The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1238 The Overall Situation Has Been Decided

Chapter 1238 The Overall Situation Has Been Decided
The current situation is still a bit uncomfortable.

Both the fire monk and the dragon carp were seriously injured.

Cultivator Yu Lei and the boss of the monster beast also consume a lot of real energy.

Although the monks of the Pagoda Sect and Gao Jiuding still had spare strength, once the Mara King launched an offensive again, the two of them alone would not have the confidence to resist its attack.

However, the strange thing is that the Mo Luo King did not take any further actions after severely injuring the six people!

Gao Jiuding and the Pagoda Sect monk looked at each other in surprise.

It was only at this time that Gao Jiuding realized that the shrinking speed of the tunnel seemed to be accelerating, and now there were only five or six centimeters left.

The Pagoda Sect monk also reacted. When he turned around to look, he saw the poisonous cloud around him, which was slowly dissipating!
The Poison Shura group was almost completely wiped out, and more than a dozen escaping lights in the distance had arrived close in the blink of an eye, and there were many masters among them.

Only now did Gao Jiuding know that those who came to this starry sky with all the major forces were not only some monks who were in the early stage of Dharma, but also great monks who were in the late stage of Dharma, but these big monks had their own things to do. And they will never make a move if it is not necessary.

Fortunately, he was careful, and the area of ​​this asteroid belt was not small, otherwise, Gao Jiuding might have been attacked by these big monks.

Gao Jiuding quickly recovered Zhenyuan, and at the same time carefully sent everything that happened here to Song Yue and the others through the Jade Document.

It's really not simple here, otherwise, how can this resource-rich asteroid belt survive until now?

Now Gao Jiuding knew that this asteroid belt must be the territory of King Shura and King Mo Luo, this is their back garden.

If Gao Jiuding had gone deep into the asteroid belt at the beginning, he might have met King Shura and King Mo Luo long ago.

Originally thought that meeting a large group of Shura and Mara would be considered unlucky, and the chance of meeting a big Shura and a big Mara should not be great.

But he never expected that there are not only big Shura and big Mara here, but also King Shura and King Mara.

This is the important reason why this asteroid belt can still retain so many resources.

Moreover, there must be more opportunities in this asteroid belt than Gao Jiuding imagined.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to give up such a treasure land, but he couldn't exploit it wantonly.

"Fortunately, the incarnation of Dragon Elephant was left behind, but I don't know if a monk like Dragon Elephant, the peak of Dharma, can deal with King Shura and King Mo Luo!" Gao Jiuding looked not far away, muttering secretly.

If Shura King and Mo Luo King don't have powerful supernatural powers, or don't have much combat experience, they may only be able to display the combat power of the Dharma Master. In this way, even if there are more numbers, as long as they defeat each of them, Song Yue and the others still have a chance .

But if King Shura and King Mo Luo really have the combat power of a pure Yang monk, then Song Yue and the others will have no chance at all.

No, there is still a chance, that will have to wait until the Dragon Elephant incarnation advances to Pure Yang!
The Dragon Elephant incarnation is now only half a step away from advancing to Chunyang, but Gao Jiuding is not so confident in surviving the Chunyang thunder tribulation.

While planning secretly, Gao Jiuding looked at the distance. The battle situation in the distance seemed to be gradually calming down.

Gao Jiuding was determined. Knowing this battle, Mo Luo's army's plot against the small secret realm was over!
As for the small secret realm, although it is still a mess, but without backup, it is only a matter of time before the demon is eliminated!

The Mo Luo King thought that he saw the entrance of the passage restored. They had no hope of breaking the barrier of the secret realm defense again, and Gao Jiuding and the others had reinforcements coming behind them, so they did not make another move.

At the end of the battle, one person took the lead and flew into the small secret realm.

I saw that this person was very tall, with a layer of khaki light covering his body, Gao Jiuding knew at a glance that he was an earth repairman.

Moreover, his current image should be a supernatural power condensed by using the true energy of the earth element, which should be the real body of Wutu.

Although the battle was over, the man still hadn't disarmed Wutu's real body, and it wasn't over yet. There was a bright yellow flame hovering around him, and he was holding a big khaki ax tightly in his hand.

He landed in front of the crowd, and he was relieved to see that except for the aura around his body, which was a little unstable due to the great consumption of true energy, everything else was not damaged.

The man walked up to him and immediately said, "This time, you guys are a little reckless!"

Everyone knew that this was his love and care, so they naturally expressed their gratitude.

The pagoda sect cultivator immediately said: "Uncle, thank you for your trouble, this disciple is indeed a little reckless this time, luckily I am lucky!"

The powerful monk nodded, then sighed again, and there was a trace of regret on his face again!

He looked back, and the monks who had been protected by the elders of their respective forces said: "The overall situation of this battle has been decided, you wait and go back inside to cultivate, and leave the affairs here to us old guys!"

