Chapter 1214

This is Gao Jiuding's first visit to the ancient city, so is it also the first time for the others?
Even if it is their first time, what about their predecessors?
Gao Jiuding knew the secret place inside the ancient city, and it was not the first time for the natives on the Demon Planet to visit.

In this case, it is certainly not the first time that the ancient city secret realm has been opened!

It's a pity for Gao Jiuding, those talisman cards are of high value, yet others picked them up first.

"Don't think about it, look for the teleportation array first, as long as there is a teleportation array, after opening, the main body can enter again!" No longer deliberately looking for talismans, Gao Jiuding searched the ancient city much faster.

But when he searched the ancient city and even found a destroyed fairy spring, he didn't find the teleportation array either.

"Could it be hidden in the surrounding halls?" Standing on the dry fairy spring, Gao Jiuding's face was full of regret.

There are the most skeletons and the most types of skeletons preserved here. Not only are there skeletons like gold, but there are also many skeletons like flames, as well as crystals, gold and jade, and even stones. skeleton.

These skeletons were all shining with inexplicable brilliance, which made Gao Jiuding dare not approach, and he didn't know what attracted so many masters to gather here back then, and they fought desperately here.

Gao Jiuding looked around, and there was no bone powder left here, which shows that those who came to fight here are all masters who are qualified to leave bones.

Of course, if the bones can be left behind, then the talismans they condense will also stay here.

170 eight yuan, which means that at least 170 eight alien masters died here.

And there are even more human masters left behind.

These skeletons are densely packed and distributed around the fairy spring. If Gao Jiuding hadn't come from his divine sense, he really wouldn't have dared to approach here, because he knew that as long as he got close, he would receive the energy infusion from those skeletons.

As for whether you can bear it, whether you have also accepted the will of the skeletons, that is beyond your control.

It must also be because there are too many skeletons here, so not many people here dare to provoke them, so the talisman cards that fell on the ground have remained until now.

Now Gao Jiuding has discovered more than 200 yuan of talisman cards, but compared to the dead human race, the number is still too small.

"This must be the key point, otherwise it would be impossible for so many masters of different races to work hard here!" Gao Jiuding's divine sense kept wandering around the severely damaged fairy spring.

But apart from the skeleton, there is nothing special here!

"Go and have a look at the surrounding palaces!" Gao Jiuding could only shift his target if he didn't find out.

But after entering the surrounding palaces, Gao Jiuding found that this place is at most a little more luxurious, and there is nothing else.

"No, how could there be no discovery here? This is located above the center of the ancient city. This location should be where the command center is located?"

"No, no, the so-called central palace should not be the most central. This area should be regarded as the central location!"

Gao Jiuding shuttled among the surrounding palaces, but he didn't find any magic weapon. Could it be that the ancients didn't use magic weapons?

At the very least, there are magic weapons left behind in those caves in the secret realm inside the ancient city!

Also, when the Emperor Beast Sect discovered that secret realm, they didn't study what was going on outside the secret realm?Didn't they discover the ancient city?
"It's probably because I didn't find it. Otherwise, why would I let it go? Or, it was really dangerous here before? The Beastmaster Sect didn't dare to come in at all?" Gao Jiuding was a little emotional, this is a chance.

If you can't get out of the inner secret realm, it is naturally impossible to find out what the secret realm is in, so you can't see the outside situation of the secret realm, and you won't know what kind of existence the secret realm is. With a layer of ancient war city?
If this is the case, then how did other civilizations get here?

Also, it's not far from Demon Star and the solar system, so those people didn't think about going to the solar system or the Nanmen [-] galaxy to see it?
There is also the asteroid belt outside, those people have come here, why don't they think of a way to develop it?
Gao Jiuding believes that compared to this secret realm, the value of the asteroid belt outside is not bad at all.

Since he didn't find anything, Gao Jiuding didn't worry about it any more. He withdrew his divine thoughts, concentrated on the Blood God Son, and began to refine that shrine.

Gao Jiuding believed that after refining the shrine and controlling the sea of ​​consciousness of gods and demons, he would definitely discover something.

If you can't find it now, you must be lacking in strength. In this case, it is better to increase your strength as soon as possible.

"Well, absorb more black soul fruits, there are so many anyway!"

When Gao Jiuding withdrew from his main consciousness, he subconsciously left an idea to let the souls in the Blood God Son refine some more black soul fruits.

When his main body enters the ancient city and merges with this branch soul, will his main soul be directly condensed into the primordial spirit at that time?It depends on how strong the black soul fruit is!
The main consciousness retreated to the attic of time and space, and looked at the faint golden light of the Dao scroll in the sea of ​​consciousness. The function of this Dao map is only to amplify the power of the soul?

Following a silk thread, Gao Jiuding's main consciousness descended on the incarnation of the Zijin bee.

