The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1228 Contemporary Chapter 1

Chapter 1228
One big Asura is often qualified to barely challenge the monks of the late Dharma phase. Two big Asuras teamed up are almost equivalent to a big monk. Even if Gao Jiuding has a pagoda in his hand, it is not so easy to hold back.

At this time, everyone has gone deep into the rear of the battlefield, and Mo Luo's army is struggling to rush into the gap!
And those monks who rushed out were really powerful. Gao Jiuding reckoned that they all had the strength close to that of a great monk, which made him more cautious with Gao Jiuding.

The monks who take the lead in attacking the demon group can only move forward!
Only when they defeated the Great Shura who prevented the formation from healing, and cut off the connection between Mo Luo inside and outside the formation, could they win this battle.

This time the battle came suddenly, but it seemed inevitable, because except for Gao Jiuding, the other monks seemed to have been prepared long ago!
Although the monks of the various factions could not achieve the same concentration, no one held back, because at this time the situation of everyone, the only way to win is to move forward bravely.

The middle-aged man beside Gao Jiuding rushed forward first. He looked around, and sure enough, he found a monk who wanted to follow!

Gao Jiuding hesitated for a moment, and immediately put a distance of tens of meters away from the middle-aged man!
Gao Jiuding didn't stop in his hands, he manipulated two flying swords, one on each side of the middle-aged man, turned into two huge sword lights to protect the two wings!

The Kwai Shui Divine Thunder descended from the sky and raged towards the surroundings from the left and right wings, leaving no room for the surrounding monks to intervene.

If there are still monks who want to follow the two of them at this time, they are blatantly avoiding the battle!

These guys with the fighting power of the Dharma phase, don't even think about it, they must be famous people. They can take advantage of the opportunity to gain benefits. If they have a reputation of being passive and avoiding battles in this life-and-death juncture, all the monks who participated in the battle will be offended afterwards. , even the super sects cannot bear this kind of pressure.

Because there is a group of masters outside to share the pressure, and Gao Jiuding and the middle-aged man are fighting forward bravely, so the monks on the road where Gao Jiuding is located are the first to kill the big Shura group.

The monks from other sects who came forward from the two wings fought bravely to be the first, seeing that the victory was just around the corner.

The opportunity to earn military exploits and increase fame is in front of them, how can they not be active?
What's more, although the group of big Shuras in front of us are weird, their cultivation level seems to be generally lower than that of the army of monks!
As a result, many monks surpassed Gao Jiuding and the others one after another, and joined the Great Asura group.

However, after only a moment of effort, several cultivators who had entered into it retreated from the group of great Shuras screaming strangely.

Just look at the awkward hind legs of these monks with all kinds of protective energy and magic weapons.

These monks who rushed forward were more or less corroded by the poisonous mist, and the corroded area was still tenaciously increasing!

It can be seen that these people all have expressions of undecided shock. Obviously, the power shown by the Great Shura earlier frightened these monks.

"Pay attention. There are many Jedi around. It is very likely that Poison Asura will be bred. One of the anti-drug pills is taken orally and one is contained in the mouth. These Poison Asura themselves are extremely poisonous. Although their cultivation is not very high, they can It’s better to move forward steadily and step by step!”

Gao Jiuding immediately took out the two elixirs, and at the same time, a black flame rose from the top of his head, and then turned into a black fire lotus.

Dozens of flames flew out of the fire lotus one after another, and fell towards the black poisonous mist that was still stubbornly attached to the other monks. The poisonous mist was immediately pulled out by these flames, and then fell into the fire lotus. The color of the fire lotus suddenly It became darker and weirder.

This is the supernatural power that Zijin Dapeng cultivated in the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng recently, and it is the poisonous flame lotus derived from the supernatural power of the blood flame lotus.

The damage to the protective qi is only the damage to the monk's true essence, which is not serious, but it is much more difficult to repair those corroded protective magic weapons!
Even so, other cultivators still thanked Gao Jiuding.

With the lessons learned from the past, many monks undoubtedly became more cautious, and began to fight steadily around the periphery of Poison Shura, no longer rushing for success!

Although this speed is a bit slower, it is actually advancing all the way, especially Gao Jiuding's Kuishui Shenlei, which completely ignores Poison Shura's innate supernatural powers, and has a huge damage to Poison Shura!
Whenever Gao Jiuding casts the Kwai Shui Divine Thunder, it will force Poison Shura to dodge and evade continuously, causing confusion in Poison Shura's formation, and monks from various factions will take the opportunity to clean up and push the front line further.

At this moment, behind Gao Jiuding and the others, a gigantic vitality snake came whistling from mid-air, and crashed into the Poison Shura group!
The giant vitality snake rampaged all the way, the formation of Poison Shura was disrupted, and countless demon generals were killed or injured in an instant, but Poison Shura's supernatural power of poison mist could not hurt the giant snake at all.

Immediately afterwards a voice sounded, saying, "Brother, wait for me!"

A big gun shot from the sky, piercing through the heads of the three poisonous Shuras all the way!

