The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1254 Dangerous Star Field

Chapter 1254 Dangerous Star Field
"Could it be because of the space-time tunnel?" Gao Jiuding could only think of this. The space-time tunnel is extremely magical. It breaks the boundaries of space and time. Perhaps the moment Gao Jiuding felt was indeed an extremely long time, and the most magical Unfortunately, the space-time tunnel has not yet affected the real world.

No matter how long you stay in the space-time tunnel, it is almost an instant in the outside world.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding didn't know how many years he had been wandering in the space-time tunnel, so how many years would it take him to teleport over the distance of tens of thousands of light years?
Gao Jiuding has now determined that he is at the uppermost part of the fourth cantilever of the Milky Way, which is already close to the Milky Way disk, and belongs to the outer star cluster of the Milky Way.

Therefore, there should be many star systems around him. Since it is called a star cluster, stars are naturally indispensable, and each star represents a star system.

Gao Jiuding didn't know if the starry sky he encountered now was very special. If it wasn't very special, would the matter be magically changed the closer it was to the Milky Way?
Could it be that this is really a fairyland, where there are no ordinary plants, trees, earth and rocks?

Even some ordinary earth and rocks contain fairy spirit, isn't this too heaven-defying?
Stepping on the asteroid under his feet, Gao Jiuding was very sure that it was a fairy material, because he couldn't move it at all.

I can't even cut it, even if I smash it, I can't get a little bit of debris!
There is no way, Gao Jiuding can only put away the entire asteroid.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was also a little worried, because he couldn't use the good materials, which was too sad!
"We still need to study those bugs carefully. If we understand their domain power, maybe all kinds of fairy materials can be used." Putting away the asteroids, Gao Jiuding started to think again.

However, now is not the time to study exercises. After entering a new environment, why should we find a place to set up camp?
The base needs to be established, but in this strange starry sky, Gao Jiuding always feels a little uneasy.

Returning to the pagoda, Gao Jiuding went directly to the Fire Spirit battleship, but it seemed that the Fire Spirit battleship also took the piece of Taibai fine gold, there was no way.

"Master, maybe it's still in the immortal pond, and it will melt after a long time!" Huo Ling said while digesting the miscellaneous earth and stone fairy materials.

Gao Jiuding thought, anyway, it's useless now, it's better to still evolve the Immortal Pond, it can be melted to increase the strength of the pagoda, even if it can't be smelted, there is no loss.

With just a thought, this asteroid formed of Taibai fine gold flew into the Immortal Transformation Pond.

The current area of ​​Huaxian Pond is very large, and around Huaxian Pond, there is also a fairy spring and a piece of fairy field.

Looking at the Immortal Spring, Gao Jiuding couldn't help thinking: This Immortal Spring can transform the air of void and chaos, can it also melt immortal materials?
"Forget it, it's too wasteful to transform into a fairy spring. After all, the business without money is the most profitable!" Just thinking about it, Gao Jiuding gave up.

Absorbing the air of the void and chaos, transforming the fairy spring is a no-cost business.

"Master, do we want to go in and have a look?" At this moment, Huo Ling approached Gao Jiuding and muttered, his eyes were staring at the depths of the starry sky.

The starry sky in the distance is dark, and there are many magnetic storms, covering the star system not far away. You can only see the clouds below. It seems that something has exploded, but there is no specific thing outside. can not see clearly.

Gao Jiuding is used to this kind of scene. This starry sky is definitely not flat. The solar ion wind and sunspot activities are too violent.

Gao Jiuding didn't answer, and his eyes went straight to the direction of the star system. Unfortunately, like Huo Ling, he couldn't see clearly what was inside.

Since entering here, the solar storm has been constant, and fortunately the pagoda is more powerful than the Huoling warship, the solar storm can't blow it, otherwise, Gao Jiuding would be swaying with the wind again.

Of course, even the Fire Spirit battleship is used to being blown by strong winds, and now it can control the battleship to fly smoothly.

Gao Jiuding made up his mind and decided to go in and see the situation first, even if it was for the sake of immortality, he would continue to explore this star field.

The pagoda flew away in the solar storm, and this time Gao Jiuding flew for another full month before he realized that he had escaped the influence of the solar storm.

"No, there seems to be something in front that blocks the solar wind!" Gao Jiuding reacted almost immediately.

Sure enough, the Fire Spirit battleship scanned with the folding mirror radar and found an asteroid belt in front of it.

"Oort Nebula? This is the outer nebula of that star system!" Huo Ling said with certainty.

"Go over and have a look, a huge asteroid belt, if there are fairy materials, it will be a real success!" Gao Jiuding said with his eyes shining.

"Impossible, right? It's impossible that all asteroids are fairy materials, right?" Huo Ling didn't quite believe this possibility.

