Chapter 1255 Unexpected

The domains of this group of worms can be superimposed, and the same power can be fused together to cover the entire asteroid very easily.

It is impossible for Gao Jiuding to fly out now.

What's even more frightening is that in the dark green field, it's not just as simple as forbidden air, there are other forces.

Before Gao Jiuding could take a closer look, the giant worm rushed over, its huge body pressed down like a mountain.

The worm's body was covered by dark green restraints, and countless restraining chains were wrapped around its body like a reamer. The speed and strength were almost unimaginable.

Gao Jiuding opened the power field, turned around and ran with brute force, he didn't even dare to open the gravity field, or it was useless at all.

Such a terrifying monster can crush his gravity field with direct force. The Dihuang battle armor can't bear such a terrifying force at all, and it will only lead to death.

boom!The monster worm pounced down, the fire spirit battleship blocked the monster worm, gathered strength and bombarded the monster worm, but the monster restrained a piece of blazing golden knife in one bite, and swallowed it together!
The strange insect hit the rock on the ground, directly smashed the rock through a big hole, and got into the ground.

Gao Jiuding felt the ground tremble, as if in an earthquake, he tried to run away, but he didn't run far when he saw a black hole in the ground!
A strange insect came out of it, and seeing Gao Jiuding escaped the trap, the strange insect leaped in the air and then burrowed into the ground again.

"Knock you!" Gao Jiuding, who was forced to be extremely embarrassed, blasted an icy cold light angrily, and rushed towards the cave with a roar.

Boom!There was a roar in the cave, but I didn't see the strange insect coming out, nor did I hear its cry.

"Be careful!" The Huoling battleship came galloping, collected Gao Jiuding, and flew back quickly.

There was a bang, and a big hole was exposed where Gao Jiuding was standing just now.

The strange insect got out from inside, half of its body protruding above the ground, baring its teeth and claws like a weird tower.

This guy is the Dragon Touching God in the game!

The Huoling battleship didn't turn around to attack it, Gao Jiuding knew that it was useless to resist, he couldn't have fought against such a terrifying monster.

"Can you lift off?" Gao Jiuding asked standing in the control room of the Huoling battleship.

"No, their domain power is too strong, besides, there are more bugs outside!" Huo Ling said immediately.

"I'll go out and pretend, you are going to start the space jump!" The bugs around are chasing too close, if you are hit by a bug when you start the space jump, the fire spirit battleship doesn't know which space-time turbulence it will be thrown into among.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to take risks, so naturally he had to fight.

The defense of the pagoda is actually stronger than that of the Fire Spirit battleship, but the pagoda cannot be teleported, so now we can only rely on the Fire Spirit battleship.

Gao Jiuding flew out of the Huoling battleship, and then he felt a heavy pressure.

After landing, Gao Jiuding ran extremely fast. He has quite proficient escape skills and is quite confident that he can break through the field of strange insects and rush out of this asteroid.

Of course, the premise is that the strange insect will not come to chase him. Even if he can break through the forbidden area, the speed is much worse than that strange insect, and he still cannot escape.

So now Gao Jiuding can only try to make himself less conspicuous, and whenever he has a chance, he will immediately get into the Huoling battleship and teleport away.

As for how the Huoling battleship got rid of that huge monster, Gao Jiuding was not worried, because there were still many puppets inside the Huoling battleship.

At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't be stingy anymore, even if he lost some puppets, he would not hesitate.

He was running fast, when suddenly Gao Jiuding's expression changed, his back was icy cold, and his heart was beating wildly.

Without any hesitation, he tried his best and jumped forward, and then saw that the strange insect had broken through the ground and rushed out from where he was just now.

Gao Jiuding's body almost jumped past its mouth.

The dark green restraint chain wrapped around that huge monster is obviously more powerful than the nothingness domain.

The domain of this strange insect has materialized.

The countless restraining chains, like a reamer, touched the Dihuang battle armor on Gao Jiuding's leg, immediately gouged out a large part of the Dihuang battle armor, and cut off a lot of muscles on Gao Jiuding's calf.

Suppressing the pain from his calf, Gao Jiuding continued to run forward, if he stopped now, it would really be a dead end.

Of course, a little bit of trauma has absolutely no effect on Gao Jiuding, who has blood and light supernatural powers.

The strange worm has rushed into the ground again, like a strange fish in the sea, it keeps shuttling through the ground, and every time it comes out, it leaves a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground.

I don't know if he was attracted by the smell of blood on Gao Jiuding's legs. Gao Jiuding found that strange insect and chased him all the time.

"It's not so unlucky, is it?" Gao Jiuding said bitterly, hoping that his judgment was wrong.

But when the strange insect came out from the place where he was running again, Gao Jiuding knew that his judgment was correct, and the strange insect was really eyeing him.

