Chapter 1229

I saw that the glazed pagoda was lit up layer by layer, and when the highest ninth floor was lit up, an invisible barrier expanded outwards, and all the poisonous Shuras pushed by the barrier were all shattered!
A young monk in his thirties slowly descended from mid-air. It was the human monk who took the lead in breaking into the demon group earlier.

"Cultivators of the Pagoda Sect? I didn't expect you to come too!" The first one to speak was actually the boss of the monster clan.

"Haha, great, great, I didn't expect the first direct disciple of Pagoda Sect to be here. It seems that this contemporary disciple No.1 can really compete for a fight!" The fire monk was stunned for a moment, then Then he clapped his hands and laughed, the flames burning on his body became more intense, and it seemed that he also showed the raging fighting spirit in his heart at this time.

The dragon carp smiled "hehe" and said, "It's quite lively now!"

At this moment, a sound of shouting and killing came from the other end of the gap in the formation.

It turned out that at this time, the other cultivators had finally penetrated Mo Luo's siege, and killed the Poison Shura's battle group.

At first, a cultivator was covered in lightning flashes, every Poison Shura that was struck by him, before turning into a cloud of black mist, began to be annihilated in the lightning.

Cultivator Yu Lei rushed into the Poison Asura group first, but the master behind him disappeared without a trace!
I just heard him invite the battle from the other side: "I don't want to have such a scene? The monks of the Kunpeng clan, the fire clan, the dragon carp clan, and the pagoda sect, I don't know if the Zixiao Leizong is qualified to be with you!" Higher or lower?"

As soon as the Yulei cultivator finished speaking, he heard the head monk of the Pagoda Sect laughing: "It turns out that he is a senior brother of the Zixiao Sect. I originally thought that our human race was weak this time, because the few juniors of this sect have never Arriving at the Absolute Poison Canyon, I was thinking just now, I am afraid that this time I will be compared by a few Taoist friends from the Yaozu, I never thought that the senior brother is there, but it makes me very happy!"

The boss of the Yaozu also said: "Zixiaozong has such a great name, I hope I won't be disappointed!"

The Fire Clan also said loudly: "It's lively! It's lively! It's so happy!"

But the dragon carp sneered and said: "So it's the guy from the Zixiao Sect, so I'm here to compete today, so that the cultivation world will know that my dragon carp family is the darling of the heavens who are beautiful and beautiful! "

Brother Yulei didn't take the provocations of the crowd seriously. He called out to the monks of various sects who had been on the periphery all the time, fighting steadily: "Is the brother of the Sword Sect over there?" Hiding aside and watching the excitement quietly, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable, right?"

"Brother, can you help my brother hold on?" the middle-aged man beside Gao Jiuding said to Gao Jiuding.

The two are teaming up at this time, and they are methodically maintaining the oppression of Poison Shura with the monks of various sects on the periphery!

Gao Jiuding was greatly surprised by the appearance of the masters from the Monster Beast Clan, the Fire Clan, the Dragon Carp Clan, and various sects of the Human Race!
But he is confident that his cultivation is not weaker than these people, and of course, he didn't think about competing with these monks with prominent backgrounds!
After all, the forces behind Gao Jiuding, even counting the Iron Sword Sect, are far from being on a par with these famous and powerful families that roam the universe.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to himself.

However, the cultivator of the Zixiao Sect was called broken, and coupled with the careful thinking of the middle-aged people around him, Gao Jiuding could no longer hide!

Others don't know how powerful Gao Jiuding is, but the middle-aged man knows it very well. Besides, the witch hidden in the crowd will definitely report her discovery!
In this way, Yaozu must also know of his existence.

If you still don't want to stand up at this time, you will naturally be despised by others. Although it doesn't mean that you are ruined and despised by others, but if you meet these people again in the future, nothing good will happen.

Of course, even if Gao Jiuding stood up at this time, he would not be recognized by the others, because his cultivation level was too low, but he still steadied his head and faced the difficulties!

Strength is played out, and winning respect with strength is the foundation of a foothold.

Since Gao Jiuding wanted to integrate into this group of monks, he naturally couldn't end up with a reputation for nothing.

Of course, if Gao Jiuding's strength is recognized, after this battle, it would not be too abrupt to enter the territory of this group of people and monsters.

The middle-aged man's yelling seemed to give Gao Jiuding a chance to stand on an equal footing with everyone, but in fact it was full of dangers, and if he made a mistake, his reputation would be ruined, and even his life would be lost.

"Who is this? He was actually admired by Jianzong?"

"I heard it's a monk from the Wild Sea!"

"In addition to the tyrannical starry sky demon clan, there are also sect forces that can be used?"

"Among the small sects, there will still be a few masters born!"

Sure enough, as soon as the voices of several masters fell, a series of cold snorts came from the crowd.

"Hey, there are still experts in the human race? I haven't heard of it!" The simple and honest smile of the dragon carp can make people who don't know the details mistakenly think that it is thinking about Gao Jiuding's safety. After all, the competition between these few people is inevitable. It is an absolute life-and-death adventure to enter the hinterland of the poisonous Shura tribe.

