The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1246 The Realm of Kings

Chapter 1246 The Realm of Kings
In the chaotic battlefield, Gao Jiuding must gather all his energy and focus on the situation on the battlefield, so as not to fall into crisis.

If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to shoot casually.

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in his hand turned into a transparent crystal, flickering with black sword light, moving all over the place, because he grasped the opportunity accurately, his killing speed was very fast.

"Touch!" Gao Jiuding had just approached a Void Armored Beastmaster when he suddenly heard a muffled sound.

He was overjoyed when he saw it. He saw a Void Armored Beast King, who just ran up to the big knife puppet, and was smashed in the head by a large pistol in the big knife puppet's hand.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but patted his forehead, why did he forget the hand cannon in the puppet's hand?

The attack distance of this thing is very short, but the short-range attack is a powerful existence that can directly smash the shell of the battleship.

I really didn't expect that Song Yue and the others even repaired such a big killer.

With the help of the hand cannon, as long as the Void Armored Beastmaster approaches the big knife puppet, their shells will be smashed directly, no matter whether they are heads or not, as long as their shells are broken, they will be in danger. This is Gao Jiuding's opportunity.

An hour later, Gao Jiuding didn't know how many Void Armored Beastmasters he had killed. Anyway, as long as he caught the injured guy, he would directly manipulate the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, get into the body of the Void Armored Beastmaster, and crush its flesh. offal.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding's combat power is just a drop in the bucket among countless Void Armored Beasts.

The Void Armored Beasts here are so terrifying that they cannot be killed.

While Gao Jiuding was observing the surrounding battlefield, he suddenly found another puppet, which was fighting a Void Armored Beastmaster, but the Void Armored Beastmaster looked a little weird.

It's either a king-level Void Armored Beast, or an ordinary Armored Beast. Its strength is at the Blood Core stage at most, but it is different from ordinary Armored Beasts. Among the colors, there are a little cyan star-like light spots flickering.

"A mutant?" Gao Jiuding immediately paid more attention to that battle. If it was a blood mutation, would he have better aptitude?It would be even better if the supernatural powers were awakened.

Above the monster star, Gao Jiuding and his men are still worrying about high-quality monsters!
If these Void Armored Beasts have high enough aptitude, can they catch more and refine them all into incarnations?
At that time, Gao Jiuding's power will experience another period of rapid expansion!
The puppets are indeed powerful, and each of them is the best in the combat power of the blood pill stage, even compared to the monks of the law phase stage, they are not far behind.

Now, this puppet's battle with ordinary Void Armored Beasts is just a matter of a few knives.

But now the battle with the mutated Void Armored Beast was inextricably linked, and it couldn't gain the upper hand for a while.

A monster whose cultivation base is the blood core stage has actually reached the level of the initial phase of the law. This is definitely a monster with great potential.

After a little observation, Gao Jiuding discovered that Huo Ling should have the same thoughts as him. Obviously, in order to catch this mutated Void Armored Beast, he released a puppet from the battleship to entangle it, so as to avoid being fired upon in the chaos. It was torn directly to pieces.

The mutated Void Armored Beast was indeed very fierce, its body turned into a beam of light with a flick of its body, its speed and impact were terrifying!
The puppet couldn't dodge for a while, so it could only use its shield to forcibly withstand the impact of the mutant void armored beast!

But that powerful shield was pierced by the mutated Void Armored Beast in just one blow.

The terrifying forelimbs of the Void Armored Beast even pierced through the puppet's outer armor, immediately exposing the inside of the puppet.

Gao Jiuding clearly saw a magic weapon inside the puppet. The treasure similar to the Dao Hong furnace must be a power furnace. It is these power furnaces hidden in various parts of the puppet's body that provide the puppet with powerful attack power.

"Roar!" The puppet let out a roar, ignoring the injuries on its body. The flame on its other fist, blooming like the sun, ruthlessly bombarded the mutant void armored beast's head.

Click!The head of the Void Armored Beast was smashed by the fist.

The carapace of the Void Armored Beast was dented, and blue luminous blood burst out.

But the mutated Void Armored Beast didn't die because of this, its body arched again, bursting into a bright blue light, and hit the inside of the puppet's body.

puff!The huge puppet was directly smashed into the air, the armor on his chest was completely shattered, and the huge forelimbs of the Void Armored Beast had penetrated his chest, piercing him on the forelimbs.

Suddenly, a purple-black aura shot up from the side of the mutated void armored beast, and the aura, like a purple-black poisonous dragon, penetrated into the wound on the mutated void armored beast's head, making the mutated void armored beast The armored beast raised its head to the sky in pain and roared silently.

Gao Jiuding smoothly pushed the puppet off the forelegs of the mutated Void Armored Beast. The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword continued to slash, and the icy blades flew out, completely freezing the mutated Void Armored Beast.

