The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1224 Ten Thousand Years Elixir

Chapter 1224 Ten Thousand Years Elixir
The millennium spirit grass that can grow in the white poisonous mist, after taking it, is likely to produce a strong anti-poison effect. No matter what kind, it is a precious spirit grass that is rarely seen in the outside world, and its value is far higher than that of ordinary people. On top of the thousand-year-old spiritual grass, there are the main medicines for refining some strange elixirs and top-quality cultivation elixirs.

During the period when Gao Jiuding entered the canyon, with the help of Zijin Dapeng's incarnation and two monsters, he had collected more than [-] species, a total of more than [-] precious thousand-year-old spiritual grasses!
In addition, there are hundreds of 500-year-old spirit grasses, which are all elixir mixed with toxins and vitality.

At the same time, it is highly toxic, but it also naturally has the medicinal properties of repairing body damage and enhancing vitality. It can be said to be a complex of contradictions. Only in such an extreme environment can it be conceived.

Compared with the continent not far away, the poisonous weeds here are more vigorous.

Encountering such a good thing, Gao Jiuding also collected the seeds of each mature spiritual grass, and prepared to go back and try to plant it himself.

However, the growth of these spirit grasses is closely related to the highly toxic environment in this canyon. Unless he also creates the same environment, it will be difficult to realize this wish.

I have gained a lot, but up to now, the number of times Gao Jiuding has been in distress is not rare!
As he continued to go deeper into the canyon, the strength of the poisonous beasts he encountered became stronger and stronger. However, if one person and two monsters join forces, there will be no disadvantages.

The toxicity in a poisonous beast is often directly proportional to its cultivation. The Zijin Dapeng's cultivation is not weak, and the quality of the venom is also high. Therefore, close to the Zijin Dapeng's toxicity, relying on the defense of the turtle monster and the pangolin's spirit-seeking Talent, after solving the attack of the poisonous beast, Gao Jiuding also started to make frequent shots.

The harvest is not small, but dangers can also be encountered at any time. For example, after discovering a 2000-year-old spirit grass, they were chased and killed by a group of poisonous ants guarding the spirit grass!

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding had prepared in advance and let the pangolin sneak into the ground. When the poisonous ants were chasing and killing them, the pangolin came to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and then picked this precious spiritual grass.

Without the protection of Gao Jiuding's qi, the pangolin would not be easy even after taking the anti-drug pill. When it met Gao Jiuding, it was still poisoned. Fortunately, the toxicity was not strong. The Zijin Dapeng bit the pangolin's belly. After one sip, the poison was pulled out, but this scared the pangolin half to death.

Gao Jiuding gradually discovered that as he got deeper and deeper into the inner layer of the canyon, the white mist around his body became thicker and thicker, and the corrosion of the protective energy became more and more serious!

In this environment, the distribution of spiritual consciousness seems to be hindered, and it can only explore a range of [-] meters!
If you forcefully probe outside, you will feel burning pain from your spiritual consciousness, as if being burned.

Just in case, Gao Jiuding held the high-grade spirit stone in his hand at all times, and maintained a state of cultivation, so as not to consume too much of his true energy!
His spiritual consciousness is always paying attention to the range of [-] meters around him, but he no longer looks outside.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding encountered the remains of several monks who fell in the canyon. However, most of the storage bags carried by the monks were corroded and festered by the white poisonous mist for a long time, and so were the items inside, which made him quite regretful.

On this day, Gao Jiuding encountered the remains of a monk again. He didn't take it seriously at first, but when he got closer, he found that the remains had been turned over, and fresh topsoil was exposed underneath.

Gao Jiuding looked serious, this was the first time he met a monk in the inner canyon.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker. Even a monk with excellent eyesight can't see very far, so he can only look around with his spiritual sense.

A body on alert suddenly appeared in Gao Jiuding's consciousness!

Gao Jiuding took a few steps forward, but after careful observation, he found that those were actually dead people.

Being poisoned, no, it should be contaminated by dead air, turning into a zombie body.

Gao Jiuding didn't go deep into the mainland outside. Now it seems that it was a bit of a mistake. Maybe there are some secrets there.

Without provoking those zombies, Gao Jiuding changed direction and continued to go deep into the canyon.

Gao Jiuding's ultimate goal is actually to find out where the two races of human and monsters came to this starry sky.

Going deeper for a few kilometers, Gao Jiuding looked at the core area of ​​the canyon playfully, and murmured: "The core area is more dangerous."

At the edge of the core area, Gao Jiuding found that the black land and the yellow land formed a clear dividing line.

In front of the dividing line, the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng sensed the danger. Even the turtle monster and pangolin were reluctant to enter the yellow area!

It's not that they don't want to go in, but because of their low strength, they don't have the qualifications to go in.

After Gao Jiuding took another detoxification pill, he turned three more into liquid and sprinkled them into the protective qi, and then stepped one foot into the golden area.

There was a sound of "嗤嗤", and the protective qi corroded at a speed far faster than before, and bursts of green smoke rose from the protective qi, and the true essence in his body seemed to be boiling hot water, rapidly evaporate.

