The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1261 Rune Body Refining

Chapter 1261 Rune Body Refining
The Fire Spirit floated above the battleship, his eyes were cold and clear, but his whole body was burning like a torch.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the strong fighting spirit on Huo Ling.

boom!Huoling burst out a large amount of flames, tearing apart the space like a small sun, and rushed towards the colorful bull. It seemed that Huoling could not give up without fighting to the end.

Gao Jiuding also felt Huo Ling's mood.

That feeling of powerlessness reminded him of the things he had encountered all the time. He had a stomach full of questions and his head was full of questions, but no one answered his questions, so he could only search for answers by himself.

In fact, Gao Jiuding knew very well that the reason no one gave him an answer was because he was too weak.

Weak, without strength, naturally without the power to choose, all this is just because I am not strong enough.

When it is strong, the answer to the question will naturally appear, such as where is this place?Why are there so many powerful monsters?How did these monsters grow and cultivate?
Also, how did they cultivate their various magical fields?Is it the supernatural power of racial blood, or is it caused by special circumstances?
But these, no one will give Gao Jiuding the answer, he can only explore by himself.

At this time, Huo Ling should be very unconvinced, right?

With countless resources, as long as it is given time, it can grow continuously, but now it is actually being rubbed against the ground by a monster.

This feeling of aggrieved, Gao Jiuding has always existed in the depths of his heart, so he is so eager to become stronger, eager to get answers.

"What kind of situation is the surrounding starry sky!" Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth, the blood in his body boiled like boiling water.

The horrific killings continued, and the five beast kings had never been able to completely suppress Gao Jiuding, but instead he killed countless bull monsters.

Watching Gao Jiuding absorb some of the overflowing qi and blood, and take away the corpses of their companions, they hissed in anger, as if they hated Gao Jiuding to the extreme.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding saw that in the void, a large group of multicolored rays fell, covering a large area in the multicolored rays.

Those bull demons in the multicolored rays of light, after bathing in the rays of light, seemed to be burning with flames one by one.

Especially those five beast kings, each of them was burning with flames, as if their bodies were about to disappear.

"Oops!" Gao Jiuding secretly yelled that it was not good, and saw the black beast king raised his head to the sky and let out a long hiss, a black shuttle-shaped field condensed out of him, and charged towards Gao Jiuding.

The speed is faster than it was before, I don't know how many times.

Gao Jiuding was a step too late in trying to escape with the power of the blood shadow divine light, so he could only tilt the sky knife in front of his chest, and forcibly blocked the black beast king's blow.

Boom!Gao Jiuding's body flew out like a projectile, and the blood gushed out uncontrollably from his mouth, as if his chest was about to explode.

Under the blessing of powerful strength, the speed and strength of the black bull king have been greatly improved, and Gao Jiuding's four-turn body training secret technique is completely unable to match him.

Before Gao Jiuding's body stopped, two white light beams shot out from the eyes of the white beast king, instantly blasting Gao Jiuding's body.

Gao Jiuding's body exploded like a stream of water, and then quickly condensed into one again, forming a new body.

Gao Jiuding's face turned pale, even though he had the blood shadow divine light to save his life, he was still seriously injured.

His strength was originally weaker than the Beastmaster, but now that the Beastmaster was blessed with the power of the colorful bull, he was no longer an opponent, and even more difficult to match.

"The power blessing of the great monk level is already so terrifying, if it attacks me by itself, how terrifying would it be?" Gao Jiuding's face was changing, and he had already determined that the five-colored cow had at least the strength of a great monk in the Dharma Phase period. .

Meanwhile, the Purple Beastmaster and the Golden Beastmaster on the other side had also rushed towards Gao Jiuding at the same time.

The terrifying domain power formed a fusiform mask, and masks of different colors possessed different powers.

The next moment, the purple Beastmaster and the golden Beastmaster hit Gao Jiuding one after the other, directly crushing his body again.

The blood shadow exploded, and Gao Jiuding's body appeared on the other side.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate at all, he turned into a blood shadow and submerged into the body of a cow demon staring at him.

Boom!Just as Gao Jiuding entered the body of the bull demon, there was a crimson light beam descending on the top of the bull demon's head, smashing the entire head of the bull demon directly.

Gao Jiuding did not dare to stop at all. With the help of the blood of the bull demon, Gao Jiuding hid the blood shadow and quickly invaded the body of another bull demon.

Boom!Still the same result, the body of the bull demon was smashed into pieces again, but this time it was a black beam of light.

Gao Jiuding kept moving with the help of the bull demon's body, but he was caught every time, and then those beast kings did not hesitate to smash the bull demon that Gao Jiuding had landed on.

During this process, the blood shadow transformed by Gao Jiuding was constantly consumed.

