The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1237 The Treasure of the Fairy

Chapter 1237 The Treasure of the Fairy

The six people who had gathered their momentum and were about to fight to the death suddenly looked like deflated balls, their faces were pale, dripping with sweat, and they looked like they had exhausted their true energy and were at the end of their crossbows. They didn't have the prestige of challenging King Shura before. !
After all, the cultivator of the Pagoda Sect is a mid-stage cultivator, and he seems to be the most powerful among the six. He forced a smile and said: "Everyone, this is not the time to relax. It is better to wait for the gap to fully recover before recovering!"

Everyone lost their interest in the competition for a while, and they chased away a few poisonous demons who were still trying to restrain the recovery of the formation, and the passageway began to recover at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that the channel was only the last one meter in size, no Mo Luo dared to attack again, but heard a faint roar that seemed to come from ancient times, coming from a very far away in an instant!

Seeing that there was only the last meter-sized hole left, the six of them couldn't help tensing up. As long as they persisted, it seemed that victory was already waving to them.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a strange howling sound came again!
Everyone is very familiar with this roaring sound. In the previous offensive and defensive battles, this roaring sound has been commanding the Mo Luo army there, which makes everyone know that the existence of the roaring sound is the one hidden in the Among the Mara army, there is another powerful existence that has never shown up——the Mara King!

The howling sound was far away but very strong. However, this powerful sound wave had no effect on the Mo Luo army outside the shield of the formation.

However, in the feeling of Gao Jiuding and others, it is even more frightening than the raging waves.

The entrance of the one-meter passageway was like a cave filled with wind, and there was a strange whistling sound in the midair.

All of them propped up their protective qi, but they were blown by the sound waves like waves.

The six people glanced at each other, and all of them felt something was wrong.

Seeing that the entrance of the passage had shrunk in half again, of course they couldn't give up, even if they wanted to retreat, it was not now.

Before a few people could take any action, they saw dark clouds billowing in the sky, almost covering most of the sky, making the whole world obviously extremely dark.

A blue light flashed in Gao Jiuding's eyes, and a sharp light more than one meter long shot out from the eyes.

At the same time, there was a "crack" in the eyes of the cultivator Yu Lei, and a thunder light exploded.

Both of them used the pupil technique, so they shouted almost at the same time: "No, defend!"

Among the dark clouds, a silhouette of a human figure loomed in it, and the black mist around him, as if it had a spirituality, turned into various demon heads, and various hideous and miserable colors appeared on its face.

The moment the two yelled at the same time, a deafening roar suddenly came from the dark clouds.

The voices of the two were immediately overwhelmed by this huge roar.

A sound wave that can almost be seen with the naked eye, spread all the way, squeezing the space to pieces.

The opening of the hole, which was only half a meter away, was blown apart by the sound wave by a meter like a rag.

The momentum continued, and the sound wave directly swept towards the spiritual thoughts of the six people.

Although the Fire Clan monk and the dragon carp had already summoned the dharma form out of the blood sea space, they still screamed, and the dharma form above their heads was about to be blown away.

Then, they rolled all the way backwards, a piece of blood was sprinkled in the mid-air of their bodies.

Cultivator Yulei let out a muffled snort, a golden-winged bird flashed above his head, and then he was overwhelmed by the thunder light overflowing all over his body, and then he retreated several meters away, and then slowly The figure stopped.

After the thunder light dissipated, the big golden bird on top of his head had long since disappeared, leaving only the corner of Yu Lei's mouth bleeding.

However, looking at the situation, at least it was much better than the fire monks and the dragon carp.

When the roar of the Moluo King sounded, the boss of the monster beast also summoned the Dharma to resist it!
The dharma form of the boss of the monster is a one-horned golden-scaled dragon, and the golden-scaled dragon is shining with golden light all over its body. Its defense is obviously stronger, but it just rolls, and Dharma-phase Qingyun immediately turns into layers of water waves. Amidst the howling sound, layers were smashed into pieces.

Seeing that the boss of the monster beast is about to follow in the footsteps of cultivator Yu Lei, he saw an auspicious cloud rolling over from the side, a big golden bird soaring in the auspicious cloud, and then a layer of invisible flame rose from the edge of the auspicious cloud, killing the monster The figure of the beast boss was suddenly covered by auspicious clouds.

The nine-story glazed pagoda above the monks of the Pagoda Sect was lit up layer by layer again. As the ninth floor was lit, the previous eight floors began to go out one after another. Then Gao Jiuding saw an oil lamp, from the ninth floor to the glazed pagoda. Flew out of the tower.

The ninth floor of the glazed pagoda went out immediately, but the wick of the oil lamp was suddenly lit with a bean-sized flame.

Gao Jiuding's eyes narrowed slightly, and at the moment when the flames lit up, he sensed a will to start a blazing fire, and this will was actually hidden in the bean-sized flames.

