The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1219 Insidious Land

Chapter 1219 Insidious Land
"To break through cultivation, it's better to return to the demon star, or return to the earth to break through, after all, that's our root!" Before the retreat, Song Yue said to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding nodded, planning to talk about it after running out of time in the Space-Time Attic.

Half a year later, the one-year period of the time-space attic ended, Tie Lan pinched the stopwatch and switched on the communication.

Gao Jiuding opened his eyes, connected to the communication, and Tie Lan's beautiful and delicate face appeared in the jade document.

"Huh? I see something is wrong with you, kid. Why have you been in seclusion for ten years, but there is no vicissitudes in your eyes, but there is a sharp light in your eyes? Your soul is very powerful, and the time and space gods can't affect your will? Yes, you boy You're making great progress!" Seeing Gao Jiuding, Tie Lan was immediately amazed.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then said with deep meaning: "Your vision has become much stronger!"

"Uh, are you saying that I didn't have good vision before?" Tie Lan said with an unkind expression.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, and then straightened his face, which surprised Tie Lan on the opposite side!
She couldn't see through Gao Jiuding's cultivation, and the power that was in her eyes just now had completely disappeared.

If he is not very confident, Tie Lan will doubt his life at this time.

Tie Lan immediately said: "It's time for the Space-Time Attic, hurry up and send it back to me!"

Gao Jiuding chuckled, flew out of the attic, and landed in the Emperor's cave.

"Huh? Where are you? Why am I looking at it?" Tie Lan looked at the yellow aura in his eyes through the jade document he carried with him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Gao Jiuding laughed loudly. Holding the jade document, he changed direction, making Tie Lan look at the space-time loft not far away.

"Don't say that I don't take care of you, I'll give you some mysterious and yellow energy, which is rare at the heavenly level!" Gao Jiuding said, and with a wave of his hand, the space-time attic was closed, and then he separated a talisman from his body, which was still in the air. In the space-time attic.

The space-time attic became smaller, and it was sent away directly through the small teleportation array on the jade document.

Next, someone will send the space-time attic to Tie Lan through the teleportation array.

After a while, Tie Lan said quietly: "Where are you, boy? This cave can actually attract so much mysterious and yellow energy. If it is condensed into a pagoda, it is not true that it is possible to refine the innate treasure, the mysterious and exquisite heaven and earth." pagoda?"

"I found a treasure land, but it's very dangerous. Just like you said, I met a group of Shura and Mo Luo!" Gao Jiuding said.

He didn't foolishly say that he was there, and after the second teleportation, it was impossible for Tie Lan to pass through the space-time attic and lock the current location of Gao Jiuding.

Tie Lan didn't ask any more questions, and withdrew a few more words from Gao Jiuding before closing the communication.

Who of these grown-up monks hasn't had a chance yet?
In the vast starry sky, it is difficult to encounter opportunities, but, after a long time, there are more or less rewards.

Just like now, if Gao Jiuding spilled more warships, he would naturally gain something.

During this period of time, almost every squadron encountered the attack of the demon swarm. Since they had plans, they had long been prepared for the sudden attack of the demon swarm, so the people who did not leave the battleship did not suffer much loss.

For example, a group of guys, driving the exoskeleton armor, followed the path of the drone, and went deep into the asteroid belt. They didn't expect that after encountering a few small demon swarm attacks, they really found something.

It was a core place not far from the demon group. The asteroid discovered was rather strange. It looked like a continent, not a sphere or a cylinder, but a thin sheet.

It's just that this sheet is relatively large. According to the data sent back by the soldiers, the thickness of this continent is only tens of meters, but the length reaches a thousand kilometers and the width exceeds [-] kilometers. This is definitely a huge monster.

The total area is 30 square kilometers, and there are energy accumulations on both sides.

At a distance of tens of millions of kilometers, Gao Jiuding can see the strong spiritual light on it.

However, this continent is too thin, only about ten meters thick, so it is unlikely that there are spiritual mines and spiritual stones inside. However, Gao Jiuding did see a strong black spiritual light that cannot be melted away.

After many trials, the Branch Fleet found that the place was dangerous and reported it!

After reporting layer by layer, they went to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding originally wanted to leave, but he didn't expect to find a mysterious place so close to the demon group.

The reason why I say what kind of place is because that place shields the consciousness and is very dangerous.

After just a few trials, the fleet below came out. That place is not a good place, at least it is very corrosive.

When they first saw the black aura, they thought it was the original aura of the water system, but after several experiments, they realized that it was poisonous gas, miasma, yin, and death, and there was not much original aura available.

Not to mention the elites of Kuishui, they don't even have the aura of water.

Logically speaking, such a place should hide as far away as possible, but the fact that such a large continent can still exist speaks for itself, and, according to the report of the fleet over there, this continent is obviously being destroyed. A layer of restriction is wrapped, otherwise, it may have been broken long ago.

