Chapter 1208
The dark clan in the universe is too powerful, and besides the dark clan, the Jinshi clan is next!

As long as there are planets, it is possible for the Jinshi tribe to be born, and the Jinshi tribe has a strong survivability and enhanced defense. Such a race, survival, development, and prosperity are almost inevitable.

Next is the Ice Race, almost in a dark place with water, there is ice. They are elves condensed from ice and snow, and they also occupy a favorable location in the universe. It can be said that as long as the environment is suitable, they are almost immortal Immortal existence.

From the analysis of the characteristics of these races, Gao Jiuding could easily understand that the larger the territory occupied by these powerful races, the stronger their strength would be.

For example, the fire family can only be born if they are close to the stars, or among some old stars!
The number of the Fire Clan is relatively small, but their combat power is quite strong.

As for the army of monsters, all creatures except the human race are monster races, which are either one or the other divided by humans.

The living habits of monsters and humans are very similar, so the two are in a direct competitive relationship. They compete for the living environment and cultivation resources. It can be said that humans and monsters are born rivals.

It's just that compared to the Dark, Gold, Stone, Ice, and Fire tribes, humans and monsters are at a disadvantage!

So in many places, ladyboys coexist peacefully and even cooperate!

For example, it turned out that the Yulingzong on the Demon Star had a cooperative and symbiotic relationship, but in the end the human race betrayed the monster race.

For this kind of betrayal, Gao Jiuding understands it very well. One aspect is to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and the other aspect is ideology. People who are not of our race must have different hearts. This is not a joke.

The growth potential, survivability, and lifespan of the monster race are stronger than those of the human race. After living in peace for a long time, the monster race will naturally have a great advantage.

The behavior of the monster race is relatively rough, and they value the weak and the strong. Therefore, if humans get along with the monster race for a long time, they will naturally be suppressed by the monster race. This is absolutely not allowed.

So, the Spirit Controlling Sect has become the Beast Controlling Sect, can't kill the Spirit Clan, can't they also kill the Yao Clan?

The spirit clan is the name of the four dark clans in the human race, and the dark and other four clans call themselves the gods, and the gods are immortal, so they dare to shout out that there is a way in heaven and earth, and gods and Tao are the same. They want to represent the way of heaven.

Although this is rather arrogant, they also have such capital. The reason why they are called the spirit race by the human race is because they are really similar to spirit bodies, as if they are immortal.

For example, a group of fire spirits, as long as they have enough resources to support them, they are almost indestructible!
There are also demon heads, ice cubes, and gold stones. Even if these guys have wisdom, their physical fitness determines their immortal attributes.

Compared with humans, their lifespan is too long, and the longer they live, the more powerful they are.

In the universe, the human race is facing this kind of threat. Therefore, the name of War City is neither the City of Hope, nor the City of Dawn, nor the City of Protection, but the Golden Armor after a hundred battles.

If the human race wants to rise in the forest of thousands of races in the universe, or to survive, it must have the momentum of returning from a hundred battles.

You can't die in a hundred battles, you can only return from a hundred battles, because if you die, the human race will be constantly weakened.

"Poor thing, even death can't be said easily. Every human race is not qualified to give up life easily, and lightly say that life and death are sins." After digesting another piece of memory, after integration, Gao Jiuding understood more.

Standing outside the bronze gate, it was pitch black outside, and this place seemed to be a huge black void, but now, there were no more soul fragments coming to disturb it.

"Here is the unknown sea of ​​consciousness? But I devoured all his soul fragments, why can't I control his body?" Looking at the bronze palace, Gao Jiuding was wandering in the dark void.

Shouldn't his state at this time be that of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness?
Without the obstruction of other spirits, shouldn't he control this sea of ​​consciousness?
But the fact is not like this, Gao Jiuding didn't have the slightest feeling of wanting to control this place.

He didn't dare to stay away from the bronze palace, because Gao Jiuding was afraid of getting lost in this dark void.

After spending several hours and still finding nothing, Gao Jiuding returned to the bronze palace.

"Tao map, shrine, I don't know what it has to do with this place?" Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts sank into the Tao map. If he wanted to gain something, he might fall between this scroll and the bronze palace where it was located. middle.

Anyway, now that the main body is hiding in the Time and Space God Realm outside, Gao Jiuding is not afraid of wasting time, he wants to study the Tao map in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

This Dao map is definitely not simple. He can travel across time and space and let his divine sense descend on the Blood God Son. This is a great supernatural power.

Also, this dao map occupies a rather strange position in his sea of ​​consciousness, for example, the current cornucopia is equally as important as it.

It turned out that the cornucopia was in his sea of ​​consciousness, but it was very domineering. Except for the world-viewing spirit who could get close to Gao Jiuding, other things, no matter what level of treasure came in, would be suppressed by the cornucopia.

