yue's expressions were also not right, Gao Jiuding knew that what he thought of, they also thought of.

"Take your time, I found that the magic-suppressing banner is still very useful, as long as we work steadily and slowly practice the magic-suppressing banner, sooner or later, we will fully occupy this asteroid belt." Maverick said.

Song Yue directly shook her head and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. A demon general will have a certain amount of wisdom when he advances, not to mention Shura and Mo Luo. If there are more high-level demons here, they will form a certain level of wisdom." civilization!

Now that there is civilization, why would they let us nibble away at the resources here little by little?This is the reason why those unknown civilizations did not occupy this place. Also, if the secret realm of the ancient city hadn't been opened regularly, those people would definitely not rush in here. "

"No matter what, we can't give up here!" Maverick said firmly.

Gao Jiuding immediately said: "That's natural, our foundation is too weak, so we just use this place to train soldiers and accumulate some background!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of Tie Lan's reminder again, maybe they also know that this asteroid belt is really dangerous here.

"Report to the Patriarch, we found a change in the demon group!"

"Patriarch, the demon group is moving in our direction!"

"Patriarch, found signs of the demon clan, they actually mixed into the demon group!"

"Report to Patriarch, the demon group is attacking our fleet, it should be the work of the demon clan!"

"Patriarch, a magic weapon of the human race was found here, and someone piloted a flying magic weapon and mixed into the demon group!"

A series of news gathered together, and Gao Jiuding knew that whether it was the demon girl or other human monks, they all started to take revenge on Gao Jiuding.

"Dimensional jump, leave this area!" Gao Jiuding said decisively.

Fortunately, they have shrunk their defenses, otherwise their base and the large space magic weapon outside will be attacked by demons again this time.

Gao Jiuding issued an order, and his subordinates immediately executed it. The void kept shaking, and soon hundreds of spaceships were teleported away.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding discovered that the void they were in just now was even more shattered, and some black figures suddenly appeared there.

It just jumped a million kilometers, so Gao Jiuding can still see clearly that those are Shura and Mo Luo.

At this time, Gao Jiuding remembered that although the strength of these monsters is weaker than that of monks of the same level, after all, Shura and Moluo are equivalent to the existence of monks in the Dharma phase. They can also tear open space and carry out short-distance space. Sent!

Seeing hundreds of Asura and Mo Luo appearing together, Gao Jiuding couldn't help the cold sweat on his head. Did he concentrate his strength and prepare to sneak attack them?
These monsters are too bad. Of course, those guys from the two races of humans and monsters are not good birds.

They didn't know what method they used, but they were able to guide the demons to act. It seems that they should be more careful when mining in this starry sky in the future!

"No need to guess, we were besieged by demons before, it must have been done by that witch!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, it seems that meeting that witch before was not an accident.

"This is the background!" Yihu also felt a little bit emotional. He has been a little flustered recently, mainly because their strength has expanded too fast.

How many Faxiangqi monks are there in a sect above the demon star?And their side, under the leadership of Gao Jiuding, has accumulated hundreds of Faxiangqi combat forces in only a short period of ten years.

It's a pity that these combat powers can't be exposed, or they must not be exposed. Otherwise, the end of the Beastmaster Sect back then may be their fate.

This is also the reason why the two incarnations of Song Yue and Yi Hu never made a move in the secret realm of the ancient city.

Exposing too much combat power in the phase of the law will naturally attract the attention of the enemy, which is definitely not a good thing!
 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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