The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1206 Memory Fragments

Chapter 1206 Memory Fragments
That small bronze palace must be a powerful treasure, but what level it is, Gao Jiuding is not sure now.

He only saw a rune engraved in the depths of the palace, which was the two big characters of Jingu.

"What's missing? Could it be the Dao scroll that suppressed the ancient city?" Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and his divine sense immediately shone brightly.

The reason why Gao Jiuding's divine thoughts were able to come to Xueshenzi was because of the help of the Dao scroll. Now that his mind moved, the Dao scroll that was hidden in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness immediately shone brightly .

The light surpassed time and space, and reflected on the Blood God Son.

Looking at the projected Dao scroll, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, the changes in the surrounding bronze palaces surprised Gao Jiuding even more.

"Are they really a set?" Gao Jiuding looked at the radiant Tao scroll linked to the bronze palace, and a message flowed into his sea of ​​consciousness again.

"Tao map, shrine? Heaven and earth have dao, gods and dao are the same? Heaven is transformed into a dao map and exists in the shrine? But who is so powerful that can record the dao?" Gao Jiuding looked at the image reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness Tao Tu.

His body did not come to the shrine, so the power he exerted was not great. At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that if the Dao map and the shrine were completely combined, there should be more gains.

"Boom!" Just when Gao Jiuding wanted to continue studying the Shrine and the Dao Map, he suddenly felt the Shrine shaking.

After refining the shrine, Gao Jiuding has already seen the bronze walls around the shrine, and the most important thing is that a quaint bronze gate has manifested in the illusory void.

The shock came from outside the bronze gate, and Gao Jiuding immediately realized that someone was attacking the shrine.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding felt a strange movement from the Son of the Blood God, and Gao Jiuding immediately knew that the Jingu Palace didn't seem to be magical, it was afraid.

"Boom!" There was another violent shock, was this another attack?

Gao Jiuding's heart moved immediately, and the quaint bronze gate creaked, and a gap opened.

"Boom!" A huge black phantom flew in through the gap.

But at this moment, the bronze gate quickly closed.

Looking at the huge phantom flying over with its teeth and claws, Gao Jiuding was a little dazed.

Apart from being black, this thing is actually exactly the same as the golden phantom.

As for Gao Jiuding, who was surprised just now, before he recovered his senses, he discovered that the guy who was originally pitch-black was now shining golden, like a god.

This is another huge golden phantom. Although it looks very majestic and upright, it moves like a hungry ghost!
The image really wants to save the Buddha, but the action is fierce.

However, Gao Jiuding did not swallow one of these things, but two. Even before Gao Jiuding's main consciousness came, the Blood God Son had already swallowed this thing several times, so he was not afraid.

This thing is a great supplement to Xueshenzi, so there is no need for Gao Jiuding to give orders, Xueshenzi pounced on it without hesitation!

Just hurt each other, this thing is a show, a paper tiger.

He couldn't devour the blood shadow divine light transformed by the blood god son, at most he could only cause some damage to it, but Gao Jiuding's blood god son could really eat people.

It was another slow devouring, but Gao Jiuding still felt it. After devouring this fierce god, he got some memory fragments again.

Still at the entrance of the valley, the original rock-cast city wall, 30 meters high, was still destroyed by an enemy attack.

Tens of thousands of people died in that bloody battle, which was extremely tragic, and the memory of the rest of the war is still fresh.

However, more than a year after the war, the entrance to the valley has changed.

I saw that the original valleys and hills had disappeared, replaced by an extremely majestic city wall.

This is a huge city, and the most shocking thing is that this huge city is completely made of bronze!

That's right, the huge and incomparably large city wall is cast from bronze and poured by smelting bronze.

At this moment, in front of the city gate, a group of people who had just arrived were also shocked.

Looking at a huge city in front of me, the whole body is cast in bronze, with a height of 300 meters. Looking up, the city wall goes straight up to the sky.

Such a city wall is still made of bronze, which is simply a miracle, at least it is unprecedented.

All the people who came were shocked, their hearts were deeply shocked.

Such a bronze city wall is more than 300 meters high and 100 meters wide, which is simply incredible.

"Bronze giant city, we have completed a great project!" At this time, three figures standing on the city wall stood proudly.

The young city lord was also shocked, and he didn't pay attention when he came out, but when he approached the city gate, he suddenly discovered that the hills around the entire valley had disappeared.

