The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1230 Great Poison Asura

Chapter 1230 Great Poison Asura
Gao Jiuding glanced at the lit nine-story glazed pagoda, doubts flashed in his heart, and then he thought about it.

He has now combined his own innate gossip body-protecting God Gang with the body-protecting Gang Qi incarnated by Zijin Dapeng. The power of the body protection spell is mainly to avoid poison.

After the previous battle with Poison Shura, Gao Jiuding instinctively wanted to collect the original essence emitted by the fallen Poison Shura.

But now, before the protective qi was activated, Gao Jiuding could feel that the protective qi was slowly and continuously absorbing the poisonous mist that filled the air!

Most of these poisonous mist are composed of the original essence of Poison Shura and the supernatural power of poisonous art. Gao Jiuding can clearly sense that the protective energy is improving.

Gao Jiuding has a lot of means to ward off poison, in addition to protecting his body, he also has a poisonous flame lotus, but he can't reveal all his trump cards at this time.

If you go all out, even if you can't directly face the innate supernatural powers of the numerous Poison Shuras, you still need to consume a lot of real energy to resist the invasion of these supernatural powers!

With the poisonous flame lotus supernatural power in hand, Gao Jiuding's continuous combat ability has undoubtedly been greatly extended.

But now he discovered that the strongest means of avoiding poison in him were not those supernatural powers, but the treasures of opinion hidden in the pagoda.

Now the most important thing about Gao Jiuding is that he dared to go deep into the formation of poisonous Shura with such a brazen and unscrupulous lone army. Naturally, there is also the treasure tower of Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong. liquid.

The body-protecting stellar qi will slowly absorb some poisonous mist and use it to grow itself while resisting the attack of poisonous arts!

But the poison pool inside the pagoda is extraordinary.

Feeling the benefits, Gao Jiuding directly opened a space portal on his chest, the poison pool inside the pagoda, and began to unscrupulously absorb the nearby poisonous mist.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't been traveling very fast all the way, a magnificent vortex of poisonous mist would have formed around him immediately, attracting the attention of others.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was able to notice that the group of spiritual liquid containing rich vitality at the bottom of the stone pool in the poisonous pool seemed to be undergoing extremely rapid changes!
At this time, the original essence of Poison Shura, which was continuously replenished with the help of the pool water, is recovering rapidly.

A howl sounded suddenly, Gao Jiuding was slightly taken aback!
In his divine sense, the other people also stagnated for a moment when the howl sounded.

A Poison Asura at the Great Asura level?A poisonous Shura in the realm of a true dharma phase great cultivator?

When Gao Jiuding raised his head to look around, he saw six gray shadows, which were divided into six directions in the Poison Asura Formation, killing the six people.

They are poison Asura, whose attribute should be Yin, and they are the fastest-growing demons in the universe.

Obviously, they are following the order of the big poisonous Shura from before!

It seems that this group of Poison Asura respects this big Poison Asura!

While speaking, a Poison Shura rushed towards Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand to lead, and a Kwai Shui God thunder struck down on the top of Poison Shura's head.

Poison Shura wanted to dodge, but it was extremely difficult to dodge this kind of supernatural lightning technique.

The Poison Shura kept using his spatial supernatural powers to change positions, uttered a strange tone, and then pointed a stone stick deep in his hand towards Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding felt a gust of cold wind, which instantly invaded his flesh and blood. Only the Wandu Hunyuangang seemed to have weakened his entire body's defenses.

After this strange power invaded Gao Jiuding's body, it spread instantly.

In Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense perception, he could feel that if this force is not stopped, the hair and skin on his body will fall off, the skin and muscles will fall off, and the muscles and bones will fall off.

And the blood vessel barrier is also softening, and the blood vessel seems to be about to completely lose the channel of circulation.

Gao Jiuding broke out in a cold sweat, and he immediately mobilized the true energy in his body to expel this strange supernatural power!
As Gao Jiuding stimulated the whole body's true energy, two loud bangs like drums were heard in his heart, and the blood in his whole body flowed like a rushing river, and there was even a "crash" in his body. sound!

Gao Jiuding's true energy surged all over his body, and he suppressed that force in an instant.

Gao Jiuding's body is fused with all kinds of heaven and earth spirits, especially the true essence that is fused with the spirituality of the water of thunder calamity. It has a strong resistance to any toxins, and even has annihilation effect. , Immediately blocked this strange power from outside the skin.

At this moment, the portal of the pagoda space on Gao Jiuding's chest opened wide again.

The strange power that spread all over Gao Jiuding's body was immediately absorbed by the stone pool in the pagoda very quickly.

However, just as Gao Jiuding opened the invisible space portal, the Poison Shura in front of him seemed to have discovered some great horror, and there was a shrill roar in his mouth, and he turned around and was about to flee.