After receiving the memory of Zijin bee's incarnation during this period, Gao Jiuding discovered that Zijin bee's incarnation had been hiding in a mountain during this period.

And the danger on this demon star is more than he imagined!

After entering the Demon Star, he was wanted by the local natives. With no choice but to reveal his real body, the incarnation of the Purple Gold Bee stayed in this mountain.

Up to now, he has integrated into a bee colony!
This is a huge swarm of Zijin bees, and the incarnation of Zijin bee is now a soldier bee in this swarm.

"Let's farm slowly!" Gao Jiuding shook his head, it's impossible for the incarnation of Zijin bee to transform into a queen bee, right?And as long as it is not the queen bee, there is not much development prospect.

"Huh? That guy Wind Wing refined a queen bee, will he also lay eggs? No, it should be laying eggs!" At this time Gao Jiuding thought of the queen bee Wind Wing, that guy is a man, right?

Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that he didn't know whether Feng Zhiyi was a man or a woman.

It turned out that Gao Jiuding hadn't paid attention to the Wing of the Wind at all. After he refined a queen bee as an incarnation, he usually saw this incarnation afterwards.

Shaking his head, his consciousness was drawn away from Zijinfeng!
Letting Zijinfeng enter the Demon Star is just an idle move, use it if it is useful, and practice it in the mountains if it is not useful!
The biggest gain of the purple gold bee's incarnation during this period is the advancement!

He has also advanced to the middle stage of the blood pill now, and he has also reached the fifth level of the blood pill, which is not a small gain.

Since there is a harvest, since Gao Jiuding can't let him return, he can only be released.

Next, Gao Jiuding checked the other avatars by the way. The Huoyuan avatar was still refining alchemy and weapons, so he was not very interested in this Gao Jiuding, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

As for the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, he is still practicing, because he has not yet advanced to the law.

The incarnation of the dragon elephant is attacking the secret realm of Longevity Mountain. He is constantly attacking the Shura tribe in the sea of ​​blood, collecting blood and ghosts to cultivate the immortal body of the great Asura, and at the same time condensing the blood demon to practice Shura's blood transformation skill.

Apart from these three incarnations, the water and fire python not far from Gao Jiuding's body is the most active. He is currently practicing in the asteroid belt, and by the way suppresses Shura and Mo Luo who suddenly appeared.

This asteroid belt is really weird. Those Shuras and Moluos are actually hidden in various dimensional spaces, or in small secret realms. They are elusive, and as long as one is not careful, they may be attacked by these demons. .

It has not been a short time to enter the asteroid belt. Gao Jiuding and his group of men have all discovered the weirdness here. As long as they encounter a good place, as long as the asteroids gather together, there must be a large demon group. This kind of large demon group Inside, there must be more than one or two Shura and Mara.

Moreover, as long as Shura appeared, Mara would definitely appear nearby.

Encountered more Mo Luo, Gao Jiuding's subordinates also know how powerful they are!
At first they looked down on Mo Luo a bit, because this kind of devil was too timid to approach them for melee combat.

But after encountering a few sneak attacks, they knew how powerful they were, because these moro generally had magical powers, and their inherent magical power was soul attack.

Among Gao Jiuding's subordinates, the most powerful ones are all incarnations of monsters, and they are only at the early stage of Dharma Aspects. They are more than capable of facing some Shuras in the early stage of Dharma Aspects. , they stopped cooking.

Regardless of Shura and Mo Luo, their physical strength is a level lower than that of the human race and the demon race!
However, paired with a companion spirit treasure, and a gifted supernatural power, it would be amazing!
At this time, whether it is Shura or Mo Luo, their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of monks of the same rank.

The Shura and Mo Luo encountered in the first batch, Gao Jiuding and others didn't realize how powerful they were, but after being attacked a few times, they knew how powerful the demon group was.

Especially the soul attack, it is impossible to guard against!

Mo Luo is cunning, they don't confront you head-on at all, they only want to sneak attack, don't tell me, this really makes Gao Jiuding's subordinates have a headache.

With no other choice, they can only mine resources step by step and carefully.

This time, on an ice planet with a diameter of more than 1000 meters, a rich sunflower essence was found, and the incarnation of the water fire python got the news and went there immediately.

"Patriarch, you see, in fact, there are not only ice planets here. We go deep into several astronomical units, and almost all of them are ice planets. We went in once and found that the water system over there is rich in aura, and it must have the original water aura. !"

It was still the pig-headed monster, he looked at the incarnation of the water and fire god python with an inexplicable expression on his face.

"You are Mo Xiaohu?" Gao Jiuding's main consciousness descended, and he immediately said.

"Hey, how did the Patriarch find out?" said the pig-headed demon.

(End of this chapter)

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