The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1247 Asteroid Group

Chapter 1247 Asteroid Group
There are too many Void Armored Beasts here, but I don't know if they can cultivate supernatural powers. Of course, even if they can't cultivate supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding still needs such an incarnation that can survive in the vacuum of the universe and can also cultivate.

Gao Jiuding was fighting, when he suddenly heard a roar, it was that huge fiery puppet.

He saw a large number of ordinary Void Armored Beasts crazily attacking the battle formation over there, and saw that the puppets over there were about to be overwhelmed.

And at this moment, from above the Fire Spirit battleship, star mechs flew out again and again.

These should be the self-propelled mechas independently developed by Song Yue and the others. They adopt the approach of intelligent robots. They don't have much wisdom at all, and only the combat program controls them to fight.

Gao Jiuding realized something was wrong, and immediately flew away, appearing over there through the air!
He didn't need the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword anymore. After passing by, he immediately activated the power domain with all his strength, suppressing countless void armored beasts around him, and then fist shadows blasted past.

Boom!The Hundred Steps Divine Fist exploded in the crowd of Void Armored Beasts. Although its power was not enough to kill the Void Armored Beasts with hard carapaces, when it exploded on them, the speed of the Void Armored Beasts was greatly reduced, allowing the puppets to slow down a little. in one breath.

Because the carapace is too hard, it is still difficult for Gao Jiuding to kill ordinary Void Armored Beasts, not to mention those mutant Void Armored Beasts, but it is quite good to cooperate with those puppets to pick up leaks.

One punch after another blasted towards the most critical position on the battlefield, which relieved some pressure on the puppets.

Gao Jiuding would not fight against the Void Armored Beast head-on. A wretched guy like him who can change places with one cannon will definitely gain a lot.

He has been constantly moving and adjusting his position, mainly to pick up leaks.

There are a large number of Void Armored Beasts, and if possible, he would like to miss a few real king-level Void Armored Beasts.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding couldn't deal with a Void Armored Beast of that level at all, and even if it was a mutated Void Armored Beast, Huo Ling didn't dare to spare any power and attacked with all his strength every time.

Therefore, without the cooperation of Gao Jiuding, one can be dealt with in two hits, and it is absolutely impossible to capture it alive.

The attack power of the mutated Void Armored Beasts was too strong, and close combat was too dangerous. Gao Jiuding was also afraid of being attacked by them suddenly.

Look at those puppets with broken armor. Their defense is no weaker than that of Dihuang battle armor, but even so, they will be tied into a sieve.

Seeing the danger, Gao Jiuding stopped thinking about capturing the mutated Void Armored Beasts alive. Of course, his main target was still those mutated Void Armored Beasts, but he had to attack cautiously.

Simply relying on the ice soul cold light supernatural power to freeze the mutated void armored beast is too slow and not efficient at all.

He also tried talismans with ice, but the mutated Void Armored Beast seemed to be very resistant to freezing, and the freezing effect was not very good, so Gao Jiuding gave up the idea of ​​​​freezing them quickly.

These Void Beasts also live in the universe. Their living environment is already very cold, so they are highly resistant to freezing. Gao Jiuding also understands this.

Now he can only slowly use the ice soul cold light supernatural power, and only this kind of great supernatural power can freeze the mutated void armored beast.

The puppet army faced the enemy head-on, and Gao Jiuding fired cannons everywhere, and he fought happily when the time came.

The fight was in full swing, and suddenly saw a change in the situation on the side of the big knife puppet. A pair of forelimbs of a fake king-level void armored beast were cut off by the big knife puppet, and the swords cut towards the body of the fake void armored beast king. Just cut it into pieces.

Gao Jiuding was a little far away from the fake Void Armored Beastmaster, and it was too late to rush over to capture the fake Void Armored Beastmaster who had no ability to resist. With a thought in his mind, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword turned into a black light and aimed at the fake Void Armored Beastmaster The head shot out.

This time, there is no power or real energy added, purely relying on the Ice Soul Cold Light of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword!

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, carrying the Ice Soul Cold Light, slipped through the gaps of the large group of Void Armored Beasts.

The big knife puppet was about to completely kill the false Void Armored Beastmaster, when suddenly he saw a flash of cold light, and instantly shot into the head of the false Void Armored Beastmaster whose carapace had been worn away, leaving only fresh and rotten flesh.

boom!The animal head, which already looked like rotten meat, was instantly exploded by a force, and the brain was stabbed with precision, turning into a huge lump of ice instantly.

The big knife puppet was startled for a moment, then turned to look in the direction of the cold light, only to see Gao Jiuding looking at it.

The movement of the big knife puppet paused for a while, and then with a wave of his hand, the Void Armored Beast King disappeared.

There is also a huge space in these puppets, which are mainly used for combat supplies and energy sources. The spare parts can also be used to collect spoils.

