The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1248 Strange Spirit Mine

Chapter 1248 Strange Spirit Mine
The appearance of the Void Armored Beast is really strange. It is a huge loach covered with scales, and it also has a pair of huge forelimbs. The forelimbs are a bit like the pincers of a scorpion. They are smaller than the body, but they are very hard. .

"It can only be used as a material!"

After dissecting more than a dozen of them, not to mention the essence and blood, they didn't even find many usable muscles.

"There is no blood pill? Could it be that all the essence has been integrated into the carapace outside?"

Looking at the split bones, internal organs, flesh and carapace, only the carapace has a strong aura.

The bones of this thing are soft, the tendons are all concentrated in the outer carapace, there is very little flesh and blood, and the internal organs are very strong, but Gao Jiuding did not find the crystallization of their cultivation.

You must know that the combat effectiveness of these Void Armored Beasts is not low. If you don't talk about their appearance, how can you practice without blood pills and blood essence?

"Is it because of the special living environment? No wonder the combat effectiveness is so poor. The level of these void monsters should not be high!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the frozen mutated Void Armored Beast and the Void Armored Beast King in disappointment.

Without the condensed blood pills and the inability to condense the dharma, the value of this kind of void monster has dropped significantly.

"Forget it, when I have time, I still need to sacrifice one head as an avatar. At the very least, I need to study and understand their cultivation methods. If it is pure body training, there are also lessons for reference!" Gao Jiuding shook his head, and finally put it away. This harvest.

The harvest this time is not as much as he imagined.

If they were ordinary monsters, they were just flesh and blood, which would be enough for Gao Jiuding to use. Not to mention anything else, just refining the Essence Blood Pill could satisfy the cultivation consumption of his tens of thousands of troops.

Now that the family has a big business and many people rely on Gao Jiuding to eat, no matter how many resources they have, they are not enough to consume.

This is the motivation for Gao Jiuding to stop expanding above the demon star and to expand wantonly in the starry sky.

Tens of millions of people are all practicing, and they are monsters devouring resources.

"Although the harvest is a little less, the quantity is more!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but look back at the huge monster.

If you hadn't seen a huge monster with a diameter of one thousand kilometers, would you believe it?
"This guy is too big, he shouldn't be able to move around casually, right?" Looking at the huge monster quietly suspended in the starry sky, Gao Jiuding seemed to realize something.

"Patriarch, of course it doesn't dare to move. With such a big body, all the surrounding stars have a strong traction with it. If it can fly casually, if it is not careful, it will fall into the gravitational circle of the stars, and it can even be sucked into the stars. At that time, either the star was destroyed, or it was destroyed." Huo Ling said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, the cosmic vacuum environment is safe for this monster, but there is nothing there.

And if it is close to the star system, the stars, planets, satellites, and even asteroids inside the star system can interact with it.

This behemoth can devour asteroids, but what about moons?

The huge gravitational force of two planets can directly tear a planet apart.

A monster with a diameter of one thousand kilometers is equivalent to a small satellite.

"So, this monster is not dangerous anymore?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"It's better to stay away from it. Although it is not very dangerous, the group of monsters living on it are very dangerous. They may be in a symbiotic relationship!" Huo Ling reminded.

"Well, let's find a place to stay first!" Gao Jiuding withdrew his greed.

Although that giant beast represented a huge mountain of resources, it was not something he could provoke.

However, although the monster cannot be provoked, its group of symbiotic monsters can make plans.

If he could find the spiritual veins around, Gao Jiuding planned to set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Gao Jiuding roughly calculated his location, and he was able to figure out how far he was from the solar system.

Of course, the starry sky is too big, and the Milky Way is not small. Gao Jiuding is only a rough estimate, and this value must be an astronomical figure, so he doesn't have much confidence in the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

The Milky Way has four giant spiral arms, and the solar system is located between the Centaur and Perseus spiral arms, both of which belong to the main spiral arms of the Milky Way.

There are also some secondary spiral arms between these main spiral arms, such as the Orion spiral arm. The solar system is located on the Orion spiral arm, about 2.6 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way.

This number is not small, but compared to the Milky Way, it is a small number.

The Milky Way is a flat disc with a diameter of about [-] light-years, a thickness of about [-] light-years in the center, and a thickness of about [-] to [-] light-years at the edge.

Outside the galactic disk is a spherical body composed of sparse stars and interstellar matter, known as the galactic halo, with a diameter of about [-] light-years.

The Sun is located about 27 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, on the inner side of Orion's spiral arm.

If we calculate according to this data, we only need to subtract about [-] light-years, which is the current distance of Gao Jiuding from the solar system.

