Chapter 1232

The reaction of the boss of the monster clan stunned the Pagoda Sect cultivator for a moment, and he smiled wryly: "It's not just talking, but this matter is no small matter. The key to whether this transmission channel can get rid of the restraint of the Mo Luo army and restore it to its original state is Those powerful Poison Shuras.

I'd better send two fellow daoists first to pin down two of them, and then the four of them will join hands to kill one with all their strength. result! "

Seeing that Gao Jiuding had no objection, the boss of the Yaozu stood directly with Gao Jiuding, turning a deaf ear to what the Pagoda Sect monk said.

The Pagoda Sect monk gave a wry smile and turned to look at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding made a gesture of helplessness, and the monks of the Pagoda Sect stopped talking, and instead wanted to organize the remaining four people!
Since Gao Jiuding and the boss of the monster clan want to join forces to deal with one of them, as long as one of the remaining four people entangles one of the big poisonous Shura, it is still possible for the remaining three to surround and kill a big poisonous Shura.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Yulei cultivator suddenly smiled at the pagoda sect cultivator: "In this case, how about you and I joining forces to deal with one?"

The cultivator of the Pagoda Sect was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, the cultivator of the Fire Tribe beside him had already smiled strangely and said, "Very good, it's fair, Long Li, what do you think?"

Long Li still had a foolish smile on his face, and said: "Whatever everyone says, so be it!"

The monk of Pagoda Sect could only continue to smile wryly, and he said helplessly to the monk Yu Lei: "Since this is the case, then a certain one has no choice but to go with the flow, and he might not be able to compete with you all, so please help him a lot!"

The cultivator Yulei of Zixiaozong also smiled and said: "Wherever it is, take care of each other!"

Going head-on and beheading a poisonous Asura at the level of a big Asura, Gao Jiuding thought to himself that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to do it. Just look at the previous battle with the three big Asuras, and he can roughly guess the result!
The trio of monks from the Pagoda Sect, Long Li, and Yulei from the Zixiao Sect joined hands, but it was nothing more than abolishing a big poisonous Shura, and finally let it escape.

Although the three of them still have backhands that have not been used, the Great Poison Asura is also better than the ordinary Great Asura, not to mention there are many strange methods, which are hard to guard against.

But then again, with the strength of the six of them, the difference may be a hair's breadth!

If you really want to win the battle against Poison Shura, you can only go all out.

Only by fully displaying their respective methods can they have a chance to achieve what they want, otherwise, this competition will only be a passing scene.

The six reached an agreement, and the boss of the monster clan flew out first.

Gao Jiuding had no choice but to keep up. After the two flew tens of meters away, Gao Jiuding finally couldn't help asking: "I don't know why you want to join forces with Gao?"

The boss of the monster clan glanced at him and asked back, "You don't know?"

This rhetorical question made Gao Jiuding puzzled, so he could only ask: "Know what?"

The monster boss smiled and said, "The one you met earlier was my little sister. She knows how powerful you are."

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "What did she tell you?"

Monster Beast Lao Dao: "She just said that you are very powerful, and the big poisonous Shura I am facing this time is also very powerful, so I naturally have to choose a powerful helper!"

Naturally, Gao Jiuding didn't believe this, he already had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't want to say more: "It's better to be like this!"

The monster boss cast a glance at Gao Jiuding, as if he had seen through his thoughts.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding's expression remained unchanged, only waiting for him to talk about it.

The boss of the monster beast pondered for a moment, and said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong. Maybe we can communicate with each other. If this happens, everyone will be happy."

"Let's do it first!" The twin swords in Gao Jiuding's hands turned into a chain of sword lights, and his great supernatural swordsmanship swirled and chained. Poison Shura's side and rear beheading!

While making a move, Gao Jiuding turned to the monster beast, "What do you need?"

The flying sword in the hands of the monster boss was blocked by a Poison Shura, but there was a loud noise behind the Poison Shura, and a cloud of colorful mist rose up and turned into a fog shield.

Gao Jiuding hurriedly dispelled the great magic power and recalled the two swords.

But the boss of the monster clan cursed loudly, saying: "Damn, bad luck!"

It couldn't help showing a little more caution on its cold face.

And at this moment, a faint blue flying sword suddenly pierced out from the void towards Da Shura's forehead.

Ding!Poison Shura used the companion spirit treasure to immediately attack this time.

The accompanying spiritual treasure in the hands of this poisonous Shura is a soft whip, but the whip head is inlaid with something that looks like gold and non-gold, jade and non-jade.

The soft whip in Poison Shura's hand was originally fighting with the flying sword of the monster boss, but at this time the whip head suddenly appeared in front of his forehead, blocking the sudden appearance of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

The most powerful supernatural power of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword is to hide its body shape. Although it cannot be completely invisible, as long as Gao Jiuding wants to, it can be urged to turn it into a transparent crystal. It is not too bad to say that it is invisible.

