Chapter 1207

I saw that the city lord was only hovering blood and energy around his body, but he didn't vibrate the air, and he was just suspended in the air.

It seems that a strong support is formed in the air, allowing him to levitate.

However, seeing his left hand against the bronze city wall, it is clear that this is not a support for him to easily levitate.

The young city lord pressed his left hand against the city wall lightly, but this did not allow him to stabilize his body. He did not fall, which seemed to be a manifestation of will.

If he wants to levitate, he will levitate. If he doesn't want to fall, he won't fall.

If Gao Jiuding had never been in contact with domains and had never dealt with enemies with domains, he would have seen the performance of this young city lord, and would never have thought that his seemingly ordinary movements are actually a kind of will, a kind of control embodiment of the rules.

Similar to Jinkou Yuyan, what I say, so be it.

The two people next to the young city lord showed this most clearly, and their shocked expressions were enough to explain the problem.

"Intent to fight?" The two faintly sensed something, and immediately screamed out.

clang!Suddenly, a clanging sound woke up the shocked crowd.

I saw that the young city lord swung his right hand quickly, the palm of his hand was like a knife, and deeply scratched into the bronze wall.

At this moment, someone was shocked to find that his hand was bleeding.

This is unbelievable. In fact, with his current physical strength, he should feel nothing when inserted into the bronze, and it is impossible to get hurt at all.

However, he is now forcing the blood out by himself in order to use his own powerful blood to fuse a will to describe a few ancient characters.


clang clang clang.
The young city lord moved quickly, and when he waved his right hand, there was a burst of clanging, and bronze fragments were scattered in all directions, flashing an astonishing cyan luster.

In just two breaths, he completed the characterization, and the whole person flew up and landed firmly on the city wall.

At this moment, the crowd below all stared blankly at the top of the city gate.

There, there are a few bright red characters, the inscription "Return from a hundred battles and wear golden armor".

The seven ancient characters exude a fierce power, blood red and frightening.

This is a font written and depicted in blood, which contains a spirit of energy and a powerful power of the young city lord.

Even these seven huge blood-colored ancient characters exude a kind of clank charm, and the slightest clang sound can be vaguely heard, which is shocking.

"So strong, just a few words, it actually gave me a heavy oppression!" A middle-aged man's face was terrified, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes.

Those seven huge ancient characters contained a strong will, and there was a kind of power, as if they were standing there with an indomitable power.

Everyone was shocked, not only to the city lord, but also to the seven huge ancient characters in front of them. There was an astonishing murderous aura on the blood-red ancient characters.

"The city lord is really powerful. He is worthy of being our city lord. It seems that we have been pulled down far away."

The city lord glanced at the person who spoke, and smiled lightly: "The deputy city lord said too much, my strength is not half as strong as yours, and even if you use secret techniques, you may be able to crush me and the elders in an instant! .”

After finishing speaking, the city lord did not speak, but acted again. He saw his right hand waving, a hazy light filled the air, and then quickly struck out.

clang!There was a clang from the solid bronze city wall, a huge rune imprint came, and there was a burst of gold and iron clashing, which was shocking.

The two people who were closest to the city lord were frightened for a moment. Looking at the light, they felt that there was a terrifying aura in it.

At this moment, the two thought at the same time, what is this?Why does it contain such a powerful breath?

"What is this?" The city lord asked with an extremely serious face, staring at the city lord's palm.

Of course, Gao Jiuding was no exception, he was so shocked that he didn't want to.

The city lord used his own blood and will to condense the seven big characters, and now he has actually engraved the runes.

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that the mysterious symbol did not seem to be a rune or a Dao pattern in a simple sense, it was more like a manifestation of will, or a will of heaven?
Can the will of heaven be written down?Can't you?So what happened to wearing the golden armor after a hundred battles?

Gao Jiuding looked at the seven characters, Baizhan City, Return City, and Jinjia City.

This is what Gao Jiuding understood after seeing the seven big characters. It contained the earnest expectations of the young city lord. He hoped that everyone would be able to return after a hundred battles. He hoped that everyone would have the opportunity to wear the golden armor.

Among their tribes, wearing golden armor should be the highest honor, right?

Although unable to communicate with the characters in these memories, Gao Jiuding understood the meaning of the city lord very clearly.

Fighting is inevitable, but after a hundred battles, he must return. As long as he returns, he will not be stingy in rewarding the glory of the golden armor!

Those astonishing runes are mysterious and unknown, but as long as they are recorded according to certain rules, anyone who sees them will know what they mean!
Obviously not everyone can do this, otherwise the people around the young city lord would not be so shocked.

