Chapter 1209
Although I don't believe it, Gao Jiuding did feel the effect of the shrine through the avenue on the Tao scroll, which is equivalent to the Niwan Palace.

That's why it is called the shrine, and it also means the residence of the gods.

"The Sea of ​​Consciousness can be condensed into a shrine, so can the sea of ​​blood be condensed into the Palace of Blood? Can the sea of ​​qi in the dantian create a purple mansion? If it can really be condensed into a real body, how powerful is it?" The more you understand, Gao Jiuding was even more amazed.

This path of comprehension is really a long way to go!
For the next time, Gao Jiuding focused all his attention on the bronze palace.

Although he knew that he was condensed from the Niwan Palace, he couldn't figure out how to do it.

If you can't figure it out, study it carefully, and Gao Jiuding's research method is refining.

Although it is very difficult to refine this small bronze palace, Gao Jiuding has a way to refine it now, that is to infiltrate this palace through the Dao map.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also gradually understood that the original owner of the ancient city outside was probably controlling the shrine through this scroll.

Dao Tu controls the Shrine, or in other words, controls the Shrine through the will within the Dao Tu.

As for the will in the Dao map, whether it is the will of heaven or not, it doesn't matter, no matter whose will it is, as long as it can be used by Gao Jiuding.

Time passed day by day, and Gao Jiuding's body cultivation base was rapidly improving. He knew that one day, the cultivation base he had improved during this period of time would be familiar to him, and he would be able to manipulate it skillfully. The control of the rules has a further understanding.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding realized that being able to control that ancient city was equivalent to mastering part of the rules of the avenue.

It can also be said that the ancient city is the agglomeration of the rules of the avenue, the crystallization of the rules of the avenue. To put it simply, it is such a city built with the power of the rules of the avenue.

It is indeed a battle city, a powerful battle weapon used by the human race to wear golden armor in the starry sky after hundreds of battles.

It's a pity that such a powerful battle city was still destroyed.

No matter how powerful the weapon is, if no one controls it, it is equal to zero.

This is the situation in War City at this time.

Since the appearance of the war city, the situation of ancient humans began to change, from being bullied and hunted by other races at the beginning, to the rise of the human race, dominating one side.

Later, it provoked the siege of the Jinshi and Fire tribes, and the two major races attacked with all their strength. Although the human race in the battle city was finally destroyed, the Fire and Jinshi tribes did not benefit.

The fact that the battle city is hidden in this void shows the problem. If the Jinshi and Fire tribes win, this battle city should be their spoils of war.

Now the facts have proved that the human race in the battle city has been wiped out, but the masters of the fire and gold and stone tribes have all been left in the battle city.

As he controlled more and more Heavenly Dao runes, Gao Jiuding made more and more use of the Dao scroll, and after being able to use this Dao map, he used the Son of Blood to control the Bronze God Palace again.

The Bronze Shrine is an unknown existence, an artifact condensed by the power of the soul. It is indeed the manifestation of the Niwan Palace.

Such an artifact can only be manipulated by the power of the soul, or the primordial spirit.

Of course, if you want to control the ancient city outside, you can only fully use the power of the shrine, which inevitably requires the power of Dao Tu.

What the Great Dao Catalog condenses is the same will as the Great Dao, which is the result of the integration of the power of the soul into the Dao of Heaven, and only such a strong willpower can control the huge ancient city.

Now Gao Jiuding has not yet controlled the ancient city, and he can't even control the Bronze Shrine. However, he can infiltrate into the ancient city through the catalog of the avenue.

At this time, what he saw was no longer one-sided things, but the whole.

He obtained more and more information, and the history of the ancient city hidden in the dimensional space was more and more clearly displayed in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness.

Knowing the history of the ancient city, Gao Jiuding was more fortunate. Fortunately, the solar system is at the edge of the Milky Way. Otherwise, the earth's cultivation world should have been attacked by powerful races long ago!

The history of War City is a history of war, since it appeared, it has been fighting until it sank in this void.

"The one outside is the God of War? Is it a god? I am now in the god's Consciousness Sea Niwan Palace?" Slowly understand the situation of Zhancheng, the more he understands, the more shocked Gao Jiuding is.

The Dao map infiltrated the Bronze Shrine, and when the divine sense appeared in the black void outside the Shrine, Gao Jiuding confirmed that this place is a dead sea of ​​consciousness.

This sea of ​​consciousness is vast, if relying on the power of Gao Jiuding, he would not be able to explore the edge, but now, he can easily see the situation outside through the sea of ​​consciousness.

He saw a black figure standing in a chaotic storm, not a space storm, but a chaotic and incomprehensible storm.

