Chapter 1260
Gao Jiuding also thought about directly entering the body of the five bull kings, breaking through their bodies, and trying to kill them directly.

But their domains are quite special. The bodies of the five bull kings all turned into different colors, and the colorful lights burst out from inside, making it impossible for Gao Jiuding to enter it.

Besieged by the five bull kings whose strength is above the mid-term, if they were replaced by ordinary monks, they would have been wiped out by their magical powers, but Gao Jiuding still relied on the magic of the blood shadow divine light to persist until now without injury.

"I can't do it, just go through the catastrophe here!" Trapped in the herd of cows, Gao Jiuding felt ruthless in his heart. After killing so many cow demons, although he didn't absorb much essence and blood, he stored a lot.

Killing a cow, of course, cannot be wasted. He will not let go of blood or beef. Therefore, at this time, Gao Jiuding has accumulated countless resources.

You know, the weakest cow monsters here seem to have reached the blood pill stage. Unfortunately, these cow monsters don't know spells, and they don't have magic weapons. They can only rely on their natural skills to defend. Gao Jiuding has long been hiding as far away as possible.

Not everyone can bully the bull demon in the blood pill stage.

It has been a while since Gao Jiuding entered the peak of the blood pill stage, and now he can cross the catastrophe and become a Dharma at any time, otherwise, how could he kill the blood pill stage monster so easily?

At this time, Gao Jiuding is confident that he can advance [-]% successfully.

Moreover, it seems that the advanced method can also be carried out in stages. Gao Jiuding was cruel and directly began to push the true essence in his body to start changing.

Only condensing the dharma, not triggering the catastrophe, which not only improves the combat effectiveness, but also does not let the catastrophe slow down.

Here, Gao Jiuding felt the changes in his body as soon as his heart beat.

He was overjoyed, he had already absorbed the energy and blood of a lot of monsters before, and what he had absorbed just now was similar to what he expected, and he could indeed transform a sufficient amount of mana very easily.

As for condensing the dharma form, you still need to wait, because the condensed mana into the dharma form will immediately trigger the catastrophe.

Without hesitation, Gao Jiuding directly activated the true energy in his body, converting it into mana at full speed.

In just a split second, Gao Jiuding felt a cool breath emanating from the flesh and bones of his whole body, as if clear spring water suddenly gushed out from the dry river bed.

After the true essence was transformed into magic power, Gao Jiuding's whole body also transformed accordingly, making his body more and more crystal clear, like a flawless god.

Gao Jiuding, who had already felt a little underwhelmed, suddenly recovered his physical strength to the peak state, no, it should be said to be stronger than the peak state.

Boom!With the light of ice and fire, the long knife slashed on the top of a bull king's head, and the powerful force directly split the bull king, along with its domain, into two halves.

For a moment, Gao Jiuding was killing wildly, as if entering a flock of sheep, with the flickering of swords and swords, a large number of bull demons of various colors were beheaded by him.

With Gao Jiuding's full output, the mana that had just been transformed in his body was consumed again. This was Gao Jiuding's plan.

He has a deep foundation, he does not hesitate to consume his foundation to transform mana, and then consumes it into combat power, so naturally he cannot condense the law, and naturally he will not trigger the catastrophe.

Breaking through a big realm, although there is no condensed dharma appearance, but with mana, Gao Jiuding can use many methods in the dharma appearance period.

Leaving other things aside, the strength that was previously trapped in the realm and could not be exerted can be exerted now.

Promotion is not just as simple as the improvement of strength, but a kind of gene optimization and cell transformation and evolution.

Most people's bodies are very fragile when they are promoted. Although it is not life-threatening, it is best to choose a safe and quiet place to avoid accidents.

Like Gao Jiuding, it is a bit too exaggerated to directly promote the level in the battle, and still fight non-stop.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding's advancement speed was too fast, almost in an instant, earth-shaking changes took place in his body!

Although this speed of evolution is not uncommon in the universe, the creatures that can evolve so quickly are generally those uncivilized primitive creatures!

There is still a lot of uncertainty and plasticity in the cultivation of primitive organisms. Once encountering the interference of external forces, rapid and violent evolution may occur.

The more advanced the creature, the more stable the practice routine, the more difficult the advancement, and the slower the speed of each advancement.

No matter what, Gao Jiuding also possessed the body of Dharma, and he was able to complete a major advancement in an instant, which is inconceivable.

The improvement of the realm has greatly improved Gao Jiuding's physical vitality, strength, and speed. However, he is still no match for the five-headed beast king.

Boom!Gao Jiuding was fighting crazily, but suddenly saw a gutter-like spatial crack appearing in the sky, and it spread towards this side quickly.

Boom!A large group of bull monsters and beasts were torn apart by the space crack like the day's ditch.

