The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1264 5-Color God Stone

Chapter 1264 Five-Color Divine Stone
After confirming that the Huoling battleship has been promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, Gao Jiuding's heart is burning.

He was able to raise a Tier [-] warship to the Faxiang level in a short period of time!

How long did it take Gao Jiuding to get the Huoling battleship?And how much time and resources did it take to let Fire Spirit evolve wisdom?

Since he can quickly refine an ordinary battleship to the level of a fourth-level Dharma Form, can Gao Jiuding continue to refine another one like this?
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's eyes were extremely fierce, what did he do just now?
It seems that nothing has been done, and it seems that a lot of things have been done. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than strengthening the Hualing Pond, merging some fairy materials, and finally engraving some mysterious runes.

And when all these are combined, a Tongtian Lingbao is easily created.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's heart was filled with unprecedented self-confidence.

One has two, he believes that as long as he operates well, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda will also be advanced soon. After that, he only needs to carefully deduce it and make some Huaxian pools and other top-level spiritual treasures, and it will be smooth. Advanced Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure.

"Don't worry, let Huo Ling cross the catastrophe first!" Gao Jiuding thought about it, his foundation was shaken, he didn't want to destroy the spirit treasure he had cultivated with great difficulty.

It's not easy for a monk to advance to Dharma, and it's even more difficult to advance to a great monk, but after a long time, there is always something to look forward to. As long as you live long enough, even if your qualifications are poor, you still have a chance.

However, if the spirit treasure is advanced to the Tongtian Lingbao, that is a qualitative change, a qualitative change in which a spirit body changes into a physical body.

If you really want to take this last step and achieve the real body, it is really difficult. Even if you survive several generations of masters, you may not be able to achieve it.

I don't know how many top-level spirit treasures have been cultivated among the various clans, and their masters have not been able to promote them to the sky, let alone the promotion to the cave.

Quality, resources, chance, luck and hard work are indispensable.

Spiritual body crossing the catastrophe is a narrow escape, but now Huo Ling doesn't need a narrow escape, and doesn't need to take risks to snatch rare treasures. It only needs a gift from Gao Jiuding to be promoted easily. Thinking about it, I feel excited and trembling.

boom!The collision of terrifying forces shaking the void awakened Gao Jiuding from his fantasy.

It is impossible to be promoted easily, but it should be easy for Huo Ling to cross the catastrophe, after all, it still has such a powerful body.

Gao Jiuding's eyes shone brightly as he looked at the fire spirit battleship flickering with aura and densely covered with runes.

I saw the battleship and the five-color bull fighting again, but this time the fire spirit was not suppressed by the five-color bull, but in turn suppressed the five-color bull.

A series of purple restraining chains flickered in the void, completely suppressing the gray restraining chains of the five-colored bull.

The Five-Color Divine Ox is also considered to be the top grade of divine beasts. Its IQ is not high, but its degree of evolution and strength are completely above that of ordinary divine beasts.

Huo Ling has just been promoted to Tongtian Lingbao, and he has not even been baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, but he is able to suppress the five-color divine cow. It has to be said that the battleship is a powerful weapon in battle.

In fact, the reason why Huo Ling is so strong after being promoted is not because of its merits, but because it has mysterious runes on its body, and the body carrying the runes is the battle body strengthened by immortal materials.

Even the spirit of fire can be transformed because of the mysterious runes inside the hull, which is the fundamental reason why the spirit of fire battleship can be so powerful.

The fire spirit plus the battleship rune is equivalent to the combination of the combat power of two or more heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, and the mysterious rune itself is not comparable to ordinary treasures, which is why the fire spirit battleship has become so powerful.

It is not a creature from ancient times, and it does not know such things as mysterious runes, so it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the changes brought about by such runes.

A scream pierced through the void, and a big gash was forcibly cut open on the body of the Five-Color Divine Bull. Its body was severely injured, and divine blood gushed out of its mouth, which seemed to be seriously injured.

But at this time, the Fire Spirit battleship unleashed even stronger combat power, its speed increased to haste, and the whole battleship was like a chaotic dragon, killing the five-colored bull!

I saw a purple magic dragon scrolling in the void, entangled with the five-colored bull, and finally the void was full of space cracks that were broken under the chain of restraint.

Gao Jiuding could see the divine blood falling from time to time, as if it was raining blood all over the sea of ​​clouds.

But Gao Jiuding finally couldn't bear it anymore, and emitted a bleeding light, absorbing and devouring the blood essence.

Suddenly, when the void finally quieted down, many bull demons actually saw Gao Jiuding riding down the bloody five-color bull. The five-color bull was downcast, as if his father had died.

Among the pale blue clouds, Gao Jiuding rode on the five-colored bull. The wounds on the five-colored cow had almost healed.

The Five-Color Divine Bull was in a low mood, and felt very upset that Gao Jiuding dared to sit on its back, but it didn't dare to disobey Gao Jiuding's orders, which made it look a little irritable.

