Chapter 1205
Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that this key to unlock the secret realm of the ancient city would manifest again after the secret realm of the ancient city was closed, and return to his hands.

But things didn't go as he expected, the Bronze Palace did not return, but took his Blood God Son with him, and disappeared without a trace.

But now, Gao Jiuding sensed the existence of the Bronze Palace, but the Blood God Son attached to it seemed to be in a bad situation.

Following that silk thread, Gao Jiuding's mind entered the body of Xueshenzi, and he immediately felt the coercion surrounding him.

Looking at the huge phantom in front of him, Gao Jiuding's heart trembled suddenly, and he recalled his experience in the secret realm of the ancient city again.

No one knows better than him how powerful that golden phantom is.

As long as he thought about it, Gao Jiuding was still a little scared. He didn't expect that the Blood God Son would encounter such a threat this time.

However, the situation of the Blood God Son is much better than that of him at that time. After all, the Blood God Son is formless and can devour any tangible or intangible matter.

For example, even though the golden phantom is insolent now, he is just using his powerful realm to crush the Blood God Son.

Rolling, but can't be crushed to death, even can't be crushed!
Just when Gao Jiuding's mind was attached to the Blood God Son, the Blood God Son had already started to tear at the golden phantom, this golden phantom was a bit ostentatious!
At first glance, the golden phantom was extremely powerful, but upon closer inspection, it was found to be a paper tiger.

Against Gao Jiuding's body, the golden phantom is very powerful. If there is no cornucopia to suppress it, Gao Jiuding's soul is definitely not the opponent of the golden phantom, and it will be swallowed by it even in an instant.

However, in the face of the Blood God Son, what can the golden phantom devour?
When the golden phantom devoured the blood god son, the blood god son was also tearing and devouring the golden phantom.

Therefore, at first glance, the situation of Blood God Child seems to be in a very critical situation, but after careful observation, it will be found that the situation of the golden phantom is really not good.

Seeing the situation clearly, Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief.

After such a long time, the fact that the Blood God Son can still exist shows the problem, and Gao Jiuding should have thought of this a long time ago, and he just cared about it before, causing chaos.

With Gao Jiuding controlling the Blood God Son, it no longer relies on instinct to devour the golden phantom, but has a plan, has a target, concentrates on one point, breaks through from this point, and quickly devours the golden phantom.

The Blood God Son's devouring ability is very strong. It turned out that when he encountered a monster in the Blood Core Stage, he just pounced on it. Almost in an instant, his flesh and blood, spirit and soul were completely swallowed.

But at this time, facing an illusory soul, a spirit body that is not even considered a primordial spirit, the blood god child actually wants to swallow it slowly mouthful, which is too difficult to swallow. From this, it can also be seen that this golden void Ying's strength is definitely not low.

It is not Yuanshen, but the quality of its soul body is not lower than that of Yuanshen, and may even be higher than that of Yuanshen. This shows that the body of this golden phantom, or when it is alive, its strength should be High enough to break through Gao Jiuding's imagination.

"Is it really a fairy? No, it should be a god!" At this time, Gao Jiuding remembered that sentence again: Heaven and earth have their own Tao, God and Tao are the same!
There should be gods in this secret place of the ancient city!

Although he felt a little startled, Gao Jiuding knew that even if there were gods, they were dead gods.

And he also knows that the gods are not immortals, at least they should not be as powerful as immortals.

In other words, after the death of the god, the remaining soul should not be as powerful as the primordial spirit left after the death of the immortal. Otherwise, how could Gao Jiuding's blood god child swallow a huge phantom so quickly?

"Om!" As soon as the golden phantom was swallowed up, Gao Jiuding felt his soul shake.

Then, Gao Jiuding received a stream of information, and he knew that it should be the memory of the golden phantom.

In front of the entrance of a valley, groups of burly men were transporting huge rocks, as if they were casting a huge fortification, which was a city wall.

But this city wall is a bit strange. The entrance of the valley was excavated, reaching a depth of 30 meters, and a huge rock wall was piled up on both sides, but the middle was empty.

This is to be poured with bronze to cast an incomparably huge city wall, all of which are cast in bronze.

This is an extremely huge project. The city wall is made of bronze, and its difficulty is unimaginable. At this time, everyone in the valley is a little dumbfounded.

"Here, how much bronze ore do you need to cast a city entirely of bronze?"

"The hills around the entire valley have to be excavated to cast a bronze city wall with a height of [-] meters? How to complete it?"

Some people were foolishly puzzled, and more people were so shocked that they couldn't believe that the new city lord actually gave such an order.

