Chapter 1245

boom!On the carapace of a Void Armored Beast, Jian Gang burst into sparks and blue light!
laugh!At some point, a huge Void Armored Beast suddenly appeared beside Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was startled, a king!
As soon as the king moved, it broke the sword gang, and then bounced its body, rushing towards Gao Jiuding like a blue light bomb.

kill!kill!kill!It was too late to dodge at this time, Gao Jiuding could only go all out!
The power field was released, and Gao Jiuding grabbed the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and charged towards the Void Armored Beast King.

bump!Gao Jiuding slashed at the head of the Void Armored Beastmaster with a sword, but this time he didn't slash.

The Void Armored Beast King twisted his body like a loach, and then stretched his body, was he going to hit him?
Gao Jiuding dodged immediately, because a large number of Void Armored Beasts were chasing up around him, making the Void Armored Beast King lose his target.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to fight against the Void Armored Beast King anymore, because he knew that he wouldn't be able to kill this kind of king in a while.

The Void Armored Beastmaster is really powerful, maybe he doesn't have supernatural powers, but his physique is very strong.

After testing it just now, Gao Jiuding found that it could block the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, but he didn't know if it could block the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe.

If even the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax could block it, then Gao Jiuding would have nothing to do with the Void Armored Beastmaster.

Landing on the battleship again, Gao Jiuding found that there were more and more void armored beasts around.

The battleship slowed down and was constantly hit, followed by a series of explosions.

Various forces exploded in the void, like colorful auroras, and rounds of energy rose like the sun, and large swathes of life were directly swallowed.

Gao Jiuding collected some relatively complete Void Armored Beasts and immediately returned to the battleship.

His blood boiled while watching in the battleship, and he thought to himself: "This is the real space war."

"Master, here comes another Void Armored Beastmaster, don't you want to get some armor for the Void Armored Beastmaster?" Gao Jiuding had just rested for two seconds before Huo Ling spoke.

Seeing the Void Armored Beast King rushing towards him quickly, Gao Jiuding rushed out without any hesitation.

While flying quickly, he judged the situation of the entire battlefield.

He doesn't think he can compete with the Void Armor herd, he should just surround the battleship and take advantage of it!

Gao Jiuding came out this time, intending to target those seriously injured Void Armored Beastmasters, maybe he could get some benefits.

Huo Ling's main target is also the Void Armored Beast King, so after he found the Void Armored Beast King, he would focus on attacking without hesitation.

For example, the new Void Armored Beast King just now was attacked by a large number of armor-piercing bullets. At this time, part of the shell on its head was broken.

Without that layer of solid shell protection, Gao Jiuding would have a chance.

In such a chaotic and complicated battlefield, Gao Jiuding played a great role, allowing him to have a combination of macro and micro judgments on the battlefield, and be able to find the safest position in the battlefield so as not to put himself in danger. territory.

Gao Jiuding's luck was quite good, and he was able to safely rush to a place covered by artillery fire without affecting him. When killing some fish that slipped through the net, the impact was not too great.

Gao Jiuding has been trying his best to judge the situation on the battlefield, and is always ready to find an opportunity to catch the leak.

Gao Jiuding beheaded a Void Armored Beastmaster with a single sword, and blue glowing blood sprayed all over his body.

So far, he has killed no less than a thousand Void Armored Beasts.

There are too many Void Armored Beasts, and it is obvious that there are many groups of them, and each group will have a king.

The realm of these kings has definitely reached the level of a great Shura, but unfortunately their main characteristic is defense.

Of course, the melee attack power is not weak, and the speed is also good, but with the fire spirit battleship tearing their defenses, it becomes easier for Gao Jiuding to kill a wounded Void Armored Beastmaster.

These Void Armored Beastmasters were weaker than Gao Jiuding imagined.

"If there is no weapon of mass destruction, facing this group of Void Armored Beasts, it is not bad to be able to escape!" Gao Jiuding hid in the corner, picking up the leak while accepting the message sent by Huo Ling.

Huo Ling actually received a signal, and after deciphering it, he found a lot of information, it was an unknown network.

Through this, Gao Jiuding determined that there must be an unknown civilization around, and the level of civilization should not be low. After all, a wireless network with a huge coverage distance has been established.

I just don't know whether the network here is stronger than the, or the is stronger.

In fact, such a thing should not be too strange, because the technology of actually comes from the devil star.

Calculated in this way, a civilization that is more powerful than the Demon Star must have its own stronger network technology, because Gao Jiuding suspects that the Demon Star civilization came from this land and fairy world.

It was because of being connected to the network here that Huo Ling was sure that the group of void monsters they encountered were really called void armored beasts. This kind of thing is considered rare in this starry sky, because they came from giant starry sky beasts. .

