The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1253 Taibai Fine Gold

Chapter 1253 Taibai Fine Gold
Gao Jiuding used the ice soul cold light sword to deal with this group of bugs, but it didn't seem to be able to hurt them. This shows that the shells of these bugs are very hard, and the hard ones can resist the attack of the peak spirit weapon.

This shows that the shells of these bugs are naturally the top earth-level materials.

Only the power of pagodas that carry a small world can easily break their carapaces, right?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding was very happy, catching these bugs this time is also a huge harvest!

"By the way, there is another not-so-small asteroid!" Gao Jiuding flew into the asteroid not far away.

Looking at the pitted asteroid, no matter how Gao Jiuding saw the shape of the pothole, it was about the same size as those bugs!

"Those bugs are not lying on this asteroid, absorbing and refining this asteroid!" Gao Jiuding said to himself.

"Patriarch, I'm afraid that's the case. The material of this asteroid exceeds the sky level, that is, fairy material, and it is even harder than the material of the sky level. And the most powerful bug king of the group of bugs has only just reached the initial stage of Dharma. !

Such a weak bug, if it didn't have special abilities, it would be impossible to cause the slightest damage to this asteroid! "Gao Jiuding's support team finally spoke at this time.

Gao Jiuding understood as soon as he heard it, he had the deepest feeling for the superimposed domain power of the group of bugs.

If it weren't for this kind of domain power, this group of bugs would never be able to use this asteroid.

If it is calculated in this way, the field of the group of bugs is very useful?
Gao Jiuding made up his mind, wondering if he could pass through the group of bugs and learn their spirit-swallowing domain.

Having learned the field of gravity, as well as the inheritance of various cultivation fields among the large number of inheritance brands obtained through the ruins of the ancient city, Gao Jiuding's understanding of the power of various fields is already very strong.

A domain is the final product of understanding a power rule, it can also be said to be a master!
Just like the Gravity Array, as long as you have mastered the power of the earth element and your soul is strong enough, you can instantly set up restrictions in the air, superimposing countless gravity restrictions on a piece of void.

As long as the gravity restriction reaches a certain limit, a piece of void can be turned into a gravity field, and the owner of this field, because he can control all the restrictions, will not be affected by the power of the field.

It can also be said that in this field you created, you are the king, and you can control everything.

The power of other domains is also formed in this way. As long as you understand the basic use of that power, become proficient, and keep adding this power, it is always possible to break a limit and form a domain.

"Swallow spiritual energy, I just don't know how to do it, maybe you can refine a bug and experience how they do it for yourself, as long as you understand a little bit, you can use the visualization space to deduce it carefully!" With an idea, Gao Jiuding looked at the asteroid not far away again.

Now there is a large asteroid of resources waiting for him to collect, so naturally it is not the time to retreat and practice.

"Patriarch, after our analysis, we believe that it is undoubtedly a metal, and it is likely to be a high-grade metal such as gold essence. In addition to emitting white light, it can even block the field light of the group of bugs, indicating that this light is irresistible!

Although we did not find relevant information on, we still speculate that this is the legendary Taibai fine gold, not Taiyi fine gold, but Taibai fine gold. It is not difficult to test whether it is Taibai fine gold, as long as Forged into a sword, try the sharpness and you will know! "

Hearing the secretary's speculation, Gao Jiuding acted immediately, but unfortunately, he couldn't move the asteroid at all.

Even if this is a heavenly material, Gao Jiuding can't do anything with it, not to mention that it might be a fairy material!

Only the immortal fire blessed by spirit crystals can be refined beyond the sky-level materials. Gao Jiuding can still get some spirit crystals, but where can I get the immortal fire?
"Is there immortal fire in the sun?" Gao Jiuding looked at the stars not far away, regardless of whether there is civilization in the star system, Gao Jiuding wanted to patronize their sun.

"Patriarch, even if there is a fairy fire, it is not something we can catch with our current strength!" Someone reminded.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, is this our business?Obviously it's my business?

These boys are still very promising, they didn't say it clearly, so don't think about it, just a cultivator at the peak of the blood alchemy stage, dare to think about the fairy fire?
Even if there is a fairy fire falling in front of you, you can only roll as far as you can, otherwise, you will be turned into ashes directly.

Gao Jiuding still has this self-knowledge. However, his accumulation of cultivation base has also reached home, and it is time for him to break through to the Dharma phase stage and the Nascent Soul stage.

Gao Jiuding really wanted to know, there was a Nascent Soul squatting in the qi sea of ​​Dantian, and there was a Dharma image in the blood sea space on his chest, if there was a Nascent Soul condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness on his head, what would be the effect?
"Huh?" Thinking of Yuanshen, Gao Jiuding suddenly found that his spirit had become a little different.