"Go to your sister." Gao Jiuding's speed was still much slower than that of the strange insect, and it was too late to avoid the devouring of the strange insect. In an instant, he soared into the sky, and his body was enveloped by the rich yellow light from the pagoda!

Sure enough, the pagoda was able to weaken the forbidden area in a short time, allowing Gao Jiuding to avoid the bite of the strange insect and fly towards the starry sky.

Except for the domain, the strange insects seem to have no means of long-distance attack.

Gao Jiuding flew farther and farther, and when he was about to rush out of the field of the strange insect, he heard a buzzing sound, and saw a pair of transparent insect wings spread out behind the strange insect below. , flew towards Gao Jiuding, and caught up with him in an instant.

A series of dark green chains of prohibition circled and intertwined, just like a blender spinning crazily, and the monster's big mouth had already swallowed Gao Jiuding's body.

Like a big whale swallowing a small fish jumping out of the water, the strange insect leaped towards it.

Boom!Above the sky, Gao Jiuding's body was directly swallowed into the monster's big mouth, and the jagged sharp teeth directly twisted towards his body.

Although Huo Ling realized that something was wrong with Gao Jiuding, it didn't look back, but turned around and fled desperately to the distance.

Huo Ling hopes to find a place above the asteroid that is not shrouded in the forbidden space, so that he can have a chance to escape from here.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding's body was not torn apart by the strange insects, and there was a layer of black and yellow air wrapped around his body, so no force could touch his body.

The sharp teeth of the strange insect only passed through the layer of glare on the outer layer of the pagoda, so it was impossible to hurt him.

Gao Jiuding's body was like a tendon, rolling in the flesh and teeth of the strange insect.

Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to rush out directly, but on second thought, instead of rushing out, he rushed into the strange insect's body.

Hard insect shells and flesh and blood could not stop him from moving forward. Gao Jiuding shuttled through the body of this strange insect at an extremely fast speed.

Gao Jiuding found that the inside of the monster's body was like stone jade. Even the internal organs and blood vessels had turned into a crystal clear texture, and there was no weakness inside. It was not easy for him to hurt the monster from the inside.

This is the real icy muscle and jade bone, which is the realm that Gao Jiuding can't wait to see, and I saw it in the body of a bug today, which is also a long experience.

The body is not easily destroyed, so use your brain.

Soon, Gao Jiuding got into the worm's head, and found a crystal nucleus in its head, which was a green core as bright as a star.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the time for Gao Jiuding to urge the pagoda with all his strength was extended a lot due to the improvement of his cultivation base, but he could only last for about half an hour at most, and it could not last indefinitely.

After all, the worm outside is not stupid. After finding out that Gao Jiuding is not dead, his body is wriggling non-stop!
Therefore, at this time, the pagoda outside Gao Jiuding's body was constantly being squeezed!

Gao Jiuding looked at the green crystal nucleus in front of him, and he condensed infinite power with one hand.

The power field was condensed on the palm, and Gao Jiuding fiercely pressed towards the green crystal nucleus.

hum!Gao Jiuding's palms buzzed.

Roar!Under the pain, the strange insect let out a roar, and its body rushed to the ground frantically. After getting into the ground, the strange insect had not lost its mind, and it actually chased the fire spirit battleship not far away.

Of course, the strange worm that was chasing Huo Ling was more unlucky. It was crushed by the huge worm, including the domain, and swallowed directly.

The blood of the little bug splattered out, as if it was a fat sheep that was bitten to death, rather than a terrifying monster.

The Huoling battleship fled desperately to the outside of the asteroid, and Huoling also tried to use various forces to fight back, but in front of a group of strange insects, all its power seemed so pale and powerless.

The most frightening thing is the domain of the monsters. If they encounter monsters of average strength, the Fire Spirit Battleship will definitely be able to escape easily.

But now, facing these monsters that could easily tear apart immortal materials, Huo Ling could only dodge in embarrassment.

There are also the fields of these strange insects, not only have the ability to prohibit space, it seems that space and other forces are also prohibited!

With the power to confine the space, it is impossible for Huo Ling to use means to teleport out. If he is a little slow, he may be trapped here alive.

escape!Run away desperately!
Huo Ling knew that only when it escaped could it leave with Gao Jiuding.

As for Gao Jiuding, Huo Ling believes that there is a pagoda to protect his life. The worst result is that Gao Jiuding enters the pagoda and teleports away through the teleportation array inside the pagoda.

Although it was teleported randomly, it was unknown where it would be teleported, but it was definitely possible to leave this dangerous place.

So, now Huo Ling tried all kinds of methods to escape, but he still didn't break out of the monster's territory.

 Thanks to brother SU482899 for the reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to the king of the Queen of Earth, the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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