Gao Jiuding seldom used this kind of supernatural power, because there were not many people who were his opponents in frontal attacks, let alone sneak attacks.

Unexpectedly, this sneak attack failed.

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword retreated with one blow, and the boss of the monster praised: "Ice Soul Cold Light Sword? It's really extraordinary, but it's a pity that this transparent flying sword is inferior to the invisible sword!"

As soon as Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, a sunflower thunder blasted towards Poison Shura, and then he continued to cooperate with the monster boss to attack head-on.

While fighting, Gao Jiuding said: "Fellow Daoist, be careful, this Asura is going to fight back!"

As soon as Gao Jiuding finished speaking, a cloud of colorful mist suddenly appeared in front of the monster boss, almost spraying it on his face.

The boss of the monster beast was taken aback. With his innate supernatural powers, he was not afraid of the poisonous mist being corroded and poisoned at first, but the colorful mist he saw was the one that appeared after the loud noise of Poison Shura to resist the poisonous mist. The cloud of colored mist of Gao Jiuding's Ice Soul Cold Light Sword is the same.

Such a powerful poisonous mist, why would he think about resisting it?

The boss of the monster beast was secretly angry, how could this poisonous Shura use all kinds of methods to bury him?

The boss of the monster beast stepped back and directly used the space magic power. He retreated more than ten meters all the way, avoiding the cloud of colorful mist, and at the same time avoiding the attack range of the poisonous mist.

The big Asura turned around immediately, and threw the soft whip in his hand towards Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and the Shuangfei Sword slashed towards the soft whip one after another.

However, the soft whip was useless, and his attack effect was not good, so the soft whip was still drawn towards Gao Jiuding's body.

At this time, the voice of the boss of the monster beast reached Gao Jiuding's ears: "Fellow Daoist Gao, I'm not good at words, so I just said it straight, I'm about to use the opportunity of the first thunder calamity to condense a supernatural power of my own destiny, but If this supreme supernatural power is to be condensed successfully, one thing is needed, and this thing, my little sister once said, may have it in the hands of fellow daoists, and even if not, there should be clues to this thing."

The surrounding water vapor gathered around Gao Jiuding's body, and strips of water condensed behind him.

Under Gao Jiuding's envoy, strips of water entangled towards the drawn soft whip. After being disintegrated, they still rushed forward one after another, finally dissolving all the strength of the soft whip.

The flying sword of the boss of the monster beast finally flew to share the pressure of Gao Jiuding.

At this time, the monster boss continued: "My little sister once said that fellow Taoist spirits are so strong that they can actually condense the will of heaven. In this case, I think the immortals in that ancient battle city should fall into your hands." Bar?"

When Gao Jiuding heard it, it was indeed that thing.

He also exposed the Immortal Spring Immortal Liquid in front of that witch, but he never thought that it would be missed by that witch just once.

However, there was no emotion on his face.

Gao Jiuding said: "If there are really superfluous spiritual objects, in exchange for the help of a fellow Taoist, Gao will naturally wish for it, but he has encountered danger in the past few days, and there are not many of them. If he needs this object urgently, after leaving here, Gao It’s not too late to talk to fellow daoist again!”

"Oh? Not many?" The boss of the monster beast showed a hint of understanding on his face, obviously he didn't think Gao Jiuding was telling the truth.

If there are really not many, will you just take it out and give it to your subordinates?
This kid from the wild frontier probably doesn't understand the benefits of the psychic liquid!
But he didn't force it, but said: "Forget it, let's deal with this beast first!"

After finishing speaking, the flying sword in his hand turned into a blue sword light and rushed straight to Xiaohan!
The flying sword condensed into a round light cluster in the midair, as if a full moon appeared in the midair, it was the supreme supernatural swordsmanship among the monster race.

The Poison Shura also seemed to have discovered the sudden appearance of the moonlight in the mid-air, and it seemed to contain a great risk, so the accompanying spirit treasure in his hand also trembled into several rings in the mid-air, each round The space in the center of the ring was corroded by the poison.

The moonlight hung down, and most of it was swallowed by the torn black portal, leaving only a small part of the moonlight, which shot towards Poison Shura, but was covered by countless whip shadows.

This supreme sword technique and divine power sword formula is indeed extraordinary, where the moonlight shines, the sword light is everywhere!

Although the Poison Asura didn't know the details of this set of sword skills, he could still sense the danger, so he directly splashed a soft whip, the dancing water couldn't get in, as if it had condensed into a cloud of whips above his head.

This whip cloud not only blocked the moonlight, but also blocked Gao Jiuding's twin swords from the periphery!

At the same time, clusters of black mist seeped out from the whip cloud.

The black mist changed continuously, and finally formed a monster, running towards the moonlight in the mid-air.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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