Chapter 1233
The monster's huge mouth opened wide, and it swallowed towards the full moon.

Seeing that the supernatural power of the boss of the monster beast was about to be broken by Poison Shura, Gao Jiuding's pair of flying swords suddenly joined together, the blades of the swords flashed with thunder, and then turned into a nine-meter sword light, rushing towards the whip cloud .

Amidst the loud crackling noise, Jian Guang was torn apart by the whip cloud, but he was also successfully opened a huge gap by Jian Guang.

A flash of spiritual light flashed through the gap, and a purple-gold villain appeared in front of Poison Shura in the air, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

A jet-black flying sword behind the villain came out of its sheath in response to the sound, and the jet-black flying sword, shining with stars, appeared in front of Poison Shura almost instantly.

At the moment when Poison Shura didn't react at all, the flying sword stabbed and picked out one of Poison Shura's eyes.

Poison Shura let out a roar, and a whip shadow parted and lashed towards the purple-gold figure, and the tip of the sword protruding Poison Shura's eyeball also made a "chichi" sound, and the eyeball turned into a puddle of poisonous water. To corrode the body of the flying sword.

It's a pity that no matter how violent the corrosion sound was, the jet-black flying sword was still the same, and even the light shining due to the activation of the true essence was not disturbed at all.

This is a gold-type flying sword, one of the first batch of flying swords refined by Gao Jiuding, and the material is extremely high.

This is a star sword. Although it has not been sacrificed to become a sword pill, but in his spare time, he was sacrificed by the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng to become a ninth-level spiritual weapon.

The main reason is that the material of the Star Sword is too good, and the material of the first-class earth level is not much worse than many sky-level materials.

Gao Jiuding's incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, using all his strength to control this flying sword, can already push this top-notch gold-type flying sword to the extreme.

Gao Jiuding also had no choice, because relying solely on his body to fight was a bit powerless at this time, and he could only rely on the incarnations of Zijin Dapeng and Water Fire God Python.

The incarnation of the water and fire python is already urging the supernatural powers of water and fire, and now he has used a gold-type flying sword, so he can only rely on the incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng.

This sudden sneak attack worked very well.

Star iron was conceived in the real fire of the sun, naturally it is not afraid of being corroded by ordinary toxins, and even the toxins of the great poison Shura cannot corrode it in a short period of time, but Gao Jiuding can never let his flying sword withstand such test.

The incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng appeared with the beast circle, and Gao Jiuding was not afraid of being spotted by the monster boss. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng, which was more than one meter at this time, was just a spirit body. It's like the spirit of this flying sword.

The appearance of Zijin Dapeng's avatar was for sneak attack, so after being wrapped in poisonous mist, Gao Jiuding immediately activated his true energy in his body, transformed into a giant hand, and suddenly appeared behind Zijin Dapeng's avatar.

When there was no time left, he was rescued from under the shadow of the whip. At the same time, a psychic liquid containing infinite vitality was bounced onto the Star Sword by Gao Jiuding, and a fine mist of white and black exploded. The poisonous filth was immediately washed away.

The surprise attack by Zijin Dapeng's avatar not only blinded Du Shura in one eye, but also disturbed Du Shura's poisonous mist and whip cloud.

At this moment, the boss of the monster beast let out a long howl, the bright moonlight suddenly exploded, and countless real sword energy descended from the sky.

Every sword qi, like nailing a poisonous snake seven inches above, scattered a whip shadow.

"An incarnation outside the body? A friendly means!" Even the arrogant monster boss, when he saw the incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat, was he actually noticed?Gao Jiuding still wanted to make people think that this was the sword spirit of the flying sword!

With a helpless sigh, Gao Jiuding pretended to be calm and said lightly: "Fellow Daoist, your reputation is too high. Your supreme swordsmanship also makes me amazed!"

"Be careful!" Gao Jiuding reminded suddenly.

Gao Jiuding teamed up with the boss of the monster beast to restrain Poison Shura's companion spirit treasure in one fell swoop, and also made him pay the price of an eyeball. However, Poison Shura was not afraid at all, and on the contrary became even more crazy.

Just when the boss of the monster beast restrained Whip Cloud, and was going further to use his supernatural powers to severely injure this Shura, he saw the poisonous Shura stretch out his hand, touch the eye socket where he lost one eye, and gushed out from the eye socket. The thick black ink-like liquid immediately covered Poison Shura's palm.

The Poison Shura stretched out his palm, and pushed towards the boss of the monster beast that was rushing, and when he looked at the palm again, where was there a trace of thick black venom on it?

The face of the monster boss changed, and the body that jumped out retreated at an even faster speed. At the same time, the flying sword in his hand came out, stabbing towards Poison Shura!

However, although his speed was fast, it was too late.

Suddenly, strange black lines appeared on the face of the boss of the monster beast, which flickered on and off. Obviously, he was trying his best to prevent this strange appearance. It was obvious that the boss of the monster beast was being eroded by the poisonous art on his body.

