The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1212 Black Soul Fruit

Chapter 1212 Black Soul Fruit

Seeing the situation of that human race, needless to say, he died under this alien energy.

Gao Jiuding discovered that his internal organs and brain were corroded by the flame power through the circulation of the different flame power in the body.

"Huh? Why does this talisman look so weird?" Gao Jiuding suddenly found another relatively well-preserved bone frame, which was a bit special. On the head of this bone frame, there was actually a flame talisman.

It's not a golden talisman, but a talisman formed by a flame.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense landed on the talisman, and immediately felt the power of a flame.

Watching the sun?This is a top-level practice method for contemplating the sun and condensing the sun domain.

Gao Jiuding's mind was completely integrated into this talisman, carefully feeling the various processes of cultivation.

The exercises recorded inside this talisman are more comprehensive than all the talismans that Gao Jiuding has discovered before. Gao Jiuding is even in it, and he has perceived some cultivation experience and methods.

"This thing seems to be more useful than inheriting the jade pupil slip!" Shen Nian withdrew from the talisman, and Gao Jiuding stared at the talisman to observe.

After careful observation, Gao Jiuding discovered that the level of this talisman should be higher than that of the golden talisman, because he found that this talisman is not a gold stone, but a crystal like crystal.

It is obviously more pure, otherwise it would be impossible to retain more information!
"It actually looks like it was condensed from flames. Could it be that this talisman is a product of power manifesting itself?" Looking at the crystal talisman, Gao Jiuding really wanted to see its essence.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding couldn't see it, but he found it now, maybe the formation of this thing is really not simple.

At least now Gao Jiuding suspects that these talisman cards are not artificially refined.

At the beginning, Gao Jiuding thought that the reason why these talisman cards could pass on information was entirely because of the densely covered runes on them, and it was these unknown mysterious runes that caused the strange effect of the talisman cards.

But now he doesn't think so. He now guesses that these talismans may really be generated naturally, the Tao follows nature, and natural things are the closest to the Dao.

"These powerful existences, can they really condense talisman cards in their heads?" Gao Jiuding shook his head, feeling a little crazy.

A talisman the size of a palm was condensed in his head, which was weird no matter how he thought about it.

But the reality told Gao Jiuding that his thinking was probably right.

"Uh!" Wandering around the fairy spring, in addition to finding more well-preserved bone frames, the rest are some talisman cards, but a sudden investigation, let Gao Jiuding discover that this fairy In the spring, there seems to be a well-preserved figure.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense touched Xianquan carefully, and immediately discovered the benefits.

The water of the fairy spring has a strong life force, which is also good for his soul.

However, even if it is beneficial, Gao Jiuding is very careful.

Logically speaking, Gao Jiuding doesn't need to be so careful, but who knows if this fairy spring will suddenly transform his soul power to form some water from the fairy spring?
Of course, Gao Jiuding thought too much, this fairy spring was safer than he thought.

"That's right, there is indeed a figure inside, it doesn't look like a human race!" In the golden spring water, there is a hazy yellow figure.

Only by looking carefully can we see some clues, because the yellow figure is shaking.

"Flame? The yellow flame blends into the golden spring water? Water and fire are incompatible, right? No, the fairy spring is a fairy thing, and it should be able to nourish any living body. Even the fire clan, as long as they have a body, they can Body?"

In any case, in this golden spring water, there is indeed a complete human body preserved. Even if it looks like a flame is constantly dancing, he is still a complete body, like a flame body. The shape is the human body.

This man was more than six meters tall, so he could be said to be a real giant, but his body was very well-proportioned, and he looked very slender and handsome.

However, on his forehead, one after another runes manifested, making him look a little more weird.

Through the aura of the rune, Gao Jiuding saw a strange scene, it was a rune, and a rune was condensed on the forehead of this man.

Gao Jiuding looked very familiar with the appearance of this rune, because it was exactly the same as the previously discovered rune.

The same mysterious symbol suddenly appeared on the forehead of the person in the fairy spring. It was either pasted on it, or a talisman, or a rune.

Just like a tattoo, the palm-sized rune grew on the man's forehead.

"Is it really condensed by these races? Is this also a race's supernatural power? For inheritance? Don't be afraid of being hunted by other races?" Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that this might be a strange cultivation method.

It is not the first time that Gao Jiuding has seen the Dao runes condensed on the body. On the demon star, those slightly stronger body trainers have condensed the Dao runes on their bones.

But now these alien races are even more powerful. They actually condensed a rune on their foreheads. Gao Jiuding is not sure if it is a Dao rune, but he knows that the runes of these guys who condensed the runes are all cultivated by them. road.