This is a pseudo-king-level monster. Although its combat power is not very good and it has a lot of shortcomings, it looks like it is a real pure Yang stage.

In Gao Jiuding's hands, apart from the dragon-elephant incarnation, it seems that there are no more masters with a bit of eye, and no matter how weak these are, they are indeed very bluffing.

Although these Void Armored Beastmasters are a little weaker and more crippled, they should be good for scaring people.

"I don't know how the levels of beasts are divided here!" Gao Jiuding muttered, while approaching the big sword puppet to check its harvest.

Both forelimbs were cut off, eighty to ninety percent of the carapace was broken, and the head was almost beaten to a pulp, but it didn't die.

The vitality of this kind of monster is extremely strong, Gao Jiuding is very clear about this, not to mention that this Void Armored Beast is mainly used to cultivate the body, such a monster has a stronger recovery ability.

Therefore, although the current false Void Armored Beast King is disabled, he believes that this false Void Armored Beast King will recover completely.

If it was Gao Jiuding himself, it would be very difficult for him to have the chance to kill an existence of this level, and only in such a fierce battle would he have the chance to capture such an existence.

Therefore, although this false Void Armored Beast King is not a pure Yang level monster, its strength is definitely not bad.

The battle continued, and a large number of Void Armored Beasts were beheaded. Under the siege of the densely packed Void Armored Beasts, the puppets forced a bloody path and formed a line of defense outside the battleship.

Gao Jiuding no longer knew how many Void Armored Beasts he had killed, and the power in his body was greatly consumed. He was almost numb from killing, and the true energy in his body was also rapidly passing away.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding felt that the blue light around him suddenly dimmed, and there were far fewer Void Armored Beasts in the sky, and he could now see the night-like starry sky.

The group of void armor beasts seemed to be stopped by something, and they didn't rush over.

They stopped at the place where Gao Jiuding and the others rushed over just now, piled upon each other like a huge dam, only a few of them were still cruising around them, but they also fled back quickly.

"We have rushed out of the territory of the Void Armored Beast!" Huo Ling suddenly cheered.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, he looked at the empty starry sky in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

Landing on the battleship, Gao Jiuding took a look and saw that almost all the puppets around were injured, and many of them were almost scrapped. It seemed that the situation was not optimistic!

And they have just entered this star field not long ago, and there is still a distance from the star system not far away!
"Over there is the territory of the Void Armored Beast, so what about this side?" Gao Jiuding looked at the star system in the distance, and then turned his head to look at the starry sky where the Void Armored Beast was.

Where he is now, why doesn't the Void Armored Beast dare to break in?

Thinking of this situation, Gao Jiuding became cautious.

"Master, there is a group of asteroids ahead!" At this moment, Huolinghui reported.

"Asteroid group? Is there any abnormality?" Gao Jiuding was already a little startled.

Huo Ling directly released the video, which was the scene of the asteroid group.

Gao Jiuding looked at the group of asteroids slowly rotating in the dark starry sky.

This group of asteroids does not revolve around the distant star system, but only rotates. Such a scene is rare in the starry sky.

"There is a lot of interstellar dust in the universe here, maybe it is these interstellar dust that form resistance and prevent these asteroids from flying by inertia!" Huo Ling seemed to know Gao Jiuding's thoughts, and immediately explained.

Gao Jiuding also thought of this point. If there is no resistance in the vacuum of the universe, as long as a small external force is applied, the object will move in a straight line at a uniform speed.

But it's obviously not working here. Gao Jiuding tried it when he went out to kill the Void Armored Beast, and there was indeed resistance in the surrounding starry sky.

Although it is much smaller than the air resistance and gravity inside the planet, it does exist.

"No abnormality, just go and have a look!" Gao Jiuding said immediately.

The asteroid belt is also dozens of astronomical units away from the Huoling battleship, and it takes several hours to fly there. This is because the Huoling warship has increased its speed to hundreds of kilometers per second.

Such a speed has surpassed 90.00% of nine point ninety-nine asteroids.

Tens of thousands of kilometers in ten seconds, one astronomical unit is more than 150 seconds, what kind of speed is this?

That is to say, the Huoling battleship can fly an astronomical unit within 3 minutes based on its flight speed alone.

Fifty astronomical units are only 150 minutes, two and a half hours. This is the power of the newly improved Fire Spirit battleship.

Of course, if space jumping is possible here, such an advantage is tasteless.

However, space jumping here is too dangerous and consumes a lot of spirit stones. If possible, Gao Jiuding would not choose to make space jumps casually.

"Is it true that the more intense the spiritual energy, the more stable the space? After breaking the space, the more serious the consequences will be?"

During the time on the road, Gao Jiuding analyzed the situation here and dealt with the harvest just now.

The quality of the Void Armored Beast is very high, but after killing it, the meat obtained is very little.

This thing is like a dry strange fish with a whole body of thorns, except for the scales on the outside, there is not much meat in the body.

(End of this chapter)

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