The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1213 The Second Primordial Spirit

Chapter 1213 The Second Primordial Spirit
Looking at those black soul fruits, Gao Jiuding felt a little overwhelmed!
If these black soul fruits can nourish his divine sense, then when his divine sense grows to a certain level, Gao Jiuding will be able to control the Blood God Son, and his real body will manifest in this ancient city!

At that time, even if he can't completely control the ancient city, he can still use the resources in the ancient city.

Gao Jiuding can be sure that there must be a hidden teleportation array in this ancient city!

If there is none in the ancient city, then find a way to enter the secret realm inside the ancient city. There must be a teleportation array in it. At that time, Gao Jiuding can control the teleportation array and enter that secret realm at any time.

Gao Jiuding believed that there must be a teleportation array connecting the inside and outside of the ancient city, otherwise how would people outside the city enter the secret realm in the city?

Looking at a black soul tree in front of him, Gao Jiuding carefully counted the fruits on it.

It's just a small tree with the thickness of an arm and a height of two meters. It covers an area of ​​twenty square meters. Among its branches, there are many black soul fruits.

Gao Jiuding only counted roughly, and found more than [-] fruits on this one fruit tree.

Gao Jiuding could tell that these fruits were all ripe, which should be caused by the power of time.

With enough aura provided by fairy springs, and they have been stocked for a long time, these fruits are not yet ripe, so it can't be justified.

With so many fruits, it shouldn't be a big deal to waste one or two.

Gao Jiuding never hesitated about things he had decided on, he directly controlled his divine sense and submerged into a fruit.

When the divine mind entered the fruit, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a coolness.

This is a cool force, and the power poured into his spiritual sense, making Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense clearer, and he felt the situation inside the black crystal fruit.

Originally, he was just watching from the outside, but now he went deep into it, this fruit is like his incarnation, Gao Jiuding can control every little detail of it.

Spiritual thoughts covered the whole fruit, and Gao Jiuding immediately sensed a wave of spiritual power. It was an elf. Although it was not a blood elf, it was a soul elf.

It has no intelligence, no thought, no memory, just a wave, a spirit, a pure soul force.

It is very agile, but it is blank, and I don't know if it is born like this, or it hasn't had time to let it give birth to thinking and wisdom!
It's good to have no thoughts. If you have wisdom, thoughts, or even memories, it will affect Gao Jiuding, because swallowing such a spiritual fruit makes Gao Jiuding feel like eating people.

It's fine if it's an enemy, but if it's a child, and a pure, innocent child like a piece of white paper, how can he say anything?

Combined with streams of cool energy, Gao Jiuding didn't perceive any thought memory, which shows that these dark elves really don't have any wisdom at all.

At the same time, without wisdom and memory, there would be no hidden dangers for Gao Jiuding, so he boldly began to absorb this energy.

As the cool medicinal power was absorbed and refined by the divine mind, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the spiritual mind growing stronger.

And this kind of growth will return to the blood god son in the shrine, after all, this divine sense comes from the blood god son.

The medicinal power of a black soul fruit is very strong, at least Gao Jiuding absorbed it for more than ten minutes, and he didn't feel any lack of it.

This made Gao Jiuding even more excited. Naturally, the stronger the medicinal effect of the black soul fruit, the better.

He could feel that the power of the medicine penetrated into the blood god son along with the divine sense, and strengthened the strength of a part of the blood god son's inner soul.

As time got longer and longer, the little spirit inside the Blood God Son began to grow rapidly, ten times, a hundred times, until a thousand times.

At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that his soul was still growing rapidly.

It turned out that what was allocated was only a little soul power, and the base was too small, so even if it was increased by a thousand times, this little soul power would not be comparable to the soul of an ordinary Zijin bee in the Qi refining stage.

After all, it is not splitting the soul, but only relying on the natural contamination of the blood god son, with a little power of the soul, it is too weak.

This bit of soul power could only exist as the carrier of Gao Jiuding's main consciousness, and he didn't have his own thinking at all, and it was because of the help of Dao Tu that Gao Jiuding was able to come to the ancient city and enter the Blood God Son.

But now, Gao Jiuding discovered that as long as his spirit power continued to grow, he might be able to grow into a piece of spirit fragments.

Although the fragments are incomplete, they can carry memories, and if they can carry memories, they will naturally learn to think slowly, which is the manifestation of wisdom.

"Could it be that this black soul fruit is the ultimate treasure for cultivating the second soul?" He naturally absorbed the medicinal power of the black soul fruit, and Gao Jiuding didn't need to refine it specially, so he still had time to analyze the effect of the black soul fruit.

In fact, Gao Jiuding had already discovered that as his divine sense grew stronger, even Daotu had a slight change.

The little bit of divine sense that he attached to the Dao Map grew a thousand times stronger, and he was able to perceive more Dao patterns, which made the divine sense diffused by Gao Jiuding more clear.

