The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1244 Starry Sky Giant Beast

Chapter 1244 Starry Sky Giant Beast
Three days later, Gao Jiuding, who was bored, heard the siren again.

"What's going on? Where did the unknown creature come from?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Huo Ling immediately mobilized the radar and quickly locked on to an area. In the dark starry sky, a huge planet appeared.

"Half an hour ago, I scanned this starry sky, and there was nothing there!" Huo Ling said immediately.

"A huge asteroid with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers? How could it suddenly appear?" Gao Jiuding stared at Huo Ling and said.

"Look at the astrolabe disk, I have scanned this starry sky several times, this planet? No, it is an unknown creature!" Huo Ling shouted in shock.

"Ah? What did you say?" Gao Jiuding waited for the huge planet. Is it an unknown creature?What are you kidding?
"Master, it does have a thermal reaction. This is not a dwarf star. Now we can only temporarily enter a state of silence, hoping not to disturb it." Huo Ling said.

Gao Jiuding looked along the screen, and saw in the starry sky not far away, a black ball that was bigger than many asteroids, lying quietly in the galaxy, and there seemed to be invisible lines around it. thread, connected to a nearby asteroid.

Gao Jiuding could see that those silk threads were actually some subtle auras, and that huge thing was absorbing the aura in the surrounding void.

This is indeed a living creature, and it just quietly lies in the void.

It was the first time for Gao Jiuding to see such a terrifying and huge life form. Human beings were so small that they could be ignored in front of it, not much bigger than bacteria.

The Fire Spirit Battleship entered a state of silence, all light sources were turned off, and the equipment that could emit sound waves and radio waves was basically turned off.

The propellers were all turned off, and now they could only rely on inertia to let the battleship pass by the giant beast very slowly.

"This place looks more terrifying than imagined." Gao Jiuding murmured to himself.

The warship slowly approached the giant beast, and Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that many creatures could be seen on the giant beast.

Those creatures walked through the hair of the giant beast, as if they were in a forest, and there seemed to be a lot of them.

At this time, Huo Ling suddenly said: "This thing is so big, so it shouldn't pose much of a threat, because what it preys on is not tiny creatures like us, but asteroids that stray into it!
Although the battleship is also within its predation range, as long as we don't stray into its control area, there is no great danger. We should pay attention to the entire biological chain on the giant beast, where there are all kinds of creatures. Such void creatures, creatures that can survive in this environment, should not be weak, and their threat may be greater than the giant beast itself. "

"So many monsters can live on it, so this guy can't feel it?" Gao Jiuding asked suspiciously.

"It should be similar to the state of companionship!" Huo Ling said.

"I don't know how these things survived in the void? Although this place is not considered a vacuum, the environment is not considered good either?" Gao Jiuding was amazed at the monsters that were active on the huge monster.

There are so many things in the world. If it didn't enter the universe, can you imagine that there will be creatures active in the dark universe?
"This kind of void monster is very powerful!" Huo Ling said.

Gao Jiuding nodded: "I really want to see it. It would be even better if I could catch a few."

"Of course, the premise is that you are not afraid of disturbing that giant beast." Huo Ling said with a smile: "We also have this kind of monsters over there, such as the most common stone monsters, and their family can live in the vacuum of the universe."

Gao Jiuding was taken aback. He had heard of the stone demon before, but he never thought that the stone demon actually lived in the vacuum of the universe.

Then, it took them more than three hours before the warship passed by the giant beast. They didn't seem to disturb the giant beast and the monster beasts on it.

Gao Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief. No one wanted to disturb such a herd of beasts living on giant beasts with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers.

Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that the danger had finally passed. He had just slowed down, but suddenly he heard a terrifying explosion sound from the rear of the battleship.

The entire battleship vibrated violently, and then a piercing siren sounded.

"It's a Void Armored Beast. The warship has entered a combat state and started a full-scale counterattack." Huo Ling's reaction speed was much faster than Gao Jiuding's.

Gao Jiuding was really stunned this time, Void Armored Beast?

It's really vivid, a monster in scales that can swim in the void.

All kinds of restrictions were activated on the battleships of the fleet, and there were many cannons among them. Amidst the roar of the cannons, beams of light strafed in the void, and various energies spewed and exploded.

This is also the preparation for this voyage. Now the Huoling battleship is not in a state of having nothing. In order to protect Gao Jiuding, Song Yue and the others equip Gao Jiuding with all the weapons they can buy.

Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that Song Yue and the others were making a fuss, but he didn't expect to use it as soon as he came out.