Gao Jiuding didn't feel depressed at this time, he was only excited. What happened just now?
Gao Jiuding's expression was extremely strange. The Huoling battleship had made a breakthrough and became stronger, but it was not yet so powerful that it could directly submit to the five-colored bull.

In the melee just now, Gao Jiuding achieved the greatest result just by being careless. This kind of thing surprised him, but it also made him suddenly realize.

The Huoling battleship has broken through and advanced to the Tongtian Lingbao, but its foundation is too weak after all, so even if it can suppress the five-colored bull, it is still a bit difficult.

And Gao Jiuding, who was watching the battle, finally couldn't help but make a move, and he didn't think about squeezing into the battle group, he just seized the opportunity, opened his mouth, and absorbed a lot of divine blood.

Seeing that the five-color divine bull had become a persimmon easy to bully, without even thinking about it, Gao Jiuding spit out the earth spirit beads and hit the five-color divine bull.

The five-color divine ox has been injured, and Gao Jiuding wants to attack its wound so that it will leave more blood, because Gao Jiuding thinks its blood is very delicious. Of course, it would be better if it can be suppressed.

But things were not so easy, the five-colored bull's domain power was always running, and Gao Jiuding could sense it whenever he moved, so the five-colored bull easily escaped the attack of the earth spirit bead.

And the accident happened at this time, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the earth spirit bead hit a void, but he felt that something was attacked in this void, and then Gao Jiuding was dumbfounded.

In the sea of ​​clouds, he could clearly perceive a five-color divine stone.

Why is it called five-color god stone?Because that thing looks like a divine object, shining with five colors of light, crystal clear like a gem, no matter how you look at it, it can't be an ordinary thing.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what was going on, but the earth spirit bead merged into the five-color divine stone, and then Gao Jiuding just had a thought, and the earth spirit bead returned to his dantian Qihai with the five-color god stone.

The next thing is simple, as Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts merged into the Earth Spirit Orb, the thoughts of the Five-Color Divine Bull directly reflected Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness.

Through the earth spirit bead and the five-color god stone, Gao Jiuding actually sensed the five-color god cow's thoughts.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding knew that this five-color divine bull was actually a spiritual body conceived by this five-color divine stone, and it was definitely a natural spiritual creature.

This five-color god can also be said to be an innate creature conceived by the essence of nature on a stone fetus.

Legend has it that Sun Wukong is a stone monkey conceived by the Lingming stone. It is said that Honghaier is the fire essence conceived by the congenital fire spirit. Unexpectedly, Gao Jiuding found a five-color god cow bred by five-color god stones here.

Gao Jiuding's unintentional act just now made the earth spirit bead stained with the blood of the five-color god bull, and this time the earth spirit bead was integrated into the five-color god stone.

Of course, this is also the characteristic of the five-color god stone. The characteristic of this thing seems to be fusion and defense.

No matter who it is, as long as they touch it, they can fuse with it. This seems to be connected with the legend of Nuwa mending the sky again.

The five-color divine stone must be an earth-type treasure, and it is likely to be the legendary god used to mend the sky!

If this is the case, what Gao Jiuding has encountered now is relatively normal.

The reason why the cow monsters here attacked Gao Jiuding so frantically was not for anything else, but to protect the five-color god stone.

But Gao Jiuding didn't know all of this, because he suddenly broke into the territory of the five-colored cow, so he was beaten by a group of bull monsters, and he almost became a bereaved dog.

But accidents can happen at any time, he hit the five-color god stone with such an easy blow, this luck is absolutely against the sky.

Of course, there are traces to follow. After all, the five-color divine bull will not be too far away from the five-color divine stone, which is why Gao Jiuding took advantage of it.

Sitting on top of the five-color bull, Gao Jiuding sorted out the cause and effect of the war. He was forced to get the treasure by the five-color bull.

If it weren't for being trapped here, how could Gao Jiuding have such a harvest?
He himself was forced to advance to the Dharma, and he has not yet crossed the catastrophe.

Huo Ling was also forced to advance to the Tongtian Lingbao, and he has not yet crossed the tribulation.

Even this Five-Color Divine Stone was obtained by accident.

"I was forced to get a herd of cows!" Gao Jiuding laughed loudly. He urged the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to collect all the cow monsters.

With the opening of the pagoda, the five-color divine bulls and the nine-headed bull king who received the order mooed, and then all the bulls galloped into the pagoda.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Huoling battleship also started to move. Naturally, the large number of bull monsters killed just now cannot be wasted here.

After everything was tidied up, Gao Jiuding rode the five-colored bull to leave.

Such a big commotion here definitely alarmed the surrounding powerful existences, so Gao Jiuding absolutely couldn't just stay here.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a five-color divine stone appeared on top of his head.

The sacred stone emitted five colors of light, covering Gao Jiuding and the sacred cow, and then they disappeared into the void together.

(End of this chapter)

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