The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1262 Combination of people and ships 1

Chapter 1262
"The tiger doesn't show its power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?" Gao Jiuding was furious in his heart. He gathered all the strength of his body, held the heavenly weapon in both hands, and stabbed fiercely at the golden bull king's shuttle-shaped field.

when!The tip of the fusiform domain collided with the tip of the long knife, bursting out terrifying sparks, drawing cracks in the void.

Gao Jiuding felt that his hands were about to be broken, and his whole body was pushed back by that terrifying force.

He held on to the long knife tightly, and the strength of his whole body was running to the limit, but he still couldn't stop the impact of the golden bull king.

Gao Jiuding used all the strength he could use, and he almost used all the strength of breastfeeding. The blood in his body roared and rushed, and the blood rushed like a traffic jam in his veins.

"Boom!" Gao Jiuding suddenly felt his body tremble, as if there was an invisible thing turning in front of him, and it was intertwined with each other, extremely tight.

Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect his body to break through again under the pressure.

Nine-turn Body Refining Jue Gao Jiuding is still at the fourth turn, but he has been in the middle of the fourth turn before, but this time, he should have broken through to the late fourth turn, right?
Divided according to the realm of the Dharma Phase, his current physical strength has reached the level of the Dharma Phase Late Stage?
Although it is not as powerful as the peak monks in the late phase of Faxiang, there is no suppression above the realm.

Gao Jiuding could only feel that the countless chains in his body had started to rotate, driving the chains connected to him to rotate together.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and the purple rune he saw floating on the Huoling Battleship just now suddenly appeared in his body.

Unfortunately, as soon as these runes appeared, they immediately collapsed.

The damage to the body was too great, so Gao Jiuding could only use the blood shadow supernatural power to repair it again.

The flow of mana in the body, and under the nourishment of these mana, Gao Jiuding's body and blood are changing.

He felt that his whole body had transformed into a large formation at this time, and every breath in his body was a restriction.

Flesh and blood can form a restriction, meridians can form a restriction, and even blood vessels can form a large restriction net.

Therefore, it is forbidden to turn, pushing Gao Jiuding's whole body to strengthen in an unknown direction.

Gao Jiuding didn't quite understand for a while, what is this kind of power?
Did it turn his body into an extremely complicated magic weapon?

But now is not the time to think about these things, his physical fitness has been greatly improved again, and when he fights those beast kings again, he is not so embarrassed.

His speed was now barely able to dodge the Bull King's attack.

Boom!Gao Jiuding slammed the long knife in his hand, and actually knocked back the golden bull king's shuttle-shaped domain.

He soared up and avoided the attack of another bull king.

The runes on the Fire Spirit battleship became brighter and brighter, and the terrifying purple aura condensed countless restraining chains that looked like entities, turning into a huge purple dragon, coiling around the battleship.

And the face of the colorful bull also showed a dignified look, and in its eyes, the colorful rays of light kept surging, as if the universe was annihilated and reborn.

hum!As the battleship moved again with all its strength, Da Dao Honglu roared wildly, and the terrifying purple dragon tore apart the world, as if it wanted to swallow the whole world into its mouth.

At this moment, the Five-Color Divine Bull also focused its eyes, and the multicolored rays of light in its eyes merged into one, turning into a gray light beam, and it greeted the destructive purple dragon.

The moment the gray light beam collided with the purple dragon, the whole world seemed to suddenly become silent.

Between the two forces, a small vortex is formed. With the impact of the force, the vortex keeps expanding. Finally, it looks like an abyss that swallows the world, emitting a terrifying suction force, sucking everything nearby. into the vortex.

Gao Jiuding was fighting those bull kings when he suddenly felt a terrifying suction pulling him towards the area between the battleship and the five-colored bull.

Not only him, but all the nearby bull demons were sucked in, even those bull kings were no exception.

A large group of bull demons and Yunxia were sucked into the ghostly abyss vortex together, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Gao Jiuding circulated his power, but he couldn't get rid of that suction force. Even those beast kings with mid-term strength of the law couldn't get rid of the suction force. Naturally, Gao Jiuding's power couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing that he was about to be sucked into the dark abyss, Gao Jiuding was about to enter the pagoda space, but suddenly felt that he was protected by a force, and he did not continue to be sucked into the abyss.

Gao Jiuding looked up and found that it was Huo Ling who was protecting him.

Boom!Gao Jiuding heard the sound of something shattering. Under the terrifying suction force, the invisible wall of restriction also shattered and turned into pieces of glass, sucked into the dark abyss .

"Let's go!" Huo Ling roared, grabbing Gao Jiuding and slammed it violently, immediately throwing him backwards.

In an instant, the surrounding space was torn apart, and Gao Jiuding passed through the void and Li Feng was thrown thousands of meters away, and he kept retreating.