And it is really under construction, and the fortifications at the entrance of the entire valley have already been excavated.

In the valley, tens of 10 people worked together to complete the fortifications in front of the entire valley.

Gao Jiuding looked at the huge valley and the surrounding environment. The environment here doesn't seem to be very good.

In the valley, although the collapsed houses have been cleaned up, and some new houses have even been recast, the destructive power of the war is still displayed in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the crisis that they will find a way to build the city?

Countless people are busy, old and young come to help, and everyone works together to recast a new home.

And in the center of the valley, in a huge house, a large group of people are gathering.

These are all the high-level officials of the entire city. They gathered together and are discussing the future development of the city.

He was the first person, sitting high on the main seat, and his whole body seemed very oppressed.

This is a young man, full of blood like a dragon, faintly exuding a fiery aura, which is suffocating.

This should be the city lord, the first city lord, he should be building the city.

"City Master, you want to use bronze to cast the city. I have no objection to this, but can the bronze vein in the valley support us to complete this huge and magnificent project?"

The person's calm words broke the peaceful atmosphere of the scene, causing a group of high-level people gathered here to nod, expressing a kind of worry and anxiety.

The other person beside him also nodded, and he said: "City Master, we all understand what you mean, but that one bronze vein cannot support the casting of the entire city."

There were also some people sitting at the scene, probably some high-level people. They were very quiet, and no one spoke.

They looked at the leader of the young city lord, this young man, from his rise to the present, has been shining all the way, and now he has jumped up and become the only city lord.

The city lord's face was very calm, he glanced at the crowd, and said: "This matter cannot be delayed, the bronze casting of the city is imperative, otherwise it will be destroyed in an instant just like the previous war.

As for the bronze ore veins, I have ordered people to investigate, and I have discovered that there are a large number of bronze ore deposits in the mountains not far from our place. Obviously, there are large bronze ore veins nearby. "

This news made everyone feel certain, but the person before said: "Even if the ore is enough, but do we have the ability to smelt so much bronze ore?"

"Don't worry about this!" The other person waved his hand and said, "My ancient furnace is actually a furnace for refining metals and casting weapons. I can donate it for use."

When everyone present heard this, their spirits were lifted immediately, and they were all amazed.

Most of them are well aware of the power of ancient artifacts.

At this time, the young city lord chuckled and said: "The elder is indeed generous, but you don't have to donate the furnace. You have full authority to organize the smelting of the bronze ore, and then use the bronze solution to cast the city, how about it?"

At this moment, the picture ended and Gao Jiuding regained his clarity.

Such a little memory after devouring such a powerful soul?
Also, what does it mean for him to get this memory?Could it be that the soul he devoured belonged to that city lord?
Gao Jiuding opened his eyes suspiciously, and when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he was surprised again, he was actually in a palace.

"It looks familiar, is this the small bronze palace?" Gao Jiuding looked around.

The inside of the palace was empty, ethereal, and seemed very unreal, but Gao Jiuding had refined this small palace after all, so he still recognized it.

Gao Jiuding knew that the Blood God Son hadn't completely refined the palace so far, so he settled down to help the Blood God Son to infect the surrounding palaces again.

Gao Jiuding wanted to completely refine this small palace, because he realized that this palace should be very important to the secret realm of the ancient city.

Now Gao Jiuding still doesn't know what is going on with this palace and what its function is, but he knows that at this time the palace should still be in the secret realm of the ancient city.

Another point, Gao Jiuding was sure that this small palace should be related to the huge magic hand that suddenly appeared.

Because in the end, when the gods and demons tore through the void and pulled the ancient city to appear, Gao Jiuding obviously felt the Son of Blood on the gods and demons!

Although the perception was very weak, Gao Jiuding would not make a wrong judgment.

"This palace is very important!" It's good to know this, as long as this small bronze palace is refined, Gao Jiuding believes that he will definitely gain something unexpected.

The Blood God Son's ability is still very strong, after all, it is the primordial spirit of the peak Dharma cultivator, and has been refined.

It has been a long time since I entered the secret realm of the ancient city. For such a long time, it is not difficult to just refine a small bronze palace.

Sure enough, with the help of Gao Jiuding, Xueshenzi refined the bronze palace at a faster speed.

Originally, this small palace was almost under the control of Blood God Son. Now with the help of Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding completely controlled the palace in just a few hours.

"Shengong? Something seems to be missing?" Gao Jiuding's mind was completely immersed in the bronze palace. He sensed that something was missing, but he didn't know what was missing.

Also, even after refining this small palace, Gao Jiuding didn't know what kind of existence it was.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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