The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1210 Elf Blood Walnut

Chapter 1210 Elf Blood Walnut
Gao Jiuding found two more weapons in a room, an iron sword and a long spear, which seemed to be the standard weapons in the ancient city.

Obviously, the iron sword is a melee weapon, and the spear is a long-distance weapon.

Cultivators with strong domain power have an advantage in melee combat, but magic weapons for long-distance attacks seem to be of little use to them.

Gao Jiuding found a lot of equipment in bits and pieces. Gao Jiuding was very happy. At this time, he also discovered that every room is a single room. The equipment for one person should be a set of armor, a short sword and a spear , and there should be a mask on top of the armor.

As for the full set of armor, whether it includes gauntlets, shoulder armor, neck guard, mask, etc., Gao Jiuding is not quite sure, because he only found some scattered missing parts.

The defensive power of the armor in this ancient city is really strong, and it can be preserved until now, which speaks for itself.

Such a powerful armor, if it was Gao Jiuding, he would definitely wear it at any time, so there must not be too many left in the room.

And those armors that were worn away must have been destroyed during the battle.

Thinking of the metal fragments that Gao Jiuding found on the streets of the ancient city when he first entered the ancient city, I am afraid that those are from some top-quality armor or weapons.

"This central palace is probably some high-level dormitory!" After excavating a central palace, Gao Jiuding only found some weapons.

Armors are generally worn with them, so very few survived. As for weapons, maybe there were other weapons, or maybe they were forgotten in the room during the panic, so there were quite a few left.

There is no doubt about the sharpness and sturdiness of this kind of ancient weapons and armor. If it is made into armor alone, even ordinary monks at the stage of law generally cannot break through the defense.

"With such a suit of armor, on top of the monster star, you will be invincible!" Gao Jiuding refined a set of armor and put it directly into the sea of ​​blood for sacrifice.

The bronze armor, which had lost its owner for an unknown number of years, was not difficult to refine. It was almost infected by Gao Jiuding's blood, and it was refined immediately.

Of course, it will take time to fully refine and move the heart freely, like using the arms and fingers. If you want to practice with the essence and blood to strengthen this battle armor, it will take a lot of time.

However, Gao Jiuding was willing to do so, with such a powerful defense, it was equivalent to having an extra life.

"Things are a bit wrong. Why does this ancient city seem to be full of battle marks? There are no civilian buildings? Without civilians, there must be living buildings, right?"

The ancient city was too big, and Gao Jiuding couldn't check every place carefully for a while, but he still found a problem.

Even if this is a war city, there should be living buildings, but here, Gao Jiuding discovered a piece of fairyland, which was still the fairyland he had dug up.

"This fairyland is more like a source of power!" Facing a large pit, Gao Jiuding studied it carefully for several hours, and Gao Jiuding confirmed that this place where the Chaos Immortal Spring gathers is the hub of a gathering spirit array, or a formation. Eyes, as for the town, it must be the fairy spring.

And the place where the fairy spring flows is the channel for the output of spiritual energy, and it is also where the fairy field is located.

"If it's really the Spirit Gathering Formation, then there must not be only such a fairy spring in this ancient city!" Gao Jiuding's thoughts moved, and his divine thoughts came to another direction of the ancient city.

"It's really discovered!" The ancient city was not destroyed, or it was not completely destroyed, so along some aura transmission channels, Gao Jiuding easily found another place where aura gathered.

There is a big pit here, as if it was bombed by something, but from some crushed jade, Gao Jiuding still confirmed that there must be a fairy spring here, but unfortunately it was destroyed.

Since there is no Xianquan, then Xiantian must also be gone.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding soon discovered traces of the existence of Xiantian. Some Xiantian were destroyed, but some were not.

Although there is a layer of dust densely covering the fairy fields, Gao Jiuding still determined the location of these fairy fields through the metal tablet beside the fairy fields.

"Xiantian should be densely covered in the entire war city. There should be at least four fairy springs here, and the central hub of gathering spirits should be the central palace!"

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, he descended to another direction of the ancient city again. As soon as he descended, Gao Jiuding saw the densely packed bone mountain.

Gao Jiuding had seen such a scene many times, and this was another tragic ancient battlefield.

Thinking of the ancient battlefield I saw earlier, and the skeleton left over at the end, it is a danger and an opportunity.

Sure enough, as soon as the divine sense descended, Gao Jiuding sensed several familiar forces in the pile of bones.

When the divine sense descends, one can see through the emptiness, so, under the bone mountain, there are some well-preserved skeletons hidden!

These skeletons shone with scorching spiritual light, no need to think, either there was a force preserved in their bodies, or there was also a will to support them.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to provoke such an existence now, because what he descended was just a thought, even if he aroused the power in these skeletons, he couldn't get any benefits.

