Chapter 1256
Run if you can't get out, Huo Ling can only run away desperately.

After all, Huo Ling is manipulating this battleship, and with the dense defensive restrictions on the outer layer, even if it encounters a large number of insect attacks, at most it will damage some spiritual energy.

The puppets thrown out by Huo Ling to open the way are different, they are cannon fodder.

These puppets were kings in the blood pill stage, and their strength was almost invincible under the monks of the Faxiang stage. Even if they met the monks of the Faxiang stage, they could fight for a while, but facing the terrifying insects with such attack power, they were scarred in an instant. The outer armor is almost broken.

boom!The moment a tall wing-shaped puppet was bitten off by a strange insect, it condensed three different forces and launched an attack.

The infinite spiritual energy instantly turned into a triangular energy circle, and an aurora burst out from the circle in an instant.

The aurora tore through the void and directly bombarded the monster's mouth, but it was swallowed by the monster without any reaction.

It feels a bit like an energy cannon, and it is also very similar to the attacks launched by these puppet hand cannons. Anyway, it is very powerful.

This is already the strongest attack method of this puppet, but it has almost no effect on the strange insects.

This monster is definitely not as simple as an ordinary monster. Whether it is their domain ability or their physique, they are much higher than ordinary monsters.

Although it was not yet the final moment of despair, Gao Jiuding knew very well in his heart that if they couldn't get out of the monster's territory, they would all have to die in the end.

"Damn it, how can there be such a terrifying domain if you encounter a monster at random?"

Gao Jiuding can still see the situation outside at this time, because he needs to return to the Huoling Battleship as soon as possible.

Huo Ling broadcast the live broadcast to Gao Jiuding through the jade ultimatum, so Gao Jiuding still feels sorry for him. The value of every puppet in his hand is immeasurable!

Gao Jiuding hid in the worm's body and remained silent. He knew very well in his heart that it was useless to complain now. He could only hold on until the last second to see if a miracle would happen.

The same is true for Huoling. In this kind of place, no one can come to rescue them. Even if the rear knows that they are in danger, they cannot enter here.

"Master, why don't you fight?" Huo Ling became fierce, turned around and rushed towards the strange insect, roaring and cutting out golden knives.

Gao Jiuding originally wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, in their current state, no matter how much they tried to escape, they might not be able to escape very far, and it would be meaningless to stop Huo Ling again.

The Fire Spirit battleship emitted a dazzling golden light. It was a golden flame. The flame turned into a golden knife and slashed at the top of the monster's head. The power of the field has been shredded.

The monsters approached quickly, and the restrictions on the outer layer of the Fire Spirit battleship quickly collapsed.

Almost instantly, a group of bugs rushed onto the Fire Spirit Battleship.

The monster opened its mouth and bit down on the battleship. At this time, the fire spirit had no chance to escape, and it didn't even want to escape. The restraint inside the battleship broke out with all its strength!

And outside the battleship, where the monster appeared, a group of puppets suddenly appeared, a broken puppet, and the remaining left hand blasted towards the monster's face.

Although it blocked the monster insect from destroying the fire spirit battleship, the armor of this puppet was as fragile as an egg shell under the sharp teeth of the monster insect, and it was directly bitten to pieces, and its body was also bitten off Half of it, and the remaining half was thrown into the air.

These broken bodies were immediately put away by Huo Ling. As long as the core of the puppet is collected, which is the soul spar of the control system, the puppet can be repaired quickly.

As long as the core of the puppet is not destroyed, there is no concept of death. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can be resurrected infinitely, and it will become stronger after repairing it once!
The strange insect rushed up again, and pounced on the remaining half of the other puppet.

Seeing that the strange insect was about to swallow the remaining half of the puppet's body, but suddenly heard the strange howl of the strange insect, its body straightened all of a sudden, and its upper body was lifted like a snake.

Gao Jiuding and Huo Ling were both taken aback, not knowing what happened.

At this time, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the strange insect outside him seemed to rush out.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he didn't care about those puppets anymore.

He hid in the bug's head, wasn't he waiting for this opportunity?

He acted quickly, trying to use the strange insects to break out of the encirclement of the swarm.

Gao Jiuding had very high ideas, but the monster didn't listen to him.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't want to make the monster obedient, what he wanted to do was destroy the brain of the monster.

The flesh and blood of the body can't be destroyed, but the brain can't be destroyed?

Gao Jiuding smashed and destroyed at will, and this bug will suffer.

