Chapter 1225

Living in a highly toxic environment, as long as they survived and adapted to the environment, no matter whether it was spirit grass or insects, there would be miraculous changes. Obviously, the poison of these insects became very violent.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding held a jade talisman in his hand, and threw a middle-grade spirit stone towards the spirit grass!
The spirit stone fell on the stem of the spirit grass, shaking the spirit grass for a while, a black mist suddenly rose from behind the rock, and swept towards the direction where the spirit stone fell.

Just when the black mist flew over the spirit grass, the jade talisman in Gao Jiuding's hand suddenly rushed out water waves, seven water waves, layer upon layer, gradually rising, forming seven water vortexes, which turned faster and faster, and finally became Seven jets of water swirled at a height of tens of meters, surging towards the black mist.

This kind of Gao Jiuding's special Lianju Water Talisman is still very useful.

The huge black mist seemed to be attracted inexplicably, and was swept away by the vortex like moths rushing to the flame!
The light blue vortex was gradually covered with a layer of black, and after this magic effect lasted for a cup of tea, the entire black mist was sifted into black powder, which densely spread on the golden ground. .

The rest of the escaped fish rushed towards Gao Jiuding, only to see a ball of red flame rising from Gao Jiuding's hand. He changed the seal formula of both hands, and the flame suddenly exploded, turning into a wave of fire, slowly killing the remaining poisonous insects. Slow burn to ash.

Gao Jiuding looked at the Nanming Lihuo in his hand. Although he called it the real sun fire, its power was far from the real sun's real fire, but it was enough. The moment the sun's real fire appeared , and burned the group of worms to nothing.

Gao Jiuding didn't know why these worms would guard a few plants of spirit grass, but out of caution, he took another middle-grade spirit stone and threw it at the spirit grass!

Seeing that there were no insects flying out, he was confident and bold, and picked nine unknown spirit grasses that were definitely over ten thousand years old, and picked them with extreme care.

It has been three hours since Gao Jiuding went deep into the core area of ​​the canyon, and there is still an hour left before his protective energy can no longer hold up.

At this time, Zijin Dapeng's incarnation was already quite reluctant to swallow his true energy, but what was behind the rock still attracted Gao Jiuding to take a look.

Gao Jiuding carefully walked around the rock in front, and a cloud of strange fragrance fell into his sense of smell!
Gao Jiuding felt quite nervous, and found that he was not poisoned, so he breathed in peace.

After walking a few steps forward, a golden pond with a radius of three zhang appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding gasped, there is such a big pool of spiritual liquid?
No, the strong vitality shows that this thing is not spiritual liquid, nor is it a fairy spring, but a liquid formed from a thick vitality.

The ultimate dead place is surrounded by poisonous gas, but these poisonous gases are gathered in the pool, but they form rare spirits.

Gao Jiuding has discovered a lot of spiritual ponds that condense spiritual things. At the beginning, they were stalactites, later stalactites, and then spiritual fluids in the spiritual pool, and the nearest ancient city fairy spring.

These are the heaven and earth spiritual things that absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and transform them, and this place is even more powerful, actually transforming poisonous gas and dead gas into vitality?

Looking carefully at the Lingchi in front of him, Gao Jiuding found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

At the very least, although the layer of liquid you see now looks good, it doesn't contain vitality, instead it has a suffocating energy!
"This is poison syrup, but there should be vitality hidden in it!" Soon, Gao Jiuding was sure that the golden liquid in the pool was not a spiritual thing.

Gao Jiuding had never heard of such a thing!

I saw clusters of golden mist slowly rising from the golden liquid and spreading into the air!

He immediately knew where the golden mist in the canyon came from.

The poisonous gas around here is formed by the gathering of countless kinds of highly poisonous substances.

Only this kind of most poisonous thing can form a special spiritual liquid!
This kind of thing is not so much a kind of spiritual liquid, but a condensate of ten thousand poisonous evil spirits!
This is not the first time Gao Jiuding has seen such a poisonous evil spirit. He was attacked by a wolf thief who absorbed the poisonous evil spirit in the Daxue Mountain. The poison was also a kind of poisonous evil spirit.

Of course, the poisonous spirit used by that wolf thief is definitely not comparable to what Gao Jiuding saw now.

Gao Jiuding knew that this kind of poisonous evil spirit had a name, it was called "Thousand Poisons Hunyuan Sha".

This kind of evil spirit is easy to collect, generally dozens of poisonous substances can be collected, but if you want to collect pure ten thousand poisonous evil spirit, you have to gather thousands of poisonous substances, and it takes tens or hundreds of years to form.

But to form such a large pool like this canyon, and it is still golden, it may be only this canyon. In this environment, it takes tens of thousands of years of brewing to achieve it.

Such pure evil spirit is the best material for condensing such treasures as Peach Blossom Miasma and Hundred Poisons Cold Light Miasma.

Gao Jiuding thought about how to take away such a large pool of venom.