With no other choice, Gao Jiuding could only swallow a large amount of the blood of the slain bull demon.

At a critical moment, Gao Jiuding didn't care if there was a hidden danger.

The five beast kings yelled at Tianchang in unison, and a large group of bull monsters turned their heads and backed away quickly. They had clearly seen Gao Jiuding's blood shadow divine light, and naturally they refused to give him another chance to escape.

The Huoling battleship was already covered in wounds, and it seemed that it would not last long.

And now Gao Jiuding can only escape with the help of the blood shadow light. If he can't find a chance to escape, his final fate may not be much better than that of the Huoling battleship.

Boom!There was another loud noise like an explosion in the void, and the Huoling battleship was blown away again!

The entire battleship was seriously injured. Only the first half of the battleship had already penetrated three large holes, and there were countless cracks in other places.

With such a serious injury, if Gao Jiuding was replaced, even if he didn't die from the serious injury, he would probably die from the pain.

But the Fire Spirit battleship is different. As a weapon spirit, the Fire Spirit does not feel pain in its body.

Of course, if the Fire Spirit is damaged, the source will be lost, but the Fire Spirit is very careful, as long as it feels a fatal attack, it will hide in the Great Dao Hong Furnace inside the battleship.

It is also because of this that the battleship hull is damaged so severely.

But, so what if we don't?
Huo Ling knew very well that even if the hull of the ship was completely destroyed, as long as the Dao Hong furnace and it were not damaged, Gao Jiuding could quickly help it recover!
The colorful bull came through the sky again, its eyes were like glazed glass, as if reflecting the starry sky of the universe, the colorful rays of light in the eyes of the colorful bull once again radiated towards the fire spirit.

In this glance, there seems to be the mystery of the birth and decline of the universe.

The Huoling battleship was still flying in the air, unable to dodge the blow at all, watching the terrifying multicolored rays of light about to shine on the battleship.

call!The fire spirit suddenly turned into a raging fire, enveloping the entire battleship.

I saw a purple rune appearing on the entire battleship. The purple rune almost occupied the entire sky, exuding a faint purple luster, and purple air rose from the rune, as if the The rune is about to come alive.

The battleship was in the air, heading towards the multicolored rays of light!

I saw the purple runes on the whole body of the battleship, shining brightly, and the purple energy spread outward along the prohibition outside the battleship. Almost instantly, the purple energy turned into a huge rune, and quickly shot towards the colorful bull. go.

A purple rune met the colorful eyes of the colorful bull, and the two forces collided between the clouds.

In an instant, the huge power silently tore apart the space, forming a huge black hole, which sucked in all the nearby power and things, but did not explode.

"Ancient city runes? Can it still be used like this?" Gao Jiuding ran for his life while paying attention to the situation of the Huoling battleship.

If things can't be done there, Gao Jiuding will have hundreds of millions of copies, short-tailed to survive.

He was also forced to do nothing. If he was really hunted down non-stop, his fate would not be much better in the end.

If it was really dangerous, he turned into blood and scattered for his life.

However, now it seems that Fire Spirit is about to evolve!
Gao Jiuding obtained a large number of mysterious runes in that ancient battle city, and he is still in the groping stage. He didn't expect that this time he was forced into a hurry, and the fire spirit actually merged into the battleship, engraving this unknown rune with all his strength.

Thinking of the ancient city that existed for countless years, the runes on it ensured the sturdiness and durability of the ancient city.

For countless years, the ancient city still exists, it should be because of those runes, right?Gao Jiuding can only hope for this now!
Judging from the power that the purple rune erupted just now, it should be able to fight against the five-color divine bull.

Before Huo Ling was promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, he was able to make the purple runes burst out with such power. If Gao Jiuding, an advanced magician, used it, the power that would burst out would be even more astonishing.

But how does he use it?

Through the Dao map, Gao Jiuding watched the construction process of the ancient city. His understanding of those mysterious runes was naturally much better than that of Huo Ling, but he couldn't engrave those runes on his body.

Of course, this is not absolute. The distribution of meridians in the human body is also similar to forbidden links, especially the network of meridians, which can also be set up as a ban if using means.

Restrictions and runes are mutually accomplished. Generally, the more complex the restriction, the more complex the structure, and the simplest structure is the rune structure.

With the purple rune, Huo Ling could finally block the attack of the five-colored bull, and Gao Jiuding was relieved. He believed that with him, he could also use this rune to strengthen his body.

Now Gao Jiuding was constantly being hunted down by the five-headed beast kings, and as the herd of beasts moved away, he had no targets to flee to, so he couldn't help frowning slightly.

The golden bull king came crashing again, and it was about to hit Gao Jiuding.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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