The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1240 Time and Space Tunnel

Chapter 1240 Time and Space Tunnel
The demons in the starry sky are special, because they are spirit bodies, so they are finally divided into Shura and Mara. Shura is a body cultivator, and Mara is a Dharma cultivator, and they are rare soul cultivators.

Under the entire starry sky, the Demon Race is the most powerful because they occupy the largest territory. Fortunately, they belong to the Spirit Race, and it takes a long time for each little devil to be born.

However, even so, no one knows how many demons will be born in the vast starry sky.

The devils are really blessed. Even if they can't find a planet, they can still grow slowly in the starry sky.

Coupled with the attribute of devouring demons, as long as you give them time and some resources, the little devil will soon advance to the big devil, and the big devil will advance to the devil general, and the cultivation speed will be slightly slower until he becomes a Shura. Lower some.

Asura, who relies on devouring evolution, as long as he breaks into the living planet and devours creatures non-stop, his cultivation speed will be [-] times faster than that of the two races who rely on slowly absorbing spiritual energy to cultivate.

This is the horror of the demons, and fortunately there is an alliance between humans and demons, that is, the spirit race, their cultivation speed is not slow, and they are the favorite and most delicious food of the demons, otherwise, the human race and the demon race , it is really unlikely to develop.

The fire clan born in and around the stars is a kind of guardian who is born to protect other races!

Of course, the Spirit Race didn't protect other creatures on purpose, it was just done inadvertently.

"This world is more complicated than we imagined!" The more Gao Jiuding learned, the more emotional he became.

For example, the monster clan he imagined should be as raw as hair and drink blood, right?

Actually?They are similar to human civilization, or the civilization of the earth. They also have their own technology, their own civilization, their own culture, and so on.

In Gao Jiuding's view, many of the so-called monster races should be called alien civilizations!
Yes, they are the so-called aliens by the people on earth, because they are not human beings, and many of them are cultivation civilizations, so in the world of cultivation on earth, they are collectively referred to as the monster race!

This is a bit weird, either human or demon, and besides human, how many races are there in the demon clan?

The universe is vast, and all kinds of strange life emerge in endlessly, but the human beings on earth, or the world of self-cultivation on earth, put all these things on the opposite side of themselves.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding realized that not all alien civilizations can be called monster races after he really came into contact with alien civilizations, and many of them are not enemies of human beings.

This is the key to the two sects of monks, the Human Race and the Monster Race, being able to coexist peacefully and even defend against the enemy together.

Think about it at this moment, how ridiculous it is to call all other life forms demons.

It was also at this time that Gao Jiuding thought of a movie, The Rise of the Orangutan, those gorillas, in the eyes of those old antiques in the world of cultivation on earth, are they also monsters?
et that little alien is also a monster race?Of course, the aliens must be monsters!
So, the Fire Clan not far from Gao Jiuding must also be the Monster Clan?
The fire family is a life form formed after a spiritual fire condenses spiritual wisdom and opens up wisdom. In the earth's cultivation world, this is a flame that becomes a demon!

Also, if you kill this guy, will you get a heaven and earth spirit fire?
Therefore, the Fire Clan are all innate races with powerful cultivation talents.

Of course, even some monster races, their physical talents are not comparable to humans!
However, all of this is scum in front of the demons!
"Be careful, the teleportation array is about to start!" At the moment when Gao Jiuding was thinking wildly, a lot of spiritual energy began to gather in the small secret realm where he was.

When Gao Jiuding saw the ground under his feet, streaks of aura began to flash, and when all these auras were linked together, a huge restriction was formed.

As the restriction became brighter and brighter, Gao Jiuding felt a huge pressure.

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, until Gao Jiuding felt that he had reached a certain limit, which should be the limit of Xuedan's physical training in the middle and late stages. Only a strong physical training in the middle and late stages of Xuedan can withstand this pressure.

When the pressure reached the limit, Gao Jiuding immediately felt his whole body relax, and then he felt dizzy.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and then he realized that the teleportation array should have been activated.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding calmed down a little, and saw himself appearing in a passage.

It's not a dimensional space, there is no space storm, he is now in a colorful and strange space.

This passage is very similar to the space-time tunnel in science fiction. The whole passage is silent, but it changes rapidly, especially its color, which is very magnificent.

Gao Jiuding has never experienced this kind of teleportation, but he has been in the Time and Space God's Domain all year round, so he immediately sensed that the passage of time is very strange.

The inexplicable space and the turbulent flow of time are all Gao Jiuding perceives, so he immediately understands that this is a space-time tunnel.

Time and space become meaningless here.