"Go and see. The solar wind here is not a decoration. It can withstand the perennial blowing of the solar wind. This is much better than the wind grinding copper!" Gao Jiuding said.

Of course, although Gao Jiuding spoke boldly, he acted very cautiously.

Flying forward for a long time, after passing through the magnetic storm layer again, Gao Jiuding found a large black asteroid.

The size of the asteroid discovered this time is quite large.

Gao Jiuding saw several asteroids with a diameter of more than one kilometer, and there seemed to be even bigger ones inside the asteroid belt.

Getting closer, Gao Jiuding stared at an asteroid with a diameter of more than 3000 meters. He could clearly see a huge circular crater, like a crater produced by a giant meteorite impact.

The distance was a bit far, and Gao Jiuding could only see the appearance of a big pit, but he couldn't see the details clearly. He hesitated for a moment, and then flew towards the direction of the big pit.

As he got closer and closer to the asteroid, he realized the horror of that huge crater.

Looking closer, the pit seemed to be torn apart violently by something, and it looked very hideous.

But apart from such a big pit, he actually has nothing on the asteroid, not even a piece of broken rock, let alone the atmosphere!
Be careful and search again, there are no void monsters, this place is very safe.

"What's that?" Getting closer to the big pit, Gao Jiuding suddenly found something in the center of the big pit.

No one answered him, because the fire spirit didn't appear at all, it was still hiding in the pagoda.

There was a pagoda floating above Gao Jiuding's head, so he was naturally not afraid of being attacked.

He carefully checked the things inside the big pit, but he really couldn't see what it was.

In the center of the big pit, there was a pebble-like thing lying in it, dark green in color, exuding a faint luster.

That thing was as big as a basketball court. Gao Jiuding flew into the pit and stood beside it to observe.

His eyes kept looking at the thing, but he didn't see anything special, it seemed that it was an ordinary round stone egg, just a little bigger.

Gao Jiuding looked at these stone eggs curiously. It seems that this thing can be separated from the asteroid. If it is a fairy material, is it easier to use?
Before Gao Jiuding could make a move, he suddenly found that the stone eggs suddenly cracked, and there was a crack on them.

Gao Jiuding retreated subconsciously, then activated the pagoda, and opened the gravity field.

He stared at the stone egg, this starry sky was too weird, no matter how careful he was, he couldn't be too careful.

click... click...

There are more and more cracks on the stone egg, and those cracks are very regular, not ordinary rock cracks!

The entire huge stone egg swelled and cracked into a ring, and the cracks outside the ring had rounded arcs, and the intervals between each crack were almost exactly the same.

boom!The ring snapped off, turned over and fell to the ground, with many dark green claws sticking out from below.

"I'm going... this is a big bug..." Gao Jiuding cried out, his eyes widened.

Gao Jiuding saw it very clearly, it was not a stone egg at all, but a bug that looked like a centipede.

Its body was rolled up just now, and countless sharp claws were shrunk inside. It looked like a stone egg, but now it unfolded its body, revealing a ferocious face, and they were staring at Gao Jiuding with bared teeth.

Under the belly of the strange insect, many broken stones can be seen. These insects are probably curled up and devouring these broken stones, right?
Thinking that these crushed stones might be fairy materials, and Gao Jiuding couldn't destroy even a single bit of fairy materials, Gao Jiuding felt his scalp go numb.

Thinking of these insects being able to devour immortal materials, Gao Jiuding felt a chill in his heart, he didn't need to think about it, he just turned around and broke through the air, wanting to escape from here.

But just as they flew up, they suddenly saw the entire surrounding of the asteroid turned dark green.

The surrounding starry sky is like a huge green crystal cover, covering the entire asteroid, causing the entire asteroid to be reflected in a strange green.

Boom!As soon as Gao Jiuding flew up, he fell directly from the sky, like a meteorite, hitting the asteroid.

"Forbidden air field! This kind of coverage...these guys are really powerful..." Gao Jiuding crawled out of the pit, shouting solemnly.

"Master, it's not just the forbidden area." Huo Ling kept paying attention to Gao Jiuding, and when he realized that something was wrong, he immediately flew out of the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding's face was also a little ugly, and he looked around the surrounding area solemnly.

The bugs here seem to have a kind of magical domain. Such ability makes their hunting ability too strong, right?

At this time, Gao Jiuding had a little understanding of why there were not many bugs of other races willing to enter this starry sky.

The Void Armored Beasts at the beginning didn't dare to enter this area, and the different types of bugs in the outermost circle didn't seem to dare to approach this area either.

They all have their own territory?Do not interfere with each other?

The domain of these centipede-like insects seems to be more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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