That is, it came from the behemoth that Gao Jiuding saw earlier, with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers!

Needless to say, the reason why this group of monsters attacked Gao Jiuding must have been sent by that monster.

For example, now, even with the normal speed of the Huoling battleship, it has reached several kilometers per second. At such a fast speed, the monsters will definitely not be able to catch up.

However, as long as the Fire Spirit battleship stagnates a little, a large number of Void Armored Beasts will be sent to the side of the Fire Spirit battleship.

Gao Jiuding has seen many times that a large number of Void Armored Beasts tear through the space and suddenly appear beside him.

That giant beast had a wide range of predation, but the Fire Spirit battleship did not enter its attack range, so did it send the parasitic monsters on it to hunt?
There are too many Void Armored Beasts. Although Gao Jiuding has been constantly relying on speed to adjust his position and keep himself in a safer area, he still needs to fight non-stop to ensure his safety.

Of course, the battle on the Huoling battleship was even more intense. Gao Jiuding watched the battleship helplessly and killed several king-level void armored beasts.

Originally, he was still thinking of taking advantage of it, but it was of no avail at all, because the number of king-level Void Armored Beasts was also increasing sharply.

Maybe that giant beast, after discovering that ordinary Void Armored Beasts were delivering food, immediately changed its battle plan and started sending a large number of king-level Void Armored Beasts over.

Fortunately, these kings are all paper tigers, otherwise Gao Jiuding would be miserable.

Scanning around while fighting, after a while Gao Jiuding found a huge figure fighting a king-level Void Armored Beast.

The figure tens of meters high was fighting fiercely.

With just a glance, Gao Jiuding found that the figure was 80 meters high, and the big knife in his hand was 40 meters long.

This is really holding a 40-meter long sword, just ask if you are afraid!
"Puppet? It was found in the demon battleship. I didn't expect Song Yue and the others to repair it!" After just a few glances, Gao Jiuding recognized the origin of this huge figure.

Gao Jiuding hadn't used mechas for a long time. He had refined many star mechas before, but those mechas were definitely not as flexible as these giant puppets, and they didn't have the ability to fight alone.

It has to be said that these puppets in the demon battleship do have two brushes, and they do have their uniqueness. With one knife, they even cut open the carapace of the Void Armored Beastmaster, revealing the blue flesh and blood inside. It seems that the king-level Void Armored Beast is no match for the puppet.

While fighting, Gao Jiuding gradually approached the big knife puppet.

"This puppet's intelligence is very high. Although he is fighting against the king-level void armor beast, his position is at the back of the formation, and he will not be too impacted by the beast herd. It seems to be the same as the king-level void armor beast Fighting with beasts is more dangerous, but in fact it is safer, but also because of this, it created a little chance for me." Gao Jiuding gradually approached the puppet's battlefield.

Gao Jiuding's goal is the Void Armored Beastmaster who is fighting against the puppet. He wants to try to see if he has a chance to cooperate with each other to take advantage of it.

The number of Void Armored Beastmasters is increasing, and these Beastmasters seem to have a certain amount of wisdom. After a long time, the Fire Spirit Battleship can no longer hit every shot with a single shot.

These guys also know how to avoid danger, and they also know how to use ordinary Void Armored Beasts as cannon fodder. It is probably because of this that Huoling sent puppets to block a large number of Void Armored Beasts from attacking the battleship.

Although the outer layer of the battleship has a strong protective effect and can recover quickly, but the number of times it is attacked, the spiritual energy consumption is really too high.

Cannon fire roared, clusters of energy exploded, and the entire void was reflected in colorful colors, but under the dazzling colors, there was a terrifying murderous intent hidden, and a large number of lives were ruthlessly swallowed. There was no reason at all.

A puppet in a complete state, its true combat power has definitely reached the peak of blood pills.

Because of its huge size, it consumes high-grade spirit stones as power, so its attack power is considered the strongest among monks in the blood pill stage. sharp!
In the continuous battles, even the king-level Void Armored Beasts were scarred by them, their carapace was worn through many places, and the flesh and blood inside had been worn away.

"This puppet has some tricks, but it's a pity that it only has strong endurance and insufficient explosive power. This is really a machine, and the output power is always so stable." Gao Jiuding thought in his heart, still shuttled quickly on the battlefield, waiting for the best The opportunity comes.

It was precisely because the explosive power of the big knife puppet was not strong that he was able to seize the opportunity and launch the final fatal blow.

If it was a monk with explosive power, he would cut the Void Armored Beast King in half with one blow.

The battlefield is too chaotic, even the Huoling battleship needs puppets to help guard it, not to mention Gao Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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