The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1234 There Are Big Guys Coming

Chapter 1234 There Are Big Guys Coming
Thanks to the 100000 coin reward from Brother Murong Suimeng DH, the first leader of this book appeared, thank you again, the ten chapters that will be added will be updated tomorrow, and there is no preparation today! ! !
A simple and honest smile appeared on Long Li's face again, and he said, "It's sympathy! But if I were you, obviously I wouldn't focus on Fellow Daoist Gao at this time."


"Your flame cage is about to explode!"


"Long Li, why don't you fucking shoot!" the fire cultivator shouted angrily, his whole body in flames.

In addition to the strength of the Great Asura, the Great Poison Asura also has the strange supernatural power of poison, which is the fundamental reason why it is stronger than the ordinary Great Asura.

However, when the supernatural power of poisonous art that Great Asura relied on to dominate was suddenly restrained tightly, this poisonous Asura unexpectedly fell into a panic for a while.

With the help of the golden psychic liquid sent by Gao Jiuding, the boss of the monster beast quickly eliminated the poison of Du Shura's supernatural power under the cooperation of the inside and the outside.

At this time, the Poison Shura was still mixed in the huge waves formed by the poisonous pulp, struggling to resist the strangulation of the two sword lights.

The boss of the monster beast let out a long cry, and the pale golden waves were even stronger than before. Gao Jiuding could sense that this long cry should be a kind of auxiliary supernatural power!
The poisonous Shura had already reluctantly bound the sword light with the companion spirit treasure, but with the help of the tsunami-like huge waves, he broke free immediately.

Poison Shura's supernatural powers of poisonous arts have been restrained by Gao Jiuding, and the companion spirit treasure has been restrained by the two swords with the help of two great supernatural powers. Seven or eight out of ten of Poison Shura's strength has been crippled!

The flying sword of the boss of the monster beast danced into a bright and clean disc, breaking down all the defenses of Poison Shura like a broken one.

The disc transformed by swordsmanship supernatural powers slashed across, and the poisonous Shura's head flew high, and the poisonous whip that lost control was whipped around like crazy!
Gao Jiuding's Ice Soul Cold Light Sword had already been blown away amidst the wailing, and even the supernatural power of the sword light he released was broken by the tyrannical power that this companion spirit treasure erupted when it was about to be destroyed.

Gao Jiuding had no choice but to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, and retreated far away.

The poisonous whip not far away began to be peeled off layer by layer, like a black stone falling into the water, forming a black mist, but finally dissipated.

At the beginning, the boss of the monster beast saw that the poisonous whip was raging everywhere, and it didn't explode with the fall of the poisonous Shura, so there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

His flying sword flicked and wanted to suppress it with all his strength, but unexpectedly it destroyed itself afterwards, which made him lose his demeanor in front of Gao Jiuding, so he could only smile awkwardly.

It's not that Gao Jiuding is high-spirited and upright, but when the poisonous whip whipped the two swords away, through the contact between the ice soul cold light sword and the poisonous whip, he noticed that the spirituality in the companion spirit treasure was violently tending to self-destruction , naturally will not step forward to snatch it.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, and the golden poison that had previously been integrated into the supernatural power condensed in the tide again, and after merging with the corpse of a big Asura-level poison Shura who had turned into the original essence, the ball of poison The volume has obviously expanded.

The boss of the monster beast stared at the golden liquid, his eyes sparkled, the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by several continuous loud noises.

Boom!Boom!Boom!A muffled sound came from not far away, Gao Jiuding and the monster boss looked at each other, and they both rushed towards the place where the sound came from!

There is already a gap in the formation, lost the host of the three-headed Poison Asura, and the recovery of the gap in the formation has already gained the upper hand in the containment of the Poison Asura group, and is slowly recovering.

The Mo Luo army outside the formation naturally discovered this change, so they began to attack the edge of the gap even more frantically, intending to stop and continue to expand the gap.

When the two arrived, the two big Shuras were struggling to tear the gap, and a few Shuras not far away were madly attacking the formation of the gap, working together to block the closing of the gap, while a large number of Mo Luo troops stepped up to cross the gap. Passage, towards the small secret realm for reinforcements.

Without saying a word, the two of them sent the magical treasures in their hands to attack the demons who swarmed into the passage.

Most of the moro army that poured in were of the level of big and small moro. Under the unexpected attack of these two people, how could they have the power to fight back?

These monsters were either killed, or fled in all directions, and the passage was immediately occupied and blocked by two people.

The big Shura at both ends, who was trying his best to contain the passage, was furious when he saw Gao Jiuding and the two of them!
A Daxiu Luo snarled and was about to rush in from the passage, but was easily repelled by Gao Jiuding and the boss of the monster clan.

At this moment, two poisonous Shuras and one Mara joined in.

The two teamed up to occupy the entrance of the passage, blocking Mo Luo's impact again.

At this time, Mo Luo who rushed into the formation, and the poisonous Shura around, had already discovered something was wrong.

They gathered towards the central passage one after another, wanting to re-gather their strength, they should cooperate with each other to open the passage!