Gao Jiuding quickly retreated from the golden area. Judging from this situation, he could persist in the golden area for an hour at most, and this did not include unexpected factors such as encountering poisonous beast attacks in the area.

Gao Jiuding rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and immediately brought the pangolin and others within the range of his stellar energy, and then merged into the purple gold Dapeng incarnation, injecting the monster power of the avatar into the protective star energy.

The incarnation of Zijin Dapeng was very adaptable to Gao Jiuding's true energy, and it was easy to integrate their true energy into the stellar energy.

Gao Jiuding stepped into the golden area again, and found that the golden mist was still corroding his stellar energy, but while the stellar energy was being corroded, the mist that touched the stellar energy was also weakened!
At this time, a demonic power appeared in Gao Jiuding's stellar energy, which engulfed the weakened mist into the mouth of Zijin Dapeng's avatar, and was spit out and absorbed by it.

In this way, the mana consumed by Gao Jiuding's body will be greatly reduced!

He felt that he could stay in this golden area for a longer period of time. Compared with before, he could definitely extend it to four hours.

Gao Jiuding entered the golden area full of confidence, and just after advancing tens of meters, he saw a skeleton lying on the ground!
The skeleton was turned over by someone, presumably someone got there first.

The skeletons found in the inner layer had been corroded by the poisonous mist and would shatter upon touching. However, this skeleton was corroded by a poison far exceeding the concentration of the inner layer, yet it still kept the skeleton intact. Obviously, it was the skeleton of a master.

Without any harvest, Gao Jiuding continued to move forward, and then he collected 24 rare thousand-year-old spiritual grasses in a row. This made Gao Jiuding very excited, but at the same time, he wondered why he didn't meet the poisonous beasts guarding the spiritual grasses?
Gao Jiuding was secretly vigilant, holding the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax tightly in his hands.

This time he came with his body, so be careful.

This most powerful killing treasure should be in an attacking state at all times.

Taking advantage of the period of time when he could still hold on to his protective qi, Gao Jiuding accelerated his speed, wanting to scrape as much as possible of the spirit grass in the core area.

Naturally, he was very happy with the harvest, but he didn't calm down until he saw a skeleton lying in front of a stalk of spiritual grass.

Judging from the posture of the skeleton lying on the ground, this person should have been collecting the spiritual grass in front of him during his lifetime!
Gao Jiuding had never seen this spiritual herb before, but judging from the aura it exudes, it should be that the medicinal age of this spiritual herb should be more than ten thousand years.

The [-]-year-old spirit grass is used to refine the elixir used by monks in the Dharma Phase stage, and there are eight more such spirit grasses behind this one.

Gao Jiuding forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, he seemed to have taken the wrong route, he shouldn't have come here.

If there is a teleportation array here, how could such a good elixir exist?

Although he wanted to withdraw, these elixirs could not be left behind.

The skeleton in front of him is well preserved, it is obviously the remains of a great master!
However, most of the skeletons that Gao Jiuding encountered before were in the posture of running away and fighting. Only this skeleton died suddenly without a trace of resistance. What was it that made this person who was collecting spirit grass What about sudden death?
Gao Jiuding carefully used the flying sword to turn the skeleton over, and he found a silver storage bracelet on the left wrist of the skeleton.

Gao Jiuding's face was overjoyed, and he took the bracelet with his magic power!

Holding it in his hand, he saw a big "cloud" character engraved on it, which was the symbol of a family.

Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense probed into the storage bracelet, only to find that the bracelet was sealed with his spiritual sense!
Although the owner of the bracelet is dead, he should not have died for a long time, so if he wants to open the bracelet, he needs to erase the seal formed by the divine sense!
After trying it out, Gao Jiuding immediately gave up when he found that it would take a lot of time.

He looked at the nine ten thousand year spirit grass in front of him, but he didn't dare to pick them!
After pondering for a long time, Gao Jiuding suddenly patted his head, and he took out a little puppet from the storage ring. This was also created by him when he was retreating, and of course it was an imitation.

The imitation is very rough, but it can indeed move freely like a robot. Of course, combat power is not a concern.

Gao Jiuding pressed a medium-grade spirit stone on the villain's forehead, and at the same time connected a trace of divine consciousness to the villain!

The villain suddenly moved crookedly, Gao Jiuding manipulated the villain to get familiar with it, and then slowly commanded the villain to go towards this unknown spiritual grass.

Just when the villain came to the spirit grass, under the command of Gao Jiuding, he began to dig the soil at the root of the spirit grass, a cloud of black mist suddenly rose from behind a rock behind the nine spirit grass!
The cloud of black mist drifted past the little man's body without a sound, and there was a small "puchi" sound, and there were countless tiny holes on the little man's body!
A puff of black smoke quickly rose from the little man's body, and the puppet villain was corroded in a short while, leaving only the wreckage.

Gao Jiuding looked at the black mist returning behind the rock, and thought hard, but no matter what he thought, he never thought that there were any poisonous insects so powerful.

Gao Jiuding looked at the black mist falling behind the rocks. The reason why this species could exist was probably caused by the poisonous mist here.

(End of this chapter)

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