This spiritual thought that entered the ancient city and submerged in the black soul fruit absorbed the medicinal power of the black soul fruit, and fed it back to the divine soul in the Blood God Child, and the divine soul passed through the Taoist map and returned to the spiritual thought in the ancient city again.

In this way, the soul power flows between the two, constantly strengthening all the soul power.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding believes that what is contained in the black soul fruit is the purest soul power.

The soul power increases, the soul grows stronger, and the Dao character inside the Dao character skin scroll develops more Dao patterns.

And the more dao patterns he checked, the more powerful Gao Jiuding's divine sense was expanded, which made his spiritual power to invade the surrounding Bronze Shrine stronger, and this led to the stronger spiritual sense to enter the secret realm of the ancient city.

This divine sense has grown stronger, and the speed of absorbing the soul power in the black soul fruit is also increasing.

Continuously circulating, constantly growing, Gao Jiuding's soul power is increasing sharply, until a black soul fruit is completely absorbed.

"Is it really possible to cultivate the second soul?" Gao Jiuding was a little surprised when his divine sense returned to the divine power and fell into the Blood God Son.

Through the perception of the main body through the projection of the Dao map, he knew that there was already a seemingly complete soul inside the Blood God Son. Although it was very weak, it was indeed a soul that had just taken shape.

"Dark elves are also spirit bodies, right? The effect of strengthening the soul is really powerful!" Gao Jiuding thought, and a black shadow the size of a thumb appeared above the head of Blood God Son.

No need to look, Gao Jiuding knew that this spirit was about the size of a dark elf.

Absorbing a black soul fruit is equivalent to refining a dark elf?

After careful perception and analysis, Gao Jiuding discovered that the soul power of this dark elf was not even as good as the soul power of a Zijin bee in the early stage of blood refining.

Although the soul power is weak, this is indeed a complete soul, which can carry Gao Jiuding's main consciousness to descend!

Of course, this second divine soul already has an independent consciousness.

Gao Jiuding believes that as long as he continues to absorb and refine a few black soul fruits, maybe his second soul will be worthy of the name, but now, at most, he is the second soul, or a sub-soul.

The main consciousness merged into the soul, and once again invested in the Blood God Son, the blood light of the Blood God Son became more intense, brighter, and more agile.

The perception and feelings at this time are not much different from Gao Jiuding's presence.

Looking at the bronze palace where it is located, is this thing really the power of the soul?If this is the case, can he be refined into the soul?
With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Blood God Son turned into bloody light and began to infect the surrounding walls.

Not afraid of being difficult to refine, as long as it can be refined, Gao Jiuding will not stop.

As long as it can be refined, one day, this shrine will be completely refined.

On this side of the refining shrine, on the other side, Gao Jiuding's consciousness came to the ancient city again.

This time Gao Jiuding felt more relaxed, and it was also easier to check the situation in the ancient city.

The divine sense that descended this time has already been able to release divine consciousness to scan the entire ancient city. Such things buried in bone powder, dust, or broken walls were also discovered by Gao Jiuding.

Of course, time is a butcher's knife, and there are certainly not many things that can be preserved until now.

Therefore, what Gao Jiuding found the most were fragments of weapons and armor, followed by that kind of talisman.

Regardless of the level of the talisman, Gao Jiuding carefully marked the location. This thing is the avenue rune condensed by the master, and each piece is a precious treasure.

"Now we need to find two passages, one is the passage from the magic power to the ancient city, and the other is the passage from the ancient city to the inner secret realm. By the way, how did the shrine get into its current position? If there is the consciousness of the god and demon Sea, then this sea of ​​consciousness is not within the ancient city, right?"

Soon, Gao Jiuding realized that something was wrong. If the gods and demons were outside, where was the ancient city?
Also, if the incarnation of Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son is currently located in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Palace of Gods and Demons, then how could his consciousness be so easily thrown into the ancient city?

Houses, palaces, streets, bone piles, bone mountains, bone frames, and countless fragments of weapons, all of which would be shattered by the wind, but only a few fragments remained.

On the contrary, they are talisman cards, which are more powerful than their owners, and have been preserved until now.

The master who condensed the talisman cards may have been turned into fly ash, but these talisman cards have been preserved intact one by one.

Now Gao Jiuding knew that every talisman was the life of a foreign expert.

The more talismans found, the more foreign masters died in the ancient city.

"I found more than 40 yuan now, isn't it a bit small?" After digesting the memories of many gods and demons, Gao Jiuding knew that this ancient city was originally home to millions of people. With so many people, it is impossible for forty or fifty aliens to Eliminate it?
If there are many alien races, where do the talismans left after the death of those alien races go?

"Could it be picked up by the people who entered here?" Gao Jiuding thought that when he came in earlier, he also saw a bronze talisman.

Since he can pick it up, can others not pick it up?
 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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