Chapter 1236
At the moment when the other monks were desperate, they saw that a huge mirror had risen above the head of the monk Yu Lei.

The violent thunder light gushed out from the mirror, like lightning chains spewing out, firmly fixing the Thunder Cultivator in place.

"Zixiaozong Tianlei Mirror!" When Long Li saw the half-person-high mirror, his face suddenly changed wildly, and he blurted out.

This Heavenly Thunder Mirror is very famous, obviously it belongs to the level of Tongtian Lingbao. The quality of this kind of magic weapon is much higher than that of Gao Jiuding's Heavenly Fire Mirror hidden in the pagoda, and its power is also too powerful, enough to help monks Block King Shura's short-range attack this time.

Thunder and fire have always been inseparable. After the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda merged with the seal of the beasts, it absorbed the thunder and the ability to control the thunder, which was integrated into the pagoda, and then the Houtian fire mirror was integrated into the pagoda, part of the ability to control the thunder. , was controlled by this fire magic weapon.

Of course, this is also the result of Gao Jiuding's special refinement. The first thing he mastered was the water and fire god thunder, and the sky fire mirror is the ultimate fire. It is the easiest to cremate the sky thunder, and a huge space naturally needs thunder and rain to reconcile the yin and yang of the world. .

Therefore, at this time, Tianhuo mirror should be called Lei Huo mirror, but now, Lei Huo mirror feels threatened.

Gao Jiuding's eyelids twitched wildly, and the pagoda in the sea of ​​blood space was shaking. This was all because of the thunder and fire mirror inside it jumping up and down. It seemed that it couldn't wait to jump out of the sea of ​​blood space!

Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not expose such treasures at this time!
With a thought in his mind, a huge slap suddenly appeared in the space of the pagoda, and he slapped it away, only then did he calm down.

Not far from Gao Jiuding, the aura of the monster boss was soaring. Under the eyelids of the people around him, he broke through the boundary of the early phase of the Dharma all the way. A pair of spirit treasures hovered around his body, forming a bottomless The abyss of the seabed absorbs all the violent waves that hit, but itself still stands firmly on the edge of the passage.

However, after dispelling the impact of King Shura's supernatural power, the aura around the boss of the monster beast began to decline until he recovered his initial cultivation level!

Obviously, he used a very wonderful secret method, which can raise his own cultivation level to the level of the middle phase of the law in a short period of time, and use this to deal with sudden crises, and the duration is not too long.

If it is said that the boss of the monster beast temporarily raised his cultivation level to the middle stage of the Dharma Aspect by relying on supernatural powers and secret techniques, then what the monks of the Pagoda Sect showed at this time is a real mid-stage Dharma Aspect cultivation.

A huge aura surged around him, causing the space within a meter around him to be turbulent by the impact!
This is the out-and-out medium-term cultivation base of Dharma. With such strength as the backing, the cultivator of Pagoda Sect is still the spiritual treasure in the hands of the envoy, and easily defuses King Shura's offensive.

This person hides very deeply, and everyone realized at this time that when they focused their attention on a relatively unfamiliar monk of the same level as Gao Jiuding, when they wanted to dig out more of his hidden cards, they actually Unexpectedly, the monks of the Pagoda Sect had already gone one step ahead of them, survived the first thunder calamity, and stepped into the threshold of the middle stage of Dharma!

Even so, under the sudden outburst of Pagoda Sect monks, everyone's attention to Gao Jiuding still hasn't diminished!
Confronting King Shura head-on is certainly a challenge for everyone, but it is also an opportunity to peek at each other's strength and understand their respective hole cards.

At least until now, the monks of the fire clan and the dragon carp have been forced out of their original forms, the boss of the monsters has revealed the secret technique of stepping up the cultivation base, and the monk of Yulei has even revealed such treasures as the sky thunder mirror!
Of course, the most valuable thing is the cultivation base revealed by the Pagoda Sect monk. He has advanced to the middle stage of Dharma Aspect.

The new generation of monks in the cultivation world compete fiercely with each other. However, in the face of the huge gap of the first thunder disaster, the cultivation of the most elite has always been limited to the early stage of Dharma and has never broken through. compete on an equal footing.

This kind of competition has prompted these elites to continuously consolidate their respective foundations in the early stage of Dharma, and to enhance their respective strengths by tapping their own potential, condensing secret arts and supernatural powers, and searching for rare treasures.

However, these monks naturally know that this balance is extremely fragile, and the means to break this balance is also extremely simple, that is, to cross the gap between the test of life and death.

And once someone breaks this balance and advances to the middle stage of the law, then the title of No. 1 of the new generation is very likely to be well deserved.

The pagoda sect monk, the first direct monk of the new generation of pagoda sect disciples, has already crossed this gap at some point!
But he kept it secret all the time, until now when he faced the threat of King Shura's life and death, he finally revealed it.

The pagoda sect cultivator, who had entered the middle stage of Dharma, suddenly replaced Gao Jiuding and became the strangest cultivator among the crowd, which made everyone vigilant.

