The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1263 Tier 9 Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure

Chapter 1263
There seemed to be a smile on the face of the five-colored bull. It was very smart and knew that the person in front of it was just dying!

But in the next second, its smile suddenly froze on its face.

I saw that the entire battleship in front of me began to emit a strange bloody light, which gave it a dangerous feeling.

But before it wanted to do anything, the light in front of it, like a kindling, instantly ignited the battleship, causing the entire hull of the Fire Spirit battleship to be enveloped in bloody flames.

Almost at the same time, a terrifying aura, like a volcanic eruption, erupted from the battleship.

The warship, which was originally full of cracks and broken, is recovering rapidly.

The rune that had been dimmed on it originally, also burst into the night with purple light at this time, turning into a terrifying purple dragon phantom, reappearing on the battleship, more dazzling and terrifying than when the fire spirit erupted with full force before.

All the cow demons stared blankly at this scene, they didn't know what happened.

The five-colored bull's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

This time Gao Jiuding was going all out, he didn't hesitate to spend a lot of resources to start refining the Huoling battleship.

The Fire Spirit battleship is originally a fire-type warship, and its appearance is all made of fire-resistant fire-type materials.

But this time, Gao Jiuding put all the high-quality top-grade spirit stones in his hands into Da Dao Hong Furnace, and he also extracted some fairy spirit energy from the pagoda.

Of course, the extracted fairy energy is not much, but it is just to strengthen the spirit transformation pool inside the fire spirit battleship, so that it can directly evolve into the fairy transformation pond.

The spirit energy inside the pagoda must be returned after all, otherwise it will be a kind of damage to the pagoda, which is not worth the gain, so naturally Gao Jiuding will not do it.

However, it is possible to use the power of the pagoda to help Huo Ling refine the fairy materials in the spirit pool.

The Great Dao Hong furnace was fully activated, and Gao Jiuding spared no effort to invest a few miniature spirit beads, turning these spirit beads into miniature spiritual veins and taking root in the Da Dao Hong furnace.

Although doing this can't make Dao Honglu evolve into a treasure like a pagoda, it can continue to strengthen the fire spirit pool.

Constantly enhancing the power of Hualingchi, coupled with Gao Jiuding's all-out efforts, accelerated the changes of the Huoling battleship.

The mana transformed by Gao Jiuding at this time is already very strong, and under his control, the runes inside and outside the Huoling battleship also changed rapidly.

The gathering of all these forces allowed the Hualing Pond inside the Huoling Battleship to be successfully transformed into a Huaxian Pond, and it was a Huaxian Pond that was more powerful than the pagoda's digestion capacity.

The fairy materials that had been piled up in the Hualing Pond to accumulate dust began to melt after encountering a powerful force, and began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And these melted materials, together with a trace of fairy spirit, were successfully guided by Gao Jiuding and blended into the Huoling battleship.

In order to better control this force, use this force, Gao Jiuding's body simply turned into bloody light, completely integrated into the battleship, and directly turned into a series of runes, guiding the spirit of the fairy to transform the structure of the battleship.

As Gao Jiuding turned into blood and merged into the battleship, one after another runes suddenly appeared in the battleship. Gao Jiuding didn't fully understand the meaning of these runes, nor did he know what they specifically represented.

But Gao Jiuding knew that these runes were burned on the city wall, which could make the city wall go through a long time of washing and last forever!

These runes were directly manifested in the bloody light from Gao Jiuding, and as the bloody light disappeared, these runes did not disappear, but were engraved on the fiery red battleship.

With the appearance of runes one after another, the red light of the entire battleship skyrocketed, and by the way, Gao Jiuding's blood light skyrocketed!
Gao Jiuding can't make the Fire Spirit battleship stronger directly, but it can optimize and complement the incompleteness of the Fire Spirit battleship, and the mysterious runes can fully stimulate the potential of the Fire Spirit battleship.

As for how far it can be achieved, it depends on the spirit of the Fire Spirit battleship and the potential of its materials.

Just like a piece of iron ore, Gao Jiuding can help it remove its impurities and refine it into fine steel, but it is absolutely impossible to turn it into a piece of gold.

Whether it is iron, silver, or gold, it all depends on the battleship itself. Gao Jiuding's current role is only to refine and complement it.

The so-called completion, in fact, is more accurate to speed up the fusion.

This kind of process, in fact, is best to consume a lot of time and take it slowly. After all, Huo Ling can already smelt immortal materials, but now that things are helpless, Gao Jiuding can only backfire.

What Gao Jiuding is most afraid of now is that Huo Ling can't control the strengthened battleship.

Gao Jiuding accelerated this process, allowing it to be completed in a very short period of time, which would have taken a long time.

Of course, everything is based on the fact that Battleship and Fire Spirit have these potentials, and Gao Jiuding itself does not have the ability to turn stones into gold.

But now after Gao Jiuding accelerated the process, the effect was unexpectedly good, many times better than Gao Jiuding imagined.

