Chapter 1257
"Master, I feel that the aura here is more intense. I even suspect that even if the creatures appear outside without any guarantee, they will not be frozen to death, and they can even breathe!" Huo Ling said.

"Breathing? Is there air outside?" Gao Jiuding asked with a strange expression.

Huo Ling said: "The further I go, the more matter I feel, not just cosmic dust, there must be air, and the aura is also getting thicker, this may be a treasure land!"

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "If it wasn't a treasure land, how could there be so many void monsters?"

"Master, I don't just mean that. You need to know that void monsters are not ordinary monsters. They can survive in a vacuum without any air, and they don't rely on oxygen to survive!" Huo Ling said.

Gao Jiuding said incredulously: "You don't mean that this place is like being in the ocean, and some of the planets we encountered are like isolated islands in the ocean, where ordinary creatures can survive? "

Huo Ling said: "Ordinary creatures are definitely not good, but the monsters we have seen before are sure to be able to. There is spiritual energy here, which can support the survival of monsters!"

Gao Jiuding was stunned, this star field is so big, if monsters can survive, how many monsters must be nurtured?
No wonder in the starry sky, the power of the Yaozu is always strong, but unfortunately, the Yaozu is not a race, otherwise, where is there such a thing as the Human Race?
"Master, I found something!" Soon, Huo Ling locked a position and adjusted the flight direction of the battleship.

"Dangerous place, don't approach it!" Gao Jiuding said.

Huo Ling said: "We always have to take a closer look. Don't worry, we won't get too close. If it's really a herd of monsters, we should stay away. As long as we don't get surrounded, we won't be in any danger."

Gao Jiuding and the others are now driving in a blue cloud, boundless, more magnificent and terrifying than the sea.

After flying for several hours, the speed of the Huoling battleship slowed down and became cautious.

After more than half an hour, Gao Jiuding finally saw something different. Is it a group of birds?
Is there really air here?Also have buoyancy?

Those Void Armored Beasts and weird bugs I saw earlier can also fly, but they rely on particle propulsion to fly, right?

Wings are really useless in the vacuum of the universe, but here, the flock of birds that Gao Jiuding saw were indeed relying on wings to fly.

When the Huoling battleship was moving carefully, Gao Jiuding could see groups of monsters flying among the sea of ​​rays of light from time to time.

Those turtledove-like monsters number in the tens of thousands, and when they dance, they look like a large cloud moving fast.

In the blue clouds, magnetic storms can be seen from time to time, and various electronic instruments can easily lose their function. Fortunately, the Huoling battleship is not affected by the magnetic storm and has not been disturbed.

Although the Huoling battleship's combat power at this time is powerful, it is the result of countless weapons and countless spiritual energy blessings. Its real peak combat power is only at the spirit weapon level, which is the peak of blood pills.

However, it is not a real life body after all, and there is no vitality emanating from it. Even if ordinary monsters sense it, if they don't have too much wisdom, they won't attack it!

In addition, Huo Ling was cautious, and saw many monsters along the way, most of them ignored the existence of the Huo Ling battleship. Occasionally, some ferocious and violent monsters hit the Huo Ling battleship, and it was difficult to damage the hard shell of the battleship.

Boom!While the Huoling battleship was advancing, it suddenly heard a violent sound coming from the front, and saw the sea of ​​clouds rolling in front, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, as if there was a war of terrifying creatures.

Gao Jiuding wants Huo Ling to bypass the front area. Now they are fleeing for their lives, exploring, not hunting here. It is best not to cause trouble as much as possible, and find a stable base as quickly as possible.

However, before Huo Ling turned the battleship around, he saw a few figures flying out of the blue sea of ​​clouds. They were all panicked, and they seemed to be running for their lives.

"Run!" Gao Jiuding said decisively when he saw the crowd of monsters behind him.

At this time, Huo Ling was already frightened, and its reaction was not slow at all. Almost at the moment Gao Jiuding gave the order, it immediately started the space jump.

Struggling to get out of the space storm again, Gao Jiuding looked at the picture he had just seen with lingering fear.

In the video playback, countless monsters flew past the place they had just entered, densely packed and strange.

I just don't know what made such a large group of monsters run wildly for their lives.

Also, are those figures just now human?It's a pity that I can't see clearly enough, and I can't tell the difference at this time.

Gao Jiuding really hoped that those were human monks, so that he might be able to find human gathering places around him.

Unfortunately, no matter what it was, Gao Jiuding would not go back and take a look, because he knew it would be dangerous to do so.

Continuing to fly in the sea of ​​clouds, I encountered many scattered groups of monsters and beasts on the road.

