The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1241 Congenital Shenmu

Chapter 1241 Congenital Shenmu
Originally, the blood vine was considered majestic in Gao Jiuding's eyes, but now it was attached to the huge eucalyptus, and the blood vine still looked so pitiful.

This is like a morning glory growing on top of a towering tree, it is so slender and weak.

The green trunk, the blood-red vines, no, there are some blood-colored lines on it, which actually burned.

Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that the eucalyptus was different from the past. On its trunk, some blood-red lines were burning, which were flame runes.

"Finally advanced to the Fire God Tree? Huoshu, it must be a fusion of the branches of the Huoshu!" At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of the Kenhuoshu branch he gave away.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding couldn't figure out what kind of existence was the jade tree that he got first that was burning like a flame?

At first he thought it was the earth level, but later he thought it might be the sky level, but now, Gao Jiuding is not so sure.

It is really amazing that after the death, the strange tree that turned into jade and still carried flames.

Wood is most afraid of flames, and it is miraculously integrated with flames. This kind of tree that is not afraid of fire should be regarded as an innate god tree, right?

"Damn, what am I thinking?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding realized that the burning eucalyptus should be at its most dangerous moment.

If you want to help a group of pagodas, you can also say help this sacred tree, but now Gao Jiuding doesn't have many good things in his hands.

"It doesn't matter!" Gao Jiuding poured all the treasures he had recently harvested into the centralized fairy pond in the pagoda space.

The treasures he collects are mainly various innate sources, such as Sunflower Elite, Xuanhuang Qi and so on.

Fortunately, he has the means to collect these treasures, otherwise, he has not sent to the pagoda this time.

The current level of the pagoda is poorer than the Qi Ling. As long as the Qi Ling is advanced, it will not be difficult for the pagoda to directly advance to the Tongtian Lingbao. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cave.

Unfortunately, because Gao Jiuding's strength is much worse than that of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding is afraid of the pagoda after he advances, and it will be more difficult for him to control it, or even lose control of the pagoda, so he has been suppressing the pagoda and not allowing him to advance At this time, Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful.

When the spiritual body is advanced into substance, the combat power will definitely increase rapidly. At that time, just like now, Gao Jiuding still didn't have any means to help the pagoda increase its combat power. power.

Gao Jiuding was still too cautious, he was afraid that the spirit of the pagoda would not survive the doom.

"Why does time pass so slowly?" Gao Jiuding looked at the pagoda that was fighting against the shattered time and space alone. At this time, there were still crackling sounds in the sky.

This slow knife killing is the most frightening, because you don't know how long you can last.

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't know how long the pagoda could last, and he didn't even know how powerful the pagoda was!

Although he was very scared, Gao Jiuding felt at ease when he saw the fairy spring surrounded by a chaotic atmosphere.

He actually forgot that he still has a fairy spring. At this time, the fairy spring should be able to absorb energy from the void and transform it into fairy energy?
That huge eucalyptus tree can not only use Huaxian Pond now, it can also use the golden liquid in Xianquan!
As long as there is still gold liquid, as long as there is still spirit energy in Hualing Pond, he shouldn't be worried!

"People can't live in a daze. By the way, what happened just now?" After finding out that the pagoda could still support it, Gao Jiuding had other thoughts.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but control his divine sense and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the dao map was suspended in the air so quietly, and his spiritual thoughts directly descended into the dao map.

With the help of Dao Tu, Gao Jiuding immediately felt refreshed, and his spiritual sense became extremely huge.

"Be careful, there are three-headed Mara Kings"

"No, this is a phantom clone, we are only facing one Mara King!"

"No matter how many heads, hold on!"

"When disaster strikes, let's fly separately, we can only take care of our own disciples!"

"Then take care of yourself!"

As soon as he released his divine sense, Gao Jiuding immediately sensed several shouts.

He recognized that it was the voices of the ancestors among the major forces, they were all masters.

But these masters should have encountered the attack of the Mara King, so their voices seemed very embarrassed.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also understood that they should have been attacked by the Moluo King, and the space-time passage had been broken.

"It's really unlucky!" Gao Jiuding said with a little fear.

"Boom!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt that the entire color space was completely shattered, followed by extreme darkness and extreme depth.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and then he was pleasantly surprised, because the darkness was like a space storm, and he appeared in the dimensional space.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding heard a sound of chaos. The sound he heard just now seemed to be replayed in his ears again.

