The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1231 The last battle

Chapter 1231 The Last Battle

The Great Asura who has the accompanying spirit treasure in his hand is usually encountered by the Great Cultivator of the Dharma Phase, and it is extremely difficult to kill him!
However, the three monks in front of him definitely cannot be viewed with the eyes of ordinary Dharma monks.

Although the three of them were fighting each other, they still beat the big Shura back in a row. The companion spirit treasure in the hands of the big Shura can only parry, but has no power to fight back.

Finally, the Fire Clan monks who followed had no opponents. He looked at Gao Jiuding and Gao Jiuding who were fighting alone, and then turned towards Gao Jiuding's direction and smiled coldly.

Then the Fire Clan turned into a ball of flames, and ran towards the direction of the boss of the monster beast.

"Get out!" Seeing the fire cultivator approaching him, the monster boss roared angrily as he fought the big Shura as if he had been greatly insulted.

The Fire Clan monk rushed forward with a strange smile, completely ignoring the roar of the monster boss!

And the boss of the monster beast is fighting Da Xiuluo with all his strength, and he can't spare the energy to expel this monster for a while, so he can only let him join the battle group.

Gao Jiuding naturally has a clear understanding of the situation on the battlefield. He knows that the current self has been isolated intentionally or unintentionally, but he doesn't care about it.

He could roughly guess the thoughts of these people. Although his two performances just now made everyone recognize his strength, but as a genius monk who appeared in a remote area, the only advantage lies in his own mystery.

Cultivators such as Pagoda Sect monks and Yulei monks are born to be closely watched by others. Therefore, even if these people, including the monks of the Yaozu tribe, do not have much contact with each other on weekdays, their methods for each other are rough. Know the root and the bottom.

Only a monk like Gao Jiuding, everyone wants to see what methods he uses to suppress the bottom of the box!

Of course, a big Shura would be enough to force him out, right?
If Gao Jiuding couldn't resist this big Shura, or even escaped with his life in the hands of this big Shura, then Gao Jiuding himself deserved it.

He doesn't even have the strength to fight against a big Shura, so what qualifications do he have to stand alongside them?

The companion spiritual treasure in the hands of the big Shura who was fighting Gao Jiuding was a wind thorn, which was like a bone-piercing cold wind.

Gao Jiuding's pair of flying swords strike fast, but it is difficult to catch up with the speed of Feng Shura, and the quality of his pair of flying swords is actually not as good as the accompanying spirit treasure in Feng Shura's hands!

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding's supernatural power of sunflower water god and thunder was attached to his swordsmanship, so that the blade of the ice soul cold light sword exploded with lightning from time to time. Only then was he able to fight against the wind thorn in the battle.

Even so, Gao Jiuding had no choice but to retreat under the strong attack of the wind Shura, but it was not easy for the big Shura to defeat Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was suppressed for a while, but Feng Shura did not dare to approach Gao Jiuding, because Gao Jiuding's power domain would definitely make it lose the advantage of wind.

There was no danger on Gao Jiuding's side, and the others could see it very clearly.

Although they were fighting on their own, they were always observing the direction of Gao Jiuding!

It can be seen that Gao Jiuding can compete with Da Xiuluo, and judging from his strength, even if he loses and wants to retreat, it is extremely easy!
So the three of them looked at each other, and then the Pagoda Sect cultivator suddenly blocked Da Shura's attack on the dragon carp.

Dragon Carp and Cultivator Yu Lei took the opportunity to fight back, and the three joined hands instantly to suppress the big Asura's offensive.

The big Asura dodged the dragon carp's fishtail fan, but was blown up by the seven-colored thunder of the monk Yulei, and half of his body was blackened.

"The strength is barely enough. I will work harder to deal with this beast in front of me, so let's help!"

"Will there be a follow-up?"

"How could it not be, at least I haven't seen the Faxiang yet!"

"That's a desperate method, how many times have you used it?"

"Uh, what about this, it doesn't seem to happen once?"

"Use it, and you won't say it!"

The three of them communicated with each other, and the Pagoda Sect cultivator's Qimen Flying Sword took advantage of the other two to entangle Da Shura, and finally cut off one of Da Shura's arms with one sword.

It can be seen that the flying sword formed by jumping up like a flat pagoda is powerful and extremely powerful.

Otherwise, the Pagoda Sect cultivator would not have cut off one of Da Shura's arms easily.

The big Shura screamed, turned around and was about to run away, but the Pagoda Sect monk and the other three didn't chase after him, but retreated tens of meters instead.

With a crisp "crack", the companion spirit treasure of the Great Asura suddenly appeared where the three of them were standing before.

With the shattering of the accompanying spirit treasure, the surrounding space also fell into the shattering of space in an instant, but in an instant, it returned to its original state.