If Gao Jiuding realized something in his heart, he knew that this was probably related to the water pool coming out of the space portal, or the liquid in the pool!
This is probably the reason why this group of powerful Poison Asura did not attack the canyon behind them, they were afraid of the poisonous gas in the canyon.

No, these poisonous Asura are not afraid of the poisonous gas in the canyon, he is afraid of the psychic fluid conceived in the poisonous pond!

If it wasn't for the fact that both the human and monster races wanted to destroy this group of demons, and both wanted to reduce the number of demons here, I am afraid that these demons would just go straight into the poisonous valley and ignore Gao Jiuding and others.

Gao Jiuding shook his head to shake off the distracting thoughts in his head.

Naturally, he would not let that poisonous Shura enter the canyon, so he twisted the thumb and middle finger of his right hand with a crisp sound, and a flash of lightning shot out. Immediately, a wall of sword light was formed.

Seeing that the retreat was blocked, the Poison Shura panicked. The stone stick in his hand immediately surged up a sticky black liquid, and shot towards the wall of sword light.

Gao Jiuding frowned slightly, but he didn't stop him.

The black liquid was conceived in the companion spirit treasure, if it really got on the treasure, even the spirit treasure would be damaged and defiled.

However, when the venom was immersed in the light wall, the purple-blue thunder light burst vertically and horizontally in the sword light wall, forming a thunder net on the light wall, and blasting the black liquid into a ball of black. fog.

At the same time, the sword light thunder net surrounded the two wings, and was about to trap the poisonous Shura in it.

Seeing that the Poison Shura could not escape, he turned and rushed towards Gao Jiuding again, obviously wanting to fight desperately.

Gao Jiuding smiled lightly, and pointed out with his finger, a white ray of light sank into Poison Shura's body, and immediately fixed him in midair.

Then Gao Jiuding flipped his hands and pushed again, one move in the Liangyi Sword Art moved the flower to another, pushing the poisonous Shura into the sword net.

The sword light thunder net was closed immediately, and countless sword light swimming fish criss-crossed with flickering thunder light.

Poison Shura's mournful roar came from the thunder net, and clusters of black mist splashed left and right in the net, but they still couldn't break through the shackles of the sword light thunder net.

The roar of the poisonous Shura became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

Gao Jiuding shook his hands and retracted the two swords, but there was nothing left in the sword net, which had obviously been annihilated in the lightning.

He secretly felt that it was a pity, at least he should throw Poison Shura's body into the pool of poisonous slurry.

Gao Jiuding beheaded a Poison Shura with every gesture, which surprised everyone around him.

Although it was because he possessed the secret to restrain the Poison Asura, it still caused the Poison Asura around him to back off one after another!
Gao Jiuding was able to advance all the way, and at the same time he found that the boss of the monster clan not far away also killed Shura who was blocking the way at the same time.

The two went hand in hand from different directions and already surpassed Long Li.

After the Poison Shura dies, it will also turn into the original essence, but it is different from other Maras and Asuras. Tangling and uncontrolled highly poisonous.

That's why the monks of various sects surrounding the anti-drug Asura group on the periphery fought steadily, instead of driving straight into Huanglong like Gao Jiuding and the other two.

The reason for these people is that they don't want Poison Shura to rush into the small secret realm in the chaos, causing large-scale damage to the low-level monks inside.

Although they were expelling or beheading Poison Shura, the expulsion was not to drive them out of the gap in the formation, but to push them out of the formation from the gap!

And once they cannot be expelled, they can only be beheaded. However, after beheading, they must use their own magical powers to melt the source of the poisonous poison that was emitted after the fall of Poison Shura.

Under such cumbersome conditions, nearly 30 monks from various sects and demon clans combined are still making extremely slow progress.

Gao Jiuding beheaded a Poison Shura so easily, beyond everyone's expectations!
The Monster Beast Boss and Gao Jiuding took the lead and advanced side by side, and then the Yulei cultivator and the Pagoda sect cultivator also solved their opponents at almost the same time and chased after them.

They kept roughly the same progress as the dragon carp who came later, but they left the fire monks at the end.

The fall of the six-headed Poison Asura obviously alarmed the Great Poison Asura hidden in the center of the poison formation.

There was only a loud noise, and a dense cloud of poisonous mist shrank sharply at the gap, and then saw three big Shuras squeeze in from the gap.

After the three big Shura squeezed into the small secret realm, they immediately rushed towards Gao Jiuding and the others.

Gao Jiuding and the boss of the monster beast first intercepted two ends, and the other end was fought by Yulei monks, Pagoda sect monks and Long Li. In the end, the three of them simply joined forces and began to besiege the big Shura!

They said they were joining forces, but in fact they didn't cooperate with each other. They just fought each other, but this was enough to beat that big Shura until he ran away with his head in his arms.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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