But now this Dao scroll is different, it is on the left and right of the cornucopia, just on both sides of Gao Jiuding's soul.

This is probably also a powerful Horcrux, and if such a Horcrux is complete, it will be difficult to refine!

For example, Gao Jiuding took a long time to refine the animal skin of Guanshi, and finally he was able to successfully refine it with the help of the cornucopia.

This Dao character scroll is a bit similar to Guanshishidao. It is also a leather scroll, but there are more words recorded on it.

Of course, the word Dao was the most vivid and blood-red, and Gao Jiuding's mind was completely immersed in the word Dao.

Sure enough, he saw the Dao, but Gao Jiuding couldn't say or understand what the Dao was.

The word Dao is Dao, he can’t explain it clearly, he can’t say it, let alone use it, but he knows clearly that what he sees is the Dao, because the word Dao tells him that what he sees now is the Dao , As for what the Dao is, how would Gao Jiuding know?

Countless Dao characters danced in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, and they were all telling Gao Jiuding that this is the Dao, but what the hell is this Dao?Isn't it just some Tao characters flying?
Enduring the headache, the ninja was dazzled, Gao Jiuding caught one of the Tao characters and studied it carefully.

The moment Gao Jiuding's consciousness fell into the Dao character, Gao Jiuding saw another scene, the Dao character decomposed and turned into countless runes, Gao Jiuding looked bewildered.

He is very familiar with these runes, because he has seen a lot in the ancient city, but this kind of runes are similar, but more like mysterious symbols, and he can't understand them.

Gao Jiuding immediately thought of the memory fragments he had obtained, and his mind was withdrawn from the words of the Tao, and he was immersed in the scene of the young city lord burning runes on the bronze city wall again.

Gao Jiuding conjectured that in order to refine the Dao scroll, one must at least get started in the study of mysterious runes.

I don't know how much time has passed, Gao Jiuding studied all the runes he could learn over and over again, and even studied some of the runes he saw in the ancient city thoroughly.

Fortunately, this thing seems to represent a kind of will, as long as it is preserved intact, it can be understood by others, so it is not difficult for Gao Jiuding to learn.

As long as it is a complete combination symbol, Gao Jiuding can write down the meaning it represents, and then study the combination rules of the symbols, and sum it up, it will be easier to remember and can also be understood by analogy.

Of course, the most important thing here is that he obtained the unknown memory fragments. Many of the memories in it are about the construction of the city, including initial construction, continuous strengthening, and repairs after damage.

The memory fragments obtained by Gao Jiuding are all related to the ancient city, as long as it is a major event that happened in the ancient city, it seems to have been recorded.

What he got was the past and present of this ancient city, which made it easier for Gao Jiuding to learn all the runes that were inscribed on the ancient city.

With such a live teaching video and Gao Jiuding's memory, it is not difficult to learn this unknown rune.

As Gao Jiuding learned more and more runes, he looked at the Dao characters on the Dao character map scroll, and the things he saw began to change, and this difference was still becoming more and more.

At the very beginning, he saw a Tao character, and then the Tao character changed into countless runes!
Looking at the runes again this time, Gao Jiuding has already understood some of them.

Grab another Dao character, and the Dao character breaks down and turns into countless runes again.

All the runes confirmed each other, Gao Jiuding seemed to understand something!
This feeling is very mysterious. Gao Jiuding confirmed that he understood it, but he couldn't say it. He understood what it meant, but he didn't know what words to use to express it.

As more runes were read, Gao Jiuding's understanding became more thorough, until he had a thought and saw another scene.

Through the bronze palace, he saw the void outside. This is indeed a sea of ​​consciousness, but here is a dead sea of ​​consciousness, and the black mist is death and bad luck.

That is, Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son can only touch the death energy without being affected. If it is another existence, even if the primordial spirit breaks in here, it will be infected by the death energy and eventually turn into a dead spirit!
"It's really dangerous. Fortunately, the Son of Blood has condensed blood and turned it into blood light. There are countless blood demons attached to it. What you are most afraid of is these yin and death qi. Even refining it can greatly nourish it!" After understanding the situation outside , Gao Jiuding said with a little fear.

"The Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Divine Palace, the Dao Map? The Dao Map is the will, and the Divine Palace is the Divine Palace? The Niwan Palace? Is this bronze palace a Niwan Palace? The Divine Palace that stores the soul and primordial spirit? Is this possible?" Mind retreated Bronze Palace, feeling all the doubts about the situation in the palace, Gao Jiuding still has countless.

Could this thing be the manifestation of Niwan Palace?how is this possible?

Even if he cultivated Yuanshen, it is impossible to realize the Niwan Palace, which is nothingness in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, into this appearance, right?

Gao Jiuding had opened up the Niwan Palace a long time ago, but after that he could no longer strengthen the Niwan Palace, not even the soul, let alone transform the Niwan Palace with the soul into a real body.

(End of this chapter)

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