A monster cultivator jumped into the Poison Asura, grabbed the big spear and swept across it, knocking down all the Poison Asura within a 20-meter radius.

This person, Gao Jiuding, naturally knew that it was the witch who had tried to snatch his flame treasure before.

The previous guy who turned into a giant snake of vitality was naturally from the lineage of the Yaozu. Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that there were so many masters of the Yaozu here.

"It turned out to be a monster monk, no wonder he can ignore Poison Shura's magical powers!"

The appearance of the two monks from the Monster Race has accelerated the encirclement and suppression of Poison Shura by various factions a lot!

However, although Poison Shura did not participate in the melee, he arranged the groups according to the level of cultivation, from the inside to the outside of the gap.

Although everyone's progress was not slow before, they mostly faced the Poison Shura group with low cultivation base.

As the monks got deeper and deeper, more and more Poison Shuras of the Great Mara level joined in, making everyone's progress slow down again and again!
Even those two monster clan masters teamed up, they didn't dare to go deep alone, for fear of being besieged by the poisonous Shura clan.

At this moment, another ray of flame pierced the sky, smashed into the group of Poison Asura, and exploded a huge ball of flame!
Poison Shura, who was affected by the range of the flame ball, was either dead or injured, and the poisonous mist was melted by this orange-red flame.

"Haha, we are competing to kill Mo Luo, and we are at a critical juncture, but you have oiled the soles of your feet, so you came here, do you think that you can take advantage of this place with your monster and beast clan's talent for repelling poison?

I, the Sun God Clan, just want to compete with you. If the number of poisonous Shuras killed exceeds you, the title of the young generation's number one will fall on my head! "

A fire bird descended from the sky, and three fireballs flew out of the fire bird, blasting an open space among the Poison Shura clan!
The fire bird fell into it, and the flames on its body gradually subsided, transforming into a slim, handsome young man with red hair and red eyebrows!
The young man challenged the monster master who was fighting Poison Shura not far away.

Hearing the young man's shout, Gao Jiuding's eyes narrowed. The so-called Sun God Clan is the Fire Clan, right?The enemy of the human race!

"Hmph, the Sun Clan is not the Monster Clan anymore? Just because of your congenital defects of the Spirit Monster Clan, you are worthy of being compared with my elder brother? What kind of master can the declining Fire Clan produce? Why are you still fighting for the first place with my elder brother? What a joke? "

The monk of the Sun Clan was so angry that he shouted "Wah-wah", a three-foot-high flame rose from his body, and jumped around among the group of Shuras. All the poisonous Shuras that were contaminated by the flames ignited a raging fire.

The Fire Clan monk yelled: "Shut up, you follower, how can you be qualified to intervene in my contest with your elder brother? In a word, dare you compare!"

The big brother of the Yaozu came over with a cold voice, and said: "No. 1 of the third generation monk of the Yaozu? I don't think I can secure the number one in the contemporary era, but no matter how poor I am, I have more confidence than you. A Firebird is much stronger!"

This time, the Fire Clan monk calmly stopped roaring, but sneered and said, "Then let's wait and see!"

The reckless, reckless and rampant performance before was actually pretended on purpose, and the monks of all sects are inevitably afraid in their hearts!

The monks of the human race have always boasted that their wisdom is far superior to that of other races, so they often have a sense of superiority and look down on other races. The two races of humans and monsters have been opposed since ancient times. In fact, it is mostly due to this reason.

Seeing the scene in front of me now, this provocative method is not new, but the despicable domineering performance that the fire cultivator showed earlier, and the calm and rational transformation after that, are what made all the cultivators scruple where.

Before the two could make a bet, a Milky Way fell from the sky.

A giant fish over [-] meters jumped out of the river, with a pair of fins under its belly, almost equivalent to a pair of wings, gliding down from the sky!

The giant fish opened its mouth to suck in the group of poisonous asuras, and immediately a dozen poisonous asuras of asura level were swallowed into its stomach.

"I'm one of those bets!" A deep voice sounded, and the giant fish turned into a giant with a stature of three meters, but it looked extremely young.

"Aha, the members of the Dragon Carp Clan are here too? Your innate supernatural powers are certainly great, and you can use them to devour poison Shura, and you are not afraid of poisoning you to death!" The master of the clan.

The Dragon Carp Clan with the blood of the Dragon Clan definitely belongs to the aristocratic and wealthy family among the Yalong Clan. This one should be a remarkable existence among the young monks of the Dragon Carp Clan.

The dragon carp smiled "hehe", looking rather simple and honest, but suddenly he opened his mouth and spewed out a jet of black spring. The black spring sprayed tens of meters away, stained the bodies of several poisonous Shuras, and immediately burst into black water. Yan, amidst the terrified cries of several Poison Asuras, was quickly wiped out.

"Good method, since several monster friends are so elegant, how about adding a certain one?"

A nine-story glazed pagoda suddenly appeared in midair!

 Thanks to brother SU482899 for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to the king of the queen, the king of the earth, who poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 160624214639992 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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