The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1259 Five-Colored God Bull

Chapter 1259: Colorful Divine Bull
He was attacked again, and before Gao Jiuding could recover, the other one was attacked by another giant black bull monster.

The terrifying impact of this bull demon is not inferior to the golden bull demon just now.

Gao Jiuding punched the charging black bull demon, and a cold light fell on the black bull demon, but a black mask flashed on its body.

With its sharp corner as the tip, the light mask looks like a fusiform. Gao Jiuding's strength falls on it, and it is immediately refracted, and there is no fusiform area that can pass through it.

Boom!The black horn hit Gao Jiuding's body, smashing his body into a phantom, and Gao Jiuding's figure had already appeared on the other side of the battlefield.

Gao Jiuding's speed was too fast, and afterimages appeared, otherwise the blow just now should have killed him.

"I'll go, isn't this too powerful?" At this time, Gao Jiuding saw a giant white bull monster and rushed towards him.

Gao Jiuding was startled, what is Huoling doing?Shouldn't it protect its own safety and watch over him carefully?

Gao Jiuding was almost attacked unexpectedly, this is unforgivable!

But in a blink of an eye, it was discovered that the Huoling battleship was entangled with a colorful bull demon.

Five elements and five colors, shining with a strong aura of the five elements, could it be the five-color divine cow?
Gao Jiuding had heard of the five-color deer or the seven-color deer, but he didn't expect to see the five-color deer today!
The five-colored bull demon's eyes were shining with five-colored divine light, and the five elements evolved at a glance. It was obvious that the five elements were gathered together, and it had a magical field where the five elements were fused together.

"How unlucky is it that you will encounter such a beast?"

Gao Jiuding felt depressed, even if a warship confronted such a very magical beast, it would be suppressed.

At this time, the Huoling battleship didn't look very good.

And a large number of beasts rushed towards Gao Jiuding because they couldn't participate in such a terrifying battle.

It's just that there are four Faxiang-level cow demons, and Gao Jiuding has already sensed four of them, plus the herd of beasts like a sea of ​​clouds. If he really fights hard here, he may not be able to kill them all even if his hands are broken. cow demon.

Seeing a red fire bull rushing towards him again, Gao Jiuding had a thought, his whole body burst into blood, turned into a blood shadow, and submerged into the body of the fire red bull demon in an instant.

Suddenly losing their target, all the cow demons were taken aback.

They looked around, looking for Gao Jiuding, but no one saw where he went.

Gao Jiuding didn't absorb the blood essence of the bull demon, nor did he intend to kill the bull demon, he just wanted to stay in the red bull demon's body for a while.

Gao Jiuding hardly paused, he paused for a while in the body of the first bull demon, and immediately flew into the body of another bull demon.

He just started moving so quickly, weaving through the herd.

Although there are not many cow monsters with strength above the middle stage of the law, but there are four or five of them, and these are probably the kings of their group.

Such a king, Gao Jiuding may not be afraid of them when he arrives, and with the supernatural power of blood shadow, as long as he spends a little time, Gao Jiuding believes that he will swallow all these bull monsters one day.

However, this group of bull monsters came here strangely, Gao Jiuding always felt that something was wrong.

He kept moving among the cows, entered the bodies of different cow demons, and headed towards the edge of the battlefield. After turning around for a while, he didn't find anything unusual.

"Could it be that I'm overthinking? That's fine, I just took the opportunity to get rid of these bull monsters, but it's a pity that Huo Ling was entangled by that five-colored bull, otherwise it would be easier to get away this time."

While Gao Jiuding was turning his mind, he had already reached the edge of the herd. He rushed out from the body of the outermost cow demon, and instantly turned into a stream of light and fled to the distance.

As long as he left and was safe, Huo Ling could rush out at any time.

As long as it doesn't break the defense of the Fire Spirit battleship, the Fire Spirit battleship will use its powerful power to rush out brutally.

Boom!Just when Gao Jiuding felt safe, he felt as if he had hit a steel plate.

Due to the high speed, Gao Jiuding's face was almost flattened, and the nosebleeds sprayed out directly.

"What?" Gao Jiuding looked forward, but saw nothing. He reached out to touch, but found an invisible barrier there.

"Sure enough there is a problem!" Gao Jiuding pressed one hand on the invisible barrier, and he rushed hundreds of meters upwards in an instant, but the invisible barrier touched by his palm always existed, as if there was no end.

Gao Jiuding rushed another thousand meters horizontally, the invisible barrier still existed, and he didn't know how big the barrier was.

"Who is it? Who is playing tricks?" Gao Jiuding was horrified. This is definitely supported by a person of pure Yang level, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this intensity and scale.

Gao Jiuding opened his clairvoyance and looked at the invisible barrier.

He immediately saw a transparent chain of restriction, forming an invisible wall, blocking his way.

