The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1211 The Realm of God

Chapter 1211 The Realm of God
Gao Jiuding knew that those guys who fled the ancient city with him in embarrassment, no matter whether they were human races or monster races, would not be able to leave the teleportation array here.

Therefore, he only needs to judge whether the Fire Clan who wants to take him has lied, and then he will know whether there is an external teleportation array here.

"Teleportation requires energy. It is impossible for the owner of the war city to consume the fairy spring to activate the teleportation array, so where would the possible teleportation array be? The teleportation array should also be the most important strategic weapon, and it should be in the safest place! "

Looking at the fairy spring bubbling golden spring water, Gao Jiuding knew that it was also a strategic weapon, just like the blood elves in Xiantian, as long as they fought, they needed water from the fairy spring and blood elves to replenish it, so, no matter what No matter how important Xianquan and Xiantian are, they can only be placed in the battle city, because they must be used at any time during the battle.

What about the teleportation array?Also in the war city?

Not the outer city, but under the city?

For a city flying in the starry sky, would the ground be filled with soil?Impossible, just like Longevity Hill.
Thinking of Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding understood everything. I am afraid that there is another space in the ancient city.

At this time, he thought of the secret realm he broke into first, where there were still five mountain peaks, and there was even this large spiritual vein under the mountain peaks.

Thinking about it now, the secret space hidden in the ancient city should be the logistics base of this battle city, right?

The place of life and practice is inside the ancient city, and the place of fighting is naturally above the ancient city.

Also, I am afraid that the secret realm in the inner space of the ancient city is not simple, at least the spiritual veins inside are not simple.

This ancient city has been dilapidated into what it is now, and I don't know how many years have passed, but the spiritual veins inside are still functioning normally.

"I'm afraid the logistics personnel have stayed in the inner secret realm, and the combatants have all died outside!" Gao Jiuding lowered his divine sense to check the situation inside the ancient city, while deducing some things that happened here.

Inside and outside the ancient city, there are obviously two situations. Compared with the vitality of the inner secret, the outside of the ancient city is dead.

This is obviously abnormal, and the magic weapon Gao Jiuding discovered in the inner secret realm also proves that the cultivation systems of the inner and outer spaces are different.

"The human race and demon race above the Demon Star can enter the inner secret realm, but they cannot enter the ancient city, or they simply dare not enter!" Gao Jiuding murmured thoughtfully.

Now Gao Jiuding has confirmed that the several major forces he encountered before did not come from the second galaxy of the South Gate.

Apart from the ones that Gao Jiuding is familiar with, there are many other galaxies that are closest to this asteroid belt within ten light-years, but I don’t know which galaxies these guys come from.

"It would be great if it was the Sirius galaxy. The stronger they are, the less likely they are to be conquered. At this time, I can go there and get a share!" Gao Jiuding's divine sense skipped over a large pile of bone powder, and he Immediately felt a wave of aura.

Now Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense has been strengthened, besides, through the Dao map and the shrine, his consciousness has also been expanded a lot, so it is not difficult to affect the bone powder on the ground.

The bone meal was blown away, revealing a black lacquer plate, not a bronze talisman, but a silver plate, because Gao Jiuding was very familiar with the black color of silver after oxidation.

The familiar runes on it made Gao Jiuding immediately understand the function of the talisman.

Gao Jiuding had obtained one of the inheritance talisman cards before, but he did not expect to find another one now.

The divine mind was attached to the talisman, and sure enough, Gao Jiuding got a message, this is a kind of exercise, it seems to be used to condense the will!

"Qi Condensation Jue? Isn't it Qi Qi Jue?" Gao Jiuding carefully analyzed the information he got.

This is a kind of exercise that uses will to condense the breath in the body. Compared with practicing qijue, the most important thing to exercise is will, or spiritual consciousness.

After all, this kind of practice has no way out of the realm of condensed will, but the monster clans that Gao Jiuding encountered had condensed realms, they were all external realms, and this Qi Condensation Art seemed to condense the inner realm.

"Ancient foreign races also have body forging secrets, which probably involves strengthening the body!" Blowing on the bone powder next to it, covering the black talisman again, Gao Jiuding continued to search forward.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of bone meal, of course, it is also mixed with some cosmic dust, which makes the streets in this ancient city even more desolate and dead!
It turned out that walking on this layer of bone meal, Gao Jiuding only felt a little oozing, but now it was different, he unexpectedly discovered the talisman buried in the bone meal.

With a little attention, Gao Jiuding discovered that this kind of talisman did not appear by accident. It is possible that this thing was a very popular thing in ancient battle cities.

Next, Gao Jiuding discovered four bronze talisman tablets one after another, all of which contained some exercises.

From body forging technique, qi condensing art, and combat skills, it can be said that there are all kinds of them, and they have everything.