While Gao Jiuding was still retreating, he heard a long hiss, and the gray light in the eyes of the colorful bull, almost like a ray that destroyed the universe, shot at Huo Ling again in an instant.

The purple runes flew, and Huo Ling's entire body seemed to turn into a purple dragon, colliding with the gray beam of light.

In the next second, Gao Jiuding saw that between the sky and the ground, the body of the purple dragon was pierced by gray light forcibly, and it shattered in an instant, turning into purple air flying all over the sky.

And Huo Ling's body was thrown up together with the broken body of the purple dragon. Its whole body was twisted up and down, and it seemed that it was about to die.

However, then the fire spirits gathered into a ball, forming a ball of flames!
The human form is just the appearance of the fire spirit, its essence is still a flame!
Gao Jiuding was slightly taken aback. He originally thought that the fire spirit threw him out because it didn't have the confidence to defeat the colorful bull, but now it seems that's not the case.

Finding that Huo Ling was not in danger, Gao Jiuding didn't stop there, he broke his own strength, and with the help of Huo Ling's swing, he continued to escape into the distance.

The fire spirit was floating among the clouds, and the runes on the battleship below him were gradually fading. They were the avenue runes that needed to be activated at the cost of powerful aura.

Seeing that the multicolored bull came from the sky, seeing the gray brilliance in its eyes getting thicker and thicker, and the terrifying gray light beam bursting out of its eyes, the expression on Huo Ling's face became a little weird.

Its expression is still so calm, as if it has no special feelings about the current danger!
boom!The gray beam broke through the void, but it didn't shatter Huo Ling's body.
Huo Ling only felt a powerful force pushing its body, and then escaped the fatal blow.

It didn't know who pulled it, and the gray light beam almost brushed its body and blasted past, rushing into the boundless clouds, as if it could penetrate the sky.

Gao Jiuding sighed, Huo Ling was going to do his best just now!

But if he was able to save Huo Ling once, how could he save the second time?
Although the invisible barrier was broken, the terrifying strongman who set up the invisible barrier is still there. If the matter here cannot be resolved, I am afraid that he may not be able to leave, and those terrifying guys will never let him go.

Forcibly activating the Dao Rune, Huo Ling's spiritual body was severely injured, but it didn't feel pain, and it didn't feel special at all, but the flames it emitted were weak and weak.

As soon as Gao Jiuding ran back, the five-colored cow had already stepped out of the air.

It will naturally come out, the Huoling battleship is already at the end of its strength, and it is about to fail.

The Five-Color Divine Bull walked easily, but did not attack again, as if enjoying the taste of the winner.

"It seems that if we don't kill this monster, we won't be able to survive!" Gao Jiuding pointed to the five-colored bull.

"At least for the time being." Huo Ling said helplessly.

"Then let's work together to kill it!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Okay!" Huo Ling didn't say much, just looked into Gao Jiuding's eyes and nodded slightly.

"Then it's settled." Gao Jiuding didn't mean to half-joke.

"Master, what do you want to do?" Huo Ling looked at Gao Jiuding and asked curiously.

In fact, Huo Ling didn't think that Gao Jiuding could really do what he said, it was just curious about what Gao Jiuding wanted to do.

Gao Jiuding sighed secretly, what can he do?
Didn't he see the power of the Dao Rune just now, and he wants to give it a go?
How many runes does the fire spirit have?How high will he be?

He looked at the young city lord, and he was the lucky one who engraved the runes of the entire city bit by bit.

Since an ancient city can be preserved for countless years because of the runes, and can be endowed with powerful combat power by the runes, forming a battle city, what about a battleship?

The Fire Spirit warship that had been driven with all its strength for such a long time was already completely red at this time, and it was completely burned red, as if it was about to melt at any moment.

Such a weapon embryo is the most suitable for refining a weapon!
Huo Ling was able to burn runes on the battleship under such circumstances, so why couldn't he, Gao Jiuding?

Gao Jiuding is the owner of the Fire Spirit battleship, he can be integrated with this magic weapon!
This is the difference between the Huoling battleship and the Fox and Xuanwu. Those two warships, Gao Jiuding, could not be fully integrated, but this battleship he personally cultivated, he can indeed achieve the integration of man and machine.

Although the battleship is not a flying sword, it can also achieve the combination of human and sword, but the consumption is a bit high, and it was not necessary to do so before, but now it is different!
Seeing that the five-colored bull was about to hold back, Gao Jiuding pulled Huo Ling into the battleship.

Sensing Gao Jiuding's thoughts, Huo Ling's expression immediately changed. Why did it throw Gao Jiuding just now? Didn't it want them to die with the cow?

(End of this chapter)

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