The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1220 Black-hearted Magnolia

Chapter 1220 Black-hearted Magnolia
While flying forward, Gao Jiuding's eyes suddenly turned to the lower left, followed by a swipe of his right hand, and a golden sword light flashed away!
A hoarse cry was cut off as soon as it sounded, a black blood splashed out, blocked by Gao Jiuding's protective energy, and a burst of "hissing" black smoke rose!

It seemed that the black blood also contained terrible poison, and then there was a "plop" sound of heavy objects falling into the water under Gao Jiuding's figure!

Two sounds sounded one after another. It seemed that there were two pieces of things that fell into the mainland one after another.

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword hovered in front of Gao Jiuding, and then hovered above his head!

Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered with blue light, looking at the thing he killed, secretly horrified.

It seems to be a monster, but the strong death energy on it shows that it is not an ordinary monster.

"What a powerful guy, just the toxin contained in this filthy blood is far above the surrounding poisonous mist, almost corroding and shattering his protective energy."

When they landed, they carefully killed a large number of monsters. They were full of death aura and carried a lot of poisonous aura.

Because of the strong gambling nature, the fur is mottled all over the body, and it is no longer possible to tell what species it is.

"Existence like zombies? Zombie beasts? This means that there must be a large number of monsters living on this continent!"

Gao Jiuding became more cautious, he continued to penetrate a distance of several miles, and the ice cold light sword had killed six or seven poisonous corpse beasts that were hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to attack him.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's eyes finally vaguely saw a small hill hidden in the poisonous mist, and most importantly, there was no poison accumulated on it.

Gao Jiuding was overjoyed. Although the flying escape for this period of time would not affect his strong true energy, even the spiritual energy here has been polluted by poison, and it is impossible to absorb the spiritual energy for recovery, and it cannot be supplemented. Gao Jiuding always felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, just as Gao Jiuding's feet landed on the small island, a layer of black waves appeared in the black and green grass under his feet, and a group of black poisonous ants suddenly crawled out from under the covered grass, scrambling to be the first Charged towards Gao Jiuding, densely attached to his protective qi and began to nibble on it.

Gao Jiuding's expression changed. He had already consumed a lot of protective energy. It seemed that he couldn't last long under the nibble of black poisonous ants.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a huge force suddenly appeared beside him. This is the field of power.

The poisonous ant, which was originally extremely fast, immediately froze, and its speed became extremely slow.

The pure field of strength cannot kill a large group of poisonous ants. In desperation, Gao Jiuding's fingertips suddenly lit up with a golden flame!

Under his control, the flame suddenly expanded and turned into a wave of fire!
Taking Gao Jiuding as the center, it swept away in all directions. The black poisonous ants and the black and green grass on the ground were burned clean by the golden flames, exposing the black scorched earth under the grass.

Flames are originally one of the countermeasures against poison, not to mention the earth-level real fire of the sun!
During the raging flames, it seemed that the gray poisonous mist around Gao Jiuding had been burnt down a lot, and even after he put away the flames, he could clearly see the gray poisonous mist around Gao Jiuding moving towards the victim. The areas emptied by the flames are filled.

Gao Jiuding walked towards the inside of the small hill while holding a high-grade spirit stone in his hand!
He operated the cultivation method, continuously replenishing the spiritual energy contained in the spirit stone into his body, refining it into true essence.

In such areas, since it is impossible to directly absorb spiritual energy and refine it into true essence, it can only be replenished through spiritual stones!
As long as the consumption is not too intense, Gao Jiuding will not use the pill to restore his cultivation.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding still has tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones on his body, even if such extravagant ones can only be used to replenish his true essence instead of cultivation, it is enough for him to use for a long time.

After walking a few steps on the small hill, Gao Jiuding's eyes lit up, and a plant that looked like an ordinary weed fell into his eyes.

Black Heart Magnolia?This thing seems to be a variant of Magnolia, as long as it grows in a place with strong poisonous gas, it will mutate and produce a black orchid, which is a typical representative of cathode and yang.

It was born by absorbing poison, but in the last black heart, there is extremely strong vitality. This is a life-prolonging thing, and it is priceless.

Now Gao Jiuding's knowledge is not low, just took a look, Gao Jiuding found that this is a 3000-year-old spirit grass, and it is a rare and scarce resource among 3000-year-old spirit grass!
Judging from the age of this spirit grass, it is obvious that it has been mature for a long time.

Gao Jiuding bent down and was about to pick it, but suddenly he stopped suddenly. At this moment, he slowly reached out to grab the black-hearted magnolia, but his eyes did not focus on the spirit grass.