A continent surrounded by a large area of ​​prohibition is very valuable, and it may be the site of an ancient sect.

How could Gao Jiuding not be interested in such a place?

Of course, what he is most interested in is the teleportation array. Almost all large ancient sects have long-distance teleportation arrays.

Instead of going to the Sirius galaxy to try your luck, it is better to go to that unknown continent, at least you can gain something.

He was saying that that place was very close to the demon group, if he could stand firm, he might be able to sneak a peek at the demon group!
If he seizes the opportunity, Gao Jiuding can also break into the base of that unknown civilization, and maybe he can borrow their teleportation array.

He packed up a lot of treasures and put them on Zijin Dapeng's avatar. He planned to let this avatar take risks, while Gao Jiuding's avatar sat in the rear.

He has already decided that the Huoyuan avatar will drive the Huoling battleship to the Sirius Galaxy, and the Dragon Elephant incarnation will stay in Yaoxing. Now only the Zijin Dapeng incarnation is free.

However, the strength of Zijin Dapeng's incarnation was still a bit weak, so Gao Jiuding's body simply got into Zijin Dapeng's body, and the two merged together, and quickly came to the black continent.

If there was any danger, Gao Jiuding would lose at most one avatar.

Looking at the pitch-black restriction, Gao Jiuding felt a little headache, and the toxicity was not obvious. Could it be that the restriction blocked the poisonous gas inside?

A golden shield suddenly lit up around Gao Jiuding's body, but he didn't just step into the restriction, but he held one with both hands, and a golden aura appeared in his hand.

He blew with his mouth, and a golden qi flew up and quickly flew into the restriction.

Gao Jiuding stared intently at the golden aura, and just as it flew into the restriction, the small aura suddenly trembled violently, a layer of faint gray was stained on the golden aura, and after a while, the aura disappeared It shattered with a "snap".

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was immediately startled.

He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then opened his legs and stepped into the restriction!

The golden stellar energy around his body became brighter and brighter, tightly wrapping Gao Jiuding's body in it.

Just when he stepped into the restriction, he suddenly felt like a snowman standing under the strong sunlight!

Immediately afterwards, the true energy all over his body suddenly vented, and the poisonous mist that filled his body almost corroded his protective energy.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding's strong zhenyuan reacted quickly, and the golden core in his body suddenly shook, re-absorbing the zhenyuan around him, and the dimmed qi became brighter than before!
The poison that was originally corroding the body-guarding qi, but this time it was like a milk swallow thrown into the forest, and was instead refined by the gangsha, making the body-guarding qi more intense and more tyrannical, but Gao Jiuding really The consumption of yuan has also increased too much compared to when supporting the protective energy before.

Gao Jiuding regained his composure, he did not expect such a harvest!

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt much more at ease. He protruded his divine sense to the surroundings, but suddenly found that his divine sense was greatly restricted!
Originally, his spiritual cultivation was not below that of a middle-stage cultivator, but now he can barely detect the situation within a few hundred meters around him!

Moreover, Gao Jiuding could faintly sense that there seemed to be a hidden toxin in the poisonous mist, which could not only limit the spread of monks' spiritual thoughts, but also slowly corrode the monks' spiritual thoughts.

Gao Jiuding could feel that the concentration of poisonous mist here was very low, but even so, it still had such power.

Gao Jiuding could sense the hostility in it, maybe it was death energy!

"Huh? Is it poisonous on the ground?" Gao Jiuding looked down while suspended in the air, only then did he see that the place with the strongest poisonous gas was actually on the mainland.

The continent is corroded and pitted, and many places are covered with venom.

I don't know what the composition of these venoms are. In this starry sky, they are not frozen.

After a preliminary test, the toxicity of these venoms is extremely violent. If Gao Jiuding falls into it, his protective energy will soon be corroded, unless he does not count the loss, and keeps consuming his true energy to replenish his protective energy. .

But even so, he can't last much time, unless he uses a large amount of elixir to replenish his true energy.

This would cost too much, Gao Jiuding naturally would not choose.

As long as it doesn't fall to the ground, the venom doesn't seem to threaten him.

After initially adapting to the environment here, Gao Jiuding continued to move forward.

Due to the restriction of the poisonous mist on the mind and the slow corrosion effect, Gao Jiuding could only rely on his eyes to slowly fly away in the shelter of the poisonous mist.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding came here in real body, and after his body had been strengthened four times, his eyes had become very powerful, which enabled him to see far more clearly than other monks under the cover of the poisonous mist.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding seemed to have discovered something suddenly, Fei Dun's figure paused in the poisonous mist, and then stopped there without moving!
Among the misty poison, his figure was looming, as if there were two faint blue rays of light passing by from time to time in a trance.

 Thanks to book friend 160723155610431 for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to the king of the Queen of Earth, the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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