Gao Jiuding stepped aside, and then saw a huge object falling from the front of the space crack.

"Huoling!" Gao Jiuding was taken aback, the crack in space that looked like a ditch was hit by the Huoling warship.

Gao Jiuding saw densely packed spirit patterns flickering on the Huoling battleship, and a big hole was pierced through the hull, directly penetrating the space folding compartment inside the battleship.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's gaze could pass through the hole and see the opposite side.

Seeing the situation of the Huoling warship, Gao Jiuding knew that something was wrong. The Huoling warship was not the opponent of the five-colored bull, and now even the hull of the ship was pierced.

And once the Huoling battleship was killed, Gao Jiuding would be the next target of the five-colored bull. How could Gao Jiuding not be surprised by this?
"Huoling, are you alright?" Gao Jiuding yelled at the Huoling warship, but he didn't dare to go there.

The five-colored bull has already broken through the sky, and the divine light in its eyes is as real as a laser, passing through the sea of ​​clouds in an instant, and landing on the Huoling battleship again.

The spiritual light on the Huoling battleship flickered wildly, and countless restrictions emerged, covering the void in an instant, and dodging the blow from the colorful light.

The appearance of the Fire Spirit battleship looks a bit miserable now, but the hole in the cabin is automatically recovering.

Although the recovery speed was very slow, Gao Jiuding could tell that some damaged places were growing like granulation.

This is similar to memory metal, as long as there are enough resources, enough spirit stones, and the role of the spirit pool, as long as Huo Ling is given some time, this kind of injury can also be recovered.

After all, the surrounding restrictions have not been completely broken, and as long as the restrictions exist, when the restrictions are restored, the hull will also recover.

The overall situation of the Huoling battleship is not a second. At this time, its entire hull is flickering, and it looks very mighty, but Gao Jiuding knows that the power of the Huoling battleship has begun to decline!
A battleship, a weapon spirit, is limited to the level of weapon spirit and the quality of the battleship. In the one-on-one duel with the monster beast with the combat power of the colorful bull, which has reached the peak of the law, it has been very scary to persist until now.

If the Huoling warship is destroyed, it will be even more dangerous for Gao Jiuding to face the enemy at the peak of Fa Xiang.

"Self-protection, self-protection first, only by hugging my life can I escape." Gao Jiuding had to remind Huo Ling, so that it must not be bloody.

Now is not the time to fight recklessly, as long as he can entangle the colorful bull, Gao Jiuding believes that he will eventually find a way to escape from here.

The fire spirit hangs in the air, emitting raging flames. Its eyes are as firm as iron, and it doesn't look at the big hole on the battleship, as if the big hole doesn't exist.

The fire spirit is a spirit body, and the battleship is its body. The body was broken, which made the fire spirit very angry.

But it also accepted Gao Jiuding's proposal, and when it rushed to the colorful bull once again, it already knew how to avoid the serious and take the light.

Huo Ling fought with the colorful bull once again. Gao Jiuding saw the shattered spiritual light in the sky, falling on the sea of ​​clouds and blowing up a large piece of cloud. It was obviously Huo Ling who was being crushed and beaten.

"The situation is not good, we have to find a way to escape quickly!"

Gao Jiuding has tried many times, but his strength is not enough to break through the invisible barriers formed by the surrounding restrictions. Unless he uses the teleportation array, it is impossible to escape from here.

If teleportation is needed, the Fire Spirit Battleship will naturally be needed to help. However, without the Fire Spirit Battleship to block the colorful bull, how could they start the teleportation?
Besides, it takes time to start the teleportation, even if there is only a few seconds of pause, it is an extravagant hope at this time.

"How come there are no bugs, or the powerhouses of other monster races, come here to watch the battle?"

Gao Jiuding felt depressed, he kept looking around, but he didn't even see a single other creature.

Gao Jiuding could probably guess that it must be the Five Colored God Bull that sealed off the place, otherwise it would be impossible for no other creatures to come to watch the battle.

"Why did it block this place?" Gao Jiuding observed while fighting, hoping to get some useful information.

Why are these cow demons so determined to put us to death?Could it be that he broke into the territory of this group of cow monsters?
I don't know what they are guarding, so that this group of bull monsters will not kill us, vowing not to give up, Gao Jiuding sighed helplessly.

"There must be a reason!" Huo Ling said in a voice while avoiding the attack of the colorful bull.

The voice of Huo Ling came from the void, calm and scary.

However, Gao Jiuding instantly understood Huo Ling's meaning. This place is very important to this group of bull monsters, so they will not die if they come in.

"Boom!" There was another space crack like a gutter between the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and Gao Jiuding saw the Huoling warship that was blasted out at a glance.

There are cracks everywhere on the battleship, and the fine cracks almost cover the entire hull, but Huo Ling is still fighting, and has no intention of giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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