That flame is a heaven-rank high-grade spiritual fire, and that oil lamp is a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure!

No wonder the monks of the Pagoda Sect were able to light up all the nine-storey glazed pagodas. It turns out that there is such a treasure hidden in the pagoda.

Originally Gao Jiuding was secretly amazed, could it be that he has practiced the three supreme supernatural powers?But it turned out that it was because of this Tongtian Lingbao.

The pagoda sect monk held the oil lamp in his hand, and flicked his other hand towards the middle of the lamp, a drop of lamp oil spilled from the middle of the lamp, forming an oil curtain in front of him.

When he saw the oil curtain, even Gao Jiuding's own size had to be moved.

This is no ordinary lamp oil, it is simply a kind of water-attribute wonder, and the quality is definitely not low, it may also be a heaven-level wonder!
Although this kind of strange thing is of water attribute, it is extremely flammable, and once ignited, the power of the flame it emits is extremely powerful, even comparable to the spirit fire of heaven and earth.

Such a drop of psychic liquid, after being ignited, will burn fiercely, and it doesn't look like it can be completely burned in a short time.

This is a favorite of many monks who are obsessed with alchemy, and it is also a shortcut for water attribute monks to become alchemists.

When Gao Jiuding was studying alchemy, he also considered looking for this kind of spiritual liquid, but the rarity of this thing is not due to rare treasures such as breath soil, so Gao Jiuding has never had the chance to come across it.

I didn't expect to see this thing in the hands of a Pagoda Sect monk today, and it was used as a consumable!
For a moment, Gao Jiuding felt that he, who has always been called "lucky", should be willing to bow down in front of the chief heir of the Pagoda Sect.

In a blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding saw the flame of the oil lamp gradually elongate, turning that piece of oil into a wall of flame.

The sound wave swept over and was immediately blocked by the wall of fire!
In the sound of "嗤嗤", the flame inevitably went out and then ignited, and the sound wave was also weakened more and more weakly.

Seeing that the monks of the Pagoda Sect finally stopped him, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

His forehead was already covered with sweat, but he turned around quickly and looked in Gao Jiuding's direction.

Seeing the situation on Gao Jiuding's side, the Pagoda Sect monk couldn't help exclaiming: "The treasure of the fairy!"

Just when the Mo Luo King roared, a small khaki basin suddenly jumped out in front of Gao Jiuding.

As soon as the small basin appeared, it began to shake non-stop.

When he felt the threat from the outside world, Xiaopenzi exhaled countless yellow auras, which immediately opened up in front of Gao Jiuding.

Countless yellow clouds arched Gao Jiuding in the center to protect it.

At this time, the small basin surrounded Gao Jiuding and circled continuously among the yellow clouds.

The Mo Luo King's roar was extremely powerful, but most of the power was aimed at the monk's spiritual thoughts.

Although the cornucopia is a broken spirit treasure, it is because of the broken body that Xiaopenzi urgently needs a lot of spirit power to recover, which makes it a treasure specially restrained from spirit attacks.

But at this time, facing the innate soul-eating supernatural power of the Mara King, the ability of the cornucopia was brought into full play to the extreme.

Therefore, when faced with the roaring attack of the Mara King, the power of the cornucopia was even stronger than that of the Tongtian Lingbao oil lamp in the hands of the monks of the Pagoda Sect.

Just when the Moluo King was whistling, a layer of invisible red aura suddenly rose from the edge of the yellow clouds outside the cornucopia, baking the yellow auspicious clouds like fire burning clouds, and the sound wave caused by the whistling , when encountering this burning cloud, it was immediately ignited into a green fire wave.

Different from the mutual cancellation of the wall of fire and the sound waves of the Pagoda Sect monks, the spiritual light emitted by the cornucopia directly burns the divine thoughts emanating from the Mara King, forming a green soul flame. As fuel, the impurities in the supernatural powers were directly burned away, and other essences were swallowed up by the small basin.

Gao Jiuding was also very helpless, he never thought of exposing the cornucopia, but he couldn't help it jump out by itself!

Feeling that he is safe, Gao Jiuding also has the mind to observe others.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding discovered that the boss of the monster beast seemed a little powerless because he resisted the attack of the Mo Luo King.

With a movement in his heart, the cornucopia suddenly swelled, covering the boss of the monster beast under the auspicious clouds.

The Mo Luo King seemed to be extremely surprised that Gao Jiuding and the other six were able to withstand its blow!

The dark clouds in the sky shrank rapidly, and a pair of faint rays of light pierced through the dark clouds!

Gao Jiuding and the others suddenly felt chills all over their bodies, those two black lights must be the eyes of the demon hidden in the black mist of Soul Eater!
Gao Jiuding noticed that the two black lights seemed to be staring at him for an especially long time!
However, at this time, the passage had shrunk to below one meter again, as long as there was a little delay, they would be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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