The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1258 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1258 Meeting in a narrow road

"I'll go out and test it out. I can't just run away when I see a monster!" After receiving the exact information, Gao Jiuding flew out of the Huoling battleship with the pagoda on his head.

As soon as he came out, Gao Jiuding felt the pressure.

The monsters here are really difficult to deal with. Almost all the monsters of all species have domain power, and these domain powers can be superimposed by the special mother. Is there a reason for this?

The other [-] or [-] black tigers have also opened up their own domains. They have all kinds of domains, but after being intertwined with the black tiger's domain, they were swallowed by the black tiger's black domain, making the black tiger The field is getting darker.

So after Gao Jiuding appeared, he felt as if he had fallen into the boundless darkness in an instant, and he couldn't see his fingers. This was the reason why he didn't see other monsters!
"Not the water system domain?" Gao Jiuding was slightly surprised.

After the black domain devoured other domains, a huge egg-shaped dark object was formed. As the power of the black tiger condensed, the dark object became smaller and smaller, and the black became thicker and thicker.

Gao Jiuding began to feel that the blackness was like water, and his body could still walk through it, but as the darkness became thicker, the resistance of his body became larger and larger, as if he was immersed in the solidifying concrete. Soon he His entire body was squeezed inside and he couldn't move.

Under the power of the black tiger, the domain solidified into a three-meter-high black egg, trapping Gao Jiuding in it.

Gao Jiuding wanted to forcibly break through the dark realm with great force, but soon found that the darkness was so strong that he couldn't even struggle.

"What kind of domain is this?" Gao Jiuding felt a little strange, and he was not nervous. This domain seemed to have the ability to swallow other domains and strengthen itself, but the domain itself did not directly harm the body, and could only trap him in it.

If Gao Jiuding really wanted to leave, he could go directly into the pagoda, and with the help of the pagoda's defensive power, he could leave. He could even take advantage of the pagoda's suppression and containment power to clean up the black tiger outside.

So, with such a little power, no matter how miraculous and strong it is, it can't trap him at all.

Gao Jiuding thought so, but the monster outside was not. It seemed very excited and roared loudly.

Although the dark field is strong, it cannot block the sound, and Gao Jiuding can clearly hear any sound outside.

"This field is really good. I don't know what kind of field it is?" Gao Jiuding is still interested in the power of the field, and he can learn a lot by seeing a lot. He has collected many fields with various attributes in his hands.

Of course, those monsters outside couldn't answer Gao Jiuding's question, but Huo Ling could.

The Fire Spirit was not covered by the domain, it looked outside and tested, and could see the role of the domain more clearly.

As soon as Gao Jiuding raised a question, Huo Ling passed the news through the jade ultimatum: "Master, this seems to be a powerful devouring domain. I found that the black tiger devoured the domain power of more than 20 monsters. Trapped you inside, let alone you, even if I go in, I have to stay inside honestly."

"Same as those centipede-like bugs? Could it also have the effect of sealing space?" Gao Jiuding said.

Huo Ling said: "There is no power to restrain the air, but the power to devour is very strong."

Gao Jiuding knew that Huo Ling's understanding was very limited, but at this moment he had already felt the darkness begin to move, and probably knew that those monsters were pulling this dark field forward.

Gao Jiuding tried to operate clairvoyance, glanced at the dark field, and found that the aura in the dark field was very closely arranged, and there was a faint sign of forming an independent space.

"It's really a powerful field, and there are signs of cohesive space. Maybe that black tiger will have a chance to be promoted to a fairy beast in the future." Gao Jiuding thought to himself.

The power of the domain comes from the restriction, and the strict arrangement of the restriction can form an independent space, just like the independent space inside the magic weapon. Of course, it is difficult to arrange a stable restriction out of thin air, but to form a stable space, it is Difficult.

After all, there is no carrier, unlike the magic weapon that has top-quality materials to carry it, so it is very difficult to arrange an independent space with special attributes in the air.

And this black tiger, no matter whether it has devoured the domain power of other monsters or not, it is considered very powerful.

The dark domain of this black tiger, after absorbing other domains, is too strong, even Gao Jiuding can't break it with a full blow, so he simply rests first, and then finds a chance to rush out when he has enough energy.

The monsters outside were very excited, pulling the dome-like dark domain, and flying in the star domain, but not long after they left, Gao Jiuding suddenly heard a scream from outside.

Hearing the screaming sound, it should be from a monster he had seen before.

After this scream, Gao Jiuding heard the sound of his body breaking through the air, and soon the surroundings became quiet. He kept his ears upright to listen, but he didn't hear anything.

Apart from that scream, there was no more sound, as if all the monsters had run away.