Just when his hands were about to touch the Black Heart Magnolia, a piece of black soil behind the Black Heart Magnolia suddenly turned up, and a thin, mouse-like poisonous beast suddenly jumped out of the turned up soil.

The poisonous beast opened its mouth to bite Gao Jiuding's outstretched palm, a pair of sharp big dies, in the gray poisonous mist, also appeared to be shining abnormally.

Seeing that the poisonous beast was about to bite Gao Jiuding's palm, he saw that there was a dark blue long sword in the empty palm.

The poisonous beast opened its mouth and rushed forward, but it happened to be pierced by the Bing Po Hanguang Sword from its mouth.

The blue light in Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered again, and at the same time, regardless of the damage the poisonous mist might bring to the divine sense, he checked the surroundings again!
After finding that there was nothing wrong, Gao Jiuding picked the black-hearted magnolia with confidence.

This small hill is extremely small, and it is located on the outskirts of the mainland, very close to the outer restriction. It only took Gao Jiuding an hour to check this small hill!
However, just from this small hill, Gao Jiuding harvested six 3000-year-old spiritual grasses and more than ten thousand-year-old spiritual grasses.

Among them are the black heart magnolia, the black heart lotus, and some alienated black heart trees.

These spirit grasses and spirit trees with strong aura reactions all have a characteristic, they are highly toxic on the outside, but they are bred with strong vitality inside.

The mutated spiritual plants all have the effect of increasing vitality, which shows that these mutated elixir have the effect of prolonging life.

It was only on a small hill outside that there was such a harvest, which made Gao Jiuding extremely happy.

But after being happy, Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful, the ban protected this continent, if it wasn't for the poisonous and deadly energy, maybe he would have gained more.

However, after Gao Jiuding thought about it in a blink of an eye, he knew that his thinking was wrong. If it wasn't for the poisonous and deadly places, how could there be so many mutated spirit herbs?

Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered to the depths of the mainland, and there was such a harvest just from the periphery, so what kind of gains will be gained after continuing to go deeper?

After Gao Jiuding had this idea in his mind, he could no longer contain the drive in his heart!

He used the high-grade spirit stone to restore the true energy in his body a little bit, and then flew away to another small hill in the distance.

However, just as Gao Jiuding flew up, he quickly landed on the small hill. At the same time, he had an extra set of bronze armor on his body. The hiding place hides the figure.

Among the gray poison, two indistinct rays of light suddenly flashed, and the two monks landed on the hill!
One of the monks asked: "Junior brother, can you see clearly?"

Another monk nodded resolutely and said: "Brother, there is absolutely no mistake. I did see a spiritual light flashing on this small hill just now. Can't you still believe the supernatural power I cultivated in my eyes? That is definitely a The aura of the treasure!"

The senior brother nodded, but still cautiously reminded: "What if it is a monk like you and me?"

The junior grinned and said: "Now the poisonous fog in this continent of death has just been weakened, and those demons have also been lured away, and the monks who have entered it now, as long as they have some skills, which ones are not desperate to run deep?
Just like us, if you have enough strength, don't you want to find more cultivation resources before the venom vacates?Except for monks like you and me who are not prepared for poison protection, they can only wander around the periphery, and only those with poor cultivation will stay here. If this is the case, what are we afraid of? "

The senior brother couldn't help being courageous when he heard the words, but he still smiled and said: "Maybe you and I are really lucky, maybe we can find a treasure in this periphery!"

While speaking, the two had already landed on the hill!
As the two walked around the small hill, they saw the land that Gao Jiuding had previously burned with the real sun fire, and on the small hill, there were still many traces of the spirit grass being mined.

The junior brother's face was solemn, and he threw out a flying needle in his hand, densely surrounding him, making him look like a hedgehog.

Senior Brother saw Senior Brother like this, and whispered: "But someone has been here?"

The younger brother nodded and said: "Just now, it is likely that someone burned the poisonous beast with the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, and only then did it show its whereabouts. We need to be careful. Once we fight with the opponent, we must fight quickly. The poison-proof pill on our bodies, support It won't be long, and it won't be good for you and me if it drags on!"

The senior brother opened his mouth, and two blue lights flew out of his mouth, one flew around his neck, and the other flew around his chest. The two blue lights looked like they were going to attack at any time, but they were more like protecting themselves!

Gao Jiuding hid in a corner and could see clearly that both of them were cultivators at the late stage of blood pills. In this peripheral activity, apart from the fact that the two of them really did not have good anti-poison methods, poor cultivation was the most important thing s reason!
And at this moment, a crimson light suddenly radiated from one of the junior's eyes!
Obviously this is also using a kind of magical power of vision, looking around, but at this time Gao Jiuding is also using "clairvoyance" to check the location of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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