Gao Jiuding felt that in the space he was in, time seemed to be stagnant, but time seemed to be passing by rapidly again. This feeling was very contradictory, but it was very clear.

"I don't know about the Space-Time God Realm, can you absorb the space-time turbulence here?"

Gao Jiuding stared at the majestic colors changing around him, these are the scenes that appeared under the effect of time and space.

If you throw out the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, will you get some benefits?
"No, this space-time channel is very stable. If you absorb some of the energy here, who knows if it will be stable?"

Almost immediately, Gao Jiuding denied his greed.

"It's not that you can't try it, as long as you wait for the moment when the transmission is about to end, you can, but it's very difficult to seize the opportunity!"

Unable to feel the passage of time, Gao Jiuding began to be greedy again.

During the change of expression, Gao Jiuding carefully took out the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Controlling the pagoda to float above his head, Gao Jiuding felt relieved.

Taking out the pagoda did not affect this space-time channel, which is a blessing.

Of course, Gao Jiuding only dared to do these things, he didn't dare to do any unnecessary moves, because he knew that if he didn't do it, he wouldn't die, if he did it, he would definitely die!
It felt very boring, but Gao Jiuding still endured it and did not open the pagoda, because he knew that any change in space might affect this space channel.

Gao Jiuding really didn't know how such a space channel was opened?

Also, how far is the asteroid belt he was in before from his destination?
It must be very far away, otherwise this teleportation would not be an open space-time channel.

If there is no time span in the distant interstellar travel, the time required for a teleportation will definitely be very long.

The surroundings are silent, although there is no darkness, but the changeable colors are not as good as the eternal darkness.

After watching for a long time, Gao Jiuding felt a little pressure in his heart.

"Boom!" Just when Gao Jiuding felt lonely, the surrounding colored channels suddenly vibrated.

"Ah!" Gao Jiuding knew something was wrong even if he was very confident, and he was taken aback.

"Boom!" At the moment when Gao Jiuding didn't respond, the entire color channel shattered instantly.

"Buzz!" Gao Jiuding finally reacted quickly, and the moment he felt the space-time channel collapse, the pagoda was activated.

Gao Jiuding felt very lucky at this time, he was fortunate to have summoned the pagoda in advance, otherwise, where would he still be alive at this time?
Gao Jiuding saw a layer of mysterious yellow air outside the pagoda, and was almost instantly crushed by the colored fragments formed by the shattered time channel.

But with the hindrance of a layer of black and yellow air outside, Gao Jiuding bought a little time.

Gao Jiuding entered the pagoda almost instantly, and then he felt the pagoda start to vibrate violently.

"Crack, click..." Gao Jiuding felt distressed for a while, and then he saw that the sky of the entire pagoda was shattering, which was the broken space.

If all this did not happen in the pagoda, Gao Jiuding would definitely be happy, because he could collect more space debris.

But what is broken now is the inner space of the pagoda. Although it has not affected the flowers, plants and trees in the space of the pagoda, the scene where the entire sky seems to be broken is really like the end of the world, and it is really scary.

Fortunately, the pagoda was strong enough, Gao Jiuding saw a huge tree emerge the moment the space shattered.

The entire space is completely covered by the big tree, and all the branches of the big tree are covered with all the space cracks, and even wrap all the space fragments.

Those branches are like living things, holding all the space debris.

At this time, the scene in the pagoda space is like a broken mirror, all glued together by the branches along the broken cracks.

Although broken, but not scattered.

The cracks in the space quickly disappeared, and what appeared before Gao Jiuding's eyes were countless branches.

At this time, the sky seemed to be filled with a big tree. Gao Jiuding knew that it was a eucalyptus, and that ordinary eucalyptus had long since become extraordinary.

It turned out that Gao Jiuding couldn't see it, and Gao Jiuding couldn't feel its magic. Only at this time, seeing the huge sky filled with branches and green leaves, Gao Jiuding realized the power of the eucalyptus at this time.

The sound of clicking and clicking kept coming, and Gao Jiuding knew that the pagoda was still facing a great threat at this time.

However, these threats were all suppressed by the eucalyptus.

As time passed, Gao Jiuding could clearly see the eucalyptus, especially its huge trunk.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding discovered that the blood vine that had penetrated deep into the sky and seemed to grow into the sky out of thin air was actually still clinging to the huge eucalyptus.

I couldn't see it before, so I felt that the blood vine was growing out of thin air in the sky, but at this time the eucalyptus tree showed its body, and Gao Jiuding discovered that the blood vine was still the same as before, and it was still attached to the eucalyptus tree.

Where the eucalyptus is located, there are blood vines. In front of Gao Jiuding, any blood vine has a diameter of [-] meters.

(End of this chapter)

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