"Strange? Even if they encountered an enemy, they should have called twice, right? Why did they stop shouting once? No wonder those guys were killed, so there was no time to scream?" Gao Jiuding thought to himself.

Huo Ling knew that he was not in danger, so naturally he would not fight these monsters head-on, it must have been hiding aside, it wasn't Huo Ling who dealt with these monsters, so these monsters met even more powerful experts?
Click!While Gao Jiuding was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of a stone breaking, and then saw a ray of light coming from the darkness he was in.

The giant egg-like darkness split from the middle, and then extended to the surroundings, directly shattered, and Gao Jiuding immediately escaped.

Han Sen was slightly taken aback by the sight, and saw Huo Ling standing not far in front of him: "What's going on?"

"The six mutated butterflies we encountered earlier lured those tigers away!" Huo Ling said immediately.

"The domain is left?" Gao Jiuding looked around, the fire spirit destroyed the domain, but the black tiger was not here.

"Well, it's like a magic weapon, a one-time magic weapon, amazing!" Huo Ling said immediately.

Gao Jiuding nodded. His conjecture was true. The tiger's domain actually condensed into a stable space, and it was an independent space that could exist alone.

Such a thing with independent space and the power of this magical field can also be said to be a magic weapon, but without the master's control, it can only be used once, and it is easy to be broken.

Of course, if its owner is more powerful, perhaps this kind of domain power will become extraordinary.

These are things for the future, it is useless to think too much now, Gao Jiuding immediately said: "Let's go, this place is too dangerous!"

Enter the Fire Spirit battleship, the Fire Spirit operator battleship, turn around and fly in another direction.

"Why did you suddenly meet those butterflies?" Seeing that the surroundings were empty, as if there were no monsters, Gao Jiuding asked after he was relieved.

While vigilantly checking the surrounding environment, Huo Ling replied: "The group of tigers were too noisy, and the noise was too loud, and they attracted six butterflies!"

"Which one of them is better?" Gao Jiuding asked curiously.

Huo Ling said: "They should all be very powerful. I found that the smaller the number of monsters here, the stronger their strength, and their abilities are all kinds of strange!"

Gao Jiuding nodded seriously, how could there be any simple creatures that can survive here?

Those who are not strong, those whose domain power is garbage, are all eaten, right?
Just when Huo Ling wanted to say something more, Gao Jiuding suddenly heard the sound of galloping horses coming from the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Gao Jiuding was startled, did he meet a herd of beasts again?

He looked up, and saw groups of giant black bulls galloping towards the sea of ​​clouds, like a vast expanse of boundless dark clouds.

Gao Jiuding's face changed slightly, and he said, "Be careful."

"Patriarch, let's run!" Huo Ling said nervously.

"Teleport away? Who knows where to teleport next time? What if it's more dangerous? Besides, although those cows are a bit bigger, they don't look too dangerous!" Gao Jiuding didn't want to leave.

Although he was contemptuous of the herd of black cattle, Gao Jiuding's feet were not idle, and he immediately ran in the opposite direction.

It is not a wise choice to go against the herd or stand in the way of the herd.

But before he ran far, he saw a group of golden yellow cattle coming from the sea of ​​clouds in another direction. The overwhelming herd of cattle was no less than the black herd before.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed, and he wanted to change direction again, but he saw a herd of cattle in another direction.

Between the sea of ​​clouds, there are herds of cattle of various colors everywhere, and I don't know how many there are.

"I'll go, why are there so many cow monsters all of a sudden?" Gao Jiuding took out a knife from the storage ring without any hesitation when meeting the brave man.

This is a heavenly weapon. Although there is no magic weapon like the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword that can activate supernatural powers, it is invincible.

Gao Jiuding drew his sword and rushed towards a herd of beasts. Where the light of the sword flickered, blood flew, and immediately killed several giant white bulls.

Feeling that the strength of these bull monsters is just like that, Gao Jiuding felt relieved.

He tore and slaughtered among the herd of cattle, where the sword passed by, large pieces of white cattle were harvested like straw, but these bull demons still rushed up bravely.

When Gao Jiuding saw blood, he killed countless cow demons in a short while.

Suddenly there was a long hissing sound, and a golden bull monster twice the size of the ordinary golden bull in the herd charged over.

With golden spiral horns on its head, this golden bull demon slammed into Gao Jiuding with a piercing sound.

Gao Jiuding slashed on the horns of the Taurus Demon with a knife, and the blade rubbed against the golden horns, producing the sound of metal clashing, causing Gao Jiuding to flip out of the air.

Gao Jiuding drew hundreds of meters in the air before stopping his figure.

(End of this chapter)

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