The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1223 Poison Canyon

Chapter 1223 Poison Canyon
I wish all the brothers and sisters who read books a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
"It looks like a canyon? Is it also a fragment of a continent?"

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised when he found out that it was a good place where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. In the void of the universe, there is such a good place?
This won't be another secret realm, right?Because he can see the dark starry sky outside through a sky full of spiritual light, especially the group of demons like headless flies, he can see more clearly.

Gao Jiuding knew that he teleported into the encirclement of the demon group, so the teleportation distance just now was really not far.

The demon group should not be able to attack, but even if it did, the sky light here would be the natural enemy of the demon bosses.

As long as they feel the breath of sunshine here, Shura and Mo Luo will not want to come in!

Perhaps this is the reason why this paradise has been preserved until now and has not been broken by the demon group.

Settling down and looking away, Gao Jiuding looked around again.

The area of ​​the canyon is huge, and there are many passages to enter. When the consciousness spread out, it was soon discovered that there were many dangerous auras hidden around. There were animals and plants. These creatures were covered with various colors all over their bodies. The poisonous mist seems to be ready to spread out at any time to kill people.

It is similar to the continent we met before, especially the breath, it is even more similar.

Although the place is full of vitality with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, but there is a strong poisonous and dead air hidden in it, this is not a good place.

Of course, compared to that ruined continent, the environment here is much better.

"Monsters are the most suitable for adventure!" Gao Jiuding directly released the Zijin Dapeng, thought for a while, and then released a turtle and a pangolin.

The tortoise is the harvest of Zijinfeng's incarnation in the secret place inside the ancient city, and the pangolin is the treasure-hunting beast that he asked his men to search for on a whim.

The place full of teleportation arrays is naturally not too dangerous, so Gao Jiuding directly aimed at the canyon covered by a layer of white mist.

The interior of the canyon, shrouded in a thin white mist, is also brighter.

The place shrouded in light is the place where the canyon is located, and as long as there is light, there is no need to be afraid of the threat of the devil.

Just getting closer, Gao Jiuding knew that this white light curtain is also a kind of poison, it should be the poisonous gas emitted by various high-level poisons inside the canyon!
These toxins were irradiated by the light all year round, brewed and mixed, and finally formed such a spectacle!
Carefully avoiding the location of some monsters, Gao Jiuding slowly walked into the canyon.

Because he was afraid of encountering unknown dangers, Gao Jiuding's speed was not fast!
Gao Jiuding could feel that the deeper the canyon, the thicker the white mist, the stronger the poison, and the more powerful the ominous creatures hidden inside.

No, not long after entering the deep canyon, the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng flying in mid-air issued a warning.

Without any hesitation, Gao Jiuding immediately turned into a beam of blood and merged into Zijin Dapeng's body, and Zijin Dapeng transformed into a human and landed on the ground.

Gao Jiuding took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, threw the anti-drug pill refined by Huo Yuan into the pangolin, and ate one himself, then put the pangolin on his shoulder, put the protective The stellar energy was emitted, and he continued to walk towards the white mist.

Not long after Gao Jiuding entered the canyon, six figures walked carefully from the periphery, and they came to the place where Gao Jiuding was standing before.

A monk in a black shirt said: "This guy really doesn't know how to live or die, and dares to go deep into the canyon."

The taller monk on the other side was also wearing black clothes. He heard the words: "This person dares to enter the canyon, maybe he has something to rely on."

Everyone else looked at the head monk, and the head monk pondered for a moment before saying, "The mission of this team is to monitor the monster and demon race, and cooperate with the sect to ambush the other two monks at any time!
However, this person was able to pass through the canyon so quickly and directly enter the canyon, obviously he was aiming for the treasure inside. He has a way to avoid the poisonous fog. I can't wait to miss this opportunity. "

Seeing that his words were recognized by everyone, the head monk ordered again: "Second Junior Brother, you stay with three or four Junior Brothers to monitor this place. If that person survives from the poisonous fog, you must kill him and get him." treasure!"

The tall monk who had spoken earlier agreed, and stayed with the two black-clothed monks. The head monk took the remaining two and galloped towards the other direction of the periphery.

After Gao Jiuding entered the white mist, he found that this white poisonous mist was slowly corroding his protective energy!

However, he didn't care. As it continued to deepen, the white mist became thicker and thicker, and the corrosion of the protective energy was also slowly strengthening!

Although Gao Jiuding's strong mana was not worth mentioning, he still turned two poison-avoiding pills into liquid and fused them into the protective energy, which eased the erosion of the poisonous mist.

Compared with the cautiousness of the two monsters, Gao Jiuding's incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, after entering the poisonous mist, is a bit like a fish in water.

Zijin Dapeng's incarnation can resist poison, but his external stellar energy will also be corroded by poisonous mist.