It turns out that although his soul has also become very attractive, after all, his soul has been swallowed by the blood god many times, etc., plus some beast souls tonic, his soul is very powerful even among human beings .

However, that only made his spirit appear, it didn't look so illusory, but a three-dimensional projection.

However, an image is an image and cannot be seen as a real person.

But this time, Gao Jiuding observed his soul from another perspective, and suddenly discovered that his soul had already partially materialized.

The main reason is that there are some dense silk threads inside the soul.

These silk threads are like tendons, connecting all parts of his spirit, which is quite strange!
Gao Jiuding hadn't cultivated his soul recently, why did his soul suddenly change so much?

"No, it seems that you have used your soul before. As long as you use it a lot, isn't it just exercise?" Gao Jiuding suddenly thought of the field of strength and gravity that he had cultivated.

The power of a domain is the embodiment of will, and this will can affect the rules of heaven and earth, so a domain space is formed.

And these are all formed on the strong foundation of the soul. If there is no strong soul, how can there be a strong will?
"It's still not right. If you have only used the power of the soul to exercise to this level, then the spells you practiced to train the soul before are not very effective? Could it be that you have reached the threshold of breakthrough and suddenly broke the neck?" bottle?"

Gao Jiuding fell into deep thought. In order to cultivate the soul, he can be said to have tried his best.

The sleep scriptures that he had just started to practice, and the later practice spells consumed his soul, and later he even used the world view, and even found the visualization technique to practice.

Of course, he also did crooked things, such as devouring the souls of monsters, all of which were for the sake of strengthening the soul.

But all the previous efforts did not work well, and Gao Jiuding still has something to offer.

So here comes the question, why did his spirit break through?
"Accidental power? If it's an accident, it's related to strengthening the bones, strengthening the power of the flame, and the unknown power obtained!" Gao Jiuding became excited.

At that time, he accidentally absorbed four kinds of power, and now he has figured out how to use two kinds.

A kind of strengthened bone, which seems to belong to the ultimate metallic strength, which has already given Gao Jiuding the idea to create a metallic exercise, practice it, and see if his metallic aptitude is already against the sky.

The other kind must be the power of the fire element, and when Gao Jiuding was burned to death by the flames, he sensed a pure power similar to the mysterious and yellow energy, which is a kind of the origin of heaven and earth .

So Gao Jiuding believed that it was a kind of flame produced from the origin of heaven and earth.

Even if Gao Jiuding has practiced the fire system, has a very high-quality extremely cold blue flame, or even the real fire of the sun, he cannot control the original flame.

But this original flame was suppressed by a force of the gold system, Jin Kehuo?Huo Kejin is right?
Is it like fire and water, the stronger the flame can dry up the water, but the more water the flame will be extinguished.

In any case, that original source of flame has now been initially utilized by Gao Jiuding.

And the power that can strengthen the soul, could it be another force absorbed at that time?Or is it the power with the black aura?
After absorbing it at that time, that power disappeared in his body, and there was no trace to be found at all, but now, Gao Jiuding finally found some clues.

"After all, it's a good thing!" Gao Jiuding finally felt relieved, his future is bright, and it is only now that he has caught some little tails of Xiucheng Yuanshen.

"Essence, spirit, and three treasures in one. If you can generate three flowers, is it a fairy? Three flowers gather at the top, and five qi are in harmony. What kind of state is it? Many people know this sentence, but the three flowers on the top of the head How are flowers formed?
What are the five qi, how do they approach the Yuan, and what is the Yuan?Refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform gods, practicing gods to return to emptiness, refining emptiness to harmonize the Tao, after the Tao is merged, you will be a god! "Gao Jiuding felt a headache again, this is the defect of no inheritance!

"Well, something is a little wrong. There should be immortal inheritance under this starry sky, and at least it can produce immortal sects, but the group of monks I contacted before, whether they are human races, monster races or beast races, don't seem to be very strong. Pay attention!" Withdrawing his mind, Gao Jiuding looked at the fairy under his feet.

This is Taibai fine gold, a real fairy material, and it is not the same as the earth and stone with a trace of fairy spirit that we got earlier!

He just wandered in this starry sky for such a short time and met so many good things, so what about the other cultivators who have lived here for countless years?

Since he can survive under this starry sky, he must have the power to survive, and since he has the power, how could he not be able to obtain the resources here?
The guys he met before were not considered rich. Although there were some treasures, compared with the resources here, they were all scum!

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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