"It's a pity that a companion spirit treasure still has the attribute of space!"

At this moment, the flying sword of the monster boss turned into a monstrous tsunami wave, restraining the other big Shura.

The Fire Clan gave a sinister laugh, and seven fireballs shot out from his body, and shot into the supernatural power of the boss of the monster beast, causing a violent explosion immediately.

The white mist rose up all over the sky, and the monster boss waved his sleeves, and the white mist dissipated immediately, and saw the direction where the big Shura was escaping, several pieces shot towards the surroundings, and shot and killed ten poisonous Shuras nearby. How many!

Apparently, it was the great Shura from before who had no choice but to detonate the companion spirit treasure in order to resist the supernatural powers of the monster boss and the fire cultivator.

"Haha, the gods of the two monster brothers passed through people, I admire them!" the monk of the Pagoda Sect laughed.

The pagoda sect cultivator and others did not leave after severely injuring the big Asura first, and instead stepped forward when the boss of the monster beast and the cultivator of the fire clan succeeded.

The Fire Clan cultivator smiled triumphantly: "Anyway, it's still one step behind you!"

Long Li "hehe" said with a strange smile: "Shall we meet that one?"

There was a strange expression on the face of the monster boss, he said coldly: "I see you, it's better to turn around and take a look!"

Several people were startled when they heard the words, and when they turned around to look, they saw Gao Jiuding's side. At some point, it had been shrouded in a mist with a radius of several tens of feet.

There was not the slightest sound coming out of the mist, as if it had become a world of its own.

Several people's faces changed, when did this happen?None of them noticed before!

And the moment they saw the white mist, the spiritual thoughts of several people felt lost when they touched the white mist maze.

Feeling apprehensive, they withdrew their divine thoughts one after another.

Several people looked at each other, but no one said anything more!
After a while, the Pagoda Sect monk sighed: "It seems that we have all underestimated this mysterious wild sea monk, I think we should not be stingy with that little bit of respect!"

A flame flashed in the eyes of the Fire Clan cultivator, and he said in a dark voice: "Then we have to see the result!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an explosion in the white mist, and suddenly, the entire white mist was like a pot!
When several people looked up, they saw that big Asura suddenly rushed out of the thick fog, and fled away towards the distance without looking back.

The white mist dissipated, and Gao Jiuding looked a little pale, but he walked out of it unharmed.

Gao Jiuding looked at the surprised crowd, and said with a smile: "It seems that this time, it's the last one!"

"Haha, how could it be!" The Fire Clan monk laughed first, "I was about to discuss helping my brother, but brother, you were able to defeat the Great Shura by yourself. I really admire you!"

The others either echoed, or smiled, or responded indifferently, but all in all, in their attitude towards Gao Jiuding this time, there was no contempt anymore, but more fear!
The pagoda sect monk said at this time: "I just checked the center of the gap below, and it seems that there are three big poisonous Shuras presiding over the Shura formation, trying their best to prevent the recovery of the secret realm formation!

If this continues, the toxins here will be lost, and one day, the Poison Shura will occupy this place. At that time, this place will not only be unable to help us resist the demons, but will become the resources of the demons. After that, this treasure land will be ours. The younger generation will not be able to come forward, it seems that my opponent in this final battle will be the three big poisonous Asura! "

Although everyone's faces remained unchanged, their eyes were flickering again and again, and they were secretly amazed!

When everyone gathered together earlier, when did this pagoda sect monk check the center of the gap in the formation?What method was used to investigate?

Such means, but no one noticed.

The Pagoda Sect cultivator seemed not to notice the gazes of the crowd, and he continued: "Everyone has encountered the Poison Asura before, and they all know the strange methods of the Poison Asura, and their strength far exceeds that of the ordinary Asura. Yes, that being said, the strength of the Great Poison Asura is far superior to that of an ordinary Great Asura."

The Pagoda Sect cultivator paused, and continued: "The three-headed poisonous Asura is the key to curbing the recovery of the formation. Once the three-headed poisonous Asura is eliminated, the formation will definitely be able to close quickly. We will be considered victorious in this battle. Therefore, I suggest a quick battle, and the six of us must join forces to fight against the enemy!"

The Pagoda Sect monk finished speaking and looked at everyone, hoping to get support.

It's a pity that there are some arrogant people here, and he immediately heard someone objecting.

The boss of the monster clan, who had always been cold-spoken, suddenly said: "Friend Gao and I will deal with one of them!"

The boss of the monster suddenly made a sound, not only Gao Jiuding, but also several other people were very surprised.

These Monster Race guys have always been aloof, and they rarely team up with others to fight against the enemy. This time, they actually took the initiative to join forces with Gao Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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