Chapter 1204
"Our masters must not gather together to act!" Maverick suddenly said.

Song Yue nodded and said: "The demon girl has seen a few of us attack, and if she meets her in the future, if she can kill her, she must be killed!"

"We exposed hundreds of warships, as long as they are not stupid, they must know that we are not easy to mess with!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's a little too big to attract attention. Needless to say, our actions here must have attracted attention!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding didn't think so: "There must not be many people on the other side of the earth who know the situation here. Otherwise, with their greediness, they would have assembled an army long ago. They can't directly destroy the demon group, and they can't secretly mine some resources. ? Bit by bit, this piece of asteroid was slowly eaten away.”

"It's true, if the Earth Fleet comes over, how can we gain anything in the periphery?" Song Yue smiled.

Yi Hu also said: "I'm afraid we are too pessimistic. Those aliens don't have much strength. I'm afraid their range of activities is very limited. Otherwise, where the strength of the outer demon group is weak, how can there be too many monsters left?" resource?"

"Haha, with such an analysis, we still have a great advantage!" Gao Jiuding was delighted.

"Stay away from the limelight, let's continue to make a fortune!" Maverick also laughed.

"Send the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda back, and you two will come with me to this small attic for retreat!" Gao Jiuding said.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda needs to be used by Wanshou to continue refining Wanshou Mountain.

As for the Space-time God Realm, it is natural to use the space-time attic given to him by Tie Lan. Although the space of the space-time attic is a bit small, it is still possible for the three of them to meditate with their legs crossed.

Yihu is not an outsider, Yihu and Song Yue know some of Gao Jiuding's secrets, and Gao Jiuding didn't hide their intentions, so naturally they don't mind the three of them retreating at the same time.

Returning to the Heavenly Emperor's cave, Gao Jiuding checked his harvest while absorbing the mysterious energy.

On the other side, Song Yue and Yihu kept bringing out good things, such as bronze plaques, glazed metal steles, and other bottles and jars, as well as some bronze armor, bronze knives, bronze guns, iron Swords, bone bows, bone arrows and other weapons.

Entering the ancient city this time, the two incarnations of Song Yue and Yihu are considered to be the highest in cultivation. Entering the ancient city with their strength will naturally gain a lot.

Of course, compared to Gao Jiuding's harvest, they were still a bit short. Apart from other things, just a blood elf was comparable to all the bottles and jars in the hands of Yi Hu and Song Yue.

If compared with that Primal Chaos Immortal Spring, the gains of the two would be even worse.

That Primal Chaos Immortal Spring can absorb the aura of the void and condense it into spring water, which is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Emperor's Cave. However, because of the Heavenly Emperor's Stone, it can only absorb a little black and yellow energy, and nothing else.

But Chaos Immortal Spring is very powerful. It absorbs spiritual energy and produces water from Immortal Spring. This kind of spirit-gathering transformation ability is the most efficient transformation method that Gao Jiuding has seen, even better than the transformation of Dao Honglu. The engulfing restriction is even more powerful.

"This has already involved the creation of the void!" Although Gao Jiuding did not take out the Primal Chaos Spring, Gao Jiuding was able to observe the situation of the Immortal Spring through his divine sense.

"Well, I have already got this, don't worry about researching it, wait until I return to Longevity Mountain, go to the pagoda to study, if it can be integrated into the pagoda, and the production method can be deduced, then every spaceship, every ship Install one of the flying magic weapons, it will be amazing!"

Gao Jiuding withdrew his mind. Anyway, the pagoda has been sent back. He left the fairy spring now, but it was just a guarantee. After all, the void is too dangerous. Who knows when he will be trapped in the void?

As long as he has the Immortal Chaos Spring in his hand, Gao Jiuding will not be afraid of being trapped in some desperate situation in the future, because the Immortal Chaos Spring can absorb energy from the void and condense it into the water of the Immortal Spring.

With this fairy spring in hand, he has endless supplies!

Therefore, Gao Jiuding gained a lot from entering the secret realm of the ancient city this time, and the first one to shoot must be this Chaos Immortal Spring.

The existence of Chaos Immortal Spring gave birth to Immortal Field spirits, so the second biggest harvest is Immortal Field and Blood Elf.

Gao Jiuding knew that the Immortal Field might also be able to absorb the chaotic energy in the void, thereby condensing some fairy energy. Otherwise, relying solely on the water from the Immortal Spring would definitely not be able to support such a large Immortal Field, let alone It can also cultivate so many blood elves.

These are all important means that can be used for sustainable development, so their importance is no less than that of the leather scroll that Gao Jiuding got in the end.

Slowly sorting out the harvest this time, Gao Jiuding's third important harvest is the pair of leather scrolls with a big Dao character on it.