Gao Jiuding put a jade bottle on the ground, performed the "Water Control Art", absorbed a ball of poison from the pool, and fell into the jade bottle.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the poisonous paste was picked up, it dripped down, and Gao Jiuding's true essence was riddled with holes from the poisonous paste.

He hurriedly strengthened the input of true energy, and finally the speed of mana transmission was higher than the speed of being corroded by the poisonous slurry. Finally, he put the poisonous slurry into the jade bottle, but saw that the jade bottle was like a bottle made of ice Filled with boiling water, it instantly turned into a cloud of green smoke!
The poisonous slurry was sprinkled on the ground, and a thick golden mist rose up and scattered in the air.

Gao Jiuding looked at this scene, quite helpless!

He intends to use the protective qi right here, absorb the poisonous evil energy, and increase the strength of some protective qi. However, how can the cultivation of supernatural powers be accomplished overnight?
Especially for cultivating in such a dangerous environment, he still needs to make various preparations!

The little time he has left now is obviously not enough.

Just when Gao Jiuding was racking his brains, he suddenly discovered that this small pond is very extraordinary, because it can hold poisonous liquid.

This surprised Gao Jiuding, he casually cut open a boulder by the pool, and found that the poisonous mist outside could not corrode the stone.

Holding a stone in his hand and carefully inspecting it with his spiritual sense, Gao Jiuding discovered that this stone is actually a kind of spiritual material, and it has a spiritual light inside, which is very extraordinary.

Under the highly toxic environment, how many things have mutated?

Gao Jiuding never thought that even stones would mutate under the external environment.

In other words, only things that can withstand the erosion of toxins will remain?
The unbearable ones are all eroded by toxins?
Gao Jiuding hollowed out the inside of a stone to make a stone bottle, and then used his true essence to ingest a ball of poisonous slurry into the stone bottle again, and found that the poisonous slurry did not corrode the bottle wall, but slowly turned into a golden mist and volatilized .

Gao Jiuding made a stone lid to seal the mouth of the bottle tightly, and then made nine huge stone bottles, all of which were filled with poisonous liquid!

Gao Jiuding reckoned that the poisonous liquid was enough for him to cultivate his supernatural powers before giving up, and one-fifth of the poisonous liquid in the pool had already been taken away.

After taking so much poison, Gao Jiuding still didn't find any treasure with vitality, which made him very unwilling.

"Do you want to take away all the poison?" Gao Jiuding looked at the small pond, if possible, would he take away even this small pond?
Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking whether to cut this large pool as a whole and take it away, a ball of fist-sized colorless liquid suddenly surged from the bottom of the poisonous slurry, rolling back and forth above the surface of the poisonous slurry, But it doesn't mix with the poison paste.

The thick golden mist above the pool, when the colorless liquid appeared, unexpectedly tended to gather towards the pool!
At the same time, Gao Jiuding's spiritual consciousness also discovered that there was a golden evil energy coming from all directions of the canyon, converging towards the pool!

Gao Jiuding was very aware of this kind of evil spirit, it was Wandu Hunyuan Sha.

However, this kind of evil spirit is obviously very thin and not pure enough, but when all the evil spirit gathered above the pool, it actually formed a group of golden clouds, followed by golden raindrops, which descended sparsely and landed on the pool Among them, this golden raindrop, what is it if it is not poisonous syrup?
The golden raindrops stopped after only a few dozen drops, and the amount of poison added was only about half of that in Gao Jiuding's stone bottle.

It seems that this is the self-recovery function of the poison paste, but obviously this process may not be completed in a short time.

However, Gao Jiuding looked at the mass of colorless liquid on the surface of the poison paste, and became ecstatic!
Born among highly poisonous things, it rolls on the surface of the poisonous paste full of spirituality, and automatically adjusts the amount of poisonous paste. This is definitely a kind of heaven and earth spiritual water, and it is hidden in this rare golden poisonous paste. not too low.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also discovered that the rich vitality came from these spiritual waters.

Gao Jiuding slowly used the "Water Controlling Art" to hold back the mass of heaven and earth spirit water, but at this moment he faintly noticed that the spirit water was resisting his control.

As expected, there was spirituality, Gao Jiuding was even more delighted, and immediately increased his mana control, intending to absorb all the spirit water!
At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that the psychic liquid suddenly split into two parts!
Part of it was only one-third the size of the original ectoplasmic liquid ball, and was controlled by his "Water Control Art" to fly over.

Gao Jiuding put this small ball of spiritual water into a stone bottle and mixed it with the poison inside!
Gao Jiuding found that the spirituality of this group of spiritual liquid seemed to have dropped a lot, and it turned into a listless look!

However, the poisonous slurry in the stone bottle no longer evaporated into a golden mist, even though Gao Jiuding did not seal the bottle mouth.

Gao Jiuding looked at the boulder that blocked the pool as if he had realized something. He used Feijian to slash a few times, and opened up a huge space in the boulder, and then poured all ten bottles of poisonous liquid into the boulder In the tank!
The small ball of spiritual liquid was rolling in the big stone jar, it had regained some vitality, and Gao Jiuding no longer had to worry about the evaporation of the poisonous liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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