Of course, the so-called scattered beasts still had thousands or eight hundred animals, which was different from the tens of thousands of herds before, but Gao Jiuding definitely didn't want to provoke them.

So after Gao Jiuding discovered them, he basically acted mercilessly and didn't dare to test the strength of these monster beasts.

Electronic equipment is not easy to use in this star field, but it doesn't mean that he has no way to track these monsters.

Therefore, every time Gao Jiuding saw a group of monsters, he would drop a drone near them. Of course, the communication system inside the drone had been improved by Huo Ling.

Artifact refining is the basic skill of Huo Ling. As long as he is wise enough and has inheritance, how can he not know how to refine artefacts if a spiritual fire turns into a spirit?

Gao Jiuding relied on the modified and simplified version of the portable jade document to realize monitoring and networking in this special star field.

Gao Jiuding believed that as long as he persevered, sooner or later the starry sky would be filled with the surveillance cameras he left behind. By then, it would not be difficult to monitor every move of the monster herd hundreds of millions of miles away.

While flying ahead, the battleship suddenly stopped.

Gao Jiuding sensed an unusual aura in front of him, and stared over, not long after, he saw several figures flying over from between the green sea of ​​clouds.

Those figures were all about the same length, with a pair of brightly patterned butterfly wings on the back, two fleshy tentacles growing bare on the top of the head, and wearing black insect shell armor.

There were a total of six such guys, they flapped their wings, and soon flew not far from the battleship.

Gao Jiuding carefully observed these six strange creatures, and found that he couldn't tell who was who, just like six sextuplets wearing exactly the same clothes.

However, the aura on them made Gao Jiuding dare not underestimate them. They were at least Faxiang-level powerhouses, and they might even have other abilities, such as the number one armor-piercing world?

Thinking of those weird centipede-like insects that can smash fairy-level materials in one go, Gao Jiuding was terrified for a while.

Shaking his head, he put the previous unhappiness behind him.

Gao Jiuding looked at the six strange creatures that looked like butterfly spirits not far away.

Since there are only six of them, and they just wander around in this star field like this, they don't need to guess, they can't be simple characters, and ordinary magic beasts dare not be so bold at all.

"Dodge and run!" Gao Jiuding said.

Huo Ling heard the words and directly controlled the battleship to leave, and they headed towards the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Those six weird butterflies obviously spotted the Fire Spirit battleship, but they didn't pursue it.

Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief, at this moment, his mind became active.

After adjusting the radar, Gao Jiuding observed these six strange creatures.

During their flight, they seemed to expand their domains, and the butterfly wings behind them turned into six different colors. The six domains were intertwined to form a six-color domain that enveloped the nearby area.

Boom!A powerful storm hit and bombarded the six-color field, but it failed to shake the six-color field.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. Those six guys were all at the Faxiang level, and their six domains could be integrated into one, and their strength increased exponentially. With the power of solar wind and electromagnetic explosion, they could not shake their domains.

At this time, Gao Jiuding noticed an asteroid flying not far away, perhaps because of the storm, the asteroid was traveling extremely fast.

The six strange butterflies obviously also noticed the asteroid, but instead of avoiding it, they even took the initiative to meet it.

Boom!The asteroid hit the six-color field, shaking the six-color field, but there was still no sign of breaking it.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding turned around and continued to run away without saying a word.

No matter what kind of treasure that asteroid was, he didn't want to go and take a look.

It is naturally a treasure to arouse the interest of the six weird butterflies, but Gao Jiuding is not interested.

Ignoring the situation behind him, the Huoling battleship rushed away at full speed, Gao Jiuding just wanted to stay as far away from those weird guys as possible.

It's a pity that the more Gao Jiuding wants to avoid trouble, the more trouble he will get into.

The Fire Spirit battleship had just flown out not far away when they bumped into a huge guy head on.

Gao Jiuding was also annoyed when he saw the monster in front of him that looked like a black tiger.

But before he could move, the black tiger roared, and a black field erupted from his body, which seemed to be water.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding is not afraid of the water domain. He himself has the supernatural power of water control. He can use the water force to offset the monster's domain. At that time, the domain will not only not be able to hurt him, but will also be his help.

But before Gao Jiuding could react, the tiger's black domain enveloped him!
"Master, the situation is wrong, there are still a group of guys hiding around!" Seeing Gao Jiuding wanting to rush out of the battleship, Huo Ling reminded immediately.

"A group?" Gao Jiuding looked at the pitch-black field and said with lingering fear.

"However, it shouldn't be too powerful. They are just some tigers. There are only twenty or thirty of them. The domain power is not strong!" Then, Huo Ling obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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