After this battle, everyone felt that they had gained a lot, and they were planning to return to the sect to retreat for a period of time, and turn these gains into their own heritage!

The Pagoda Sect cultivator then said: "In this case, the disciple will go back first, and the uncle must also be careful!"

At this time, there are countless demons outside the small secret realm. If you want to return to the canyon smoothly, it is best to eliminate the demons outside.

But the great monk of the earth system obviously didn't want Gao Jiuding and others to continue taking risks.

Gao Jiuding and the others were not far from the broken hole in the secret realm, and it was easier to go back. However, if there was no danger, everyone would naturally disperse. If they were too close, who knew if they would be attacked?

When Gao Jiuding turned back, he saw the monster boss coming forward, and said, "Thank you Brother Gao for your help earlier!"

Behind the monster boss stood a monk in the middle stage of Dharma. He looked at Gao Jiuding in a strange way.

Gao Jiuding naturally noticed this person, and he thought he was a monk from the monster clan.

So Gao Jiuding nodded slightly towards the other party, and then said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you are welcome!"

Gao Jiuding bid farewell to the monster boss, but just as he turned around, there was a loud noise suddenly from the protective formation of the entire small secret realm.

Amidst the deafening roar, the entire formation barrier shone brightly.

Gao Jiuding looked at it, and the defensive cover was integrated, like a glass and crystal cover, buckled upside down on the sea.

I saw that the entrance of the passage had been closed, and the entire guardian formation was fully integrated, without any flaws.

At this moment, the roaring sound of the Moluo King Youyuan came again, but this time he did not use the powerful soul-eating supernatural power again!
Gao Jiuding activated his clairvoyance, and immediately saw the soul-devouring black mist filling half of the sky, gradually receding, and then moving towards the distant horizon, and the Mo Luo army outside gradually followed and began to retreat!
The Mo Luo army is about to retreat!
boom!boom!Boom. The spiritual energy storm caused by the continuous roars shocked Gao Jiuding.

This level of fighting skills is no less than the battle between pure yang monks.

Gao Jiuding saw that among the surrounding Mo Luo army, four or five big Mo Luo suddenly blew themselves up in a row, causing a huge aura of spiritual energy, and successively pulled the nine Dharma monks who were fighting with him into it!
After the aftermath dissipated, only five of the nine Dharma monks survived, two of them were seriously injured and dying, and the other two had a broken leg and an arm, and the last one looked intact, but he was also vomiting blood .

The aftermath of the devil's self-detonation also caused the fall of a large number of demon monks and demon monks within a radius of several hundred meters.

At this moment, a Dafa monk flew out from nowhere, and he rushed out in a mess of tattered clothes.

This person shouted loudly over the small secret realm: "The Mara army has retreated, and the Mara around the small secret realm have been abandoned. Be careful that they explode!"

The growl of this Dharma monk is obviously the use of a kind of supernatural power of his own.

While he was shouting, the entire void was still surrounded by the roar of various spells and magic weapon duels, and there were even a few self-detonating sounds mixed in, but none of these could suppress his roar.

The small secret realm has a radius of [-] li, and there are asteroids one after another, but they were all taken care of by this ancestor in his life.

The monks of the two tribes who were fighting were listening to them.

The passage was re-sealed, and the Mo Luo army outside withdrew, and the Mo Luo left around the small secret realm suddenly fell into a desperate situation, so more and more Mo Luo blew themselves up.

Caught off guard at the beginning, the cultivators of the human and demon races suffered heavy casualties. Some of these cultivators were chased out of the small secret realm, and some returned later. Anyway, they were all miserable.

In the series of self-detonations of six or seven big demons, the two tribes of humans and demons directly lost five Dharma monks, including an ancestor who was in the middle of Dharma, and six or seven others were seriously injured.

In addition, there were many self-detonations of demons, big and small, which also caused the downfall of many monks from the human and monster races. The monks with low cultivation levels suffered even more severe casualties.

The big monk's reminder was timely enough, but losses were inevitable.

Facing the threat of life and death, the cultivators of the human and demon races were very awakened, but even so, the next series of Mo Luo's self-destructs still brought extremely heavy losses to the human and demon races.

At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't care less about returning to the canyon, there were still many unlucky people outside who needed his rescue.

Gao Jiuding turned around quickly, just in time to see other monks turning around and entering the battle group again.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Gao Jiuding unexpectedly and the boss of the monster, hurriedly avoided those existences above the big magic Luo who had fallen into madness, and moved towards the "Taoist soldiers" formed by more than twenty blood core monks nearby. Hurry up to the "big array".

This group of people is the weakest and the situation is the most dangerous!
Fortunately, there are many very experienced monks among this group of blood pill stage monks. Under their command, all of them formed a large formation of Dao soldiers, fighting steadily, without panic, otherwise, they would be finished if the demon group attacked.

They were relatively lucky, only to be targeted by a big Shura and cause some small losses.

Of course, many were seriously injured, but not many died.

(End of this chapter)

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