But now, it is replaced by towering city walls in all directions, which are entirely made of bronze. They are extremely strong, and their defense is simply too strong.

When the three of them came to the city wall, the person on the left looked amazed and said, "I have to admire you for coming up with such a bad idea. Only a lunatic like you can come up with such a bad idea. It has been cast, this time no matter how strong the Fire Demon Clan is, they will not be able to break through this bronze city wall, right?"

Everyone looked down at the city, countless figures were as small as a speck of dust.

The height here is 300 meters, and the wind howls, but it can't blow away the heat in the hearts of the three.

Moreover, the entire huge city wall is almost completed now, and there is still a little bit of unfinished work around the valley, but the casting will be completed soon.

The bronze city wall with a height of more than 300 meters was originally impossible to cast, but with several large bronze veins and the treasures of the people next to it to smelt the bronze ore, they still completed it.

That stove is the biggest hero among them.

"Vice City Lord, you have worked hard this year!" The young City Lord said in amazement.

He glanced around, feeling like he was looking down on the common people. From here, he could see the direction of the grassland at a glance.

The vast land is vast and vast. Looking from here, it gives people a feeling of endlessness.

The deputy city lord shook his head lightly and said, "It's nothing. It's not because of me alone that I can cast such a magnificent project. It's the result of the joint efforts of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people."

Indeed, with the joint efforts of millions of people, such a magnificent bronze giant city was built.

This is their future home, a strong and solid home that no one can break into.

As for those strong men, there will naturally be strong men to deal with them in the future. If the enemy strong men come in, it is estimated that they will be useless even if they build a [-]-meter-high city wall.

"City Lord, now that the entire outer city wall has been basically completed, it's time to decide on a name." The person on the left changed his face and said such a suggestion.

The young city lord was surrounded by blood to block the whistling wind. When he heard this, he nodded and said affirmatively: "This is necessary. The three of us are the supreme masters of the entire city. Let's discuss together what name we should choose. it is good?"

The memory ended here, Gao Jiuding knew that the giant city was built, but was that giant city the ancient city he had been to?

"How can such a powerful existence only have such a little memory? Is this its obsession? Even if the body dies and the soul dies, it will survive forever because of this obsession?"

When he came back to his senses, Gao Jiuding was still a little dazed. The memory he saw was too clear, but it was too little. It didn't match the strength of that soul body at all!

"Will there be more?" Gao Jiuding looked through the fog of nothingness, looking at the ancient bronze gate that seemed far away but also seemed close at hand.

With a thought in his mind, the bronze door cracked again, but this time, no phantom broke in.

Gao Jiuding had another thought, and he appeared beside the bronze gate.



Gao Jiuding only felt a strong force and knocked him flying.

Although the force was intense, it didn't do much damage to the Blood God Son.

Surprised, Gao Jiuding immediately took control of the bronze palace and closed the gate.

It was at this time that he saw a black phantom again.

Soon, the phantom changed shape, from the state of the dark devil to the image of the golden Buddha.

This guy's actions are really unpleasant.

When the golden phantom saw the Blood God Son, it immediately rushed forward as if seeing a peerless delicacy.

It's another time to eat Hesai and hurt each other by the way.

The Blood God Son was fine, he just consumed some spiritual energy, but the golden phantom was swallowed by the Blood God Son again.

"It's good to have less memory, so it's easy to digest!" After devouring the golden phantom several times, Gao Jiuding also gained experience.

Ever since he felt the first wave of memory and knew now, Gao Jiuding has obtained unknown memories again and again.

This time, a figure floated above the city gate, and his blood was lingering, burning like a flame of arrogance.

It was still the young city lord, the memory fragment Gao Jiuding received should have come from him.

At this time, the blood flames all over his body boiled, forming blood-colored gas hovering, suspended in the sky.

"That's the city lord!"

"What a powerful breath!" Countless people below looked shocked, and they looked up at the figure.

At the door, a group of guards were full of joy, and they naturally recognized that it was the city lord. At this moment, he was powerful and full of breath, overwhelming all things in the world.

The people under the city gate only felt a heavy pressure on them, as if they were instantly suppressed by a mountain.

At this moment, no one could resist, their faces were all flushed, and their bodies were trembling!
Some masters ran away quickly, not daring to approach here.

Their faces were shocked, their hearts were terrified, and they finally clearly felt the power of the mysterious city lord.

Just a breath, it is difficult for everyone to breathe, and it is too scary to feel breathless.

"What a horrible person!"

(End of this chapter)

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