Following the actions of the young city lord, their expressions gradually turned serious, even Gao Jiuding was no exception.

Gao Jiuding also seemed to have seen those runes somewhere, and then he suddenly realized that he had seen some buildings with such mysterious runes carved on the ruins of the ancient city.

"Heaven's favor? Is this a blessing from the heavens?" The deputy city lord shouted with a changed face. This mysterious rune put too much pressure on him.

Everyone stared at the city lord, watching him brand the runes on the bronze bit by bit.

Clang clang clang. There was a rapid clang, and one after another the mysterious runes flickered, intertwined into one piece!
The runes are shining brightly, and the aura is mysterious!

No matter who reads it, there is an ancient and powerful feeling, which will give people a heavy oppression.

The city lord is engraving runes, and he wants to engrave this mysterious and powerful rune on the entire bronze city wall!

Obviously, he was trying to improve the defense of the entire city.

However, the city lord seemed to feel a bit of difficulty as soon as he started to implement it, because engraving runes not only required strong blood support, but also strong will support, otherwise it would not be possible.

Although his will is very strong, he still feels extremely strenuous.

The difficulty of inscribing a thing and inscribing a city cannot be compared at all.

However, since you have done it, you must continue to do it, otherwise you will give up halfway.

Next to him, all his subjects were amazed and excited, their eyes staring at the flickering and flying runes without blinking.

It is very likely that they all wanted to write down the appearance of these runes, just like Gao Jiuding.

clang!clang clang clang
At this time, the young city lord only engraved some runes on a small section of the city wall, and the engraved runes dissipated quickly and could not be connected together.

"The rune disappeared?" Gao Jiuding watched the last memory disappear.

"Is the willpower exhausted too much?" It took Gao Jiuding a while to react.

At this time, he really wanted to see the result, so Gao Jiuding acted again.

He had just opened the bronze door, and a pitch-black phantom rushed in from outside, and then the black phantom turned into a golden phantom, which was once again swallowed by Gao Jiuding.

Although the memory is fragmented, Gao Jiuding was able to connect it after seeing a lot.

The golden phantoms were swallowed one by one, making Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son extremely powerful, so it didn't take much time to swallow a golden phantom later.

When Gao Jiuding's blood god son became bigger than the huge golden phantom, he simply opened the bronze gate, blocked the gate, and devoured all the souls who wanted to break into the bronze palace.

Gao Jiuding has confirmed that these soul bodies are likely to be the will of the ancient city, or the will of the lord of the ancient city. He is dead, and even his soul has been shattered. The black phantoms left outside the bronze palace are the Fragments of that will.

They don't have consciousness, they only have a little memory, acting instinctively!
And just such a small piece of soul fragment is a powerful threat to the blood god child who has just started.

Fortunately, the memory of these soul fragments is too little, so Gao Jiuding dared to let the blood god child devour them casually.

This unknown existence, Ken can live for a long time, and has an extremely large memory, but there are really not many memory fragments left by him.

As more and more soul fragments were devoured, Gao Jiuding integrated more and more memories. At this time, he had realized that the memory fragments that could be left behind should be the most precious memories of that unknown existence, or his where the obsession lies.

The memory here is the process from the construction of the ancient city to its destruction. Many people appeared in it, and they are clearly recorded in the depths of the golden phantom's memory.

Gao Jiuding could even guess their thoughts through the changes in their expressions.

During this process, Gao Jiuding learned a lot!

He seems to have entered the ancient city, integrated into the ancient city, and replaced the ancient city through birth, growth, prosperity, and even destruction.

"The Dark Clan, the Gold and Stone Clan, the Ice Clan, the Fire Clan, and the endless army of monsters and beasts, there are plenty of human enemies!"

Combining memory fragments, Gao Jiuding saw too many powerful existences.

Among them, the power of the Fire Clan can only be ranked fourth, and the first is the Dark Clan, including the Void Demon Clan, that is, the demon heads that Gao Jiuding has seen.

Thinking of the large number of Shura and Mo Luo in the asteroid belt outside, Gao Jiuding raised his vigilance again, the Mozu should not be underestimated.

The main reason is that the universe is too big, and most of it is in the dark. This is the hotbed for the rise of the demons, and they occupy a natural location!

Fortunately, the birth rate of the demon race is relatively slow, otherwise where would there be a place for other races to survive?

 Thanks to the king of the queen, the king of the earth, poison you thousands of times, lads4017, book friend 20181210183313045 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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