Originally, Gao Jiuding just thought that he could repair the battleship, restore the battleship to its best condition, and then make it a little bit stronger.

But who knew that as the Huoling battleship speeded up and transformed, even the purple rune would also rotate and transform together.

This surprised Gao Jiuding himself, because the power of Huaxianchi also has a limit. Now Gao Jiuding has just been strengthened, and it is already the limit to be able to promote Huaxianchi to smelt immortal materials.

The mysterious rune is indeed a good thing, logically speaking, it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to use it.

However, with the transformation of the Fire Spirit Battleship, the purple runes magically rotated and transformed together. The originally independent existence, even if they were combined, there were still flawed runes, which were automatically combined and completed.

What's even more frightening is that after the Huoling battleship's hull was completed by accelerated transformation, the battleship that was already close to the peak of the spirit weapon, under the influence of the color rune, increased the strength of the battleship again. Is it to officially break through to the rhythm of Tongtian Lingbao?
Sensing the drastic changes of the Huoling battleship, Gao Jiuding could only be dumbfounded.

What surprised him even more was that under the influence of the rune power, Huo Ling directly broke through the last barrier, condensed countless chains of restraint in an instant, and was promoted to the level of the sky-reaching spirit body.

Gao Jiuding saw the energy of nothingness with his own eyes, and through the chain of restraint, it was linked into an entity.

This process of transforming the virtual into the real is really too miraculous and shocking.

All this happened in just a moment. The breath of the fire spirit battleship was intertwined with the purple runes, breaking through the sky in an instant, turning into a terrifying chain of restraint, entangled around the battleship.

Seeing the burst of purple aura, the surrounding chains of restraint intertwined and coiled to tear the void, like a battleship like a small sun, all the cow monsters felt their brains went blank, leaving only an incredible idea.

Tongtian Lingbao, the real Tongtian Lingbao, the Tongtian Lingbao in full state.

And there is another advantage of the battleship, as long as it advances, it will immediately reach the highest combat power at this stage.

Even if the Huoling battleship at this time did not give birth to a few heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, it has the combat power of a ninth-order heaven-reaching spirit treasure because of its strong heart.

That is to say, as long as the advanced-level Tongtian Lingbao, as long as Huo Ling can control this Tongtian Lingbao, then it can exert the full power of the ninth-level Tongtian Lingbao.

A ninth-order Tongtian Lingbao is equivalent to a great cultivator at the peak of Dharma!
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's eyes turned red, and he finally had the combat power of a great monk at the peak of Faxiang!

"Isn't this fake?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but began to doubt life.

He just wanted to speed up the process of refining immortal materials. He never thought that Huo Ling could condense entities so easily and become a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

And even if he didn't cross the catastrophe at this time, Huo Ling should have the strength to fight against the five-colored bull, right?

Gao Jiuding couldn't believe his own feelings, always thinking that it was just an illusion, or that there was a mistake.

Even if it is the legendary favored son of heaven, who has worked hard for countless years and experienced countless times of near-death, how many of them can be promoted to Dharma Prime Minister?

After being promoted to the Dharma Aspect, it is still very difficult to be promoted to a Great Cultivator, because every bit of progress in the Dharma Aspect period needs to go through a tribulation.

This is the advantage of the magic weapon of the spirit weapon, especially the battleship, its combat power is improved too fast.

Boom!The five-color divine bull also didn't believe it, and it directly attacked.

The terrifying chains of restraint intertwined together, turning into gray eyes, as if piercing through the universe, once again shone on the Fire Spirit battleship.

Dense purple runes coiled around the Fire Spirit battleship, and as the gray light beam blasted over, the battleship flashed, and the dense chain of restraints condensed into a terrifying purple dragon, roaring and swallowing the gray light beam.

This time the gray beam failed to crush the purple dragon. Two terrifying forces, one gray and one purple, intertwined in the void, forming a black hole in the void. Power, constantly intertwined and rotated, seems to be a rotating Tai Chi.

hum!A violent machine roar shook the world.

The purple and gray colors in the black hole suddenly changed, turning into purple.

Then I saw a terrifying fire dragon flapping its wings and flying out of the black hole, and directly swallowed the five-colored bull.

The five-colored cow was taken aback, and the restraining chains on its body danced wildly, turning into a domain to protect its body.

But being hit by the fiery red dragon, the domain and the dragon were instantly shattered.

As for the five-color divine bull, it was blasted for thousands of miles abruptly, and finally stopped its figure.

"Huo Ling really only needs to pass through the calamity, and after that, it will be the spirit treasure of the calamity, the real Lingbao that has passed through the calamity!"

At this time, even Gao Jiuding's brain was blank, and his brain was almost unable to function.

He no longer had to doubt whether Huo Ling was the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. The only monster that could suppress the combat power of a Dharma-phase monk in a one-on-one battle was only a Dharma-phase monk.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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