The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1226 Accelerate Action

Chapter 1226 Accelerate Action (100 Monthly Tickets Plus Changes)

After harvesting a ball of spiritual water, when Gao Jiuding looked at another ball of spiritual water, he found that the larger ball of spiritual water had sank to the bottom of the pool of poisonous liquid at some point!
Gao Jiuding noticed that the golden mist around him had faded a lot, and the corrosion of his protective energy had also weakened.

Gao Jiuding secretly thought, it seems that this group of heaven and earth spirit water and poison syrup are in a relationship of mutual generation and mutual restraint!

The poisonous pulp nourishes the spiritual water of heaven and earth, and the spiritual water helps the poisonous pulp to gather the ten thousand poisonous Hunyuan evil spirits, and at the same time restrain the ten thousand poisonous Hunyuan evil spirits from spreading out of the canyon.

Gao Jiuding quickly turned around in the core area, and found several skeletons, obviously all of them were masters.

However, many of the bones had traces of being turned over, and these traces appeared at different times, and there was no newly dug up soil layer on the ground.

It seems that there are many monks who can enter the core area!

The time period for these bones to fall is obviously too long. Even if there are treasures such as magic weapons, they have been corroded by the golden poisonous mist of evil spirit.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding discovered a few rare thousand-year-old spiritual grasses, which is not a small harvest, after all, the spiritual grasses growing here are definitely not simple.

Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to continue looking for some spiritual grasses, but Zijin Dapeng's protective energy had reached its limit, and his own true energy was also consumed, so he had to quickly exit the core area.

Gao Jiuding had just exited the golden core area, and Zijin Dapeng immediately became depressed!

Gao Jiuding checked it carefully, but the loss of true energy was too great, but it would take dozens of days to restore it!

Next, Gao Jiuding will enter the core area again. I'm afraid it will be impossible in a short time, unless he uses the "Wandu Hunyuan Sha" to upgrade his protective energy. However, this is not something that can be done overnight. Go outside the canyon.

Although Zijin Dapeng lost a lot of vitality, it also gained a lot, for example, it breathed out a lot of golden poisonous mist!

The poisonous mist contains the pure poisonous gas of "Thousand Poisons Hunyuan Sha". If all of it is refined, the innate supernatural power of Zijin Dapeng's incarnation will undoubtedly be greatly strengthened, and it can be said that it will benefit endlessly.

Running out of the canyon, he found a corner at the entrance of the canyon. Gao Jiuding set up an invisibility circle and hid.

This is a desperate land, but it is also a treasure land, Gao Jiuding naturally will not give up.

The most important thing is that there are still a few months before the next ultra-long-range teleportation array is opened, and he can't waste this time.

Regarding the poison pool in the center of the canyon, he would not give up, because he thought of a better place to use the poison pool, which is the continent not far away.

As long as the poison pool is harvested and put into that more poisonous continent, relying on the ability of the heaven and earth spirit water in that poison pool to transform into poison, maybe one day all the poisonous and dead energy in that continent can be cleared.

If it is really cleaned up, maybe the continent can be bred again.

In the dark starry sky, there is no sun around, and a piece of land with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers that still contains vitality is definitely not small.

Of course, the greatest value is the spiritual grass bred in it!

As long as there is poisonous pulp and that kind of heaven and earth spirit water, the spirit grass that grows in that continent and this poisonous valley here can be continuously cultivated.

"Can you collect the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Pagoda? If you collect that hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land into the pagoda, the harvest will be even greater."

Gao Jiuding glanced at the entrance of the canyon. There should also be a hidden restriction here. Otherwise, how could the poisonous mist inside the canyon not spread out?

In the following time, Gao Jiuding observed the situation of the canyon while condensing the evil energy of the myriad poisonous Hunyuan.

A month later, he had almost cultivated, Gao Jiuding couldn't help it anymore, he didn't find any aliens in such a long time, not even a demon.

"Is the deduction wrong? Isn't the ultra-long-distance teleportation array hidden here?" Gao Jiuding was a little uneasy. He didn't find the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Also, many places in the depths of the canyon have not been visited by anyone, which only shows that the person he followed earlier did not come from there.

"I can't wait anymore, maybe I really fell into a misunderstanding!"

Feeling that Zijin Dapeng's incarnation had condensed a lot of poisonous evil spirit, and should be able to withstand the erosion of the ten thousand poisonous mixed yuan evil spirit for a longer period of time, Gao Jiuding walked into the canyon again.

This time, he must move the entire poison pool away.

"En? Why did you move the poison pool? What's going on with this space? Is it inside an asteroid? Or is it simply a secret realm? Or is it a fragment of a secret realm?"

Just after walking into the canyon, Gao Jiuding thought of the continent outside again!
The situation here is obviously similar to the situation on that continent. Since this is the case, are they originally a whole?
Since it is a whole, is it broken by someone?