This is the experience on that poisonous continent, but this time seems to be a little different.

When Zijin Dapeng withdrew his protective energy outside his body, Gao Jiuding discovered that the poisonous mist could no longer threaten him, and would be absorbed by Zijin Dapeng. Is this refining the poisonous mist?
Gao Jiuding could clearly see that traces of poisonous gas had merged into the protective energy of Zijin Dapeng's incarnation.

Zijin Dapeng eats snakes, and it is said that he can also eat dragons. He is not afraid of poisonous things. Gao Jiuding has long known this.

As for the pangolin and the tortoise, it was beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation that they could also absorb poison. Perhaps this was the powerful survivability of monsters.

When he was wrapped in the white poison, Gao Jiuding felt the spirit of Zijin Dapeng's avatar shake, and the white mist surrounded him, forming a small vortex!

An invisible stream of air, a stream of white essence, and a cloud of white cold mist were in the mouths of the Zijin Dapeng and the other two monsters.

Gao Jiuding knows that if the demon cultivator's innate ability is to grow, he must absorb the same kind of talent that is stronger than his own!
They swallowed white mist, which meant that the mist contained poisons that were more powerful than their natal venom.

This made Gao Jiuding vigilant. The venom swallowed by Zijin Dapeng was already one of the most severe poisons in the world. What could be more poisonous than the venom accumulated in Zijin Dapeng's body?
Although he moved forward cautiously, Gao Jiuding still gained something from time to time.

The pangolin showed its talent for finding spirits, and cooperated with Gao Jiuding's huge spiritual consciousness to find many 500-year-old spiritual herbs.

Of course, it also discovered some thousand-year-old spiritual herbs that are extremely rare in the outside world, which surprised Gao Jiuding.

Under the guidance of the pangolin, another thousand-year-old spirit grass was quickly captured by Gao Jiuding's consciousness, and at the same time, there was a violent aura guarding the spirit grass.

Gao Jiuding separated from the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, commanding the pangolin to move forward!

As soon as the pangolin got close to the spiritual grass, there was a roar, and a monster that looked like a cow or a deer rushed towards Gao Jiuding with heavy steps.

Every time the monster's limbs touch the ground, it will produce a strange force, which makes Gao Jiuding feel unsteady in his standing, and at the same time, the mana in his body seems to start to uncontrollably turbulent.

The pangolin and the tortoise were not in a panic, and with the avatar of the Zijin Dapeng behind them, they instantly stabilized their shaking bodies, and when the monster rushed over, they suddenly hid to the sides!

The two monsters turned their bodies sideways at the same time, and the rushing monster was tripped by the turtle monster, and its huge body immediately fell forward!
The monster rolled over all the way, smashing the ground until it trembled again.

When the monster woke up from the dizziness, the pangolin had already rushed over him!
The pangolin made more than a dozen bloody wounds on the monster's body.

The tortoise monster has a strong defense force, and it is a stumbling block in the face of the impact of monsters.

The pangolin curled up, and the scales on the outside of the pangolin turned into sharp bayonets. Whenever it touched it, a wound would be drawn.

Injured instantly, the monster became angry from embarrassment. It roared, opened its mouth wide, and sprayed a gray poisonous gas towards the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng.

Unexpectedly, Zijin Dapeng didn't care about the poisonous gas sprayed, he directly passed through the poisonous gas, and pecked the monster's face, neck, and thigh each!
The monster suddenly couldn't stand upright, and fell to the ground in an instant, then foamed at the mouth and twitched.

The pangolin standing not far away saw the tragic death of the monster and looked at the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, and immediately shuddered several times!
Looking at the dead monster, Gao Jiuding shook his head. Because Zijin Dapeng didn't use the beast circle, Gao Jiuding simply made him appear.

I didn't expect his innate supernatural power to be so powerful, and he poisoned a powerful monster with just a little saliva.

It's a pity, now he can't get any spiritual material from this spirit beast!

In such a short time, the bones of this monster began to soften, and part of the surface of the body began to rot.

Gao Jiuding came to the spirit grass and found that it was actually a poisonous grass, but under the corrosion of the highly poisonous environment, the poisonous grass also contained a strong vitality.

After taking such a poisonous weed, as long as you can bear the toxins mixed in it, you will get great benefits.

After a little deduction, Gao Jiuding knew that after refining this poisonous herb into a elixir, it should have the effect of burning a spirit elixir.

After a monk takes it, it can even refine the true energy in the body and strengthen the foundation, and it is also helpful for the monk to integrate the spiritual objects of the heavens and the earth. It is a rare and rare medicine.

This can be regarded as fighting poison with poison. Of course, it is also because the vitality bred inside this spiritual grass is very strong. Otherwise, the body would be turned into a puddle of puddles before the toxin was refined.

Gao Jiuding carefully collected the grass and put it in a jade box alone.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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