The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1242 The Troubles of Happiness

Chapter 1242 The Trouble of Happiness
Gao Jiuding thought for a while, then released the Huoling battleship directly, and the pagoda got into the battleship, and quickly flew into the distance.

The void is still a bit dangerous. Gao Jiuding wants to find a place to stay. It is best to find a planet, and it would be even better if it is a livable planet.

Huo Ling controls the battleship and executes Gao Jiuding's orders, so Gao Jiuding can naturally continue to study the changes in the pagoda.

After absorbing so many fragments of time and space, Gao Jiuding is full of hope. He really wants to know whether the color covering the desert is formed from fragments of time and space. If he has the power of time and space, then he will not be able to find the fairy world this time. , can be regarded as earned.

Back in the oasis, Gao Jiuding thought about it, and with a thought, a black fish appeared in his hand.

Sensing the sudden change in the environment, a black fish in the blood-refinement stage, whose vitality is very tenacious and whose combat power is not weak, immediately struggled.

This kind of thing is an omnivorous animal, it likes to eat meat most, and it also eats scavenging, so it has strong reproductive ability and grows fast.

People can eat this thing, but no one likes to eat it, so it can only be used by low-level monks to practice alchemy skills, especially for refining blood energy pills.

Such a thing is just used for experimentation.

Feeling that the struggle was getting more and more intense, Gao Jiuding directly threw the black fish in his hand.

The black fish landed in front of the small tree, and was just covered by a piece of color.

"Huh? Is this a more intense struggle? The speed is too fast, right? No, is it because the time flow is too fast?"

Gao Jiuding looked at Heiyu and Xiaoshu thoughtfully. The reason for the rapid growth of Xiaoshu might be because of its enhanced ability to absorb spiritual energy. Another possibility is that the flow of time has become faster.

His side is already under ten times the flow speed of time. If the space where the little tree is located, the flow speed of time is accelerated, then he stood in this oasis for 1 minute, but the little tree passed a few days. Still unhappy?

Of course, this is based on having enough nutrients, so that black fish was unlucky, it couldn't bear it after such a short time.

Gao Jiuding waited for 1 minute, but the black fish took an hour?

If it is sixty times the time difference, then the black fish has been in an anhydrous environment for an hour, so is it still alive?
Of course, the black fish has strong vitality, and it won't die if it leaves the water for a short time, but it must have a hard time.

"Continue to experiment and see how fast the little tree grows. The time lapse is not small!" Gao Jiuding became excited.

His current pagoda space originally had a ten-fold time difference with the outside world. If this time difference can be improved by this harvest, then Gao Jiuding will really not have to worry about the panacea in the future.

Of course, he will have to worry about spirit stones in the future. The faster time flows, the faster the elixir will grow, and the more spirit stones will be consumed.

Thinking of the colorful colors covering the entire desert, Gao Jiuding was even more worried. This is the trouble of happiness, right?
The area of ​​this desert is already large, but now that it is expanded by the space storm, the area is even larger.

"Well, around the desert, as long as there are green places, they are growing rapidly. No, there are also some places that have not changed!"

Gao Jiuding looked around with his spiritual sense. In some places, the trees and flowers grew very fast, but there were also many places in the middle without any change.

If you look carefully, there are many such places, but they are hidden among the fast-growing trees, and you can't find them without careful observation.

Of course, this is also related to the small area of ​​the oasis covered by those colored fragments!

Realizing this, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to enter this mutant land easily.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was a little awakened. The space-time fragments covering the desert probably not only increased the flow of time in some areas, but also slowed down time.

If you enter the place where the trees grow slowly and stay inside for an hour, maybe ten hours will have passed outside?Even the ratio will be more terrifying?
After all, Gao Jiuding didn't understand space-time tunnels, and he didn't know the function of these time-space fragments he boldly absorbed.

"It's better to be safe!" Gao Jiuding no longer hesitated, he left the desert directly.

As long as there is no danger here and the use of the pagoda is not affected, Gao Jiuding will be at ease.

Gao Jiuding did not leave the pagoda, but went to other places, and he began to collect flowers, plants and trees.

A piece of land with unknown functions appeared in the space of the pagoda. Gao Jiuding naturally had to study it to understand it. Therefore, the best way is to turn the desert into an oasis. At that time, the role of time and space on this land should be able to be seen. Some clues.

With the strength of Gao Jiuding, he is now more and more proficient in controlling the interior of the pagoda. He just has a thought, and everything in the pagoda will be controlled by him.

Countless seeds flew up and sprinkled in the distant desert.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop until the main part of the desert was covered.

He directly left the space of the pagoda and appeared in the Fire Spirit battleship.