Even Gao Jiuding was skeptical, it was because he collected this Dao scroll that the secret realm of the ancient city would change drastically in the end!
The huge magic hand that suddenly appeared, the huge chain that could pull the ancient city, must be Gao Jiuding's fourth harvest.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding is not sure whether it is his harvest or not!

If one can obtain that existence like a god and demon, then this harvest is Gao Jiuding's biggest harvest, and it is more important than obtaining Xianquan, Xiantian and Dao scrolls.

As for other gains, such as the inheritance obtained from the bronze talisman, as well as jade talismans, iron swords, bronze spears, etc., Gao Jiuding will not talk about it.

Inheritance can be left to descendants and passed on to future generations!
Even the grades of the iron sword and bronze spear are frighteningly high!

In the eyes of others, even if these are top harvests, they are considered great opportunities!

And what are these compared to an ancient city and a god and demon?
"Unfortunately, at that time, I only sensed a trace of familiarity. It was the induction of the Blood God Son, but now I can't sense it!" Gao Jiuding restrained his mind and focused his energy, wanting to perceive his Blood God Son again.

Because the mind is messy, the slightest feeling is almost undetectable.

When Gao Jiuding calmed down and felt it carefully, he still didn't feel much. Finally, after Gao Jiuding thought about it for a while, he mobilized the blood in his body and activated the blood shadow magic power.

At this time, Gao Jiuding sensed a faint connection again after amplifying the power of Qi and blood.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he activated the Dao scroll in the sea of ​​consciousness!

When he saw the words on it, Gao Jiuding seemed to see the Dao. At that time, he was confused for a moment, but when he was confused, he seemed to see some scenes, but he forgot them in a flash, and he couldn't think about it afterwards. When he got up, what did he think of at that time.

Although he couldn't think of anything, Gao Jiuding suddenly figured it out. This scroll must have something to do with the ancient city, and it is likely to be the existence of suppressing the ancient city, or the existence of suppressing that god and demon.

Concentrated on the leather scroll with the word Dao, Gao Jiuding immediately saw a few large characters: Heaven and earth have their own way, God and Tao are the same!

These words are very familiar, although I still don't know these words, but Gao Jiuding's mind is attached to it, and he immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

By the way, Gao Jiuding also knew the meanings of several mysterious runes!
If he reads a lot of this kind of runes, will he be able to learn this kind of civilized characters?
This is probably Dao Wen, right?The words of the Dao can make people understand what it means after reading it, or in other words, this kind of text can carry the Dao.

"God and Tao are the same! Let me see if they are the same!" Gao Jiuding split a trace of divine thought, invaded the leather scroll, and submerged into the words of Tao.

"Boom!" Gao Jiuding only felt a shock in his brain, and he immediately felt that his consciousness became much clearer, and he also saw countless silk threads.

There is nothing but silk thread, this scene is a bit strange!

"It seems to magnify my consciousness? But what are these silk threads?" Gao Jiuding realized after careful consideration that his consciousness was not only a little bit clearer, but was magnified ten times, a hundred times.

It's not that the soul is enhanced and magnified, nor is it that the mind and consciousness are magnified, but the consciousness is magnified, that is, thoughts, ideas!

When one of his thoughts appeared, it immediately became clear. Gao Jiuding felt that he could clearly grasp any of his thoughts.

And this, in the original is impossible!

Human thoughts are very complicated. It can be said that people can form countless thoughts in one second!

But you can't grasp many thoughts, and you don't even have an impression, because you can't remember them at all.

That's why there is a flash of inspiration. If you grasp this flash of inspiration, you have grasped a solution to the problem!

However, such auras often flicker and are difficult to grasp. Even some geniuses can grasp very few auras.

But now, Gao Jiuding feels that with the help of the Dao scroll, he can grasp all the auras.

As for the silk threads displayed in the sea of ​​consciousness, as long as the divine sense is attached to them, some things that are deeply related to Gao Jiuding can be sensed.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could only sense the situation of a few of the silk threads, such as the nearest few silk threads, and the other end was connected to Song Yue and Yihu.

Both of them have a deep relationship with him, Song Yue and him are connected by spirit and soul, and Yihu is of the same blood as him.

The other relatively clear silk threads are connected to the incarnation of the dragon elephant, the incarnation of the water and fire python, the incarnation of the fire kite, the incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng, and even the incarnation of the Zijin Bee who entered the Devil Star.

Gao Jiuding could clearly perceive their situation and what they did.

After finding that all the incarnations were going smoothly, he immediately turned his attention to the one closest to him, which was the bronze palace where his blood god son was.

Gao Jiuding used this small bronze palace to open up the secret realm of the ancient city.

The ancient city can be activated because of the small and exquisite bronze palace in Gao Jiuding's hands. It is entirely because the blood god son released by Gao Jiuding has been integrated into the bronze palace, so that it can be slightly refined and activated.

But after it was activated, the bronze palace flew into the ancient city with Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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