The monks of various factions around who kept pace with Gao Jiuding and others looked at the middle-aged man and Gao Jiuding beside him with mocking expressions.

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word, but Gao Jiuding smiled, and he nodded slightly towards the middle-aged man, and the ice soul cold light sword made a thunderous sound!

Many cultivators who used flying swords in the surroundings exclaimed in surprise. The flying swords in their hands actually had a throbbing that was about to escape from control when the ice cold light sword issued a long moan.

The boss of the monster clan tightly held the Lingbao flying sword in his hand, so that this flying sword would not be overwhelmed by the power of the Bingpo cold light sword!

Even with his help, the flying sword made the same sound of sword chant: it was not surrender, but a warning!
Among the monks present at the scene, none of them were blind, so it was natural to see that Gao Jiuding was qualified to compete with the many elites present just because of his means of returning to the sect with ten thousand swords.

Just when the ice soul cold light sword made the sound of sword chant, the two sword qi that had been circling and protecting the middle-aged man's wings immediately turned into flood dragons, raised their heads to the sky and roared, flew out from the two wings and crashed into the group of poisonous Shuras. Then he tore more than a dozen Poison Shuras at the level of Demon Generals to pieces.

Gao Jiuding walked after him, and in the blink of an eye, he also penetrated into the group of Poison Shuras!

The poisonous mist around him continuously gathered towards him, but the golden shield on Gao Jiuding's body became more and more dazzling.

"Everyone is invited, does Gao dare to accept the challenge?" Standing in the arena, Gao Jiuding looked calm, so what if he competes with each other?

Although he wants to keep a low profile, it doesn't mean that he lacks passion and arrogance in his heart. In such a situation, he naturally has to do his part!

"Thousands of swords contend, good trick!" The monk of the Pagoda Sect laughed and said: "I heard that the brother of the Sword Sect highly admires the fellow Taoists, but I didn't believe it just now, but now I see it. There are four people in each of the two races, but it is also fair, we are not only competing for personal superiority, but also divided into racial superiority, what do you think?"

But the Fire Clan cultivator shouted: "Today's battle is only for fun, what race is there? Anyway, the enemy is this group of poisonous Asura, and they can fight as they like. Where did such rules come from? You human cultivators are hypocrisy! "

"It's true, this is already a rule, a hundred years is fleeting, if we don't work hard, and the younger generation will come here in the future, it will be our death!" Long Li said.

"That's the reason. We have already achieved success. If we want to retire, we must leave enough room for the younger generation!" The boss of the monster clan said.

The monks of the Pagoda Sect didn't feel disobedient at all, but smiled and said: "It's just a trick, anyway, today we will fight on our own, just want to have fun!"

As soon as the words fell, it was the most simple-looking Long Li who shot first.

A huge fish tail condensed in the mid-air, and then swept towards the front of the body, and all the Poison Shuras that were swept were smashed into a ball of black mist!
Those who were not swept away were blown by the huge wind blown by the tail of the fish, and fell towards the distance like flying clouds and fog, and the direction of falling was exactly where the other people were.

Dragon carp's move is not only killing the enemy, but also interfering with the other competitors. It is a good strategy and a good plan.

Several other people cursed this seemingly honest but cunning guy. Of course, their movements were not slow, and they took out these poisonous Shuras that fell from the sky!

But at this time, the first move has been taken by Long Li.

The dragon carp laughed "haha", and rushed all the way, rushing into the depths of Poison Shura.

Several other people followed suit one after another, but they did not join hands with each other. These monks fought on their own, and went deep into the hinterland of Poison Shura alone.

Gao Jiuding opened the way with the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, and in a moment he noticed that the killing treasures in the hands of several other people were all spirit treasures, and they were probably spirit treasures that had survived the calamity, that is to say, these were at least A catastrophic spirit treasure!
In the hands of the dragon carp is a huge fishtail fan, the fire clan is a fire ball, the boss of the monster beast is a water-type flying sword, the thunder monk holds a thunder cone, and the pagoda qimen sword of the pagoda sect.

Even so, after the combination of the two swords, in the hands of Gao Jiuding, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword still has the power not weaker than the Lingbao!

Two swords, one on the left and the other on the right, slashed and killed each other, clearing the way for Gao Jiuding to advance. For a while, the five of them advanced side by side, and only Long Li was slightly ahead.

Facing Poison Asura's supernatural powers of poisonous art, Brother Yu Lei's supernatural powers of thunder and lightning are relatively easy to resist!
The boss of the monster clan is strolling in the garden; the fire clan is covered in flames, making a "chi chi" sound with all kinds of poisonous arts;
There is always running water flowing around Long Li's body, and splashing back the flowing water soaked in poisonous art, returning the same way to his body, will help him move forward all the way.

As for the cultivator of Pagoda Sect, he may be strong in self-defense, but he seems to be completely defiant.

On the nine-storey lit glazed pagoda, there are layers of light curtains hanging down, seemingly endless, no matter how many poisonous magic powers are applied to it, the light curtains cannot be corroded.

(End of this chapter)

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