To be able to poison even the bosses of monsters who are not afraid of toxin attacks is already able to explain the violence of toxicity!

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding hurriedly used his two swords to pinch back and forth, and at the same time cast out several formulas with both hands.

A huge wave was generated out of thin air, rushing towards Poison Shura's back.

A pair of flying swords turned into two thick sword lights, faintly visible in the huge waves, ready to send out a thunderous blow at any moment.

At the same time, Gao Jiuding pierced the space with one hand and drew a golden water flow, which merged into the huge wave. This time, the entire huge wave was actually painted with a layer of gold.

At the moment when the golden liquid was drawn out from the space magic weapon by Gao Jiuding, Poison Shura and the boss of the monster beast were startled.

In the only remaining eye of Poison Shura, there was a violent and fierce light, but under this layer of fierce light, there was a trace of fear hidden indistinctly.

Although the monster boss was still fighting against the inexplicably poisonous poison in his body, when the golden liquid merged into Gao Jiuding's supernatural power, the monster boss showed a gleam of joy.

During the battle, Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention to the expressions of Shura and the boss of the monster beast, but while maintaining the suppression of the poisonous Shura, he drew out a golden liquid that was full of vitality and flew straight towards the boss of the monster beast.

Just when Gao Jiuding joined hands with the monster boss to fight against the poisonous Shura, the other two battle groups were also in full swing.

Under the pressure of the two big poisonous Shuras, the four monks all began to expose their own suppressed skills one by one.

The dragon carp opened its mouth and inhaled, and swallowed up the thick poisonous mist that surrounded Poison Shura but kept him and the fire monks elusive!

This is the supreme supernatural power of the dragon carp clan. From now on, it can be seen that as long as the race has a little background, it has a long-standing supreme supernatural power. This is not the same as the supreme supernatural power that Gao Jiuding obtained by accident. .

After activating the supreme supernatural power, Long Li didn't feel very well. At this time, his face had turned a miserable green.

However, he was obviously able to bear it, so Long Li could still yell at him: "Fucking guy from the Fire Clan, hurry up, I'm about to lose it!"

The words were wanton and insolent, and there was no trace of the simple and honest color before.

"Hey, I told you long ago that this supernatural power of your dragon carp clan is effective, but sooner or later, you will eat up your stomach!"

The Fire Clan monk said sarcastic remarks, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all.

The fire monk just moved a little, and a huge fireball rose from his hand.

The fireball was like a scorching sun, emitting the might of burning mountains and boiling seas.

Boom!A stream of flames shot out from the fireball.

With the fireball as the center, a huge flame cage was woven, and the Poison Shura, who had lost the protection of the poisonous mist, was shrouded in it.

Poison Shura was burned by the flames and let out a miserable howl.

On the other side, cultivator Yu Lei held the lightning cone in his right hand and struck the left and right thunder hammers. A streak of seven-colored lightning coiled down in mid-air, and then merged into a purple lightning light, which directly smashed the companion spirit treasure in Poison Shura's hand into the air.

"What a supreme thunder method, what a purple sky god thunder!"

The pagoda sect monk gave a big praise, and then the nine-story glazed pagoda above his head was lit up from the bottom layer by layer.

When the seventh floor is reached, all the lit tower floors on the first six floors are extinguished.

Then the entire seventh layer of light was blazing, and with a bang, it suppressed towards the top of Poison Shura's head.

"This fellow Taoist is worthy of being the first disciple of the three generations of the Pagoda Sect. This supreme supernatural power is known as the number one in the Zhenzong sect, and its reputation is even higher than the defensive supernatural powers of other major sects. I didn't expect that this level of defensive supernatural powers has already become the most powerful. Trained by fellow daoists!"

"Haha, a little understanding, just a little understanding!" The monk of Pagoda Sect only showed a little complacency in the praise of Yulei monk, and then said: "Brother Dao, you and I have to work harder, then With the two fellow daoists next to me, I'm afraid they will be one step ahead of me."

Brother Yulei also agreed: "It's nothing more than the monster clan. He has long been called the number one among the new generation of monster clan, and he has already been tied with the Taoist brother. I didn't expect that the other senior fellow Daoist showed no strength at all." Weaker than the boss of the monster clan, it seems that this fellow Taoist is hiding very deeply!"

Although the flame cage of the Fire Clan burned Poison Shura to screams and howls, the Fire Clan monk knew that his supreme supernatural power did not cause substantial harm to Poison Shura trapped in the cage.

At this time, this poisonous Shura has been using the original poisonous mist to fight against the flames.

The dragon carp is much better at this time, but there is still a tinge of green on the face, obviously when it used the previous supernatural power, it was more or less poisoned.

However, considering the strength of the dragon carp, it only takes some time to get rid of the remaining poison.

"Then what is the origin of Fellow Daoist Gao? It seems that he is indeed a strong enemy!"

The fire monk said with a sneer "hehe", "Why, are you afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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