"Among the bone mountains discovered earlier, there should be hidden bone frames, right?"

Gao Jiuding was a little moved when he saw the bones piled up and pressed together in a messy way, finally forming a mountain of bones.

What the hell happened back then to make these people fight desperately, and they all died in the end, and they didn't even take a step back.

The dead fell to the ground, and the comrades stepped on the corpses to continue fighting, eventually forming these bone mountains.

Needless to say, on the top of the bone mountain, there must be the master who fought to the end. Both the enemy and us tried their best to make the last bit of knowledge, and in the end both sides were injured, and they all died on the bone mountain.

This time, instead of two skeletons, there were six. They entangled each other, you stabbed me with a sword, and I stabbed you with a spear. They attacked each other, and they all stayed here.

Thinking about fighting to the end, you are all exhausted, right?In the end, they could only die together.

Looking at the golden skeleton that was stabbed in the head by a spear, he exuded a flame all over his body. It was the golden flame of the sun. Needless to say, he was a master of the sun fire clan.

"This is his original power, right? I really want to absorb it!" Gao Jiuding thought of the master of the fire clan who wanted to take him away.

He doesn't need Gao Jiuding's body, but he needs the real fire of the sun condensed in Gao Jiuding's body.

The fire clan doesn't need a body, but he needs a unique body condensed by the spirit fire, and this body can entrust their soul.

"If it's Vulcan, I'm afraid they don't need pure spiritual fire, right? Is it a god palace? The most powerful god is the soul, and the sea of ​​consciousness formed by ordinary flesh may not be able to carry it, so the legendary gods, They all condense the godhead, so what does the shrine have to do with the godhead?" While thinking wildly, Gao Jiuding moved forward.

As long as he found a bone frame that retained his strength, Gao Jiuding would mark it, but he didn't provoke it.

These ancient existences are not good stubble, although they don't know how many years they died, but they all have left behind, Gao Jiuding is afraid that if he is not careful, he will be fooled by them.

"Huh? Another bunch of blood elves? No, these seem to be stronger than blood elves!" After crossing the bone mountain, Gao Jiuding immediately found a fairyland.

The spiritual things in this fairyland are not spiritual plants like rice, but some spiritual plants like trees.

No, not trees, but plants like tomatoes or pepper trees!

Each of these plants is two meters high, has many branches, and grows very densely, with fiery red fruits hanging on them.

These fruits are not like tomatoes or chili peppers, but more like walnuts, all fiery red walnuts, of course walnuts without skins, that is, walnuts that have been peeled without green skins.

Therefore, each of the fruits on these spiritual plants turned into fiery red Wenwan walnuts as if they had been played for countless years.

These walnuts themselves are very miraculous, but something even more miraculous is flying around the walnuts, which are little elves the size of eggs.

These elves are like butterflies, flying all over the sky, bringing out streams of flames, looking very beautiful.

Just by looking at it, Gao Jiuding recognized it. It was another kind of elf, and it came from the blood elf inside the blood walnut.

This thing is similar to blood rabbits, snow wolves, snow leopards, etc., and it definitely replenishes essence and blood.

If he only saw a kind of blood elf, Gao Jiuding has not yet connected with blood rabbits and other spiritual things. Now that he saw this kind of blood walnuts, plus the previous blood rice, Gao Jiuding was convinced that plants can also be like blood rabbits. Many magical spirits have mutated.

These should all belong to the blood elves, and compared to blood rabbits and other spirits, the blood elves evolved from these plants are obviously more effective in medicine, and of course they are more difficult to grow.

"Plant becoming a demon? It should be very difficult. They just produce a little spirituality, so they are called blood elves. They are not real blood elves. After leaving the body, the spirituality will dissipate quickly, so storage is a big problem!"

Gao Jiuding's divine thoughts landed on the metal steles one after another, and he quickly understood what the spiritual creatures in this fairyland were and what their characteristics were.

"Even if you don't need to look, you know that there must be a well-preserved fairy spring not far away!"

Thinking of the Xiantians he met before, Gao Jiuding also understood the situation here, they were all the same routine, but now Gao Jiuding knew that the battles back then should all have revolved around these Xiantians.

The closer you get to Xiantian, the more intense the battle is, as for why?It must be because Xiantian is important!

If Gao Jiuding attacked this ancient city, he would also occupy Xiantian immediately, because with the support of Xiantian, even if he was injured or his aura was exhausted, he could come here to replenish and recover!

It can be said that as long as there are celestial fields and celestial springs, the combat power can last until the world dies.

"I don't know if the Fire Clan really knows where the teleportation array is?"

Another piece of fairy land was found, and Gao Jiuding couldn't help but want to monopolize this place when he saw the blood elves densely packed.

If you want to occupy this place, you must close the teleportation array in the ancient city.

(End of this chapter)

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