Gao Jiuding looked around, and wherever he looked, the transparent wall seemed to have covered the entire sea of ​​clouds, with no end in sight.

"Sure enough, there is a strong man playing tricks!" Gao Jiuding took a deep breath, he didn't know why the strong man didn't take action himself, but just blocked this sea of ​​clouds, but one thing Gao Jiuding knew very well, he couldn't get out now.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding felt the vibration of the jade document with him, and a light and shadow appeared: "Master, this place has been sealed off. Unless we kill all the monsters here, we can only die here."

The phantom transformed by Huo Ling appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

"Why?" Gao Jiuding asked with a frown.

"There is no reason, the only reason is because we are not strong enough, we can only be bullied by these cows." Huo Ling said helplessly.

Looking at the disappearing image, Gao Jiuding knew that the situation of Huo Ling must be bad.

After Gao Jiuding stood there for a while, a herd of demon cattle spotted him and rushed over in groups.

He didn't use the ability of the blood shadow light anymore, he directly pulled out his knife, rushed into the herd of cows, and immediately killed more than a dozen cow demons.

There are too many cow monsters, he has to keep changing positions.

These bull monsters have about five colors, black, white, red, yellow, and green. The bull monsters of the five colors are not from the same ethnic group. Not to mention the general bull monsters, there are obvious differences in the domain power between the early and middle phases of Dharma.

However, different types of cow monsters, the domain power can be superimposed, which is very similar to the worm king domain that Gao Jiuding saw before, but the worm king domain has the ability to devour and absorb, and the domain of this group of cow monsters is purely defensive field.

Gao Jiuding wanted to fight the hordes of bull demons and the five bull kings, so he was caught in a bitter fight.

There were too many herds of beasts. Gao Jiuding avoided the bull king's pursuit and cut them down with a single knife. He beheaded a large number of ordinary bull monsters. The blood flowed like a river. A little soft.

"Damn, what's going on here?" Gao Jiuding really didn't know how it was possible to support so many cow demons here.

Feeling the vibration in the distance, is that the Huoling battleship fully fired again?
That's right, if you can't suppress the approach of the five-colored bull, the Huoling battleship will be in trouble.

Although the distance is too far, it is not very clear, but just looking at the surge of the multicolored rays of light, one knows that the multicolored bull has the upper hand, and the fire spirit must be struggling.

"I hope that the fairy materials that Huo Ling absorbed were not in vain, otherwise today will be really bad luck." Gao Jiuding secretly gritted his teeth in his heart. His time here is still too short.

The more he wanted to find a safe place to hide, the more he couldn't find it, and he kept encountering powerful herds of beasts. This is the more he didn't want to encounter anything, the more he encountered something, which can be called unlucky downright.

kill!Crazy killing!
Gao Jiuding didn't know how many cow demons he had killed, his eyes were red.

Click!A black bull demon in the early stage of Dharma appearance was beheaded by Gao Jiuding with a single knife. As blood gushed out, Gao Jiuding grabbed a black crystal from its head.

The monsters here have no dharma form, and no blood pills, only such crystals, similar to the blood essence in the monsters above the monster star, but it contains more energy and higher quality than the blood essence.

Gao Jiuding thought these were magic crystals, or should they be considered monsters?
Not living on a planet, but living in the void of the universe, must be contaminated with some yin, it should not be an exaggeration to say that it is a monster.

Killing monsters and harvesting magic crystals, Gao Jiuding finally got what he wanted this time. This kind of scene was only encountered when he was dreaming.

It's a pity that he doesn't have time to study the effect of the magic crystal yet. If he can devour it and refine it, then he can replenish his consumption.

Under the massacre, the power consumption was too severe, and Gao Jiuding didn't want to use the blood shadow light frequently, so he couldn't recover his power quickly.

If only relying on the aura drawn from the space, it would not be able to support such a high-intensity consumption.

Gao Jiuding always believed that there would be hidden dangers in the energy obtained by devouring the blood essence to quickly refine the blood essence of monsters.

When you have plenty of time, you should carefully absorb some, and then use a lot of time to refine it, so that Gao Jiuding can still accept it.

But in the current situation, Gao Jiuding couldn't accept it if he devoured a large amount and incorporated it into his body for supplement before refining.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not stupid if he really consumes too much, he will turn into a bloody light and blend into the body of the bull demon to hide and recover.

Gao Jiuding used this method to be able to persevere until now, otherwise he would have lost all strength after fighting till now.

The entire sea of ​​clouds was slaughtered with blood flowing, but those bull monsters were still brave and fearless, especially the five beast kings, each of them burst into divine light, arousing the five-color field, which caused a lot of trouble for Gao Jiuding.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't possessed the supernatural power of blood shadow and was able to escape into the body of the bull demon when he was in danger, he would have been wiped out by the five bull kings long ago.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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