With a wave of Gao Jiuding's hand, the huge Void Armored Beast disappeared.

Gao Jiuding didn't kill him just now, but used the ice magic power to directly freeze this powerful monster.

Only the cultivation base of the blood pill stage can fight against the powerful existence of the puppet with the initial combat power of the law, so Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't want to let it go.

After collecting the mutated Void Armored Beast, Gao Jiuding looked at the entire battlefield again.

His cognition may have been wrong. The Void Armored Beast Kings he thought before were probably just small leaders, and this mutant Void Armored Beast is the real king.

However, what happened to the royal aura on those little leaders?

Could that aura be illusory?

"It can't be the power of the domain, right? The domain of kings? Illusory kingly aura?" Gao Jiuding was a little bit dumbfounded.

Now think about it, if those kings are really like King Shura, then this group of Void Armored Beasts is too terrifying, so many appear at once, in this starry sky, they have not become well-deserved kings?
The grading here seems a bit messy, Gao Jiuding withdrew his mind and continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

The puppet had participated in the battle again. Its chest and back were damaged, but the internal structure was not affected, so it immediately went into the battle again.

Its whole body was burning with raging flames, its fists bloomed like the sun, and it hit another mutant void armored beast again.

"I'm going, where are there so many mutated Void Beasts?" Gao Jiuding didn't dare to neglect, and rushed up with the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, no matter what, he wanted to catch one.

The puppet in front was more than 80 meters tall and possessed terrifying strange power. It was a violent fire power. Every punch exploded like the sun, and its attack power was so powerful that even Gao Jiuding was stunned by it.

If it wasn't for his explosive punch that broke open the carapace of the mutated void armored beast, Gao Jiuding's few blows would not be able to pierce the mutated void armored beast's carapace at all, let alone seal it with ice.

The fiery puppet like a giant was able to contend head-on with the mutated Void Armored Beast, while Gao Jiuding relied on his fast enough speed to fight guerrilla around the mutated Void Armored Beast, which also formed some restraints, making the puppet less stressed. Big.

"Bang bang!" Gao Jiuding stomped his feet in the air, and shock waves spread out in the starry sky, causing the Void Armored Beasts rushing nearby to stop for a short time.

Of course, such an attack did not have much effect on the mutated Void Armored Beast, it only served as a restraint.

Gao Jiuding held the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in one hand, gathered all his strength in the other hand, and punched out a hundred-step magic fist.

After the fist power exploded on the body of the mutated void armored beast, a powerful wave of air was formed immediately.

Numerous cracks appeared on the body of the mutated Void Armored Beast that was blown up, and its speed suddenly slowed down a lot.

It's a pity that in this cosmic vacuum, the impact force seems to have been weakened a lot. If Gao Jiuding hadn't integrated the magical power of fighting cattle across mountains, he would never have caused such great damage to this monster.

Even so, Gao Jiuding's attack power made the surrounding situation a lot better, and relieved a lot of the burden on that fiery puppet, mainly because it slowed down the speed of the mutated void armored beast a lot.

"Roar!" The fiery puppet roared angrily and punched the past, the fist once again blasted into the wound just now, exploded like a firework, and immediately smashed half of the mutated void armored beast's head, and the blue flesh and blood Above, a red flame burned.

"Don't die!" Gao Jiuding was anxious, fearing that the fiery puppet's punch would kill the mutated Void Beast.

Gao Jiuding rushed over in a hurry, deliberately blocked the fiery puppet who wanted to rush over to chase after him, and then directly blasted over with the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

The purple-black power blasted into the wound on its head, and immediately spread out, causing another heavy blow to the mutant void armored beast.

But in the next second, the cyan light on the mutated Void Armored Beast burst out, and its body suddenly swelled, like a star exploding, turning into thousands of cyan streamers and jetting out, everything within a kilometer radius It was directly pierced by the cyan streamer.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding and the fiery puppet were far enough away from the mutated Void Armored Beast that exploded. They exited the range of the explosion as quickly as possible, so that they were not affected by the terrifying force of the explosion.

Gao Jiuding was slightly taken aback before he realized what was going on, then rushed back to the front and continued to fight with the Void Armored Beast.

The endless void armored beasts rushed up again, and Gao Jiuding fell into a hard fight again.

Although the battle is a bit dangerous, and the wave after wave seems to have no end, but Gao Jiuding is a little bit happy.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also discovered that there are quite a few mutated Void Armored Beasts here, or they are not mutations at all. These Void Armored Beasts have special aptitudes and have awakened powerful combat power. Such Void Armored Beasts are particularly conspicuous.

It seems that only this kind of Void Armored Beast is qualified to advance to the king rank!

It's a pity that their combat effectiveness is a bit weak, but Gao Jiuding doesn't dislike them, because after being refined into clones by him, these fools will become smarter, and they will also be able to practice supernatural powers and use magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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