Unexpectedly, a commotion came from the Mo Luo group, and the Mo Luo army was in chaos again!

The pagoda sect monks, Yulei monks, dragon carps, and fire monks have each dealt with their opponents, and they are coming to the gap in the formation for reinforcements.

Just after Gao Jiuding and other six people joined forces to block the gap in the formation, all the Mo Luo army, whether inside or outside the formation, were blown up.

The Mo Luo army outside the formation naturally began to attack the blocked hole with all their might.

Several Poison Demon Luos shot together, causing chaos in the gap.

If it weren't for the four people from the Pagoda Sect to come to help in time, Gao Jiuding and the boss of the monster beast alone would be powerless to block the entrance of this cave.

And the Mo Luo army in the small secret realm, seeing that the back road was cut off, naturally became even more crazy, abandoning their opponents one after another, and going back to the passage to fight back.

The monks of the two races of human and demon in the small secret realm tried their best to stop them, but the effect was not very good.

Even the monks of various sects and two races who were orderly and narrowing the circle around the anti-drug Shura had to be distracted to deal with it at this time!
They not only need to keep compressing the Poison Shura group, but also turn back to block the returning Mo Luo army, and try to reduce the pressure of Gao Jiuding and other six people who are blocking the gap in the passage.

Therefore, after just a few seconds, with the passage as the center, within a radius of several miles, it became a pot of porridge.

Gao Jiuding and other six people joined forces to block the passage, and several Mo Luo could not shake it together.

The big Asura at the two ends, who were trying their best to contain the recovery of the gap, suddenly panicked. They turned around and joined forces with a few Poison Demons to attack the entrance of the passage.

The joining of the two great Shuras greatly increased the pressure on Gao Jiuding and the others.

However, if two of these six people join forces, they can kill these real big Shuras!

If it is really six people working together, their strength will definitely be stronger than the sum of three pairs of Mara.

Faced with the combined impact of the two big Shuras and the six or seven-headed Mo Luo, although the pressure is not small, it will definitely not be overwhelming.

Seeing that after the two big Asuras joined, Mo Luo's impact on the passage became more and more fierce, and even appeared to be fearless. At this time, the monk of the Pagoda Sect shouted: "Everyone, at this juncture, I am afraid that I have to show some skills. Already!"

Needless to say, everyone started to use their powerful natal supernatural powers one after another, and began to squeeze Mo Luo's impact space!

Except for Gao Jiuding, everyone had already used the supreme supernatural power when dealing with the poisonous Shura, so at this time, many people were paying attention to Gao Jiuding.

I saw Gao Jiuding's twin swords, one on the left and one on the right, displaying two great supernatural powers, the Liangyi Sword Jue and the Ice Soul Cold Light.

These two supernatural powers are one for attack and one for defense. Although their power is lower than the supreme supernatural powers of the others, after joining the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng, the two sword lights will immediately rush to prevent Gao Jiuding and others from blocking the passage A group of Mo Luo reinforcements, all blocked in the periphery!
Naturally, everyone would not complain about Gao Jiuding's less powerful supernatural power, but Gao Jiuding blocked many demons after all.

Of course, Gao Jiuding's performance still caused a trace of contempt to flash in the eyes of the fire monks.

The joint attack of Da Shura and Da Mo Luo was repelled by Gao Jiuding and others again, and the passage quickly began to shrink because there was no containment!
Shocked, the two big Shuras didn't care about fighting Gao Jiuding and the others. Instead, they each howled and turned around to try to contain the recovery of the cave entrance again with the companion spirit treasure in their hands.

The pagoda sect monks and others naturally wouldn't let Da Shura succeed, and they were all ready to stop it!

However, Gao Jiuding's expression changed. He seemed to have noticed something, but when he was about to open his mouth to remind him, he saw the Pagoda Sect cultivator beside him. He didn't attack, and he seemed to have noticed something.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, but he didn't open his mouth to remind him. He knew that there should be a demon more powerful than the real Great Shura outside.

At this moment, the Pagoda Sect cultivator next to him opened his mouth and said, "Be careful, a big guy is coming!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they naturally guessed what the big guy the Pagoda Sect monk was talking about.

All the monks suppressed the offensive in their hands one after another, ignoring the two big Shuras and a few big Maras.

They re-positioned and gave up the formation gap that was about to close, preparing for a greater impact that might arise.

call!call!call!A few shimmering green vines suddenly pierced out from the void, grabbing around the passageway and pulling it out fiercely.

The entrance to the passage, which was barely blocked by a few big Shuras and big Mola, was torn open half a foot in an instant.

Gao Jiuding and the others changed their faces one after another, and they used all the powerful magic spells brewing in their hands!

This time, Gao Jiuding also did not hesitate to use the supreme supernatural power - Wan Jian Jue, a powerful vortex of sword light, which was generated out of thin air outside the formation through the channel, tearing a vine into pieces in one fell swoop.

Several other people were either flashing with thunder, or soaring into the sky with flames, or with swords shining in the sky, and cut off a vine respectively.

However, except for the thunder and lightning supernatural power of the monk Yu Lei, the methods of others are more or less slower than Gao Jiuding.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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