Of course, this does not mean that Gao Jiuding will not be ignored by everyone!

In a team, the appearance of two unfathomable and unpredictable teammates will only make everyone more vigilant.

Four flying swords were hovering around Gao Jiuding's body, but everyone was staring at the last flying sword, which was blood-red but colored with rich colorful light.

This is a blood sword, which was practiced by the incarnation of the dragon elephant according to the blood knife sacrificed by the red-haired monk in the blood sea space in the Longevity Secret Realm.

Because it absorbed a lot of essence and blood, and refined countless ghosts and spirits, and Gao Jiuding used Shura's blood-transforming kung fu to practice, and then incorporated some gods and souls with the great Asura's immortal kung fu, it made this handle fly The sword, as soon as it appeared, possessed advanced spirituality, and finally became the first advanced spiritual treasure flying sword in Gao Jiuding's hands.

In other words, this is a Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure, a Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure comparable to the Sun, Moon and Seven-Star God Axe.

Gao Jiuding has long realized that he lacks the means to kill, so during the more than 50 years of retreat, he has not done nothing.

Of course, Gao Jiuding has a lot of good things in his hands, but there are not many top-quality magic weapons suitable for him.

For example, the sun, moon and seven-star axe are best used by monks who practice yin and yang or space magic.

In this regard, even if Song Yue used it, it was more powerful than Gao Jiuding.

There is also the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword that Gao Jiuding often uses, and this water fire python is the best to use.

Because the incarnation of the water and fire python has the magical power of ice, in the hands of the water and fire python, the ice magic power can be activated, and the ice soul cold light sword can even be used as an invisible Lingbao flying sword.

It is because these top-level magic weapons do not match the attributes of Gao Jiuding, and the compatible earth spirit beads, extremely cold blue flames, and real sun fires are too low in level.

That's why Gao Jiuding deliberately made the dragon elephant who was sitting in charge of the demon star incarnate, and practiced such a top-level spirit treasure.

As for the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, its level is high and its power is also very powerful, but this pagoda is strong in defense, and it is already so strong that Gao Jiuding can't activate its full power.

Others include Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, Thunder Fire Mirror, Demon Binding Cable, etc., all of which are incompatible with Gao Jiuding's attributes.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding simply refined a blood-type flying sword, and the most powerful thing to match him was the blood shadow supernatural power.

Moreover, using the blood shadow supernatural power, devouring a large amount of blood essence, and doing sacrifices, the speed is very fast.

It's just that, after all, this is a newly practiced magic weapon, and it has not been completely successfully practiced at this time. The reason why the power of the Tongtian Lingbao can be revealed at this time is entirely because Gao Jiuding has integrated a blood god son into it. .

This means that Gao Jiuding is manipulating the blood sword himself, so it is more powerful.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding exposed such a big killer again, which made everyone else feel uneasy.

It turns out that Gao Jiuding also has a psychic magic weapon in his body. He has never used it to fight against the enemy before, and even like the monks of the Pagoda School, he used two supreme supernatural powers in one fell swoop. Sword, although everyone was awakened in their hearts, they were also thankful that this time they finally forced him out of a hole card.

It's just that this guy is able to succeed in the current attack of King Shura just because of this?
This question just flashed through everyone's minds, and the four flying swords were seen dancing separately, but the aura rising above the flying swords was different.

Is this guy going to use four different supernatural powers?What are you kidding?
He has enough divine sense to control four kinds of magical powers at the same time?
Have enough true energy to activate the four supernatural powers?Can he bear the pressure on his own blood by doing this?

However, the facts presented in front of everyone made everyone have to believe it!

Gao Jiuding not only has this strength, but even surpasses it.

The ice soul cold light sword, the ice soul cold light supernatural power, and the flying sword are transparent, turning into invisible and shadowless!
The star sword, the golden light sword with supreme supernatural power!

Blood Flame Sword, Blood Flame Lotus Sword Art!

Three Lingbao flying swords, one Lingbao flying sword that reaches the sky by devouring a large amount of blood essence and blood!

The four kinds of supernatural powers and swordsmanship were unleashed, breaking through the supernatural power rushing towards Gao Jiuding in one fell swoop!
how canHow can it be!

Such a tyrannical divine sense, such a thick true energy, such a strong blood power!
The Shura King also didn't believe what it saw. He was very surprised that a few cultivators from the human and monster races in the early stages of the Dharma were able to break their own offensive.

King Shura's eyes finally focused on Pagoda Sect monks and Gao Jiuding twice more.

Just when everyone was gathering their momentum and preparing to deal with the more sudden attack of King Shura, they saw that King Shura suddenly withdrew his hand strangely.

Everyone still didn't dare to be careless, but they suddenly noticed that there was a fluctuation in the surrounding space, and two more monks suddenly appeared outside the passage!

The two monks attacked King Shura from left to right, and a shocking battle broke out between the three of them, rolling away from the entrance of the passage.

Gao Jiuding and the others finally came to help!

(End of this chapter)

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