The functions of the canyon here are relatively well preserved, while the mainland not far away is relatively well preserved as a whole.

Since he wanted to take even that continent into the pagoda, why couldn't this relatively small canyon be taken away as a whole?
With an idea, Gao Jiuding immediately sent a message to Song Yue.

Song Yue quickly replied with a message: "I have researched it a long time ago. There is no asteroid at all in your location, and there are no asteroid fragments like that continent. It is very likely that the canyon is a secret space. Just like the ancient city we saw, it needs to be pulled out from the dimensional space before it can be collected!"

"Forget it, this small secret realm can't escape anyway, I'll collect that poison pool first!" Gao Jiuding said.

"You still don't want to move. If you really open the ultra-long-distance teleportation array once every 100 years, then there is no need to collect it. I think, no matter where those people come from, they will go back when the time is up. Then everything here is not all. Is it ours?" Song Yue said directly.

Gao Jiuding thought about it, that's right, when all the outsiders left, everything in this asteroid belt would really belong to them.

In this case, when the one-year period comes and all the outsiders have left, why don't we just do what we want here?
"You don't have to do anything, just wait there, if you can find the teleportation array, go and have a look, if you can't find it, forget it!" Song Yue said again.

Gao Jiuding smiled: "Don't worry?"

"Anyway, you are carrying the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. If it is really dangerous, you can teleport it away. With the pagoda by your side, I don't think anyone can kill you right away?" Song Yue rolled her eyes at Gao Jiuding and said.

"Without the Space-time God Realm, your cultivation speed will be slower in the future!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

Song Yue said indifferently: "We have accumulated enough background, so don't worry about it. As long as you enter the Dharma Stage, the role of the Space-Time God Realm will not be so great."

"Well, it will take more than ten years to consolidate your cultivation, and I will come back by then, or I will pick you up there, and then you can use the Space-Time God Realm to cultivate!" Gao Jiuding said.

The two of them talked about their plans for the future. They have already established a foundation under this starry sky, and ordinary people are no match for them at all.

Therefore, Song Yue's next actions are mainly the asteroid belt and the devil star.

It turned out that Song Yue didn't want to participate in the actions of Devil Star, but Gao Jiuding wanted to leave this starry sky, so Song Yue and the others couldn't hold back.

They are sure that they are on the devil star, and they must have a teleportation array leading to another starry sky, maybe the purpose of Gao Jiuding is the same.

It was with this thought that Song Yue began to act faster.

Of course, it is impossible for her to let Gao Jiuding take risks alone, so in the next time, many incarnations of magic beasts wandering in the starry sky and mining will gather towards the secret place of the canyon where Gao Jiuding is.

After stabilizing the rear, Gao Jiuding felt relieved!

It is also impossible for him to pay attention to Song Yue and the others all the time. Since they want to invade the Demon Star, Gao Jiuding has no way to object.

Five months later, Gao Jiuding came out of the canyon again. At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the canyon had become extremely lively. Even inside the canyon, there were many people or monsters active.

Compared to five months ago, the canyon is much more lively.

Among these people, Gao Jiuding saw many acquaintances, such as the witch, and middle-aged and young people with powerful ancient weapons.

These people are the leaders of one side, Gao Jiuding was not surprised to be able to come back alive.

He was surprised that so many people here, where did they go before?
Are they all hiding in the asteroid belt and mining hidden resources?

Only now did Gao Jiuding feel the complexity of this asteroid belt!

He has been here for more than a year, but he doesn't know much about this asteroid belt, at least some important resource places, he has not found.

I don't know why, so many people gathered inside and outside this small canyon did not cause conflicts. They seemed to have a tacit understanding, and there was no war. This is rather strange.

Gao Jiuding is convinced that those who can come back will gain something more or less, so how can some powerful forces resist not to make a move?

Another point, how do humans and demons coexist peacefully?
Because he was an outsider, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to speak or ask, so he just watched silently.

Gao Jiuding silently inquired about the situation, and as long as he found useful information, he would pass it on to Song Yue. Until one day, several acquaintances Gao Jiuding had met all stood up.

"Everyone be careful, the spiritual energy is gathering, and the demon group will definitely rush in!" The middle-aged man Gao Jiuding had seen was holding a long spear, with indescribable arrogance.

Beside him, the witch held a ball of flames in her hands, which made Gao Jiuding have other thoughts. Could this witch be a descendant of the fire clan?
And not far from the witch, that guy with an iron sword, who is not the allied army of the witch?
This young man's strength is not weak, and it seems to be even stronger now.

I don't know how the three of them formed an alliance, and they are actually confronting other forces faintly!
 Thank you~ Awakening, one person ruined my world brother's reward of 200 coins, thanks to the king of the emperor, queen of earth, poison you thousands of times, book friend 20190103004646188 brother for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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