This kind of storm is obviously much more powerful than the storm formed by ordinary space debris.

However, that black shadow stood quietly in the midst of the chaos, motionless.

The strength of this black shadow is weakening with time, and the magic hand that Gao Jiuding saw earlier belongs to him!

In an earlier era, the owner of that magic hand could not only be revealed under the starry sky, but also affect the ancient city. Therefore, this ancient city has been silent here for countless years. ancient city.

This is also the reason why there are still things left in the ancient city, waiting for Gao Jiuding to discover them.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also understood why the Emperor Beast Sect was able to occupy the inner secrets of the ancient city, but did not dare to enter the ancient city.

The black shadow like a god and demon, as time went by, his strength was rapidly weakening, the inner secret of the ancient city was out of control, and then the ancient city was also out of control, and now, no matter how hard he struggled, he could only expose one arm.

Now, Gao Jiuding has swallowed a lot of willpower, how much ability does he have?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding thought, and then the black shadow shook, and as soon as the black shadow shook, chains appeared out of thin air, and then the surrounding void roared and shattered instantly.

Cracks appeared one after another, and then the space storm came, and behind the space storm, a dilapidated ancient bronze city was revealed.

Following Gao Jiuding's thoughts, the demon shook more and more violently, and chains appeared all over his body, densely packed, as if these chains completely blocked this stalwart figure.

With the appearance of chains, a complete ancient city was also exposed.

The ancient city appeared, the figure stopped shaking, and all the chains began to shrink, slowly disappearing into the ancient city.

No, it should be that the black shadow entered the ancient city and disappeared.

The chains link the gods and demons with the ancient city, and eventually the stalwart existence like the gods and demons disappears in the ancient city.

And as the gods and demons disappeared, the ancient city emitted a series of colorful lights, and it seemed to become alive.

It was vicissitudes and dead silence before, but now, although it is still carrying endless vicissitudes, that kind of dead silence has disappeared, and this ancient city has become lively.

As the gods and demons entered the ancient city, Gao Jiuding's divine sense was also brought in. At this time, Gao Jiuding saw the situation of the entire ancient city.

This time, instead of seeing the history of the ancient city, I saw the real ancient city.

Gao Jiuding is very familiar with the halls, streets, bronze gates, bone powder, and broken buildings in the ancient city.

Gao Jiuding even found the palace in the center of the ancient city, that's where he found Dao Tu.

"Huh? Why are these rooms so empty?"

Spiritual thoughts landed in the central palace, Gao Jiuding looked at a room, if he remembered correctly, it was next door to the room where Dao Tu was found.

He explored this room first, and then entered the room with the Dao map.

He clearly remembered that there should be a lot of weapons in this room, and Gao Jiuding tried to pick up a lot of them at that time, but those weapons were all broken when touched.

After exploring several rooms one after another, as long as a few weapons and armors were found, the others were almost destroyed by time.

It was because he was too disappointed that in the last few rooms, when Gao Jiuding saw countless weapons and armour, he lost interest!

Later, some weapons on the way forward were touched by him, and they were all turned into powder.

When Gao Jiuding left this room, there were still so many weapons here, and he didn't touch them!

In other words, even if it was destroyed, there should still be powder now.

"Could it be because of the last turmoil that all the shatters were blown away?"

Thinking of the powerful existence like gods and demons, dragging the ancient city to appear, and in that process, all the destroyed things in the palace turned into pieces and flew away?

"No, even if it's crushed, it should be a little broken, right? What about the broken pieces?" Gao Jiuding's thoughts moved, and his spiritual thoughts landed in the rooms that he had explored before.

Especially in the first room, he has touched everything there, so he smashed a lot of things, but looking at it now, there is not much dust in that room at all, not to mention the weapons and equipment after they were smashed. powdered.

"Could it be an illusion?" Gao Jiuding's thoughts moved, and his divine thoughts descended on other rooms in the central palace.

At that time, Gao Jiuding was feeling regretful that he didn't have time to explore, but he didn't expect to get another chance now, and this time, he explored faster and safer, but he didn't know if he could bring out the harvest.

"The main body has been connected with the Blood God Son, so it should be able to lock the secret place of the ancient city in the dimensional space, right?" Gao Jiuding was a little worried about gains and losses at this time.

Occupying this ancient city, not to mention anything else, just based on the value of the ancient city, is a priceless treasure.

"Haha, there are really slippery fish!" Checking one room after another, although many are empty, there are still some rooms with well-preserved weapons and equipment. Unfortunately, each room does not have more than one set of weapons.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the king of the land, and the 303945124 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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