The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1239 Starry Sky Civilization

Chapter 1239 Starry Sky Civilization
A group of monks at the blood core stage were targeted by a big Shura, many of them were seriously injured, but not many of them died, this is luck.

Just at that moment, not to mention the cultivators of the Blood Pill Stage, even the Patriarch Faxiangqi who was hidden in the surrounding void suffered heavy losses, let alone them.

The momentary loss stunned many people. Fortunately, these people have good basic qualities and know how to form a large formation and defend together.

The return of the small secret realm to its original state already meant that the two clans of monsters and monsters had won the battle, but at this time, they inevitably had a slight negligence.

Whether it is a low-level disciple or the more than [-] Dharma Aspect Stage monks hidden around, the string in their minds has been tensed for a long time, and at this moment they all choose to relax.

And at this moment, the two big Asura instantly rushed into the formation of Dao soldiers and blew themselves up!
Many monks, although they realized that something was wrong when they saw the two big Shura rushing into the Daoist formation as if committing suicide, and hurriedly started to run the defense of the formation with all their strength, but the self-explosion came so suddenly, there were still three blood pills. The monks fell on the spot!
Six or seven other people were injured, and the three of them were seriously injured, basically cut off the possibility of further cultivation in the future, and one of them was still at the peak of Xuedan.

Afterwards, the voice of warning came, and many senior masters did not care about remorse, and hurriedly launched a large array of Dao soldiers to defend at all times!

Afterwards, several big demons came one after another and died together, but they were all successfully defended by some masters!
Even so, five or six monks were injured by the aftermath of Mo Luo's self-detonation!
This made the casualties of more than [-] monks outside almost reach two-thirds!
When Gao Jiuding merged into the Daoist formation, looking at the situation in front of him, he no longer knew what to say.

The situation was originally good, but who would have thought that the devils would explode themselves?

Whose life is not life?The devil has two lives?
As long as it is an intelligent creature, how can it be possible to give up its own life easily?

But the facts are right in front of our eyes, these big and small demons are really desperate.

The patriarch Fa Xiang, who was in charge of protecting the disciples of the Xue Dan stage, had a look of deep regret and guilt on his face.

But later, the patriarch of Faxiang, with a gloomy face, was even more terrifying. One of them snorted heavily and cursed: "You led a good team!"

When Gao Jiuding saw the scene in front of him, he immediately started to help treat the injured monk, and put out all kinds of elixir in his hand.

The patriarch Faxiang not far away was even more remorseful. Gao Jiuding looked aside and could see clearly that although the patriarch Faxiangqi was angry later, most of the anger did not fall on the annoyed patriarch. Mo Luo blew himself up, and even more than a dozen monks in the mid-stage Dharma phase fell, and dozens of them were seriously injured!

The monks who came to support were already cautious enough, and now the casualties are considered to be few. The real heartache of the later ancestors was those few fallen monks.

At this moment, the boss of the monster quickly persuaded: "Uncle Master has done well enough. After all, no one thought that Mo Luo would choose such a crazy way at the last moment. Uncle Master, the most important thing is to save people now. I also need to trouble you, old man, to cheer up and be vigilant!"

The later uncle snorted coldly, and stood in front of the Daoist formation without saying a word!
The uncle of the boss of the monster beast nodded gratefully towards the boss of the monster beast!

There was another loud shout from a distance, and before several Moluos could reach the range of more than a hundred meters from the Daoist formation, they were split in half by an ancestor of Faxiangqi.

At this time, in the distance of the small secret realm, the big monks from various factions and tribes who had been entangled with King Shura had returned one after another.

These big monks also ignored the embarrassing image after they reluctantly entangled with King Shura, and took action one after another to suppress the crazy Mo Luo army around the small secret realm.

With the participation of the big monks, naturally they will no longer be afraid of the self-destruction of the Mo Luo army. In addition, the monks of the blood core stage of various sects and tribes have begun to gather, and the casualties of the monks of the two tribes will immediately begin to decrease.

Three days later, more and more news began to be collected, and the monster boss ordered someone to pass the news to Gao Jiuding.

In this battle, Mo Luo's army returned in defeat, but the two races of humans and demons also suffered heavy losses!

According to approximate statistics, more than 20 Dharma monks fell, including no fewer than four monks in the mid-term Dharma phase. Half of the casualties were caused by the explosion of Mo Luo's army after Gao Jiuding and others successfully blocked the gap passage!
As for the casualties of the cultivators of the two tribes of human monsters in the blood pill period, they can be described as countless.

Even in this battle, several big cultivators paid the price of serious injuries, including the ancestors of the monster beasts, and the three peak ancestors of the law, it is said that this battle directly destroyed their further possibility, although this The possibility was originally slim.

There are also two big monks who were born in the Fire Clan and the Dragon Carp Clan, and their origins have been damaged. It is said that even if their injuries recover, their cultivation base may be able to maintain the middle stage of the Dharma, which is already thankful.