Gao Jiuding froze, time turbulent?

With a cruel heart, Gao Jiuding directly controlled the pagoda and fully opened it. Immediately, everything around was sucked into the space of the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding only felt a strong storm, which suddenly appeared in the huge desert within the space of the pagoda.

The desert came from the Beast Master Dojo, and it was a dead land. Because of its huge size, Gao Jiuding's manpower could not be transformed at all.

It's all right now, a large space storm directly descended on the desert, and immediately blew the desert apart, and even cracks appeared in the surrounding void.

If there were no cracks in the first place, and if it was not glued together by the branches of eucalyptus, the space of the pagoda might be directly broken this time.

Gao Jiuding wiped the cold sweat off his brow, it was too risky, but this adventure should be worth it.

What happened just now seems to be very long, but the real situation is in an instant. The repeated words outside are the best proof.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to stay in the turbulent space, he directly controlled the pagoda, smashed the surrounding void, and left the dimensional space.

The colorful fragments, extreme darkness, and infinite depth, all of these disappeared, and Gao Jiuding saw starlight, densely packed starlight.

Seeing the familiar starry sky, Gao Jiuding's mind immediately settled down. He knew that he had left the chaotic flow of time and space.

However, this starry sky felt very strange to him, so it should be far away from the asteroid belt, so he would not have to face the threat of a Mara King.

I just don't know what kind of cultivation level that Mara King is, but he actually smashed the activated space-time channel.

It was also fortunate that the Mara King shattered the time-space channel, otherwise how could Gao Jiuding absorb the broken piece of time-space fragments?

Gao Jiuding already understood at this time that those broken colors are fragments of time and space!

Space shards are colorless, but when time shards are added, they become colorful colors, not glass-like shards, but a piece of color, just like a virtual rainbow, but this is not a colorful rainbow, but not a colorful rainbow. Stop changing colors of the rainbow.

At this time, the space of Gao Jiuding's pagoda was densely covered with countless colored fragments, one piece after another of color, covering the desert space.

The desert was broken, but the broken desert was dyed with brilliant colors.

Looking at the broken desert, Gao Jiuding seemed to see a space storm, and those colors were distributed throughout the desert along with the space storm.

I don't know what happened, but as Gao Jiuding flew out of the dimension space, the space storm that invaded the pagoda space was fixed.

Because this space storm is engulfed in space-time fragments, the colored space-time fragments describe the appearance of that space storm.

Space storms are everywhere, and they are very ferocious. Although they invaded silently, the space where the space storm passed, the space was broken and densely packed space cracks were formed.

Almost in an instant, the space storm covered the entire desert, and even invaded an oasis around the desert, destroying many spirit trees above the oasis.

"Eh? There's something wrong with those spirit trees?"

Seeing the broken spirit wood, Gao Jiuding still felt a little distressed, but when he looked carefully, those broken flowers and plants seemed to be recovering quickly!
In particular, a small tree with the thickness of an arm broke directly from the root, but the new shoots from under the stump were growing rapidly.

Gao Jiuding just looked at it, and the new branch soon replaced the trunk, growing into a small tree as thick as a finger.

"Quickly absorbing spiritual energy? Could it be that a demon spirit has been formed?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the small tree that was rapidly absorbing the surrounding aura and triggering a vortex of aura.

Although the surrounding vegetation is also absorbing spiritual energy, they are not as fast as it!
"Huh? It's still not right. Why did it break again? No, it seems to be refraction. Is this visual deception?"

Seeing that the tree head grew out of place, as if it could still grow sideways after being broken, Gao Jiuding immediately noticed the abnormality.

"That space is broken, and it hasn't fully recovered?" Gao Jiuding thought, and immediately came to the edge of that oasis.

This place was originally the edge of the desert. The space storm didn't have much impact on this oasis. It can be said that it only destroyed half of the area. Now Gao Jiuding fell on the watershed.

"There shouldn't be any danger, right?" Gao Jiuding's consciousness appeared outside the pagoda, the surroundings were dark, there were no monsters, no asteroids, only dense starlight.

There is no shortage of light in this unknown star field, and there should not be a large number of demons.

It's good if there is no devil, which means that there is no danger, but I don't know how far it is from the so-called semi-immortal world, that is, the earth immortal world.

Regardless of these things, the changes inside the pagoda are the most important.

Regardless of whether there is danger outside, it is right to hide in the pagoda.

(End of this chapter)

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