The severe pain made the worm go crazy. Its body was so strong that even a worm of the same race could not stop his impact.

Through the fire spirit, Gao Jiuding was able to clearly see where he was.

"One more thing!" Gao Jiuding was full of surprise.

puff!The strange insect that was scourged by Gao Jiuding opened its mouth, and a mouthful of dark green blood sprayed out from the mouth, like a fountain, and drenched the puppet next to it below.

Blood gushed out like a spring, and something seemed to spurt out of it.

"Master, don't come out yet!" Huo Ling immediately reminded after seeing the changes in the bugs.

Being swallowed by a monster, not only did he not die, but also harmed the bugs. This is a good thing, how could it end so quickly?

Besides, hiding in the bug's body is the safest.

However, Huo Ling's reminder was too late, and Gao Jiuding was spit out directly.

Gao Jiuding still underestimated the worm. His range of activities was large, or it was too violent, which made the worm sense his position and immediately spit him out of his body.

Gao Jiuding fell to the ground with a dazed expression. He was not stained with blood, and he didn't seem to be injured.

"Roar!" The strange insect hissed, appearing to be in great pain. It soared into the sky and directly broke through the group of insects outside the asteroid.

Maybe it was too painful, but it didn't chase after Gao Jiuding, but plunged into the rock, got into the ground, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The blue field covering the entire asteroid also dissipated, which surprised Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was stunned, but Huo Ling didn't stop at all, it directly engulfed Gao Jiuding, immediately started the space jump, broke the space in an instant, and jumped away.

"Master... what did you do just now?" Huo Ling asked in disbelief as he rushed out of the turbulent space.

"It's nothing, just hurt it a little." Gao Jiuding paused and said, "Let's go, this place is too dangerous. If we encounter such a powerful swarm again, it will not be so easy to leave."

"Shall we change direction?" Huo Ling asked, they didn't dare to go in the direction just now.

"The loss is not small, let's change the direction, we can't go to that unknown star system!" Gao Jiuding shuddered at the thought of the insect swarm blocking the star system.

There must be a lot of resources over there, but he is too weak!

He really wanted to kill that strange insect, but the strange insect's physique was too strong. He tried his best to destroy the attacking strange insect's brain. Only bugs kill.

Fortunately, although the monster is strong, its IQ is not high. After being traumatized, it immediately chose to run away. If it continued to chase Gao Jiuding cruelly, even if Gao Jiuding was protected by the pagoda, he would already be unable to hold on. Or a dead end.

"We must find a way to improve our survivability!" Gao Jiuding said.

"The best way is to fuse immortal materials, it will take time!" Huo Ling said immediately.

Gao Jiuding was silent. He had no choice but to rely on the Immortal Transformation Pond formed by the large spiritual veins to slowly smelt the immortal materials. Inside, Gao Jiuding has the power to protect himself.

Of course, if you encounter a large group of insects like the one just now, even the Fire Spirit battleship wrapped in fairy materials will not be able to hold back their bite.

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of the hideous big crater on the asteroid, and now he still doesn't know that the big crater must have been gnawed out by those bugs.

"Don't drive so fast, we're not in a hurry!" Gao Jiuding was so frightened that he had to remind Huo Ling to pay more attention.

Huo Ling drove the battleship, soaring through space.

This starry sky is really different. Although it is getting deeper and deeper into this starry sky, he finds that there are more and more interstellar dust in the starry sky, which is just like the atmosphere on the earth. Although it is still very thin, it has already It can bring strong friction, which has already made the Huoling battleship unable to rely on inertia to fly.

The stars in the distance radiate eternal light, and under the refraction of the surrounding interstellar dust, they transform into colorful light, which looks very beautiful, but it is easy to get lost in it.

Looking at the boundless refracted light, Gao Jiuding couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although he already knew that this star field was very dangerous, the real situation still made him frown.

Changing the direction, the light of the star field I saw formed a sea of ​​clouds like the sea. There are seas of colorful clouds everywhere, and they don't have a sense of direction like the sea!

There are colorful clouds everywhere in the void, boundless, and only where the large clouds meet can some clear voids be seen.

"Be careful, this star field looks even more strange!" Gao Jiuding reminded again.

Huo Ling is analyzing the surrounding star map, but the environment here is special. Even if the space folding mirror radar is used, the surrounding situation is unclear. The cosmic dust here reflects the light of the surrounding stars, and the clouds formed are too thick to be seen. Far.

(End of this chapter)

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