Now the Huoling battleship has scanned tens of thousands of nearby astronomical units.

Of course, the details are only a few hundred astronomical units.

Because it was a strange place, Gao Jiuding didn't let Huo Ling manipulate the battleship to jump in space.

Looking at the astrolabe disk, the small-scale spatial folding mirror radar, and scanning the surrounding starry sky, after a large-scale scanning, the current location of Gao Jiuding can already be determined.

"Is it really close to the Milky Way?" Looking at his position, Gao Jiuding was surprised.

His current position is very close to the outer edge of the Milky Way, to be precise, it should be at the top of the fourth cantilever, close to the outer star cluster of the Milky Way, or even within the outer star cluster.

The stars in the starry sky here are dense, that is to say, there are many star systems here, very dense, and there are several star systems not far from Gao Jiuding!
"No wonder this is called the Earth Immortal Realm. With such a dense star system, even if the probability of life planets is low, there will be many life planets, right?" Looking at the surrounding star map, Gao Jiuding was amazed.

Because Gao Jiuding knows very well that every star is equivalent to a solar system!
In such a galaxy, even if there are no planets suitable for living things, just the huge stars are of great value.

And those stars are all in their heyday. It shouldn't be difficult to collect some spiritual fires in such stars, right?
There are also countless fire materials, even if they don't go deep into the stars, just get close to the stars and collect some materials ejected from the stars, it is enough for him to make a fortune, right?

How did the Star Iron come about?Isn't that how it came about?
The star iron that Gao Jiuding obtained earlier was only of earth-level quality, but it does not mean that all the star iron is of earth-level quality.

It has been a long time since he entered the universe and starry sky, and Gao Jiuding only now understands many things.

For example, black iron ore is densely packed with common iron ore. If it is squeezed by high pressure and high temperature with spiritual energy, black iron ore will be formed.

Purification of black iron ore will form black iron, and black iron will continue to be forged under high temperature and pressure to form gold crystals.

Gold crystals continue to strengthen, and even form gold essence. With gold essence, there is a further possibility of forming Taiyi essence.

Therefore, whether it is gold essence or Taiyi essence gold, its basic material may be the most ordinary iron ore.

Star iron is no exception, it's just that the environment in which it is located is different, which results in different qualities.

The reason why star iron is called star iron is because it is formed in stars.

Star iron is a large category. In the star system, iron formed due to certain conditions is called star iron, so its quality is different.

What Gao Jiuding encountered was a kind of earth-level star iron, and there are not no better sky-level star iron, and there are even immortal-level materials. Of course, there are also low-quality ones, and there are even more.

"If you come, you will be safe! Let's go to the nearest star system to see!" After locking the position and pressing his heart, Gao Jiuding immediately adjusted the flight direction.

After confirming the direction, the Huoling battleship accelerated immediately. There were only a dozen astronomical units, and Gao Jiuding did not choose to make a space jump.

"Alarm, alert, the solar wind is coming, please shelter!"

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, Gao Jiuding heard the siren, which made him nervous immediately.

"Huo Ling, what's going on?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Huo Ling immediately appeared: "The automatic alarm was triggered, and it was one step faster than I received the information and fed back to the master. Naturally, it is very dangerous. We need to find an asteroid belt to avoid the solar wind!"

Gao Jiuding of the solar wind naturally knows that solar storms refer to violent eruptive activities on the sun and a series of strong disturbances caused in the space between the sun and the earth.

Solar eruptions are short-duration and large-scale energy releases in the solar atmosphere, which are mainly released in three forms: enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle flow, and plasma clouds.

If it is on a planet, with the obstruction of the atmosphere, human beings will not suffer much damage, but in the empty space of the universe, the impact they receive will be relatively large.

After entering the starry sky for a long time, this is the first time Gao Jiuding has faced the threat of a solar storm.

But looking at the star map, there is nothing around. Where can he find an asteroid to block the wind?

"It's really not good, just resist. I'm still a few thousand astronomical units away from the nearest star system, so I should be able to resist!" As a result, Huo Ling, who had known it for a long time, said unhurriedly.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, how many thousand astronomical units?
The distance between the sun and the earth is one astronomical unit, and the current thousands of astronomical units are still relatively far away from the star that sends out the solar storm, so it should be able to support it, right?

"Come on, if it doesn't work, the master can hide in the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!" Huo Ling also became nervous at this time.

"Actually, you can also hide in the space of the pagoda. It would be better to let the pagoda withstand the solar storm!" Gao Jiuding immediately made a decision.

"Master, I want to test the strength of the solar storm!" Just as Huo Ling finished speaking, the entire battleship shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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