When he found another talisman, Gao Jiuding was already full of surprises. It was a yellow talisman, which was different from the ordinary bronze talisman and the pitch-black silver talisman.

The level of the golden talisman should be higher, right?Sure enough, with Gao Jiuding's divine sense attached, he immediately obtained a powerful exercise.

"Fire source field? Is this the way to condense the field? Why do I feel a little strange?" Gao Jiuding carefully studied the newly acquired exercises.

The field of fire source is to use will to gather flames to form a field of fire. However, compared to the field formed by ordinary flames, this field of fire source is more powerful because it can condense the source of fire.

According to the records of this exercise, as long as one can condense the fire source domain, one can become a god, so the fire source domain is also called the domain of gods!
"This cultivation process requires a large amount of resources. After all, the original flame does not appear out of thin air, but to control the original flame, one must have a strong sense of consciousness. How is this process of condensing the field like visualization?"

After studying it, Gao Jiuding quickly grasped the key point, the method of condensing the will seems to be very simple.

Visualization, Gao Jiuding has long known, and he also knows a lot of methods of visualization.

For example, the method of observing the seven stars, the method of observing the great sun, and the methods of visualizing gods, thunder and lightning, etc. are widely spread on the earth.

Are these the methods used by ancient earth monks to cultivate their souls?Gao Jiuding was a little confused, it couldn't be that simple, could it?

Thinking wildly in the head can strengthen the soul?

"It's okay, just try it in the future!" Gao Jiuding buried this fire watching magic method again!
Visualize the god of fire, condense the will of fire, and form a field of fire, so that you can command thousands of fires!
Not to mention whether this method works or not, this is after all Gao Jiuding's first method of cultivating the primordial spirit.

"Is observing oneself and observing the world also a way to cultivate the soul?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding thought of the animal skin scroll of observing himself that he had refined.

He still has an animal skin roll for viewing the world in his hand, but he still can't refine that one.

Now that Gao Jiuding knows, when looking at his own animal skin scroll, he can only visualize himself, so what about looking at the world?Is it really possible to imagine a complete world by relying on that scroll of animal skin?

If this is the case, then the value of the two animal skin rolls in Gao Jiuding's hands is enormous!

"From now on, I will take visualization of myself as my homework and do it several times a day, maybe it can really strengthen my soul!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

In fact, now Gao Jiuding has to suspect that his powerful spirit is probably related to Guan himself.

You know, Gao Jiuding's current soul is comparable to that of a cultivator in the phase of Faxiang, and he is only a cultivator in the late stage of Xuedan.

Gao Jiuding still had contact with a little bit of monks, mainly because he had contact with fewer earth monks, so he couldn't make a comparison at all.

He originally suspected that Yaoxing people had simple minds, so their spirits were generally weak. Now that he thought about it, maybe Yaoxing people's spirits were not much weaker than those on Earth.

The reason why his soul is so strong is probably that he unknowingly improved himself by practicing meditation.

From time to time, Gao Jiuding made a lot of discoveries, but the area of ​​the ancient city is too large. If you scan the ground bit by bit, you don't know how long it will take.

Therefore, after Gao Jiuding discovered the three golden talisman cards, he lost interest.

He also discovered that there should be four kinds of talisman cards in this place. The ordinary iron talisman cards are mostly combat skills, the bronze talisman cards are skills, the silver talisman cards are body forging secrets, and the golden talisman cards The cards are all about the exercises in the condensed domain.

After obtaining four gold talisman cards, Gao Jiuding obtained three methods to condense the field.

Two of them record the training methods in the field of strength, mainly through physical exercise to break through the limit of will to achieve the goal.

The other two, one is the field of condensed fire source, and the other is the field of condensed gold.

Gao Jiuding speculated that one of these two domain powers is likely to come from the Fire Clan, and the other is from the Jinshi Clan, both of which are foreign skills.

However, regardless of whether it is a foreign skill or not, the human race can learn from it!

"These talismans are rather strange. They look like natural ones. No, they should be said to grow naturally!"

Although he is not deliberately looking for this kind of inheritance talisman, Gao Jiuding still finds some occasionally, and the most he found is near the third fairy spring.

Needless to say, there is a big battlefield here, and more people died here, so in a bone mountain, Gao Jiuding accidentally discovered many talisman cards.

These rune cards are almost stacked, covered with well-preserved bone frames.

Looking at the flame-like skeleton, Gao Jiuding knew that this must be a master of the fire clan!
And opposite him, there were two very tall human races. The hands of the two human races hit the head of the flame bone frame, smashing half of it.

Needless to say, the master of the fire clan must have died on the body of the master of the human race.

It's a pity that this human master was not spared either. On his bone frame, half was blue, half was fiery red, and the fiery red half was exactly the same as the flame on the flame skull on the opposite side.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins, thank you for the reward of the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, and the book friend 20190103004646188 brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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