"These guys really look like gods!" After discovering more talismans, Gao Jiuding also understood these alien races!

It's not unreasonable for them to call themselves Protoss.

The Fire Clan is naturally the Vulcan Clan, and there are many branches under its umbrella, such as the Hellfire Clan, the Sun Clan, the Moon God Clan, etc. These are all magical powers that cultivate the fire or light system.

As for the Jinshi clan, there are more branches, as long as they are cultivating earth and metal races, they all seem to belong to the Jinshi clan.

"I don't know if this guy is dead or not!" Although he studied for a long time, Gao Jiuding really didn't dare to touch him, so Gao Jiuding just saw enough and left decisively.

To study these skeletons, dead people, or dead gods, it is better to study the Xiantian not far from Xianquan.

Even if those powerful beings die, they will not live in peace. Who knows if they will leave behind?

Therefore, if it was not forced, Gao Jiuding would definitely not want to deal with them.

After leaving Xianquan, Gao Jiuding soon discovered the metal monuments, and these metal monuments were actually destroyed.

There was a war around Xianquan here, so the metal monument here was affected, which Gao Jiuding could imagine.

As long as Xiantian, which is farther away, is not destroyed.

Also, the aura channel under the street had better not be destroyed, otherwise, even if Xiantian was preserved, the spiritual objects in it would not be able to survive until now.

Fortunately, the metal steles were well preserved in places a little farther away, which showed that the fairy fields had not been destroyed. However, the few spiritual fields near the fairy springs were still barren of grass.

I don't know if it was destroyed, or if the spiritual objects inside were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Continuing to walk forward, the front was still pitch black, but Gao Jiuding saw a faint black aura.

The black aura is not magic energy, not Yin energy, but black breath. Gao Jiuding found some breath of life in it, which can nourish the body.

"Shui Lingqi? It's not the Kuishui elite, nor the Renshui elite, what is that?" Gao Jiuding walked forward while being on guard carefully.

This place is a bit weird, and I don't know what is planted in the fairy field in front of me.

"Is there a ghost?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding saw a black shadow. The speed of the black shadow was very fast. After discovering Gao Jiuding, it was immediately submerged in a large black aura in front of him at an extremely fast speed.

"Blood elves? No, these are not blood elves!" Gao Jiuding, who was taken aback, soon realized that the black shadow did not pose any threat to him.

Resting his mind, Gao Jiuding soon discovered that there were some small black trees growing in the spirit field in front of him.

The black shadow he saw earlier was actually not one, but composed of countless black shadows.

Small black shadows gathered together to form a large shadow!

After being alarmed by Gao Jiuding, those black shadows quickly disappeared into some black crystal-like fruits on the small trees and disappeared.

The black fruit tree is like the mutated golden spirit fruit that Gao Jiuding has seen, the fruit is only the size of a ping pong ball.

If you look closely, you can see that in the black crystal ball, there is a dense air, just like a black cloud in the glass ball.

The crops in this fairyland are this kind of black fruit trees. It is not surprising to see the dense fruits on them at this time.

However, as long as you look into the distance, you will find that there is a large black shadow flying above every small tree.

These black shadows are only the size of a thumb, like ordinary bumblebees, and they are constantly flying around the branches of the small trees.

Gao Jiuding could tell that these little thumb-sized things were on the branches of the small trees, devouring the black silk breath he had seen before!
That is a kind of aura, and those little things are devouring that aura.

"Although these are not blood elves, they are also a kind of elves. It's not that they don't know what attributes they are!" Gao Jiuding checked as he walked, and finally found a relatively tall metal tablet.

God's mind fell into the metal tablet, and Gao Jiuding immediately understood the situation of this fairyland.

"Black Soul Fruit: A wonder of heaven and earth bred by the Blackwater Elite, which has the effect of nourishing the soul and strengthening the body! Blackwater Elite? It's not Ren Kui Water, what kind of water is this?"

Gao Jiuding looked at it in a daze, but he knew it. It was definitely a good thing, because it was the first time he had seen the spiritual fruit that nourished the soul.

The most important thing is that this is a kind of wonder of heaven and earth. You must know that every kind of wonder of heaven and earth is a miracle between heaven and earth, and each has its own unique magic.

"Since it can nourish the soul, I wonder if it can nourish my spirit?" Gao Jiuding was very moved and started to act.

Anyway, it's just a piece of divine will, even if it is lost, it won't cause much damage to his body, and as long as his thoughts are correct, then his divine will can grow stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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