This is because the distance from Gao Jiuding to the Milky Way is at the latitude of thickness, not on the surface of a flat disc, or else, it is more than [-] light-years away.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not above the silver halo, otherwise, it would be another hundred thousand light-years.

However, even if there is no [-] light-years, Gao Jiuding is now [-] light-years away from the solar system.

Now, Gao Jiuding's only thought is to study the secret canyon. Only by activating this secret can he open up the connection with the solar system.

The idea is beautiful, but it is not easy to realize it.

Not to mention anything else, it's just a huge gathering spirit array, which Gao Jiuding can't understand now.

Absorb the chaotic aura of the void, transform it into aura, and activate the space-time teleportation array.

It is a kind of teleportation array that spans time and space, and only time-space teleportation can quickly traverse such a long distance, otherwise, it is just a time, which is an astronomical number.

In that way, even a cultivator with a long lifespan will die of old age while teleporting.

The two ends of the ultra-long-distance teleportation array must be pulled together, and the other side can use the canyon secret realm, but here, Gao Jiuding can only figure out a way.

Gao Jiuding's method is also very simple, that is to use the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to realize it. This is also a secret realm, and it is more powerful than that canyon secret realm.

The most important thing is that as long as Song Yue and the others understand the secret of the canyon, Gao Jiuding can transform the pagoda.

When he got the fairy spring, Gao Jiuding had the idea to build this kind of wonderful spirit-gathering array in the space of the pagoda that could absorb the energy of the void and turn it into the water of the fairy spring.

But now, Gao Jiuding has another choice, which is to absorb the more powerful space-time teleportation array of chaotic aura.

Gao Jiuding believed that a teleportation array of this level must have been set up in the canyon secret realm.

Although it would take a hundred years to gather enough aura to start the teleportation, the flaws did not conceal the merits.

Also, if the spiritual energy is insufficient, can't other means be used to make up for it?

Therefore, in Gao Jiuding's mind, as long as there are enough spirit stones, the space-time teleportation array in the canyon secret realm does not necessarily require 100 years of preparation.

And all of this requires a huge spiritual vein to support, and even Gao Jiuding doubts that ordinary spiritual veins will not work. Spiritual crystals are necessary to quickly activate the time-space teleportation array.

It's a pity that his teleportation is not perfect this time. If he knows the teleportation destination here, he may be able to plunder the teleportation base here, so that as long as he puts in enough spirit stones, he can teleport directly.

Gao Jiuding didn't know where all the guys who teleported with him were teleported to. Now he can only rely on himself to survive alone.

"Patriarch, there is a group of small novae in front, and it seems that there is nothing abnormal!" Huo Ling started to slow down when he was tens of millions of kilometers away from the group of asteroids.

Gao Jiuding checked the situation over there, he could only see a strong white aura, but nothing else.

"White aura? It can't be a living body. Could it be that the asteroids here are not divided into five elements?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

"Lean over?" Huo Ling asked.

"Naturally, the asteroids here are a bit strange!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

He took out the jade ultimatum and searched for information on

"The balance of the five elements will create a white aura?" As long as he can log in to, Gao Jiuding will feel very at ease. This is his confidence.

Slowing down and flying, it took more than ten minutes for the Huoling battleship to approach the asteroid closest to the spacecraft.

The asteroid looked relatively solid, with a black body, like a lump of iron, but Gao Jiuding could tell that it was not iron ore, but rather like dirt.

hard soil?It was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen such soil.

There was only an asteroid of more than [-] meters, and Gao Jiuding could see through it with just one glance. There was no abnormality in it.

"Put it away and try it out!" Gao Jiuding ordered.

Huo Ling opened the folding warehouse, directly put the asteroid with a diameter of [-] meters into the warehouse, and then started cutting!
It was a bit difficult to cut, but fortunately, the asteroid was not a whole, so it was easily broken. Huo Ling picked up a small piece and threw it into Daohong Furnace.

The Fire Spirit battleship is a fire-type battleship, and it is best at refining materials.

In just a moment, Huo Ling reported: "Master, it is indeed complete with all five elements. The main body is the earth attribute spiritual mine, which contains water, gold, fire, and wood, four kinds of spiritual energy. The quality of the spiritual energy is very high, and it belongs to the undiscovered spiritual energy species. "

"Fairy spirit? Could it be fairy spirit?" Gao Jiuding was startled, and then his face was full of joy.

Huo Ling hesitated for a while before saying: "Probably not, we have seen the spirit of the fairy, how can it be so bad? The quality of the spiritual energy contained in this kind of spiritual material is not comparable to the top-grade spiritual energy, not even the top-grade spiritual energy." However, it is much higher quality than Zhongpin Lingqi, this state is very strange!"

 Thanks to the king of the queen, the king of the earth, and the book friend 20190103004646188 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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