These casualties made Gao Jiuding speechless in shock. Although the small secret realm was opened this time, in fact, the cultivators of the two tribes of human and demon still occupy the advantageous position.

Even so, such a huge casualty was still paid. If this battle really let go of the head-on confrontation with the Mo Luo army, I am afraid that the two races of humans and monsters have already lost a lot.

However, compared with these, Gao Jiuding was more concerned about the Poison Asura. The sudden weakening of the Secret Realm Guardian Array must be related to the large number of Poison Asura, otherwise the gap in the Guardian Array would not have been opened.

Through these three days of understanding, Gao Jiuding already knew that in this piece of starry sky, there are a total of two small secret realms and several large resource areas.

For example, in the Poison Continent that Gao Jiuding encountered earlier, there was a huge and four large Lingshi veins underground.

Every mining of these five spirit stone veins has to go through strict calculation and control. It has always been forbidden for all factions to mine indiscriminately, and every time a sufficient share is mined, the mine will be sealed again.

The ancestors of Faxiangqi just ran to mine the veins. Otherwise, how could the secret canyon, which is the transmission base, be attacked by Poison Shura?

This time, the protective formation of the small secret realm of the canyon was weakened, and even pierced by the poisonous Shura who suddenly appeared. The fundamental reason was that Gao Jiuding moved the foundation of the small secret realm.

Without the defense of the poisonous plasma and poisonous pool in the canyon, the poison Shura would have played such a big role, and finally caused a turmoil in the guardian formation.

At this time, the great cultivators of several martial arts sects in the small secret realm had naturally discovered that the poison pool in the canyon had been destroyed, but to their surprise, they only said that there was a problem with the operation of the big formation. The problem is kept secret.

If those guys don't say anything, Gao Jiuding will naturally not express it. The battle he unintentionally triggered killed so many Dharma phase monks at once, so he naturally won't ask for trouble.

Gao Jiuding has been cultivating for more than ten years, how many Faxiangqi monks has he met in total?

He really didn't expect that so many Dharma phase monks were killed, and so many Dharma phase phase monks were cut off from their paths by just a small greedy move.

The accident had already happened, and no one thought about it, and naturally Gao Jiuding didn't think about it either.

After seeing the strength of the demon group, Gao Jiuding didn't want to weaken the strength of these unknown forces, no matter if it was the human race, the monster race, or even the spirit race.

The Fire Clan calls themselves the Spirit Clan, not the Monster Clan, and even the Monster Clan is divided into the Monster Beast Clan and the Fierce Beast Clan.

In the secret realm of the ancient city, what Gao Jiuding met was a family of beasts, and the demon girl who didn't deal with the family of beasts belonged to the family of monsters.

The conflict between the human race and the monster beast clan is not too big, just like now, they can still cooperate, but with the fierce beast clan, they will definitely die when they meet.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has basically figured out the distribution of some major forces in the surrounding starry sky.

These big forces are generally divided into three major forces, Human Race, Monster Race and Spirit Race.

The human race is a huge race, but there are too many internal branches, tribes, sects, and countries, and the settlements are scattered, so the strength is not strong.

Needless to say, the monster race, all races that are not human are classified as races!
Therefore, the internal races of the Yaozu are more complicated, but they are roughly divided into two parts. Those with a certain civilization are called the Yaozu, while those without much civilization and only war and plunder are called the Ominous Beasts.

In fact, this division is the division between civilization and barbarism.

Among the human race and even the spirit race, there is also this kind of distinction, but the distinction is not obvious.

Next is the spirit race, with metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements of the spirit race have the largest number.

They were born by condensing a certain element in the world. They are born with supernatural powers, and supernatural powers have powerful combat power. Unfortunately, there are not many of them, and it is very difficult to be born.

In ancient times, the Eldar were the strongest because they were inherently powerful.

It's a pity that with the passage of time, the rise of the human race and the demon race has pulled down the spirit race, which was originally called the god race, from the altar, and has become the rare spirit race now.

Up to now, no matter whether it is human race, monster race or spirit race, as long as they have a certain civilization and are not crazy, they all have the desire to coexist peacefully.

However, there are monsters in the starry sky, and fierce beasts and barbarians in the planet.

The demon group should belong to the spirit race, and they were born with the aura of Yin spirit.

Fierce beasts naturally belonged to the monster race, and there were also barbarians among humans, who were unreasonable and only talked with their fists.

These crazy races are the enemies of all civilizations.

Therefore, when entering the frontier universe for adventure, the human race, monster race, and spirit race will cooperate. From this, it can be seen that no matter whether it is a demon race, a fierce beast or a barbarian race, they should all be very strong.

Now Gao Jiuding also understands that the war city he entered earlier does not belong to human civilization, or in other words, it should belong to the barbarians among the human race.

It is also at this time.Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that the barbarians among the human race and the fierce beasts among the monster race were all in the domain of cultivation, and they were all powerful races that cultivated will and combat physique.

(End of this chapter)

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