Especially those armor-piercing bullets and holy light bullets that he bought on a large scale before, are now used.

Through the images on the screen, Gao Jiuding could see groups of strange monsters like loaches in armor in the space. They glowed with blue light and were at least ten meters long. They didn't know where they came from. They were in the fleet scurrying around.

Their bodies arched, and then they jumped out violently, turning into a stream of blue light, hitting the battleship at an extremely fast speed.

After being hit by their bodies, the battleship will be fine, but their hard shells are instantly shattered.

No, it wasn't the shell that was broken, but the faint blue light outside the shell.

The Fire Spirit battleship has strong defense and is not small now. The attacks of these monsters can't have much impact on the battleship. On the contrary, because the monsters are close and too dense, the weapons on the battleship can exert their greatest power. .

The weapons exploded among the armored beasts, devouring a large number of monsters like the sun, but more monsters rushed over.

It was like a blue galaxy galloping in the void. The number of Void Armored Beasts was already beyond count. The surroundings were densely packed, and there were strange figures glowing with blue light everywhere.

boom!boom!boom!The Void Armored Beasts bombarded the battleship like cannonballs, causing continuous big explosions.

Unfortunately, it was these monsters that exploded.

If they want to fight against the Fire Spirit battleship with their bodies, they will definitely not end well.

However, no matter how many monsters die, these monsters keep coming.

The war is far more cruel than imagined. The firepower of the Fire Spirit battleship is very powerful, and it is not very difficult to destroy these void monsters.

However, there are too many of these monsters.

"Attention, there are powerful monsters coming!" Just when Gao Jiuding calmed down and was about to watch these monsters die, Huo Ling's warning came again.

Gao Jiuding saw that it was indeed dangerous.

Among the group of monsters, occasionally a monster as huge as a mountain could be seen passing through. The terrifying aura undoubtedly came from the majesty of the king.

Equivalent to the breath of a demon king, its combat effectiveness is definitely no worse than that of Shura King and Mara King!

Seeing that powerful figure, Gao Jiuding broke out in cold sweat instantly.

Fortunately, the Huoling battleship is very fast. It is flying and fighting at the same time, and now it has added an evasive action, which is to run around those powerful monsters.

The speed of the Huoling battleship is hundreds of kilometers per second, and it can almost instantly wipe out those powerful monsters.

As long as the fire spirit doesn't want to stay, these void monsters shouldn't be able to catch up to it.

After thinking about this point, Gao Jiuding was a little relieved.

Don't worry anymore, Gao Jiuding checked the king-level armored beasts in his monster group again.

Such king-level armored beasts, under the power of the terrifying weapon of the Huoling battleship, have no carapace that can destroy them.

After the energy explosion like a small sun, the Void Armored Beast rushed over frantically, a pair of large pliers with a dazzling blue light clicked, destroying a layer of restraint on the outside of the battleship.

A corner of the fiery red restriction was destroyed, and then the surrounding red aura spread, quickly repairing this layer of restriction.

As long as there is enough energy, the fire spirit battleship equipped with the spirit transformation pool will never be attacked.

These Void Armored Beasts with physical bodies are not even as threatening as the demon bosses, because the demon bosses can break into the battleship directly through the ban, but these void armored beasts cannot.

"Master, do you want to test the strength of these Void Armored Beasts?" Huo Ling asked after creating a circle surrounded by Void Armored Beasts relying on speed.

Seeing the scattered Void Armored Beasts catching up, Gao Jiuding was eager to try.

The Huoling warship opened, Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and put on a ground yellow battle armor. This battle armor is now a real spiritual weapon.

His main body is the peak of Xuedan, which just happens to give full play to the power of the rehmannia armor.

With the protection of the rehmannia battle armor, Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, and the Bingpo cold light sword appeared.

He grabbed an Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and rushed into the void!
Jian Guang cut a deep scar in the void in an instant, and the ordinary Void Armored Beast that stood in front of him was killed.

"Uh, these Void Armored Beasts seem to be soft-legged shrimps!" Gao Jiuding was taken aback, not knowing how far he flew.

Gao Jiuding thought it was so powerful that these Void Armored Beasts could shatter the barriers on the outer layer of the battleship, but he just activated the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, and he didn't know how much it pierced through!
Unexpectedly weak, Gao Jiuding was full of confidence, he might still be able to touch those guys with the aura of kings.

Gao Jiuding quickly broke out of a space abruptly and rushed to the rear of the battleship, where the most Void Armored Beasts chased after him.

He urged the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword with all his strength, and slashed out one after another of black sword beams, killing a large number of Void Armored Beasts immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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